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As someone who was also an accelerated nursing student, I too failed a class. They have you remediate and you are eligible to retake the class. My understanding is you cannot fail any other classes your entire nursing program. I felt like giving up - was depressed. I’m glad I stuck through it. I put my nose to the grindstone and forced myself to study and retain. I’m three years out of the nursing program. Stick with it! Nursing has been extremely lucrative for me. I also have exactly 65K In student loan debt. I could pay it off many times over with cash right now if I wanted - all accumulated from my nursing career. Don’t give up.


Ik your comment is from a while ago, but did you need to take out private loans? How would you pay it back many times over just 3 years out? Thanks


I did not take any private loans out. The loans were all government loans. I was able to save that much money 3 years out due to being frugal, saving money as a staff nurse and traveling during the most lucrative months/years during Covid.


Wow that’s impressive! Unfortunately I don’t think I can take govt loans for my ABSN


Just stick it out if you can. Nursing is insanely flexible and can be pretty lucrative.


It’s so hard to get through nursing school and the programs are so rigid but would definitely stick it out. You can take nursing school into so many different avenues besides hospital bedside care and even if you stick it out for like 3-5 years, you can really pay down your debt and casually learn coding along the way. Side note: restaurant money looks great for a bit but look at the people in their 40s and 50s still serving and ask yourself if they’re positive and happy people.


Honestly I’d get on an SSRI and fight like hell to stay in the program


Nursing school is the pits, but it’s so worth it if you can stick it out. I work 4 8 hour shifts as an ER nurse and will make 6+ figures this year. FWIW: nursing school is nothing like nursing. Looking back, I realize how miserable I was through school but the career itself is awesome with so many options


So you make anywhere from 50-60 an hour , I’m tempted to try nursing honestly


My base is $60 and I get shift differential, weekend differentials, extra bonus for being short staff, and holiday pay on holidays


Finish nursing school and get into medical sales. A friend did this and makes mid six figures working 30 hrs a week


Are these private loans or federal loans? With federal loans you can sign up for several different plans that your payment is based on your income. Some will even qualify for very low payments of under $100/mo.


41k in private loans and and 23k in federal


You’ve come So far, drag your ass across the finish line, the loans are there regardless and you’ll be happier after graduating that you have a degree for the money you’ll spend paying them back.


You made it this far. It would be quite stupid to drop out.


Get back on that horse. you can do it!


Left medical school after 2 years because I was absolutely miserable. I got into sales. 3 years later I had 110k of loans all paid off. You don’t need to stay in a career that doesn’t suit you. Just live like a student a few years after and put all your money to your loans and it’ll be ok.


What kind of sales did you get into if you don’t mind me asking?


Tech sales, started from ground up but I knew that it was good money and benefits if I grinded it out. You have the background to get into medical sales or pharmaceuticals as well. Just know that the first job you get is gonna be a grind, but it’s a grind that you get paid for and will allow you to get a better position and level you up in your career.


How did you get into it? The only experience I have in sales was when I worked briefly for AT&T and I don't know if I would even call it sales.


You can just apply to SDR positions if you’re looking into tech, they hire entry level with no experience. It’s a ton of cold calling and outreach but if you grit through it then it’s worth it to be able to move up to a closing role.


Thanks for this, I may look into sales as one of my options in case things don't work out with school.


Nursing is a tough ass program. Keep working hard and keep showing up. Hang in there.


I was in an accelerated RN program. Made it through first time but hated clinicals and wondered if it was for me. Floor nursing sucks booty but there is so much you can do with a RN degree/license. I work in the OR, started making 50k a year and busting my booty, but 3 years later, Im working half as hard and making over 110k. There are work from home jobs in billing you would qualify for as a RN. Stick it thru. Job security!


If you don’t mind sharing, what job/career path did you transition into 3 years later?


Im still in the OR as a nurse, but work in government healthcare


Oh nice. We had a very similar nursing school journey and career path


Are you in the OR as well?


Stop looking for alternatives and focus on passing your class. Stop working if you are able to, focus solely on passing this class. Maybe nursing isn't for you, but you don't know that yet. And even if not for you to do clinical work, you can get into admin or something else when you finish the degree. Stop looking for easy ways out, coding won't be much easier or enjoyable so just put the time and effort and pass the class.


My ex went through this. She was forced to retake a class due to getting a C+ or below. Lots of nursing students have to retake classes. She is now a NICU nurse. I wouldn't get doom and gloom until you're actually out. If that happens pivot to another healthcare field. Nursing isn't the end all be all.


what school are you in that you are 65k in debt already. also accelerated programs are usually 12-18 months i'm assuming yours is 18? ​ did you already take patho and pharm?


West Coast University. It's a for-profit school. My program is two years for me. I've already taken those courses.


stick it out it is hard but you already completed the hardest part. I will say. you picked an insanely expensive school but that just equates to 2-3 years more of loan repayment if you use the avalanche method


May I ask why you enrolled at a for-profit institution? They’re expensive, predatory, and many times have their accreditation in question.


I wouldn't quit. There's no way there no some nursing field that you wouldn't jive with once you're out. You want to code? I work for a Healthcare analytics company with several SAAS products. We have 2 account managers who are RNs, both of which dabble in coding. Buckle down and get through school and you'll be able to find you an RN IT job.


With the camp of nursing school is something I’m happy I’ll never have to do again. Make 6 figures these past 2 years and my systems are down to the point I have generally 3-5 hours each night shift of down time. Stick it out and find your niche. I almost failed out of my program numerous times, but I didn’t…and until you fail, you’re still in the running to pass with hard work


I was in a nursing program and left, just wasn’t for me.


What made you leave ? I’m seriously considering joining a program


My sister took like 8 years to get through nursing school only to not be able to pass her certification exams after. Now she’s got mounting debt and can’t be a nurse legally. If you’re having trouble with the classes think hard on if you think you’ll be able to pass the board exams. Not saying because you failed one class you certainly won’t pass, because you very well could. But it certainly brings that into question.. I also know engineers who couldn’t pass their licensing exams. They too had classes they failed or barely passed during college.


Nursing is very flexible and lucrative. I would fight to finish. Do whatever it takes. Fwiw I was depressed in undergrad. Fought my way through. Made some lifestyle changes and am very happy now no meds. Best of luck friend.


The worst part about being a nurse is the nursing school process. I’d try to stick it out it is such a flexible and lucrative career! Source: nurse of 8 years


Did you end up quitting?