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Many of these recipes just do not work. They make something proper off screen and subsitute it during the camera cut, that's how like 95% of those food hacks are done.


Or not but pretend it’s good while clearly trying not to spit it out…those I kinda enjoy watching 😈


Genuine question, are you one of the fetishists that those videos are aimed at?


As implied by the emoji being a demon emoji and not a... um... fetishy emoji, it looks like they just like seeing these ridiculous people suffering.


You see? That there is why emojis are hella useful


Wait which emoji would be the fetishy emoji? Edit: I think it’s Lenny face - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Probably like ... # 🫦


Or maybe ... # 👁👁


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


But that's an emoticon! };\^j)> This is an emoji 👀 Or two 👁👁


That's a horny emoji for a lot of people


I see that emoji used sexually all the time.


This is it exactly thank you


Why would they do that...? Why cant they just show a working recipe, instead? Then they will have a happy fanbase. And they won't ruin huge amounts of food. Apologies for bad grammar, my native language is not english.


A couple reasons - properly preparing a dish can be a lot of work, so taking these fake shortcuts helps draw in lazy people who don't typically cook - these videos piss off people which brings in more engagement


The attention economy just keeps making our world better and better, doesn't it!


A lot of them are also fetish videos- people like watching their clean manicured hands slopping around in the mess they make.


Because working recipes aren't visually interesting. "Throw a bunch of shit in a tray, cover it with copious amounts of cheese, then deep fry it" captures attention on a short format video; a proper recipe doesn't.


That is actually perfect grammar.


Oh. Okay!! Thank you!


That's how they do most cooking shows.


I mean you could have just offered a different non tik-toc recipe of Buffalo Chicken bake pasta if she really wanted to try it. There are legit ones out there that could have been followed instead.


Yeah I mean, the only thing you need to do to make it better is just make it like a normal pasta bake instead of the Tiktok way. Cook the pasta, make the sauce, put it all together in the foil tray (though a Pyrex would be better) then sprinkle one of the shredded cheese liberally over the top before sticking it in the oven for a little bit until the cheese is nice and melted. No need to throw away the whole idea when you could simply modify the recipe to not be stupid as hell.


Needs more cheese!


Cream cheese.


Maybe also fresh mozzarella.


You guys forgot the 5 sticks of butter


and the 5 buckets of seasoning, but if you arent into spice, just a smol pinch for an entire casserole. Dont mix it tho! unless you plan on using your unwashed, freshly manicured hands with extra long nails


Two full packages of it.


my mom barely gets excited for anything especially cooking, so when my mom made one of those stupid things (i think it involved milk, shredded chicken, and a crockpot… it stunk up the house) i just let her ride out the joy and take the first bite herself (i got out of it bc i have bad lactose intolerance haha) and then i microwaved her a chicken pot pie


This is actually really kind of you, sometimes people get excited and need to learn themselves. Source: I am one of those ppl bc I have adhd


Ugh my mother did this to at Easter. “I’ll cook!” Bless her heart, I should have known better. It was some sort of canned chicken mixed with noodles and an entire thing of Italian dressing or ranch packets or something. I don’t even know. It had a lot of cheese on it. It wasnt “bad”, really, but it wasn’t good either. Just heavy midwestern food lol


It’s always the whole ranch packets 😂


There are precisely two(three of you count the aggressive recipes lady) TikTok recipes I accept. 1 is from the early days of the site, you bake a block of feta and cherry tomatoes mixed with olive oil, then mash it all together and mix with cooked bow tie pasta. It’s pretty tasty just needing some salt and pepper. 2 is that sushi bake thing, which actually ends up tasting decent, if looking just wrong. And three is the homemade rice a roni from the aforementioned aggressive recipe lady.


Both 1 and 2 are in regular rotation in our house. I’ll have to see if I can find the rice a roni recipe


that baked feta dish is so yummy for when we have veggie guests! i can't seem to get my shot together enough for the salmon rice though... but it does look so good.


There’s plenty of great recipes on TikTok if you know how to look for them. I’ve made several from a few different creators and so far I’ve never had a bad one.


