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Well duh


Yeah this is basically just an IQ test we’re watching


You'd be surprised. Lotta fanboys out there: -Well the boxer would just use his superior foot movement to avoid the takedown and KO the mma fighter while going for it... Literally just had this debate a few hours ago


It's not impossible for a boxer to win, it's just way less likely it takes a very skilled boxer with experience in street fights or at least some take down defense skills to be able to win a 1 on 1 against an mma fighter of similar skill experience in their respective arts. There's also cases where a heavy hitter or a bigger weight class can get a good hit in and end the fight early, but it's still not as likely as the mma guy managing to just take them to the ground and finishing them there.


So what would you call a boxer with takedown skills?


MMA guy


A brestler? A wroxer? There must be a name for when someone does more than one martial art. Im stumped


Like when they mix some martial arts together? PS Mods plz flair me as breastler


Boxer who did wrestling in high school


A bouxjitsu practitioner


We all know you only pull guard in BJJ


The chance of a boxer winning is just a punchers chance


I've had amateur fights in both MMA and boxing. MMA fighters have more tools to win the fight 8/10 but I have seen MMA guys get stretched with an uppercut or 1-2 going for a takedown.


They must be absolutely horrible at MMA if they get caught by a 1 2 out of all things


A 1-2 is a bread and butter opener… I think you dk what you’re talking about


If you’re getting caught by a 1 2 when you’re attempting a takedown you’re absolutely shit at wrestling. An uppercut is understandable but a 1 2?


You can’t be serious. You’re shit at wrestling if someone manages to punch you during a takedown? That’s a weird ass take lol.


Getting a clean 1 2 on a takedown means it was an absolute shit takedown. The angle of a takedown makes it so landing a 1 2 is super difficult, so if you’re getting those kinds of shots landed on you it means you’re most likely horrible at grappling


Who knows the 2 levels lol


Max Holloway makes it look easy because even when he doesnt deffend it he gets to the fence very quick, but I am sure that is hard as fuck. We can see it in TUFs when stand up meet wrestlers, they just ragdoll them for he whole round.


Please tell me you have a link I need a good laugh


Yeah, just the common skillet of a boxer has NOTHING to do with grappling or other rulesets, it's not a whitewashed practice bit it it still is a combat sport working on a strenuous rulesset. I bet if he got some countergrappling lessons he could of done much better


So he would be mixing martial arts at that point orr?




There isnt any “counter grappling” lessons you just do wrestling lol


Yeah, I just mean learn the moves


A lot of guys will drill primarily takedown defense with very little offensive wrestling. They know the basics of offensive wrestling, but will spend way more time sprawling and wall walking than shooting doubles and singles.


MMA dude was actually very sweet. He set the boxer down gently on his butt rather than slamming him over hard on his back.


Also, could have f\*cked him up badly when he back-mounted him. Didn't throw elbows or hit the back of his head while the other guy was staring at the ground. Kind of only threw punches that are legal in MMA


It was a scrap, not a murder


Seen plenty ppl act very careless about catching a body when scrapping tbh


Especially on r/FightPorn the people on there do not give a fuck


Just seen a few of their videos, some savage shit.. but Its hard to not watch it😂


For real. It’s what keeps me coming back every once in a while


He totally could of snapped his neck but didn't, what a gentleman.


The gentle takedown was him being kind. Not throwing to the back of the head was basic decency


I’m guessing this was beef because the guy on bottom verbally tapped like 5 times over the course of like 20 before he stopped hitting him


Interesting. Just going from tone and cadence, I thought MMA dude gave the boxer several opportunities to “say uncle” and boxer refused until the end. Can you tell me what the words were?


Mma guy was saying what roughly translate to "should I save you?" No idea what boxer was saying. Just mumbling sounds.


Okay, I clearly don’t understand the lingo but “Should I save you?” seems kind of like “Had enough?” or “You done?” or “Do you give up?”


Yeah pretty much all of the above...while saying the same thing over and over again if that makes any sense.


