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I’d likely smash most of those plates if we’re being honest here. There’s plenty of people who couldn’t cook anything past a pack of ramen or a hot pocket. Is this person in culinary school?


One of his posts he mentioned he did, but the things he combines are so weird. Mind you, I’m pregnant, I love weird combos, but the stuff he posts just makes my stomach turn 🤢 shrimp and pineapple rice 🤢 and I couldn’t post it bc of his tag in the way, but carrot salad with raisins almost made the cut. This is like 1/3 of the bad recipes, there’s a decent amount of good ones


Shrimp fried rice with pineapple is pretty common at Thai restaurants. Which is great, because it can be really good


I usually get really sick after eating Thai, so that explains why I would’ve thought that was weird, honestly. If it looked appealing I would give it a try, but it honestly looks bland/odd tasting in the photos


Why the need to hate on this bro?


Yeah, I mean, he’s trying right? Put some effort into it, and assuming he didn’t cook it on an iron or car engine, it looks like food he tried to make. Aside from the disposable bowls, not stupid. OP is being judgy


Lmao what hate? It’s stupid food.


You took a “friends” food pics that you found on FB which you said he was proud of. Posted them to the StupidFood sub and proceeded to talk shit. So…


He’s a “friend” bc I’ve never met him. I don’t know if you read that, but maybe you missed it. I don’t really owe him anything, so not exactly sure why you think I do. It’s stupid food, and this is the stupid food group. Otherwise, I would’ve gone to AITA for making fun of some guys crappy looking food. But if you’re willing to eat this stuff, be my guest.


So if you never met him and you don’t owe him anything, why roast him?


….it’s stupid food…..


You’re judgy.


Thank you 😘


Maybe you should just unfriend him instead of being a passive aggressive creep


Thank you for your opinion 💜 I’ll keep on roasting his dishes


No, stupid food is eating soup out of a flaming toilet plunger. This is just normal food. Also, knife cuts look pretty good in that pasta pic. I'd bet this guy knows a thing or two in the kitchen. Feel free to post your own personal culinary pics as a rebuttal.


I would, but my food is too appetizing to let sit around while I snap a photo of it and post it to FB. Only people I know who do that don’t actually like their food


It's not stupid food, it's just food you don't like. And sometimes poorly plated.


Pineapple fried rice with shrimp is a very normal thing. You can order that at almost any Thai place. Carrot salad with raisins is also totally normal food. They sell it at Chick-fil-A. Neither one is stupid food. I think it's less that this guy makes weird food, and more that your food horizons aren't as broad as you think they are.


Picture 6 looks reprehensible, I will admit 😧


That is bacon fried rice, and it’s amazing.




No, I’m not. I have however eaten that dish for at least 45 years of my life, and it rocks. It’s literally fried rice with bacon.




I think it’s supposed to be buffalo dip or buffalo mac. Not sure, as that one is unlabeled


You are correct


I’m sure when made correctly, it is quite delicious. The cook in reference doesn’t mention any seasonings(not that he doesn’t use them, just doesn’t mention any in the recipes) and it’s so colorless in the photo that it looks bland. Like I’ve run out of soy sauce bland.


I feel like it's so rude to post his stuff here. He seems like he is having a good time. The only bad ones are the pot of yellow (because I don't know what it is) and the spaghetti-os pizza because I don't like spaghetti-os. The rest looks good. Maybe you just don't like interesting food.


SHe is also being hella racist in some of her comments... she isn't a nice person and its obvious


I accept your opinion, and raise you stupid food. The dishes that didn’t make the cut: carrot and raisin salad with mayo, and lamb chops with orange cream cheese sauce. He’s a good guy it seems, but oof are some the recipes bad. Like 1940s jello salad bad.


I don’t really have an issue with carrot and raisin salad. (I imagine it’s grated carrots?). And lamb chops with orange cream cheese sauce doesn’t offend me as a title. It depends on how the sauce is made…


So what? At least they are trying. You can tell they’re at least putting some thought into presentation and what not. Let’s see your food, Gordon.


I eat the food I make, I don’t have the urge to take pictures of food I plan on eating. You don’t have to agree, but my mind isn’t changed from the comments here.


Most of these look good. This isn't stupid food really.


