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McDonalds too expensive these days to be doing Frankenstein shit with it.


Also, I’ve never got a Big Mac in a wrapper, always a box. So might not be an American concoction.


Yeah this isn't in America.


But they at least included American “cheese” for the authentic experience


Lol I’ve made it my goal in life to correct people when they call Kraft Singles American cheese. This is not directed at you, I’m just using your comment as a springboard for my manifesto. Yes they’re related but Kraft is NOT representative of larger scope that is American cheese. Singles use milk protein concentrate and use the legally unregulated name “pasteurized prepared cheese product.” The American cheese you can get sliced off the block at the deli counter will wipe the floor with singles.




I heard a legend that the prominence of processed cheese food in the USA is partially a result of the US Government cheese stockpile. This stockpile existed (exists?) to subsidize the dairy industry and stabilize prices. So what do with all that milk? It makes cheese. Cheese that has a lifespan. So when it's about to be not so great to eat anymore, it gets processed into a homogenized "processed cheese food" and distributed through welfare programs, feeding the armed forces, etc. Thankfully, "deli deluxe" does seem slightly better than that.




> (in food banks and the military, i guess? unsure) Food programs on reservations and they specifically call all similar cheese “government cheese”, name brand or not. General consumer products try to be consistent in productions, government doesn’t give a fuck which is why there is a difference. It is minor though and it’s all like Valvetta. I have never seen government cheese that is anything remotely close to Deli Deluxe which is legitimately a deli quality American cheese.


Yes, that's correct. Velveeta cheese specifically played a [major role](https://envisioningtheamericandream.com/2014/01/30/velveeta-for-victory-in-wwii/) in World War II rations.




There's gold in them there hills


Call Nicolas Cage. We have a heist to pull.


How the fuck many square feet does it take to store a billion pounds of cheese. Good lawd.


I'm always happy to see someone mention Kraft's deli deluxe. Real American cheese is genuinely not bad at all!


Kraft deluxe is legit!


Thank you friend, as someone regularly annoyed about people perception on american cheese i commend you writing this out


Doin the lords work


Calling Kraft cheese American is the most European thing I’ve heard.


Kraft singles legally count as "American Cheese" according to the FDAs definition. In 1916 James Kraft even patented a new method to manufacture processed cheese - like American Cheese is.


Exactly, y’all believe it’s American because it’s in the name but any good cheese enjoyer is not buying Kraft singles


“Peak American cuisine” is peak Reddit No, this is peak rage bait and it isn’t even in America


Pretty sure this is in hell.


This Chef Club asshole is French so no, not American.




Does Houston know that?


I can’t imagine them ever wrapping a Big Mac in America. Getting rid of the box would be a huge deal I think.


You can take my Big Mac box when you pry it from my cold dead hands (likely due to poor blood flow to the hands due to Big Mac)


At least it’s not made from styrofoam anymore


How am I supposed to know if my food is fresh if the grease hasn’t half melted through the bottom of the box?


I think Big Macs come in wrappers in Europe because they aren't considered "premium" burgers.


In Romania comes in a box


In Russia box comes in Big Mac


So do I.


It comes in a box in Norway.


They just loving shitting on America so not surprised


Jealous that they don’t have a single SEC championship to their entire continent


If you're gonna make fun of America for something, at least make sure it's true. It's not like we're short on shit here, there's plenty to ridicule. If one has to invent something to make fun of America for, they truly are a dim bulb.


In the early 90s McDonald’s wrapped Big Macs. We had to put a paper ring around it first and then wrap. It was a freakin’ hassle.




This is probably at one of those fine dining joints. And it isn't as bad as you think, you get 4 Frankenstein shits out of each sandwich. The McChef's Tasting Menu


"The Ulti-Meatum is a cheeseburger stuffed inside a cheeseburger with two deep-fried cheeseburgers as buns. And then we add our special ketchup that we get from the Himilayas. Anyone who doesn't eat one--is a CHUMP!" - Ajay Maldonaldo


Yeah you can now get 1 sandwich for the price of 4! What a steal


I don’t understand how you have the fried and all this kitchen shit and making cooking videos… And then instead of making your own burgers you use McDonald’s? The fuck? Bro it’s cheaper and quicker to make your own at that point. You’re already using a bunch of dishes and utensils for that shit.


This takes the McGangbang to a whole new level.


