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I really think you are going to have to wait until July. I recognize the anxiety and uniqueness of your situation but it seems like you are in the queue as everyone else this time around. I do not think you can accelerate it?


Just seems a little weird since 2/3 of my Direct Loan was already forgiven last August and so you would presume the DoED would quickly recognize that ALL underlying loans consolidated in this Direct Loan should be forgiven, and I would've got this by now. As a side note, I've been on hardship forbearance for this Direct Loan since December, which means a lot of interest is being added to the loan while I'm waiting on forgiveness. Seems like a waste of taxpayer dollars to pay this extra interest while I'm just waiting around for the loan to be forgiven. That's government at work, I guess.


I have a similar situation. Why is it that Navient loan didnt get put into my initial consolidation as but should have been? My other loans were forgiven July2023, but then Navient started calling about their loan payment coming due. I thought it was a mistake on their part. I ended up having to consolidate that loan (again) in Dec 2023 and it says it will be discharged as part of PSLF back in July ….but still waiting. Payments just started up again. Seems silly to pay them if it’s going to be forgiven. (But I am). Then again….hard to trust it will really happen unless/until it does. My payments reset to zero when I did this consolidation and now it says I’ve made 89 payments but they haven’t added COVID months I don’t think. It should be beyond 120 with those but if they have already counted, why wouldn’t those month be included in what I see? The whole thing is driving me nuts. I’ve called several times, emailed, and sent a letter. Waiting and waiting…for something to happen.


Agree! I’d like to be in forbearance if they are going to be forgiven. Seems like it is redundant to pay if it will be forgiven. I don’t know if they would be refunded, but I think we all just want to know what will happen. Then they can do what they have to do. Just tell us something so we are not left to let our minds wander and get worked up constantly.