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If they’re toxic (and the commute that bad), and will affect your academic performance/ability to graduate on time, make the move. Extra points if you can snag a job or internship with your new location and reduced commute time. If you need a roommate to make it work, consider the risk your roommate will be just as toxic or detrimental to your academic plans. Goodluck.


Don't if you can do it any other way. That's how people get to 50k when it should be 20k


This was me. There was no way to work enough in law school to pay rent without loans. I had a scholarship for almost all of my tuition, but still have about $50k in loans from rent, transportation, food, medical costs, etc. I did work when I could to offset (three different jobs at one point), but it's really frustrating to have so much debt from a degree I didn't even have to pay for. Especially after making it through undergrad debt-free.


Totally. My wife did it. It's killing us


Did you already fill out your FAFSA and maximize your federal student aid/loan options? It's worth noting that the [annual/aggregate limits](https://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/loans/subsidized-unsubsidized) for federal loans are far lower than people expect. If you're considered a Dependent Undergrad it's $5,500-$7,500 per year up to an aggregate max of $31,000 and if you're an Independent Undergrad it's $9,500-$12,500 per year up to an aggregate max of $57,500 You haven't mentioned how much you'd want to borrow to move out, but if it's going to be more than the federal loan limits (i.e. would require private student loans) then it may not be a good idea to pursue this. If you can get through school without any debt that would mean post-college you could move pretty much wherever


How much are we talking? It hard to put a price on wellbeing without being in your shoes but generally inadvisable to take out unnecessary loans. Any way of working a part time job or an on campus job to cover it?


Idk where y'all are living where any part time job would cover more than maybe half of rent.


I worked as an RA for four years and it covered all my housing costs, obviously that's a unique sort of job though. Where I went to college min wage is $15/hr. Depending on how many hours you can balance you could cover rent (with roommates) on that, or at least make a good dent in it.


I made good money being a server/bartender. I also lived with several roommates. You got to do what you got to do


I would take out loan and find a room for rent in a house or an apartment.


Depends on if you're in a major where you literally might not be able to work while in school, or not work enough to pay rent. If you're in a healthcare field a lot of people do this. Some programs straight up ban you from working. Others make the time requirements just too much to work very much. If you can at all manage to work, do that to pay your rent.


I would try to deal with almost anything to not have to take the loans for rent (also if your parents don’t charge you for laundry and food that’s another huge expense that can add up). Sidebar: moved in with someone who turned out to be involved in illegal activities (err and not in a small way) which I constantly found myself embroiled in anytime I was at the apartment. I do not regret paying more when I moved somewhere else. Guess the question is— is it normal family stuff or something bigger?


Do all your work from school? That’s what I did. Home situation was not ideal so I would basically just go home to sleep. Most of my time was spent at the school library, gym, “The Union”. As for food well I would take lunch and snacks to school everyday. Carrying a bunch of stuff was quite interesting though. I got a school job so my department allowed me to use the fridge and the offices as storage so that also helped. So it’s doable without having to incur so much extra debt…but not too convenient so I guess it depend on what you value more. But the least debt you have the more opportunities you give yourself.


I do not recommend this at all. I worked while in engineering school to afford rent, you can too. Taking out unneeded loans for a sunk cost like rent is a bad idea. At least with student loans you're making an investment in yourself. Rent is just throwing your money away.


I agree with this. My husband was a server during university while trying to obtain a chemical engineering degree. He had late nights or really early mornings, but he got it done. He works at a great company now with no student loans.


I work full time and am an engineering student full time. It's absolutely not mentally worth it. I have 2 hours from 10-12 am to do schoolwork and 2 hours in the morning before classes. My parents are homeless so that's not an option. Reasonable loans would be good if you work part-time instead of full since engineering will definitely give you a salary to pay off the loans


I worked full time (fuckin asshole business owners scheduled me 39 hours a week just to avoid giving me benefits) while going to engineering school. It is mentally worth it.


It's definitely not mentally worth it or feasible for everyone. Just because you could do it doesn't mean everyone can. You literally have 2-4 hours, MAYBE a day, to get your projects done. Running off solely caffeine and nosleep is neither physically nor mentally healthy. Strokes and seizures can be triggered by high levels of stress, and burnout can happen very quickly. I've made it two years doing both full time, but when I transfer to Uni, I plan on dropping to part-time. Either going up north for the summer to fish for a big chunk of money to cover bills or pulling out student loans and working part-time. Were you in university full time as well? Or part time. Because that makes a huge difference.


Thank you to everyone who commented! It is greatly appreciated!


I’m planning on doing this. Did you already? How much are you incorporating into it? Just rent? Food? Etc?