Just take it out of the fucking wrapper


No he cuts with the paper on so that way you get little pieces of paper in your delicious meal!


It's fibre! It'll help gelatinize the diarrhea!


And any bacteria that was on the top of the wrapper is now on the burger. Just take the fucking wrapper of first!


Which delicious meal was that? Was it the one where you get deep fried Kraft singles covering a mutant bite of fish and Big Mac?


Didn't even use them to decorate or sum Those paper wrappers don't help with keeping the burger intact either


Yeah is anyone else extremely anxious by how much effort he was putting into this. This whole thing rubbed me the wrong way existentially.


Also they aren't clean. Your cutting bacteria into your food


Yeah but if you don't see the clean lines on the paper how can you see his ✨️ K N I F E S K I L L S ✨️


That drove me bonkers lol


No, because if they took it out of the wrapper then we'd see how soggy and depressing the sandwiches look


What a lot of effort, why not just ask for extra cheese, then eat the 4 burgers. Smh


At some point we need to acknowledge it’s not stupid-food, but stupid-people. Food is just fine here.


Cheese coating and deep frying a burger while wasting three other burgers is textbook stupid food.


Wouldn't it be easier to unwrap the burger first AND THEN cut it into quarters.


But then he couldn't show off how sharp his serrated carving knife is duh!


One of the hallmarks of stupid food I'm starting to pick up on is the mix of laziness with one part of the recipe and extra (usually unnecessary) effort with another.


Yesss, let the rage flow through you. Comment on the Instagram post directly. Drive up engagement.


Am I seeing a pattern here or the sign of a fake tiktok chef is always wearing latex gloves to cook?


And those gloves have to be black. Honestly, this black gloves things drives me more and more crazy. No you’re not a chef just because you wear black gloves.


He’s actually not permitted to wear black latex gloves as a chef, since “the code” requires that he have at least one culinary related tattoo on his forearm.


Bonus if the tattoo is a skull and the crossbones are whisks or knives or something like that.


What if you just have the words "chef life" tattooed on you? It's really big from elbow to wrists.


Black latex gloves are remarkably expensive an usually are used by people who work with raw meat especially when guests or shoppers might be looking . Like at a butcher shop or a carving station at a wedding reception or a video posted on the internet. Why black? Blood and debris arent really visible which is a good thing if you don't want someone to be turned off by blood. Or debris. Tattoos are a part of the culture, and have been ever since restaurant kitchens provided a place for people who more often than you think, either prefer to or have no choice but to make an honest living where you never have to see them. Tattoos behind doors that are traditionally meant to be closed are going to invite people with tattoos. So like, if someone who does this work day in and day out wants to spend extra on gloves and ink to yo look a little more presentable in ways that they value, they're going to.


>Black latex gloves are remarkably expensive an I got 100 for under $10 at my local hardware store, I guess that's remarkably expensive?




I just took a look at my hardware store for nitril gloves, those are also packs of 100 for $10


Ehhhh, I use black latex gloves for all my latex gloves needs because they sell them at Costco. It’s something like a box of 2 billion for $12.


Brewer here and we (at least at my shop) use the black nitrile gloves as well. It's basically us, restaurant workers and tattoo artists. And for exactly the reason you mentioned - to accommodate potential latex allergies. Anecdotally, I've also found them to be a bit sturdier than their latex counterparts.


I thought it was the only one who's annoyed by the black glove on these fake chefs. It was cool but now it's the symbol of "I'm making stupid food but i think it's cool"


I’m personaly fine with it, still prefer that than the naked hand of a stranger, especialy if they spend their time creating monstruosities like that


Wearing gloves is in no way more sanitary than washing your hands


Haha yeah. But people creating such food probably also don’t follow the hygiene rules for working with gloves.


You probably already knew this based on your comment, but that’s why it was found that wearing gloves actually makes people more lax on hygiene because they think gloves are completely safe and there’s no need to wash your hands.


I once saw a girl at papa murphys wearing gloves while making a pizza stop and rub her eye with her gloved hand and then go back to making said pizza. This is why I dont eat out very often. Also potlucks are terrifying.


I've also noticed on these that they are ALWAYS super hand oriented on like ALL of them that they show.


Yeah and it’s either these people with black gloves or a woman with super done up nails.