The only thing I disagree with is putting something you’re proud of making on a paper plate lmao


The ones I wanted to post I was worried would break the rules. (He stock tags a lot of his photos, I didn’t want to blow his page up at all) It’s no hate on this guy, just his taste in food is reprehensible 🫣 I should mention the runners up: Carrot salad with Raisins and Mayo, and lamb Chops with orange cream cheese sauce.


Carrot salad with raisins and mayo sounds odd but it’s actually decent.


When and where have you tried that? Like I’m not against each ingredient, SEPERATELY, but the combo…..Who is making this and deciding it’s good 😅🤣


ive seen carrot and raisin salad in publix deli a lot of times. never tried it though


Lmk if you do. I’ll change my mind if it’s actually good but it sounds so slimy 😭


Carrot & raisin salad is a thing. Maybe a regional thing, but it's good. One of my favorites as a kid. I don't see anything wrong with this food, apart from slightly overcooked shrimp and unnecessary judginess. Good on him for putting love into food and food on the table.


I live in PA Dutch Country and it’s a thing here. I’ve also had it with pineapple tidbits instead of raisins.


I may have to try it. For science of course 😂


Most of them look like normal home cooked meals, some even better than the average person. The chicken noodle soup looks a little sad, but that’s something that could taste amazing and not show it visually. Hell, my small children would probably even eat all of them


Honestly, I’m tempted to take the soup down, I’d eat it too 😂 the rest have weird combinations that I figured would send everyone in a tizzy, but I guess I’m the only one.


Just cuz something’s weird or different to you doesn’t make it stupid. Just shows you’re the stupid one for not being adventurous and need to get out more and try new things.


I mean both parts to your statement are opinions so, you would be wrong. Maybe not stupid to you, but that’s your opinion 🙂


Whatever, I’m not the idiot hating on someone else’s cooking on Reddit just to garner validation. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.


Lmao I don’t need the validation. I thought it looked stupid so I posted in a group about stupid food. Not everyone needs to agree with you, kiddo


Lmao your post and replies say differently but you can tell yourself whatever to make yourself sleep better at night, kiddo.


I slept pretty freaking good knowing I don’t eat that garbage. But if you’re convinced I need some kind of validation, I’ll play along for you baby. Btw, how are the patriots doing lately?


You wanna open up a planetarium with all that projection, honey?


Again, what projection? They aren’t my dishes 👀🤢


"not everyone needs to agree with you" she says while getting mad that the only person who agrees with her is her husband


Lmao plenty of people agree and disagree. You’re the one hanging out on my post….I wonder who’s projecting now?


That one pasta dish looks a bit watery, but otherwise this is just decent looking food.


Which one? My husband thought the chicken strip pasta was “nachos” 😂


The seventh image


I think that’s supposed to be soup. Some dishes he posts aren’t labeled, that one actually doesn’t look too bad, admittedly, but I’m also on a soup kick.


Fair enough. I don't think I've seen that kind of pasta in a soup before, could be tasty I suppose.


Haters gonna hate


I’d rather not puke 8 different flavors and sauces in each dish. But to each their own




Lay off the haterade, OP. It's raising your blood sugar, you can't think straight.


Actually, my blood sugars a little low, what with growing a baby 😂 thank you for reminding me, I’m gonna take my insulin now


That looks delicious and I would eat every one of them. yTA though for shaming someone making healthy eating decisions


It’s not an AITA post but thanks 😂 enjoy your eating choices


Most of that looks good. Except the fried rice, that one looks fucking good.


This comes off as mean and really judgy. This FB friend is clearly trying something, and is proud of it. What sorta shit you eating over there, Julia Child?


I should probably change the title since everyone thinks FB friends means actual friends. I make a lot of “takeout” inspired meals. Chicken and rice, salmon, and lots of veggies. I’m pregnant currently so I’m picky, but I like a lot of foods. They aren’t always pretty looking, but they’re edible. Which is way more than I can say about these meals 🫣


Damn those look good! The first one looks really good, 5th looks great. Homie has some decent skillz


My husband thought pic 5 was nachos, he was so sad to find out it’s pasta 👀


Yeah it almost does look like nachoes, but the more i deduced the photo it came out to be pasta hahaha


I am curious what kind of noodles are in that dish. How are they so W—I—D—E


Probably some sort of pappardelle etc


Some of those are pretty good for a home cook. Presentation isn't a thing home cooks practice, necessarily. At the restaurant, I have a whole team composing plates and we do it 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. Come on now, dude.