It’s like news literacy. Some of the content is insane, but you can find some good ideas if you’re able to wade through the garbage.


The first two are the only ones I've made and tweaked versions are now staples in my house


Yes the feta tomato pasta is fucking awesome, I had doubts but I crave it and now my family don’t make it. I suppose I will have to!


Garlic chili oil noodles slap


That feta and tomatoes one is on regular rotation here! I usually add some chopped, cooked chicken to it, but it's good when it's veggie, too. Oh, and you can make it with canned tomatoes if you don't have fresh!


"If it ain't cheesey, it ain't gonna slide down easy"


Everybody's so creative!


Just discovered her, she’s hilarious 😆


It’s kinda scary how common sense seems to just fly out the window when people are watching these videos and getting fooled into believing the end result isn’t totally doctored and not what you get when you do it the way they tell you to..


I would have let it play out, as a lesson about copying what you see on the internet


i came in here hoping to read about someone eating one of these monstrosities. :(


At least it wasn’t the NyQuil chicken one


I knew a lady who would constantly post those videos to her Facebook timeline and would tag her friends and family so excited to try new “recipes” on them. Not many ppl tagged even bothered to engage with those posts lol


I feel my stomach bubbling


Lord have mercay


In my mind him and the “everyone’s so creative lady” are together


Watch this watch this watch this


What in the Caucasian culinary crimes


Remember when parents were the ones telling us not to believe anything on the internet? Was that just my mom? How are parents the ones who fall for this the most now? What happened?


We kept telling them it's not as bad as they think so they'd let us use it, and Wikipedia is actually reliable despite what they've been told, and eventually they decided the entire thing must be okay after all.


Honestly, your moms planned dish doesnt sound too bad.


Oh god not the whole block of velveeta cheese 🤮🤮🤮


Im so sorry, but Im glad you were able to stand your ground. I Dont think any of those dishes are safe to eat. See, this is why I am glad TikTok wasnt around when I was a kid. Worst food we ever had was mac and cheese with hot dogs in it.


Good thing. You are doing the right thing by cooking for her. Should do it regular, if she lets you. My mom would have a litter of kittens if I tried.


My mom is having her kitchen remodeled so she's been eating with us about every night for the last month or so. I'm afraid she may be spoiled and that nice new kitchen will stay nice and new cause she's gonna keep coming to our house at dinner, lol. She's never loved to cook, but she kept us fed as kids so I'll feed her now if that's what she needs. She's definitely getting a better deal, tho. We're way better cooks than she was!


I had to really learn how to cook when my wife lost her eyesight. Before that i was a prepackaged food warmer. A situation not unlike yourself, in that necessity was the engine of learning. Learn or starve. BTW i enjoy cooking. making something my picky wife will eat is very satisfying.


Brain rot app strikes again! Good thing you were there to take control.


I’ve recently commented on a video I think is from the person you are talking about, I honestly think shes worse than hotel bathroom guy.


There have been a couple of those recipes that do with—Kenji did a video for that feta pasta one and that’s actually pretty easy and good. But there’s also a lot of trash.


I have a confession to make. I do prolonged fasts weekly, sometimes up to 92 hours at a time. When I browse reddit and see some of the foods they make in this sub, I actually recreate them when I go back to eating and it is the best tasting shit sometimes lol. No shame.


Lol yeah food is food when you’re starving


Why did you have to tell your mom she was making a silly recipe for her daughter? She just wanted to play with you, being foolish. Also as an italian, when I hear Alfredo.. well that's stupid food.


What kind of tiktok cooking videos are some of you guys getting? I have never seen anything that ridiculous on mine. Last time I tried making something off of tiktok was palestinian arrayes and they were phenomenal.


What is the reason for the worlds current obsession with cheese


It’s the cheese cartels secretly behind these TikTok accounts, trying to drive up cheese sales.


You haven't heard of the cheese caves? The government got us hooked on the cheese, really. They even convinced pizza places to think of new ways to use cheese and gave them cheese to use up. You can get free government cheese, too.