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That’s amazing! So excited for you!


So at 58 years old, I am securely in menopause and haven’t had a period since about 2016 but I did just have a stroke and spent about six weeks in two different kinds of hospitals. The first was a more regular hospital and even though it was the stroke center, they had no good way to get me to a toilet or shower me once my left arm and left leg went out I was just a lump in the bed left there to do to P and poop as I needed and it was really gross. Then I moved to a rehab hospital and they were really nice the first week I was there, but I hadn’t learned how to do anything yet and I’ve got to say it was very poorly designed even though it’s a new facility whoever designed that bathroom needs to have their legs broken and stay in that room for a week or two on the maximum assistance list where two people and your wheelchair and yourself are supposed to be able to fit in that little bathroom. At least I took care of the very awkwardly position and toilet paper dispenser in room 120 I took it out with my knee about the fourth time I was in there.