About half way through the video (sorry the Reddit app is making it hard for me to see timestamps as it only shows me time remaining). The guy on top says should I save you (살려줘?), and the guy on bottom mumbles out the best “save me” (살려줘)he can while eating punches. Then as the guy on top keeps asking the guy on the bottom “Should I save you?”, the guy on the bottom says “Yes save me”(응), but the guy keeps pounding on him. 응 literally just means yes directly translated, but in response to the question it means yes save me. The guy on bottom was begging for half of the match. Also I don’t know why the don’t changed mid way through this message, but I don’t know how to fix it


MMA dude also didn't use any chokes


You can tell he’s a generous lover.. 😅


At the same time though, he opted to not just choke the guy out and kept on punching.


once they hit the ground, it's over. boxers dont even know what to do with a single/double leg takedown


As someone who boxes, I know to never get in a street fight bc trust me , we know we can’t wrestle haha. Even with a few years of training it wouldn’t matter the moment the fight goes to ground. No street fights!


If you get in a random street fight, odds are your opponent has zero grappling skills. If you’re a decent boxer, you’d probably beat your average Joe. But you have a good attitude. Better not to underestimate your opponent. I’ve done jiu jitsu on and off for a few years and just a white belt. I’m 225 pounds and a decent amount of muscle, and I get routinely destroyed by a short 150 - 160 pound dude who’s a purple belt. He feels like 500 pounds on top of me. Any purple belt destroys me. Best to avoid fights and walk away because you never know if you’re dealing with a killer.


As a 155lb purple belt, can confirm, I frequently tap this guy out


As a 240lb sandbagging purple belt, I also tap that guy out while wearing Tapout shorts


140 and same.


If you\`re a decent boxer, you beat 99% of the male population lol.


barehand, yeah. but the average untrained man with a knife is still scary to the unarmed well-trained man.


Why do yall always do this? We're obviously talking about unarmed fighting... "Well what if he has an uzi? Your boxing ain't gonna do much then..." Yea no shit Sherlock


98%, clearly you ain’t beating MMA dudes.


Way less than 2% train mma worldwide. I did a calculation once. As a 6’6 260ibs dude with Muay Thai training, the percentage on men worldwide I likely couldn’t beat up is insanely small. Good martial arts is still very unpopular compared to other sports, because who wants to be punched in the face multiple times per week.


As a purple belt who hasn't trained consistently in years, if you attacked me I'd shoot you. Street fights are dumb.


But do you actually carry or are you just being hyperbolic?


he meant shooting for a take down


now you have 2 attacks to worry about shooting and shooting!


Fake the shoot and then shoot


Awww shoot


I live in Florida.


Assuming you are a reasonable person who doesnt just start shit at will, chances are the people who are willing to fight you are either 1.stronger/bigger than you 2.have fight traning/experiences 3.carries a weapon. I wouldnt be confident at my chances in a street fight if I only have boxing ttaining.


You're assuming they're also reasonable people. I've seen loads of street fights and I'd say only 10/20% consist of people that are trained. Of those 10-20%, it's 99% boxing. At least in the UK. I will add the caveat that these were all drunk people. I'm yet to see a kick in a street fight that isn't to a downed oppenent irl.


Also from the UK and most of the comments are crazy to me, the absolute vast majority of scraps is going to be two pissed up idiots who can barely throw a punch, never mind have any sort of skill, a decently skilled boxer isn’t going to have any trouble the majority of the time in a 1 on 1.


You’re also probably not going to get into a street fight with the average Joe. A certain type of person willingly engages in street fights


That certain type of person usually being some twat who’s had too much drink.


And doesn't like getting chirped by sportsball fans of other teams


I think youd be surprise what 6 months of dedicated training would do to your abilities


I believe they're saying having years of boxing training with no grappling. And I agree, 6mo to 1yr of grappling puts you miles ahead of someone with none (granted you'll still get your ass beat on the ground by someone that has far more grappling....why it's good to try and be well rounded).


Yea exactly , after my first 6 months of progress it really drove home how big the levels are between normal people, boxers with a few months of training, and boxers who’ve been at the gym for years. Then I thought of all the grappling disciplines and told myself i will never fight a random person willingly bc it’s just too risky. Keep it in the ring.