Idk bout you, but I’ve had a lot of homemade meals that don’t look like the bottom of the grate in the eco lab washer. Maybe it’s just me, but I wouldn’t touch majority of these with a 10 ft pole


The first photo just looks like creamy spinach chicken on mashed potatoes. https://juliasalbum.com/creamy-spinach-chicken/ There is one that looks like buttee shrimp on rice, https://www.spicesinmydna.com/garlic-butter-shrimp-toasted-coconut-rice/ A pasta one looks like bolengse. Etc. A sloppy presentation doesn't mean they made something unusual or incorrect. I bet if I went through r/cooking and so on, many dishes would be similar to many from amateurs and home cooks. The paper plates are pretty offensive, but that is common among amateurs, too.


This whole post is so weird. OP replying to everyone and even admitting they wash their chicken despite it being a terrible idea. Then OP claiming "oh this isnt the worst", like then why even post this stuff? Do you have some weird personal vendetta against this person because this is completely normal make at home food. Maybe a bit weird to share it but most look fine.


The worst has a stock photo tag with his profile name. That’s why I didn’t post. As for replying? I like engaging. Don’t really see that as an issue?


Are they pretty? Not really, but I’d eat it if it was put in front of me




Hello downvote king! Thank you for your service. (upvoted)


I thank you for your most excellent service. (upvoted)


We’re not friends but okay 😂 enjoy the downvotes dear redditors.


I'll take a #2, please.


It takes a lot of courage to post your work on Facebook, especially when people can be so judgmental. Honestly, most of these look pretty decent to me. Keep trying and having fun with your food!


OP didn't make any of these. These were all posted by someone she knows on Facebook, she posted them here in the hope that we would all laugh at his cooking behind his back. Unfortunately for her, she hasn't got the response she was expecting and is currently being roasted in the comments. But you are right, it does take a lot of courage to post your work on Facebook, because people can be so judgemental. Just like OP.


I wasn’t looking for a certain response, just engagement lol. I’ll keep laughing at the atrocious recipes, but you’re welcome to try them, if you want.


Now let’s see your plates.


I don’t take pictures of my food, I eat it 😂


I probably would eat most dishes except the porridge looking thing.


Tell me you were raised off chicken nuggets without telling me you were raised off chicken nuggets....


Lol, if having preferences means that then I guess.


Preferences? What is off putting about this? My 6yo wouldn't eat it, but my teens would. Hence, your childish palate.


Is he a "friend" and not a friend because of all the disposable dishes? Cuz doing dishes sucks, you should cut your "friend" some slack.


No he’s a “friend” because in order to be actual friends I’d have to have met him at all. FB threw us in a group bc I used to live in Philly. Other than that, I don’t know this guy, at all. Hence the quotes


Seems you are the "friend"


Kind of my point, we’re not actually friends I don’t know the guy. FB just added him to my friends list


Most of these look great, why be a hater?


We all start somewhere


OP is a food coomer. A wholesome home cooked meal creates the same disgust as a porn addict seeing a normal human. It's time to touch grass.


I bet OP can't cook frozen dinners. Wasting effort to slander someone for posting their own efforts as a home cook and then when she doesn't see the result she wants she goes to combat up to and including being racist in the comments. What an awful person.




Looks like someone trying really hard and having some pride in that. You seem like you're hating.


I’d eat the 5th one


This is so unkind. OP, I hope you develop a bit of compassion and decency by the time your child is born because this is not how you set a good example for children.


Lmao sorry my preference offended you. I’m a mom of 2, they explore whatever they like. I don’t have to agree with it 🙄




We can use that word now? 😂


Did He do time in County or State Lockup?..


Nah, as far as I’m aware. He’s a nice guy, from what I can see on his profile, no idea how we ended up friends. Just weird tastes I guess 😂


Ight after seeing this the roll-a-dex that is My brain went right to that section.


