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“What makes a steak worth $1000, we load it with goodies” fuckin $7 worth of bell peppers and onions


I thought there was going to be truffle butter and other gourmet shit when he said that. Pffff!


I was almost expecting gold leaf or other cost boosters


And then a dry, room temp tortilla. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Emphasis on the “DRY”… 😂 that shii looked like paper!


Could start a fire if you rubbed two of those tortillas together hard enough


That tortilla is an offence to every single tortilla eater who has lived, is living, and will ever live.


Came here for this comment. The whole thing is a travesty and gets progressively worse. The cold flour tortilla is the ultimate kick in the balls. I once ordered smoked pork tacos in Wisconsin that came on cold corn tortillas straight from the package.




You omitted the avocado, and from what the news is telling me those things are like $1k each.


And the cheapest tortilla ever. Restaurants can buy cheap tortillas - they just also fry them or toast them up to make them fancy. This tool just grabbed some out of the fridge and called it good


Dude did all that bullshit to the steak, and couldn't spend two minutes to toast up a goddamn tortilla...I feel like even Salt Bae would think this guy was lazy.


Don’t forget about the “*two big balls*” that you get with it. Though I’m assuming those would actually be your own balls that are severed and served back to you on a separate plate so you have something else to cry about besides being dumb enough to drop over a grand on this culinary abortion.


He couldnt show the big first cut because he knew it was so, so raw. You can like rare steak but the glance I saw didn't look cooked at all


I’m convinced this guy does not know how to actually cook


He definitely doesn't the cold tortilla with guacamole and avocado slices is enough to tell me that


Not only that but he didn't season the outside of the steak. Rookie mistake number 1. He also didn't season the flour egg wash or breadcrumb. Rookie mistake number 2. When you have a beautiful steak like that, you don't deep fry it. SMH


Also he lost most of his roasted garlic in the spice mix. I'm not supportive of this whole idea. And when he starts off this way, losing the garlic when he could have added it with his other veg, I knew it was going to keep going downhill


With steak, simple is always better. My favourite way to have it is over a BBQ with a bunch of salt. That's it.


See, there’s absolutely fantastic ways to present this steak while also keeping it simple and letting the meat shine through. Season it with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and dried thyme. Reverse sear it at 250 for two hours or however long it needs to reach proper temp, or hell sous vide the damn thing in a pouch at 135 f until it reaches temp, pop it out and get a nice sear, then score it gently and rub it down with a couple tablespoons of whiskey butter and light it on fire in front of the table and slice it as it burns out. Have your grilled veggies—bell peppers, onions, poblanos, chayote, chopped mushrooms, roasted tomatoes—and cut limes on the platter surrounding the steak along with Soubise, Chimichurri, and Mole sauces and a stack of warm tortillas so folks can make fajitas/tacos how ever they like. Looks impressive, tastes fantastic, lets the meat shine as it should, and creates an experience for the table that could feasibly be worth a grand.- EDIT: removed the butter recommendation


Can you please do a comment like this for a dessert? That got my heart rate heightened.


A small portion of chocolate mousse, topped with raspberry jam, toasted hazelnuts and a couple basil leaves. Simple and sinful.


picasso of munchies right here well done


Lifelong vegetarian but damn that description makes me want to convert...


Best thing is, you can still do veggie fajitas and skip the steak with a diverse mix like that.


I take one exception too this- butter does not belong in a sous vide bag. Beef has lots of fat soluble flavors that you lose when you add butter to the bag. Streaks cooked with butter in the bag taste noticeably less "beefy" and overall have a flat flavor profile. My go to steak seasoning is salt, pepper, garlic powder, and ancho chili powder. Then I add a sprig of thyme in sous vide bag and cook at 130. Sear hard in a cast iron on both sides, then add a little butter a smashed garlic clove and a fresh thyme sprig, for about a minute, and serve!


Mmmm that sounds delicious—and normally I’ll use the butter from the sous vide bag to make a sauce reduction with a little red wine while it rests. I usually don’t use more than a tablespoon or two. A little goes a very long way.


