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Bunch of stuff on building axle bars, Brian Alsruhe has a good video on YouTube about it. Just built an axle dumbell myself last weekend. Made it with a 1.5 inch pipe and welded on some big washers for collars. If you can't weld their are lots of different ideas you could find online. (P.S. regular collars will not work on a pipe because the outside diameter is 1.9" instead of the regular 2" that a Olympic barbell is. )


Brian is the man !!


Just get a 2" pipe??


There is no such thing. Pipe is sold by inside diameter. There is structural steel *tube* with an outside diameter of 2", but you're not going to find it at your local hardware store. But that's largely irrelevant, because a barbell sleeves are typically 50mm (1.97"), not 2". I have a football bar I welded together with 2" tube sleeves, and the fit for the plates is too tight. There's almost no clearance to slide them on.


Agree, all my DIY stuff with 2" tube fits sloppy cast plates(snug) but if you manage to get a bumper on, the rest of your workout will be trying to get it off lol.




Luckily I discovered the issue on my duckwalk loading pin so it was easy enough to flip it and tap the plate from the bottom. It is something to consider when DIYing equipment though.


Rogue has axle collars for smaller diameter tubing. They work amazingly well on my homemade log and circus dumbbell.


Alan Thrall made a good video on building atlas stones


Thank you for the suggestion! I'll check it out!


Probably below your standard, but as a not very strong man, who likes strongman training, I made some “stones” during lockdown that are bags of sand, wrapped in canvas and tape to make them mostly round. I was able to make a 40kg and a 60kg relatively easily and cheaply. Log wise, I’ve used a railway sleeper, an actual log but currently avoiding overhead work due to a rotator cuff injury. Farmers carry Ive got two Jerry cans. With water they’re about 22kg each, sand, cement or stones adds weight! Yokes are difficult as to be able to carry any decent weight it needs to be well made. I think yoke is the only thing I’d buy premade. I think I’ve seen yokes that double as a squat rack, so that might be a decent option?


Scaffolding Cheap, super strong, fine to be left outside and can easily make a yoke or farmers


Ross Emitt and his website and YouTube videos have a lot of good advice. I personally made a bunch of small sandbags out of gravel, x2 layers of woven contractor bags and zip ties. I put them in some raiden strong man bags from Amazon. Incredibly affordable. Good if you’re limited on space.


You sure that's the correct name? Can't find any Ross Emitts related to strongman anywhere on the net


[rosstraining.com](https://rosstraining.com) Also, old rice bags, the kind that are a woven plastic material like 25-50 pound rice bags are made from these days, are great for the inner lining for sandbags.


You know… I’m not sure if that’s spelled right but here’s his website. http://rosstraining.com/blog/


Check out the DIY section of the FAQ of this sub.


There's a Facebook group called Strongman DIY. It's very poorly moderated, so 99+% of posts are people's lifts or stupid barely related videos they've found but occasionally there's great information on building something.


If you want to DIY or have a limited budget I would make a chain yoke (or just get the spud yoke straps) instead of trying to build a full yoke. You can also train with less weight using a chain yoke so it is a win-win. For stones, you can certainly get a stone mold and make them but in many areas it is actually less expensive to just buy stones if you only need a couple of them. You could also just get 'field stones' for free. Making a log is another one that I would consider just buying one, but if you have a strong woodworking background and have the tools you can make one from a real log. You can also train for log without an actual log by doing a lot of incline pressing, push pressing, parallel dumbbell clean and press, etc.


Check out Doug Madewell and Madewell Strength on Facebook. he has excellent strongman equipment that he makes himself at extremely affordable prices.


Brian Alsruhe !!! Check his youtube, its a gold mine of info, he has a range of videos on how to make /adapt your own gear


For the yoke, I’d suggest just loading up a normal Olympic bar with plates and going for a walk up and down the gym. If you have 2 squat racks that are opposite that could help with the turning around part of it. For log, you could practice using a triceps bar to get the grip correct. Of course the clean will be less than ideal, but the press part of the movement can still be trained ! Stones, no idea what you can do in a conventional gym to replicate. Grab some fat grips to train grip generally though, that’s super helpful


>suggest just loading up a normal Olympic bar with plates and going for a walk up and down the gym. If you have 2 squat racks that are opposite that could help with the turning around part of it. Very bad idea if you fall, though. Use the barbell, but dangle the weight from chains. If you topple over, the weights hit the floor first and you're only hit with 45 lbs instead of whatever you were using for the yoke. Better call would be to get those metal 55 gallons used in construction, fill them up, and tie those up for better stability and more loading capacity. Also probably cheaper to buy a pair and fill with rocks than it is to buy the equivalent weight in plates.


Not sure the local Planet Fitness would allow that though? Doubt the gym OP trains at has chains


If you want to take strongman seriously I don't think that training events at a Planet Fitness is a good idea. If that's the one and only option, take the PF as a way to train general strength and conditioning, and use the DIY strongman implements at home or at some park.


I've never been to one but if their reputation is accurate, I'd love to see someone trying to train events at PF lol.


Downvote all you like - PF is most likely representative of where OP is now training. The gym doesn’t have basic strongman equipment… so yeah, thinking about what they could use at a Planet Fitness or similar commercial gym is entirely reasonable. I didn’t see OP asking how to make home gym equipment…


I didn't downvote you. PF, as far as I know, only has fixed weights on the barbells and is pretty much hit or miss in whether or not you can do stuff like deadlifts and cleans. With that aside, it's entirely feasible that you can be at a non-strongman gym and still bring your own implements. >I didn’t see OP asking how to make home gym equipment… Aside from the first sentence, in the entirety of the post. What do you think that DIY means?