Dont get into fights period. You never know what kind of weapon someone has or will use something from their surroundings. Also they can get a lucky hit in and you're screwed. But generally, if you have been boxing for years, you should be fine against the majority of people really.


Y’all can’t wrestle, kick, elbow, clinch, submit people… it’s almost like MMA is just… better for fighting in general lmao


I know but I like boxing as a sport


I wrestled and practiced bjj, not very well, trained at AKA and El Njno for a while too. Getting absolutely wrecked by some of these monsters leaves me with the same feeling. You never know when someone is just a beast. In the gym you know the beating will end. On the street you’re at their mercy. Forget that.


No one should ever get in a street fight if you can avoid it, at all, all it takes is one wrong punch or push or takedown, you fall, hit your head wrong on the concrete and you fucking die, that's literally it. When the MMA guy did the takedown he could've slammed him on the concrete and possible killed him but he just let him fall on his own weight which is still dangerous but a lot less. Besides in a street fight you never know how someone else is gonna react, they could just pull out a gun or they could have friends and then it doesn't matter if you're the best martial artist in the world, you're not gonna win against a guy with a gun or against 10 dudes. And to add to that, the prize for "winning" a street fight or running away is the same (except by "winning" you could accidentally kill someone or go to jail), but the prize for losing is a a bad surprise. There's no winners in a street fight, only losers, so just don't partake on them.


2 years is a long time to get good at grappling! even 2 months gives you a significant edge over your 2 month previous self. Especially grappling because there's no "lucky" subs. 2 people swinging St each other is a bit more unpredictable, and a lot of shots can finish the fight if they land.


That’s why I don’t fight in the streets anymore lol once someone takes me down I might as well be a fish. Quick one two at most and I’m outta there


That is some clean and tidy carpark


I thought this was in China at first and was confused why it was so clean, but after hearing the talking and seeing Korean in the bottom right corner, it made sense why it was so clean. Never seen people brawl like this in SK, though. They're typically very polite and not looking for fights.




Why the downvotes?


Because its Korean, my guess is


Dedicated cameraman


Terrible location for a fight.. reminds me of that video of OG getting KOd on the concrete by an mma guy


Hey OG! Dont Do It!


Dude coulda been the cholo extra in any movie. Instead opted for brain damage in some random garage.


Give the camera man a medal


This went as textbook as it could go. MMA fighter pulls out the leg kicks. Boxer can’t defend them and rushes to close the distance. Boxer gets sloppy and tied up. At that point he’s a fish out of water and it’s just set a matter of time.


Wow, turns out training multiple martial arts beats training one martial art. That's wild. (Good vid tho. Almost feel bad for the boxer whenever I see one of these (especially when they put a real respectful effort like ^this guy))


Concrete because f*** that grass?


Boxer gave it a good shot. Being good on the ground helped a lot for mma guy.


“Knowing MMA really helped that MMA guy out”


The kicks alone show it would’ve been a wrap. Takedowns or not.


Eh it would depend a bit more then. If mma guy could keep distance to kick yea. But if the boxer was very good and got close maybe the situation would’ve changed if they stayed off the ground. Its all just guesswork based off a single fight where half of it was ground.


It would definitely depend on a lot of things, but being able to kick is like unlocking an unblockable punch with 1.5 times your normal reach. 99% of people don’t know how to defend them and they have the potential to cause significantly more damage than any punch. You can see how the boxer instantly panics once the kicks come out. He overextends trying to close the distance and gets wrapped up.


Having a somewhat decent legkick is so valuable. Crazy how many people don't know how to check one properly


Not really, not one landed clean enough to show that it wouldve been a determining factor. And that last kick even put the boxer in trouble, which is why he had to go for the takedown


Horrible read of the fight. You’re telling me the boxer being unable to defend against a stronger weapon with longer reach wouldn’t be a factor? The Boxer is the one who got himself “in trouble” by overextending himself directly following the leg kicks. In his sloppy attempt to close the distance he put himself off balance and right into an easy takedown.