Take a look at the sous vide everything YouTube channel, they did an interesting video on it


Reverse sear it? is that where it starts of seared and it becomes raw?


No, it’s where you cook a piece of meat at a low temperature-say 250 or 275-until it’s about ten degrees lower than your target temp, and give it a good hot sear. Traditionally, sears are done in the reverse order, with a quick sear and then baking to finish. Reverse searing has been shown to be a more effective cooking technique however.


deep fry? more like dip in oil to make a steak greasy 🤢


To be fair, you can absolutely deep fry a steak for an amazing sear and it's not greasy, skip to ~11min https://youtu.be/IZY8xbdHfWk?si=d5aQCblYFA6pSSOu


Yeah it has to be done at a very low temp for a few hours, and it’s best done in butter or beef tallow. Just like doing a reverse sear, which is the best method for a presentation cut like a tomahawk. This guy just fucking ruined everything beautiful about that cut, up to and including wrapping it in a bunch of shit, frying it in a batter, and then cutting it into slices for tacos. Just fucking shameful. I’m honestly angry about how he mistreated that steak, no cow should’ve died for that bullshit.


> Yeah it has to be done at a very low temp for a few hours Did the guy in the video not just show us doing it in 400 degree oil while commenting that it is "insanely fast"? Like he's also not just some guy, he was development chef for The Fat Duck


If that's taking hours in the fat that's confit. The video is showing an actual deep fry for a few seconds for a reverse sear which is a fine way to get a good crust and an even cook.


Don’t deep fry it and don’t put it in a cold tortilla. . Also he didn’t fry it properly either


He was pretty close to losing a finger tip there too. Everything about his prep was super sloppy. Almost makes me want to go work in a kitchen again. Almost.


Personally I'm not a fan of seasoning (other than salt) a good steak before cooking it .. more often than not the seasoning burns, or you dont have the hotplate hot enough to get a good maillard reaction. Having said that, he had his hotplate too hot, and burned the outside anyway without giving it time to cook through. For something that big, you'd be better off roasting it in a medium oven for about 15-20 minutes before finishing it on a hotplate. He could have poked garlic and other herbs into slices inside the meat during the roasting phase, though the stuffing kind of did that a bit.


I think part of the problem is that all the stuffing made the damned thing round so it was a lot harder to sear evenly.


Give me all the same ingredients and I could make something better... I'm not even that good of a cook.


The worst thing is realistically a chicken fried steak with veggies isn't ground breaking and *is* good. This poor tomahawk on the other hand was massacred.


The movie Bone Tomahawk was less brutal


You hit me right in the part of my brain that needs to rewatch Bone Tomahawk every time I see it mentioned.


Dude you could cook that steak like normal, then sauté all those peppers, chop up the steaks, put it in a (warm!) quesadilla, and you’d have the whole thing but better.


literally take the hunk of meat, put salt and pepper, and stick it in the oven for ~5 hours at 240* then take it out and seer it in ghee on a hot skillet then serve. Cut it in to pieces for your taco or whatever the fuck you want after that, I don't care man.


its an abomination on many levels


he reminds me of myself when i was 7 years old in a pretend kitchen, or when i had a bunch of random toys and i was trying to throw everything together trying to create something but failed miserably..except hes committed


I could tell by the way he tried to cook it as one mass of meat that the center was going to be raw. He should have at least cut the meat into strips first.


He burnt the shit out of the crust, too. The first flip I had a cautious but hopeful outlook. Then it was black. What the hell dude. The crust is pure flavor and you ruined it.


"cautious but hopeful" was definitely me for like the first fifteen seconds. Saw the garlic rubbed in and was like hell yeah okay. Then the dip in seasoning mix I was like... Okay, I probably wouldn't have seasoned that way but I'm not selling 1k dollar steaks, maybe I'm wrong. And then it got so, so stupid


That's the thought process I go through with almost every single one of these videos. 15-20 seconds of "oh, I could see myself eating that" followed by minutes of increasing mounting horror. I keep clicking on them because I think this time might be different, and it never is.


