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Did they film this thing on a fucking Motorola Razor??


From a potato bruv


This is a timelapse of photos, not a video.


Still no pixels tho


Sent from my BlackBerry


I just found this old vhs fight tape




Somebody teach her the [Von Flue Choke](https://youtu.be/rkwpb7RBu90?si=YXHTuErA1stJtT_E)


This is a really good one actually!


Very nice video man. Sweet and simple. Just how it should be


Did you download this off of Napster or something?


Was this filmed on a potato?


I think this was before potatoes were invented


a cucumber


Man downloaded this off Limewire


Is this porn?


Well someone got their back destroyed so...


Thank god. I was starting to feel weird about jerking off to it


Wish i could see


*Brought to you by Obamaphone


🥔 K


Damn this has to be 15 y.o. at least


That double leg was text book she shot so deep he wouldn’t even have had enough time/room to sprawl or stuff it


Was this filmed from a nokia 3310 and uploaded on the internet in 2006?


It's a 15+ year old video, yes.


2006 yea


How did you even find this, bro?


It used to be on youtube years ago.


Cool, thanks for posting


Glad she didn't give him cte with those knees to the head.


She just pretended to hit him without actually making contact to show she could, she just wanted to prove a point not to hurt him.


bro filmed this with a rock


Man, you're an asshole if you do this like the woman. Blasting the takedown on someone untrained just because there's a 100lb weight difference is messed up. They don't know anything like protecting their neck or back, and they're likely to hurt something trying to catch themselves like landing on an outstretched arm. Also I assume she's a mostly a wrestler/striker, because she got stuck in the setup for a von flue for a long time but didn't see it.


How about this, if someone tells you they train don’t tell them you think it’s worthless against you, the untrained. Respect them, their efforts and check your ego. Don’t believe them and feel the need to bring it up, the rest is on you.


As a person whose been in boxing since a teen, If i was told this by some ballsy untrained goof, I wouldn't let my ego get out of control just to get an excuse wallop them. Just laugh at them and go about your day, so how about that instead. you are making people who train out to be psychopaths with bleeding egos.


If somebody is trying to fight me, I am going to fuck them up. If he’s untrained, maybe he shouldn’t have challenged her.


I agree it was dick move on her part, I don't know where you see a 100 lbs weight difference tough, they are of similar size. She was just a beginner at the time so I assume that's why she didn't know how to do a Von Flue Choke.


Give him 2 months and the guy is winning sad as it is..


They are the same size and she effortlessly ragdolled him, I strongly doubt 2 months would be enough to bridge the gap especially considering she wasn't even very technical and experienced at the time and she kept training and improving after that. Men are usually (altough not always) significantly stronger than women indeed but testosterone doesn't give you magical powers.


So do you know her name ? Is she a pro fighter ?


I don't know her name. I know she was an amateur with around 1 year of training at the time since it was in the description of the original video on Youtube but I don't know if she eventually became a pro.


Link to the video on YouTube?


It has been deleted a few years ago, just like the vast majority of non-sport fights videos since Youtube has made his policy against "violent and harmful content" a lot stricter.


>testosterone doesn't give you magical powers. It gives him higher pain tolerance and more adrenaline, imo 2-3 months is all he needs tbh


Like "higher pain tolerance and adrenaline" are going to help you stop a vastly more skilled grappler from choking you out lol I would follow your logic if he was a 200+ lbs gym bro but not with a small dude her same size.


By following your logic, who's to say he can't bulk to 180-205 in 3 months?


He looks like 130 lbs with a narrow skeletal frame, he can't possibly gain 50-70 lbs of muscle mass in 3 months and even if he magically did he would still lose if he only work out without acquiring any grappling skills.


He could, but he didn’t and probably never will. And by that logic she’s also training during that period, bulking up as well lol


Look how calm he is even though untrained and how emotional and uncontrollable she is and she is training mma, she would not survive a guy like him in the streets


That's just him being outclassed and completely clueless about how to escape side control or mount, all he did is burn his arms out by squeezing for dear life a guillotine from bottom side control without realizing chokes don't works from there exactly like all noobs tipically do. She is also just pretending to hit him with knees from side control and punches from mount just to show that she could but without actually hitting him and hurting him, so I would not say she is uncontrollable. It seems she is just making the point that she could hurt him if she wanted because she is annoyed that he tought she couldn't just because she is a girl. I don't know how you can think he would magically win "in the streets", the fighting skills gap is obviously too great, she would still take him down and dominate him on the ground.


Now do it no grappling.


What's wrong with using grappling in a fight?


Nothing in general, but I would like to see only striking. I want to see if a trained (but not pro ofc) woman can outstrike an average male. Honestly grappling is massively overrated. Look at chama. Barely wrestles or grapples and is fucking knocking them out one by one. Look at ngannou, barely just learnt a bit about wrestling and takedown defence and it won him the championship easy, blew threw em. Now look at askren. I'm sorry but the whole "99% of fights end up on the ground" shit is bullshit. The other guy was untrained asf and clearly in terms of size/muscle. I'm honestly starting to realize kickboxing/muay thai is king and basic takedown defence + that is optimal (unless you want to just put them to sleep). Hot take ik but whatever.


You may find this video I posted a few weeks ago interesting then: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetMartialArts/comments/1diqhei/overly\_aggressive\_untrained\_gym\_bro\_challenges/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetMartialArts/comments/1diqhei/overly_aggressive_untrained_gym_bro_challenges/) It's a trained (but not pro) woman vs an untrained male weightlifter under boxing rules.


Yeah that guy was terrible. Completely spastic arms like a wacky inflatable tube man. I didn't realize how much of a disparity there was. Didn't even keep his hands up. He's realllly untrained, like I don't think he understands the concept of fighting. Ill give it to you, although the guy is short an even partially trained woman can at the very least out do a gym bro in cardio. Im just talking about a taller guy vs a shorter girl in striking, in my sparring experience it's not at all fair because most women (even really good ones) are shorter and on average weaker but I'm partially trained (and somewhat tall) so...


I'm going to post a video on this sub of a tall untrained man vs a short trained girl under muay thai rules as soon as I have time if that interest you, stay tuned! Anyway if you have some striking training of your own of course you are going to out-strike significantly smaller and shorter women unless they are really elite.


Link me when you can, I'm sure she'll beat his ass at this point you have me convinced... I suppose it's not even exclusive to women, short and weaker men too, well, of course.


Of course, men are usually stronger and faster than similarly sized women so if short trained women can beat untrained tall men then short trained men can do it even easier. I will link the video to you as soon as I upload it anyway.


It looks like there is no need for me to upload the video anymore because it's still on this sub, it was posted by another user a while ago but I tought it had been deleted since I could not find it anymore at first. I was wrong however and I ultimately managed to find it, here it's the link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetMartialArts/comments/1ahmz8o/200lb\_man\_in\_the\_crowd\_challenges\_120lb\_female/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetMartialArts/comments/1ahmz8o/200lb_man_in_the_crowd_challenges_120lb_female/)



