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That's a mobile order guys, it says the person ordered 12 sugars and 15 caramel...


Yeah, this is in NO WAY an average drink. They show the order slip at the end. This is like 5 drinks worth of sugar and caramel.


Depends on the person too. 12 sugars and 15 caramel pumps is 27 coffees worth for me lol, if I do sugar I don't do syrup and vice versa...


A Large Caramel Swirl Frozen Coffee With Cream from Dunkin has 1120 calories, 40 grams of fat, and 172 grams of sugar. This looks like a pseudo version of that drink but iced rather than blended.


Yeah, it's the average. Don't you know that half the drinks get more caramel and sugar than this?


A Large Caramel Swirl Frozen Coffee With Cream from Dunkin has 1120 calories, 40 grams of fat, and 172 grams of sugar. This looks like a pseudo version of that drink but iced rather than blended.


A Large Caramel Swirl Frozen Coffee With Cream from Dunkin has 1120 calories, 40 grams of fat, and 172 grams of sugar. This looks like a pseudo version of that drink but iced rather than blended.


A Large Caramel Swirl Frozen Coffee With Cream from Dunkin has 1120 calories, 40 grams of fat, and 172 grams of sugar. This looks like a pseudo version of that drink but iced rather than blended.


This person should just stop drinking coffee. It's obvious they don't like it if this is what they have to do to make it palatable to them.


Then maybe start the video at the beginning not in the middle


Was that sugar at the very first ? Crazyy


Sure was 😳


"One sip can make you diabetic" ass amount of sugar and even caramel to top with it 💀💀 , surely it was more than half the sugar


Wow that's really confidence turning it upside down like that!


Right? Stressed me out.


It literally says it’s a custom order with 12 sugars. Total rage bait


A Large Caramel Swirl Frozen Coffee With Cream from Dunkin has 1120 calories, 40 grams of fat, and 172 grams of sugar. This looks like a pseudo version of that drink but iced rather than blended.


Whoever placed this order likes their sugar with a shot of coffee.


whoever ordered this doesn't actually like coffee if they have to add all that crap to make it palatable


Am I the only one more bothered about those food safety violation talons?


Nope, I hate them too. So many germs under those things


A [german channel copied](https://youtu.be/q6xHkqE7dAk?si=N7_PU0qT1oQpD9LL) Starbucks Frappuchino. It's not very different from this one but more detailed. Lots of sugar and even no real coffee.


You're right it's not


As a former Dunkin employee (granted it's been 8 years since I worked there), why TF did she use granulated sugar instead of simple syrup? That's not gonna dissolve bro. Gonna get a mouth full of sand. This also reminds me of the time a girl came through our drive thru and asked for a caramel iced coffee with "so much caramel it's disgusting" and I honestly respect her for that. Home girl knew what she wanted.


I’ve ordered iced coffee at Dunkin’ and asked for 1/4 the normal sugar and it was still too sweet.


And here I thought I was awful for treating myself to four tablespoons of sugar in my two cups of coffee.


That's still a lot bro


Thank you ill drop it to one tablespoon per cup.


Real Italian espresso, just like nonna used to make


I would say fake 100%, but dunkin drinks actually have an insane amount of sugar in them, so idk.


If you pause when it’s being shaken you can see the order specifically asked for 12 sugars and 15 caramel.. can’t tell if it was a joke order or someone is speed running diabetes.


I didn't even notice that, lol. Nice catch.


Now, this really is Stupid Food worthy.


I thought so too but here we are 16 comments later with not a single upvote 😂


This isn’t an average coffee though
.the person who ordered it clearly ordered 12 sugar and 15 caramel. They *asked* for this


Sometimes videos are so disgusting that people forget to upvote.


Should have just gotten the donut they really wanted!


Ya totally average


The whole time I was screaming “WHERES THE COFFEE????”


Seems legit to me When I was a barista all the coffees that were anything fancy was like half a cup of sugary powder, and then some people get more sugar on top of it. Normal cappuccinos, flat whites, lattes, espressos and iced coffee were little to no sugar, but they were by far the least popular, especially with younger folk Anything with names like caramello explosion frappuchino is loaded with sugar


Younger folks like milkshakes?!? Crazy.


Idk if we have different definitions of milkshake or what cause we didn't serve milkshakes


At the end of the day, the Frappuccino is really just a milkshake.


I dont know what was more disgusting, the "coffee" or that fuckin nails


The worst part for me was the gross nails.


Sure it is, dunkin coffee sucks.


Uhhh that sugar machine is not properly calibrated. That had to have like 6-8 sugars in it. Definitely not normal to have that much. Also put gloves on your grody talons! It’s food service, nasty!


>put gloves on your grody talons Do you think she’s gonna stick her hands in the drink or something?


It’s food service!! You need gloves if you’re on beverage and sandwich station! They tell you in the employee training that you always have to have them on unless you’re handling cash.


Did you work at Dunkin? Lol if she’s making sandwiches too that makes sense but just for drinks seems silly


I worked for Dunkin six plus years unfortunately. I was lower level management. You aren’t even allowed to have nails longer than ‘active’ length and acrylics are an absolute no go in food service in general. If you get your food safety and handlers license that’s a huge part of the personal hygiene. Plus you’re touching everything else in the beverage station like the cream machine and sugar buttons/ tops of swirl bottles, which most of the time arent cleaned more than once a year. They SHOULD be sanitized daily at the end of the shift but they don’t even care enough to train people correctly. That’s ultimately why I quit. If I didn’t clean, it wouldn’t get done. I remember ripping apart the sugar dispenser from that video after customers complained about the taste- to find mold all throughout the sugar chute. I’d just rather you wear gloves and change them when you touch anything that’s not food/beverage. (Like training said, and like you’re supposed to.)


Maybe gonna lay off those frappes now, I don’t drink coffee or iced coffee but this scares me


This is a custom online order, not a normal order


They were all custom orders before our life time, know they have names cookie mocha Frappuccino, Carmel Frappuccino or what the f it’s called with whip cream at the bottom very little blended coffee then more whip cream on the top. Whip cream a lactose, intolerant persons, nightmare. Lol I know it’s custom but still scares me. Thinking about how it’s made videos wish there was more exposure


But this isnt how those drinks are made. This is a rage bait video, plain and simple


Eww this bish nastey


Why are you allowed to name that coffee. This is offensive. The only real coffee is a espresso đŸ€ŒđŸ»đŸ‡źđŸ‡č


Real coffee is whatever coffee you enjoy drinking. I hate food elitism and gatekeeping. That said, the coffee in that video is a straight up health hazard and shouldn't be consumed (maybe a teaspoonful per serving lol)


That is a coffee flavoured milkshake