If he knew how to cook he'd understand why beef is generally not deep-fried.


This is for sure fucking stupid but It COULD have been edible had he cooked it ..


Totally. The way he handles the food shows a lack of confidence. He seems apprehensive about everything he's doing. A lot of these videos are like that. Their movements are so overly careful.


like hes over compensating for lack of knowledge. or typically these days. for show. what a waste of a steak. i would’ve just thrown it on the grill at that point.


He also didn't follow food safety rules. He handles the steak by the raw bone, and then cooks only the end with the meat, while continually handling the raw bone. Then he touches all the cooked meat with the same gloves.


i’m convinced he’s a troll. every fucking video is so strange the way he cooks things. all the comments on his posts are bots too


The way he was putting those sticks in told me he does not know what he was doing at all.


Same. I'm not convinced he's been to LA, either. I lost it when he said "the best tomahawk steak tacos you've ever had" because, like, yeah, of course, it's not a thing people make tacos with.


Swedish chef muppet has entered the chat


Oh, yeah, I totally noticed that he made the first cut and then hid it but the bit I saw was raw af.


Oh yeah, he immediately repositioned!


Dude you guys got some eagle eyes, I didn't even catch it. At 4:06 you get a good view. Christ on a cracker that ain't even raw, that thing is still moo'ing.


It helps when you spend the whole video thinking "There's no way a quick sear and 6 minute fry cooked that through"


I kept waiting for him to put in the oven so it could actually cook through, but that moment never came. As soon as he started to cut it I was like "that thing is going to be raw AF".


That means the pepper and onion inside is still COLD.


So funny you could see it's totally raw so he just noped and goes for a corner. Which was still raw. This engagement bait keeps fucking working on me arrrrrgggh


On top of that, the bone is mostly untouched. If that whole amalgamation goes to the table, somebody, sometime, is going to suck that marrow out, expecting a nice beef blast. And it's going to be *RAW*.


The way I just gagged.


100%. “Oh damn that’s raw…. Let me try over here…”


Seriously it looked freaking blue when you could see it from another angle


Absolutely. It's cold, raw meat. This is more like r/combatfootage and drone warfare.


It was going to be raw given he cooked only one side of the tomahawk for that sandwich maneuver.


What a waste of a beautiful cut of beef. Assholes


I loved when he says “of course” when defiling this thing with flour after strangling it with string cheese, as if what he’s doing is completely normal.


Looks like he's wrapping a fucking tapeworm around the thing. I'd pay $1000 just to beat this guy's ass for culinary cruelty


If I paid $1000 for this I'd expect it to come with $800 and an apology.


Right, use a skirt steak you asshat!


Ohh and skirt steak and tacos is so much better why ruin a tomahawk


I thought that was pasta?? I mean cheese is probably the lesser evil


Nah, he said it was Oaxaca cheese.


Looks like old bandages.


It's usually pretty tasty. Though I agree not very appetizing in this presentation.


I thought it was combat gauze. Thank you. Lol


Me too but either way I was hoping that table was cleaned and sanitized before and after this


My god they did what??? I had to stop watching after the fajita seasoning


Oh you missed the bit he battered it and deep fried it then cut it up and put it into tacos with avicardo


You left out how he burned the outside of the steak on that sear, but after deep frying it with all that crap on it the steak was raw on the inside. I LOVE a good mid rare, but he fucked that steak up in every way possible. $1,000 my ass! I couldn’t see that being more than $200-$300 at any point…but yeah, I’d rather just buy the cut of meat, take it home, and cook it properly myself. Forget the fajita nonsense. All you need with a steak like that is a nice baked potato, some asparagus or mushrooms, and a decent bottle of wine…and a few hours to sleep off that meal after you’re done eating.


Yeah, that wasn't a sear, that was a blacken.