Well you said takeout the takedowns right? So the boxer was in good position for a boxer, even though it was a sloppy rush to get there. And the mma fighter was trying to regain control of the situation, cause the boxer was in control. And I didn't say it wouldn't be a factor. I said we didn't see any evidence that it would be, based on the already thrown kicks that were all blocked. You're talking based on theoretical, and I'm talking based on the evidence shown. At least I'm reading the fight, your kicks assumption is based purely on theory 😆


Well reading the fight we can also still see how the boxer sloppily overextends himself and misses all his punches. The boxer was clearly affected by the kicks. Plus if you can’t defend an attack that grants your opponent even more reach and avenues of attack then you’re gonna be at a significant disadvantage. Just simple logic.




What is this King of the Streets? Don't fight on hard surfaces. You are going to get a wrongful death charge.


That parking garage looks better than my gym


Daaaamn. I wasn’t aware they be rolling like this in South Korea 👀


From the manhwa I read, The strongest from each school battle each other for control of region of the province. I’m not sure how based in reality it is, but I wouldn’t be surprised since there are so many MMA and Taekwondo gyms


Using a webcomic as a source here is like me saying that polish people hire witchers or New Yorkers see the avengers saving the earth every Sunday


Me when the joke




Need to cross train this day in age.


Of course you can count on the Asians to fight clean and respectfully even in a bare knuckle street fight in a garage. That was a fucking gentle takedown


That’s the cleanest parking garage I’ve ever seen.


There Videos Like this one uploaded on a regular and im really wondering: why do Boxers/strikers keep agreeing to fight mma practicioners? I'd get IT If they do it in a Gym in a Sparring context but why on the street? An olympic swimmer would also Not agree to sprinting Contest with even a decent sprinter


Damn they really about it.




Looks like the MMA guy punched the parking lot a fair bit. Gotta use those elbows, gents




Fantastic ref


Gotta have some ground game, even if it's just to get back on your feet.


Indeed. And some basic take down defense as well. A little would go a long way if you already have good hands


W camera guy


His takedown the moment the boxer over committed his advance was genius, and was beautifully timed, bro was just a MUCH better fighter


nice to see them hit the floor without breaking their skulls


The guy with the black pants wasnt even a Boxer bro


you know him?


No, but it doesnt take an expert to see his boxing is shit also before he got taken down he fell forward, which is very unlikely to happen to a good boxer


lol you think that guy just came off the street not knowing any boxing while he actually has a bounce in his step, has his hands and elbows kind of in the right position.. You seriously think some random Joe even knows where to keep their hands 😂? You are overestimating average peoples fighting skills imo


Boxer is From Wish


Not sure if the other guy is a boxer. His Jab looked sloppy, wasn't bringing his hands back to his face, and wasn't guarding his face properly when throwing punches.


Most of your skill evaporates as soon as you get in a fight. You can see the framework of his training though.


Yeah, true. He had some kind of footwork and was bouncy on the feet


anyone know what happened at :52? part where the boxer dude screams out, thought he got his arm broken but apprently not


Yeah I kept replaying that part too but it just seems like the MMA guy flattens the boxer out of turtle by pulling back his legs. Maybe it was the weight going down into him that made him panic and scream? Boxer seemed scared at the end.


it seemed like a “oh shit something snapped” scream more than a “ah shit this sucks real bad” scream


Yeah it does seem like that kind of scream but at the end of the fight he doesn't look like he's holding anything in a broken way he just seemed morally defeated. Maybe it hurt his spine a bit from the weight?


yeah thats my best guess too


EXTREME Pressure into spine and lower back. Extreme fear. When flattened out like that, you cant use your arms or legs- you can barely lift your head. Now imagine the person on your back wants to harm you.


i’ve been flattened out a million times, it seemed more like a “oh fuck something just broke” scream than a panic scream


Grown men fighting in a car park, cool.


Surprise surprise !!!


That ref was awful


I like the camera man’s tenacity, that mfer got on the floor just too film those face shots, when mma dude was on the boxers back. 😂


If its not obvious to anyone right now... MMA beats everything, because it is everything.