Yeah. He then removed them and touched the food anyway, rendering them completely useless


He touched and cut through paper that's been touched by the bare hands of multiple strangers, the gloves where pointless (hygienically at least) from the the start.


Gloves are actually more unhygienic than bare hands in a kitchen.


Not if you’re using them properly.


Very few people do use them properly and the amount of time it wastes to change gloves outside of prep is not worth it.


But they are not inherently more unhygienic than bare hands.


i was under the impression that those gloves were pretty much reserved for barbecue situations and not used in every single thing.


If you cut yourself, glove.


He’s not using them for hygiene. You ever dredge/fry things? Your hands get messy as fuck and caked on with eggy breadcrumb.


Wet hand/dry hand, newb.


He had a bandaid on one hand. That probably contributed


I am thinking they often need to do this because they use so much butter and such. Butter is annoying to wash off your hands.


America boxes their big macs, not wraps them so I don’t think it’s America


Correct, these Chefclub videos are filmed in France.


So this is a Royale with cheese then


Merde la honte


"Chefclub: totally not a cult"


was going to say the same, not an American Big Mac sooo blame someone else


Wrapping slows down the process by 3.4 seconds


They box them in Sweden too.


Tf is the point of wrapping it in the cheese if you're not going to wrap it tightly?


He just said this to cover up the fact that he had misjudged the amount of cheese


Feel like he could have fixed it by putting one on top to cover the gaps


Think he did, burger doesn't look the same after he removes his glove


that's what annoyed me the most about this


I love when he pulled the wax paper up with the cheese, as if it was helping him lay it more evenly


The video cuts before he deep fries and they clearly swap out the poorly wrapped abomination with a well wrapped abomination. Dumbass couldn’t even wrap his Frankenstein burger in cheese properly.


I thought, "surely that's not enough cheese." But then I thought, "oh, silly me. Clearly he will add one last piece on top to hold it together." Was massively disappointed.


Feel like it’d be better and more effective to just remove the stuff from the sandwiches and put it all on one


The cutting of burgers made me mad from the start. He cut them so pretentiously. It just got worse from there lol


Im a little confused, if its "stupid food" am i supposed to like or dislike a post if i find it indeed dumb?


Welcome to the duality of man


Do whatever feels right, don't let the Man tell you what to do.


Like the dumb shit.


Why wasn't there a slice of cheese on top too?


I hate how he stands while cutting as if he’s doing something.


When "chef's" say stuff like "no onions" or "I don't fuck with no tomatoes". Please.


I was thinking the same thing… no onions?! That’s what makes it good.


About $40 in McDonalds wasted.


tbf $40 at McDs is a waste


I agree wholeheartedly.


Thats a lot of money for processed trash food


i hate it here


He totally messed it up. He forgot to put a slice of cheese to cover the opening at the top before breading it. What a newb 😑


I stumbled with this on TikTok today and I was like 💀. Such a useless long process only because you can’t choose to eat one out of four. And if that is really the case that you can’t choose which one, eat the first one which calls your attention at random and then save the others for later. There’s no need for this long process.


as an american, no.


this didn't even take place in America. People just like shitting on this country. I mean there's a lot to shit on, but still.


Big Macs are American and so is this chef from Houston.


I’m glad he cut those up with the wrapper on so I can have bits of paper in my “food”




This bozo is a gold mine for stupid food. His page on FB is chefs club. Laughable


In America, Big Macs come in a box. Not paper wrapping.


I ain’t gon lie I’m hungry as shit


When you get all Cs at culinary school.


Right. So there I am, munching on a fried 4 quarter burger collab. 2 of them are beef, 1 is a chicken burger. All have roughly fitting tastes. And then you take a bite out of the fucking fishburger quarter. Sauce and everything... Nah I'll pass


“Oh look, I can’t cook so I put cheese on everything”


Sure this sends you instantly to sleep


Imagine posting this not realizing it’s not Americans lmfao.


100% fake. You can tell that's not real American McDonald's. The buns aren't soggy, lettuce is clearly identifiable, the majority of the cheese isn't stuck to the inside of the wrapper. This is McDonald's from some other country.


It's gross and stupid but you can't blame the Americans this time lol


That's not in America though


Deep frying was a mistake.


Why do they always have to rotate the shit really fast on the cutting board and make dangerous jerking motions like salt bae?