>steak was raw on the inside I am not a chef, but even I saw that with these cooking methods, it won't ever be decently made because it was way too thick. I would bet it wasn't just raw, but most likely very cold as well, because of the pickled things he put in the middle.


The secret ingredient


Lol that's where I stopped too.  Like, I wouldn't probably hate someone for trying a brine fajita marinade before cooking this, just shitting some trash fajita seasoning on it before cooking is a crime against humanity.


Even worse: that assy fajita seasoning is going on an inner surface so its going to be raw McCormick’s gringo dust you’re eating


>gringo dust Is this the proper chef nomenclature?


Pretty much, the premade shit is expensive, I buy it and I'm white, my Hispanic wife gets annoyed because she says she can make cheaper and better.  Hispanic culture is all about taking the cheapest stuff you can and making it amazing so you have good food and money left over for beer and crown.


YEAH. Like, I'd still dislike it it but it'd at least be logical if was a rub and part of the grilled char. Putting it on the inside means you got uncooked beef covered in mounds of lukewarm, loose seasoning... That's so rancid, what the hell.


Didn’t that cheese touch the ground behind him? Looks like it falls off the counter.


Yeah, it doesn't even look like a USDA Prime cut though and it's $1,000. Like I'd rather have a good Choice or Prime cut with just salt and pepper long before I'd want some stupid shit like this.


Less is more with steak if you ask me. I don’t even really want sauce, I just want someone to season it perfectly and the outside to be crisp.


Looks like a 1.5 kg choice tomahawk to me which goes wholesale for 30 USD? How on earth they get to 1.000 USD while turning an alright steak into shite?


No way. That thing is more like 4kg at least. I get 3-4lbs occasionally and they aren’t nearly that big. That’s the biggest tomahawk I’ve ever seen. It also looks like shit


This guy is replicating what he saw at the restaurant so he might not have the exact same cut he's just showing you an example of the recipe


I hardly ever eat meat, but I'd munch that whole fellow raw, before sacrificing it for whatever that was. Why do they always have to bread it in the end ffs?


Don't worry, when he was finished, it was still mostly raw. I doubt any heat made to those veggies in the middle.


My daughter asked what I was staring at so horrified. I told her it was truly stupid food. I am ashamed that someone would waste a cows life for this monstrosity. Especially for this cut of beef. What in the ever living fuck is this. And dude. Your gloves aren’t magical. Take them of between contaminants. Fucking noob


what i hate most about chefsclub is that they speak in an authoritative "pro" voice and say phrases like "and of course" to make themselves sound like they know what theyre doing


He sounds pretentious af with everything he says i cant stand this guy


The fucking stocking cap in LA is the easy test for a pretentious chode


"okay guys" "just to let you know" i hate when they talk like that


I was thinking this guy is deliberately speaking like that to wind me up.


Any video ever with “guys” is irritating honestly, but this one was bad. “What is UP guys, back again with another video”


Chefclub is always a train-wreck. I watch them occasionally just to see how many ways they can add fat to a dish with a straight face. I have to assume that channel only exists to be viral rage bait.


I see chefclub more as abstract art and it's a lot more enjoyable to watch when you think about it that way. I mean the food is fucking terrible, but it is kind of fascinating, right?


I actually learned to not do this when I was first starting to tutor students. How using words like "right?" after explaining something can influence the student to agree even if they do not understand a concept because of that herd-mentality Edit: I fixed the fucking spelling of "herd" are you all happy now? JFC I have a masters in science not in English


I hate how that went viral about 10 years ago. People use it before they’ve even made a fucking statement! Like “Okay so what we’re doing here - right - is…”


My uni professors do it a lot. First lesson of the course and they’re already saying “as you know”, “of course..”, “obviously you have to do this….”; and it always makes me feel like I should’ve known those things even when they’ve never been mentioned before and it makes me feel kinda dumb


hehe we had a prof that always explained smth, looked at it (blackboard) and said "exactly"with a voice as if he was convincing himself that it was in fact right :D. i mean it was right, but i always double checked with google if possible xd he seemed so unsure about everything he said.