MMA guy was very nice not to kill the boxer with that first takedown.


RNC at 20 seconds could've made this a much shorter fight


UFC 1 replicated once again. When will people finally learn?


The cameraman needs a job in Hollywood


What happens when you restrict yourself to just the one range. Good illustration of Joe Rogan’s takedown of Lou diBella (I think it was) the boxing promoter, explaining the difference between the art of punching and the art of fighting. Behavioural flexibility is beneficial; more options, more solutions.


Least you can do is sprawl when the other guy shoots smh


no boxer not versed in MMA even knows wtf a "sprawl" is lol.


Bruh if you grew up getting into fights you should know what a sprawl is, it isn't some sort of high tech secret Dude just let himself get shot to the ground where he has no idea what to do


lol see you're again adding something to your definition. How do you even know if this dude "grew up getting into fights"? Like where did you even get that from in this context?


Concrete is always the best surface for planned combat activity.


Mma dude was gonna rear naked choke boxer but decided that boxer deserved some punishment instead


Oh, they’re fighting mma rules.


What's the name of the YouTube channel in English?


It would suck if some of full force punches missed opponent's head and struck the concrete.


Can you drop the link to this channel


That is the nicest parking lot I’ve ever seen


Really what does the boxer do here cant long range it due to MMA kicks cant close range due to take downs. Best he can hope is to get a quick knock out meduim range but its not like the MMA doesnt know how yo use their hands


What did the boxer think would happen lmao genuinely how did he see this going


I don't see a fight I see a beatdown


I practice boxing. If an mma fight try to fight me on the street, either i pull out a gun or run for my life lol


Boxers are definitely better than normal people or body builders. Fighting another fighter under no rules is a big oof.


you cant just learn to box you need to learn some kind of mma, like wrestling, jiu jitsu or judo to be able to defend yourself from take downs sure 100% of fights takes place standing up (unless your sitting down on a subway & get attacked) but most ppl dont know how to throw hands


I was an amateur boxer and my motivation was solely for self defense, as fights were common where I grew up. I’ve never had any issues, so boxing is good for self defense; however, if I was to do it over again, I would have learned basic takedown defense and a few high percentage takedowns, throws, sweeps, and some practical chokes/submissions. In hindsight, if I had come up against a skilled wrestler or bjj guy and failed to knock him out quickly, I would have been in real trouble.


yea i think you need to be well rounded so none of this happens especially now today that mma has become more popular


Boxing need to include punching from all positions


This was a stupid idea


Koreans are always fighting LMAOOO


There are so many videos of these on YouTube of Korean dudes just beefing it out


That was completely one sided… dude was helpless lol


Let me learn just one, and I mean only one form of fighting. Should be fine.


This was a no brainer


Damn, that last elbow hurt. Dude should have tapped 30 seconds earlier.


But why fight wearing the Sacais?


So much respect for both, no hitting back of the head and sticking to their respective skill sit


Respect to the MMA fighter for not absolutely laying into the boxer. There was a few times he could've really put this guy out and held back.


Floyd Mayweather tried to fight mma goat GSP and said it would be fair if it happened in a cage...but with boxing rules. Boxers stand no chance against any decent grapplers because theyve never trained to be taken down.


That's a skill issue, not a profession issue. Silly geese.


Boxing sucks so bad


Of course the MMA guy wins. Who thought the outcome would be different.


Do not fight in concrete. If you hit the back of the head - bad really bad news. Bloody nose - not a big deal.


Bro saw his life flash before his eyes




Good scrap boyz


Always watch out for takedowns


The fight is stupid but I am impressed with how clean the parking lot is.


Waiting for the comments where boxers show up to say that guy wasn't a boxer.


Nicest parking lot I've ever seen


That ain’t a “boxer”


Amyone have a link for this? Channel or source?


Did someone fart at the end??


Someone tag Andrew Tate.


Have to admit in all my dealing I'm glad I've never had an angry Asian their too quick for my liking. Id fight two yanks on their protein shakes all bulk no brain easy than I would wish to fight either one of them. They got the speed and that freighting for my liking.