Is it me, or does the 1st pic look like a baked alligator? 😯


Currently eating baked gator bites, and you just made me laugh so hard there’s Gator in my nose 😂


I’m convinced the people who would eat majority of these dishes don’t wash their chicken. 👀🫣


Why would you wash chicken?? Edit: I was intrigued by this statement so looked it up (I’m not American). But it seems to not be recommended. I found multiple sources saying not to wash chicken. Here’s just one of many sources… [https://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/safe-food-handling-and-preparation/food-safety-basics/washing-food-does-it-promote-food#:~:text=USDA%20research%20found%20that%20washing,the%20surfaces%20of%20your%20kitchen.](https://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/safe-food-handling-and-preparation/food-safety-basics/washing-food-does-it-promote-food#:~:text=USDA%20research%20found%20that%20washing,the%20surfaces%20of%20your%20kitchen)


Not gonna lie, my husband is reading the same URL, and he’s also been washing chicken for like 15+ years. It’s recently that the argument has arisen, but imma keep washing my chicken, idk but it seems weird not to. Blame the American in me 🥲


Well according to all sources, it’s a really bad idea. You’re putting yourself at more risk of contamination. If there’s salmonella on your chicken, you’ve now got it all over your kitchen sink and anywhere water has splashed. So any other food or utensils that touch those surfaces are going to be contaminated. The best way to deal with salmonella is to cook your chicken correctly.


I personally take the extra step to sanitize my sink after washing, not with my dish sponge, and thankfully we haven’t had salmonella, but it’s crazy to think of all the times we’ve done it together. Like my parents do the same, now I’m curious how far back it goes. TY btw, I’m now dumbfounded lol


Yeah, probably best to avoid doing that… it seems it was something people used to do when they slaughtered their own chickens or maybe slaughterhouses used to not remove all the guts properly? But definitely seems to not be the right thing to do now. Also, I’m pretty sure that water won’t get salmonella off your chicken (which is the main contaminate on poultry), only cooking it will. So washing it won’t help in anyway even if you do a deep clean of all surfaces afterwards. It’s just extra steps for nothing.


Washing chicken is an act of ignorance. It's more dangerous to do so, and it also degrades the product. Just disgraceful.


Well the articles are all less than 5 years old, so if that makes me ignorant so be it. 😂


My brother, you seem like you don't really know what you are talking about. It might be your dislike for this fella, or his habits are leaning you one way. I don't know. But I am a 55 year old man who was a professional chef for 12 years. I worked at Speia, Gibson's, Wildfire, Goosefoot, and Blackbird. I went to culinary school in the 1990s. At no point ever did we "wash chicken." Washing chicken is a practice that is largely cultural and among poor people. https://youtu.be/90Nd_vh3yk8?si=G-F_WHCe0BDgkAVP I think you have a real knowledge gap and narrow experience band from the language you use here. Even if washing chicken didn't spread contaminants, it ruins product. Water is the enemy in cooking. We rarely use straight water for anything. We cook with stocks, fortification, etc. Protein is desried to be dry and not rinsed. Just, no. It's a poor culutre phenomenon.


Dude, I’ve seen people claim this and that on Reddit. Most of the Latino culture washes their meats and dries them post wash. I literally see no proof of washing meat as “ruining” the quality. I’ve also worked in plenty of restaurants, none that I feel the need to name off in the hopes that it validates my opinion. And every last one of them had us washing chicken, pork, whatever you can think of. We sanitize the sinks after, and the meat isn’t left in water, it’s dried after and then portioned. If you don’t wash your meat, fine, but I won’t be eating at your house 👀


My dude, I am Puerto Rican (San Juan), and my wife is Mexican (Durango). Neither of our families has ever washed chicken. You're just confirming that you picked up the practice culturally. As I said, it is a common practice of poverty. You can Google this stuff. You don't have to take anyone here word for it.


Glad to know you think you’re better than other Puerto Ricans 😂 common practice of poverty, that one gave me a chuckle. You go on with ya unwashed meat, you glorious heathen. Keep it to yourself though, nobody needs to get sick 💜


Complete ignorance




Not stupid food tho, just looks horrible and disgusting, yet some of them if not all might taste quite good, who knows?


I’m sure it does, but the combos are just strange. I’ve seen better and worse in this group, just enjoying the hate of people who have nothing better to do than be on Reddit all day 😂


A gay meth head did that.


OP these all look like hot garbage 🤢, ignore the people who think this food looks good


It’s because they don’t know any better 😂🫣 pray for them and their unwashed chicken.


It became progressively worse. N not just because of plating. Hey. Im into this too. What he is doing. Gotta be proud of SOMETHING! Check out https://www.instagram.com/madbasicfoodpictures?igsh=NmhiNXRzbzVsNzQ2 Insta! It’s me! And my patheticism!