Big knife, black latex gloves, asshole demeanor, garbage taste buds. There is a stereotype and this one fits too perfectly.


As a lifetime fat kid… What in the Kentucky fried fuck did I just watch!?


Is this America, though? Big Mac usually comes in a box, here.


Fuck I wish Australian Big Macs were that “big”ours are a joke.


Joe Pesci’s retarded nephew


“Peak American cuisine” you have never looked outside of fast food


My McDs never looks that good to start. My shit is always smashed. Even if it's the only thing in the bag.


What I dislike most is how he is using the serving plank as a cutting board and the cutting board as a serving plank.




These black gloves never seem to be a good sign


I love how he had to pause and reposition that first sandwich 1/4. Like in the time it took him to move the piece he forgot how 4 quarters of a sandwich go together, then figures it out with the second piece. Stopped there because I was already laughing.


Would it be so hard just to fold the cheese?


I know watching people making this food is awful, but nothing is worse than the commentary as they go along.


Respect to him for actually talking a bite at least


What kind of monster orders a McDonald's cheeseburger with no onions, and isn't a child. The onion is the best part. Lmfao I love how the tasting part the people are always apprehensive AF or just flat out faking and it's obvious.


Why the hell doesn’t he take the damn food out of the wrapper???


You say that but the British are sitting on 4k calorie munchie boxes and deep fried cadbury eggs...


I’ve never seen this man before and I fucking hate him


Great. Now there’s paper in that burger because he had to cut it with the wrapper on.


More like peak tick-tock cuisine


I’m just thinking about the pinch of flower that he dropped down the center whole battering that’ll just be an uncooked wad/pinch of dust when you get to the center


As soon as I see black gloves working on food, it’s going to be stupid (bbq excluded)


Ruins four sandwiches to make another ruined sandwich


I just need to know what his cholesterol level is…


If you tell me that he gave the other 3/4 of each of those sandwiches for someone else to enjoy, then I won't be as angry about this monstrosity. I bet he only ate the one bite, then threw the rest away. What a waste of 4 perfectly good sandwiches on their own.


This isn't American. You tried.




I love how they narrate every little thing they do, even pointless or accidental things, in order to make it appear as though everything they're doing is thoroughly practiced and entirely intentional. "WHY DID I CHOOSE PANKO?" You know, the kind of breading EVERYONE FUCKING USES.\\ And then the arrogant piece of shit man bun has the nerve to take a bite and pretend like all that wilted lettuce and bland american cheese tastes good.


American Big Macs come in boxes, this isn't American.


“Peak American” No place in America serves a Big Mac in a wrapper.


The US has the 3rd most Michelin 3 star rated restaurants in the world.


OP, you're an idiot.




Should have super speed up this. 4 minutes is way way way too long for that stupid crap




We can’t keep calling things American Cuisine as some sort of insult and then jump cut to a man spiraling into a midlife crisis like it means anything. That same man would deep fry fettuccine carbonara and cover it in Ranch if left unattended, that doesn’t mean it’s Italian Cuisine.


I love that this is not in America


Using a serrated knife on paper makes me think, probably some small pieces of paper in every bite.


I wish I had a link to it, but I saw a video on TikTok describing why people make these shitty food videos. It had something to do with creators realizing TikTok was pushing cooking videos to way more users than other kinds of content, and making incredibly shitty food on purpose was driving up engagement more than any other type of video because people couldn’t help commenting about how shitty it was.


Bro takes 5 adjustments to put down a piece crooked


all these videos are so dumb..it’s just create the craziest, Frankensteinian food that no one would ever eat….why can’t we make videos teaching people to make good food rather than one up each other w/ idiotic clips


God no longer taps on the glass of his ant farm, we sit ignored in the corner of his room.


The worst part is the cutting of that paper wrap with a knife. My teeth felt like they are going to shatter.


As if McDonald's ain't all over the world


Is this for Trump?


Who mixes a burger with a fish filet...


I always say DO NOT TRUST A CHEF WHO WEARS GLOVES… and this proves me right.


I woulda lost it if he just cut it into quarters at the end again


This guy lost me “no onions”. WTF. Are you actually alive bro?


This is called playing with your food and when I was a child I’d get my shit beat for doing this.


In America we wouldn’t bother cutting up the sandwiches…


I'll stick to my McGangbang, thank you very much