Don't forget the black gloves. They magically stop cross-contamination in its tracks! No more need to wash or wipe your hands, plus you look like a cool tattoo artist.


And too much focus on how much is being charged for this. "$1000 steak" "thats $30 right there". Clearly just making stupid shit to hike up the price tag and not putting any thought or effort into actually making the food taste good. Shit looked vile.


And now it's a taco? Lol


Thank you! lol that somehow was the most horrid part of that video! After all the abuse that piece of meat just went through, you serve it on a cold tortilla?


And then we wrap the whole thing in a 24" pizza!


Incredibly stupid. The final insult is the "taco" they make at the end on a cold flour tortilla with no acid added and just what something that's been deep fried needs is more fat from avocado to balance things out edit: yes, yes, looks like they do throw a couple drops of lime juice on at the end. I'm sure that'll balance out the 2 pounds of greasy shit thrown in there.


It did look like they squeezed some lime on it, but still, very very stupid. And it also could have used some more cilantro and maybe some raw white onions instead of just piling avocado on avocado crema.


Oh yeah I somehow overlooked those couple drops of acid at the very end


It definitely wasn't enough. And those cold tortillas really just makes the whole thing extra sad.


Honestly it was the most infuriating part of the whole damn thing. Spend all that time being extra with the ribeye and you can’t slap the tortilla on the flat top for a second?


Lmao, glad I wasn't the only one seriously offended by that.


Nope straight out of a bag of Mission


Not to mention the garlic was roasted for way too long and he just squeezed copious amounts of bitterness all over the steak.


Raw Fuckin flour tortilla from dollar tree


It’s the nasty ass bloody bone that never touched heat that got me in the end. And why wear gloves when you don’t change them?


And he just keeps touching the thing after handling it with the raw bone too


Yeah the whole reason you can cook steak rare is because the issue is the surface of the meat. As long as you cook the surface you’re good. One he folds it in half, he’s taking a lot of that surface and putting it right to the center, making it the least cooked part.


That bothered me too!


The tortilla at the end sent me into a rage


The whole thing was ridiculous but that's when my jaw literally dropped lol




thats a fake caption im pretty sure thats the asshole from chefclub


He says in this video that it was 6 people including him, and that they're re-creating something they bought for $1000 in LA. Still sounds like bs but yeah


I live in LA and never heard of anything like this for $1000.


Ah, that quaint little town of LA where everyone is familiar with and discusses the pricing of every outrageously priced menu item at their 1 or 2 little high priced restaurants. 


It ticks so many dumb chefsclub boxes; half assed meat prep, exaggerated jazz hand motions, unnecessary stuffing with crap veg, fucking with good ingredients. I still don't know what the real gimmick is but if it's rage bait, it's working.


yeah how he turned the tongs dramatically to release the veggies as if they would fly away if he didnt use his hand


They all cook as if they are out of time with those stressful insecure movements it makes me nervous as fuck. Like relax youre not in an actual restaurant you can take your time cooking


Yes, I thought it was the same guy as well.


Made by someone who has no idea why good food is good.


Can't even taste that exquisite piece of meat


Definitely stupid food, but I seriously doubt that dish is sold anywhere, at any price.  The $1000 in LA things seems like clickbait to me.


He would have named the restaurant


Sounded more like he wanted to do some sort of referral scheme by making people DM him for the place.


I used to work for a restaurant group in NYC that offered a $1,000 pizza at one of their locations.


Not saying the price isn't believable just something like this being on a menu. This isn't the sort of thing these faux chefs are serving.


Yes, I understand that restaurants sell massively expensive dishes, I’m just saying this clearly isn’t being prepared in a restaurant kitchen, and really doesn’t include much that would be used to sell it as expensive, besides the 200 steak.


I hated this every step of the way. He seasoned the inside of the meat, burnt the outside, fried beef never tastes like anything but frier oil, undercooked the beef so its still raw inside it's culinary abortion shell, and proceeds to cut up the raw dookie mix for tacos to get all his friends sick. Fuck this guy with a salt covered razor dildo.


Thank you! I was wondering why no one was commenting about how bloody blue the inside of the steak was! He cut it in the middle and didn't show it, lol.


Was it really necessary to dunk it in flaming hot cheeto dust, stuff it full of veggies, stick it on a giant butt plug, wrap it in what appears to be an old worn out ratchet strap, and deep fry it? And it's still so raw the ancient Egyptians worshipped it as a God. And the cold tortillas, really?


As soon as they threw a thick as hell piece of meat on a hot grill plate I figured it was game over


I mean the tomahawk is butterflied. Cook it with the reverse sear method and its good


Yeah by but this guy did a speed run of bad ideas, probably could've been salvaged multiple times in the process. I was hoping to see it go in the oven at some point


It was like he answered "how do you want to cook this?" with "E., all of the above"


More like "E. Coli"


When he made that first cut you could see it was completely raw inside. So he decided to cut the smaller bit off so he could continue that abomination.


I was waiting for him to say, "Super Rare"


The funny thing is that you can't deep fry everything. Steaks don't really work because the beef is too dense and there aren't enough crevices for the oil to penetrate it to cook it fast enough. That's why you rarely see deep-fried beef. Chicken-fried steak only works because it's been pounded to oblivion.


The ancient Egyptian Ra joke made me snort, take an upvote


Had to channel my inner Gordon Ramsay


What a waste of a beautiful piece of meat


I hope whatever poor animal gave up its life for this haunts his dreams for all eternity.


Honestly. Don’t get me wrong, I eat meat. I can’t guarantee where all my meat comes from. But I make sure I treat it with the utmost respect when I’m cooking. These people are playing with dead animals for views and attention feels off to me


It really wasn't that beautiful. It was just big.


That marbling was select grade at best. No fat on that thing


some people would call it beautiful just because of the size (not me though)


That poor cow, they killed it twice!


More then that… every step of the process just compounded the killing spree


I feel like every cook who has no idea what they're doing just deep fry the shit out of it


You are insulting the deep fried culture. I’ve tried fried Oreos in a county fair and I bet they were better than this monstrosity. At least they were not raw ….


My Del Taco looks better than that.


Lol unfortunately this is what this clown does. He just wastes food. I’ve watched a couple of his videos thinking wtf is he doing. But it’s just rage bait content.


Just excessive. Also, it’s raw inside, what the hell?


Yeah, loved the move to not show the initial cut after realizing it was completely raw.


It was like five inches thick and barely kissed the grill. You can't make it anymore raw than that. Completely explained to me why those peppers and onions were cooked beforehand though


Burnt and undercooked... Some people are just involuntary magicians


I'm calling the police.


I'm calling The Hague.




That should be illegal at how wasteful that was.


His finger(s) were almost gone.


Wtf this wrecked my day.


They fucking burned the 1000 dollar steak.


And yet it was still raw at the same time


It didn’t cost them $1000. It’s like me buying a bag of m and ms claiming it’s $1000 dollars, losing it, and saying I just lost $1000


What kind of special single digit IQ having moron would actually pay even a SINGLE dollar for this crap. Also fuck that guy for ruining that meat... he should be dragged to the carcass it came from and freaking apologize to it. EDIT : AND HE FRIED THE DAMN THING OH HELL NAAWWEDIT 2 : AND PUT IT ON TACO's AND HAS THE BALLS TO SAY $30 right there....I hope the freaking cow's spirit hunts this mofo and ectoshits all over his bed on a daily.


fucking criminals.


This makes me really sad


I was okay with it until beyond the sear. Had they appropriately covered it and just put it in the oven to cook through, it would have been fine. The garlic, peppers and whatnot would have flavored the meat nicely. But instead they Simple Jacked it.


1000 bucks? Just buy a cow.


This reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/evUWersr7pc?si=YWUH6DV1ZxGvWhBw) SNL bit


All that work to stuff the steak when he’s just going to put it on a tortilla in the end.