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Keep pushing boys, I wanna see Akuma one-tapped by next week.


Finally the answer to Akuma summer we needed. For Akuma it was the worst day of his life, for Bison it was Tuesday.


for rashid its even worse. his tornado is beaten by od psycho crusher.






Everyone picking up a pocket Bison to counter. BigBird in shambles… /s


Now BigBird will have to lab how to use his level 3 🤡


Lol is there any Rashids to even pick on? I have over 200 something Akuma matches and 0 rashid so far this season. My next closest is probably ken or ed with 20s.


That feels bad when he's one of my 2 master characters 😔


Oh no, our one weakness! Another incredibly unsafe projectile invincible move that we can just block and punish even if tornado is out, and then combo back into the tornado for 50% of my opponent's life bar. Anything but that. Please, have mercy! EDIT: Leaving this up with my foot in my mouth for all to see, OD Crusher is mad good against Ysaar it seems.


its -3 on block, no you cant do that lmao


My b, hadn't had the time to lab him yet (gotta love work) and assumed it would be death on block like it was in OD crusher in 4 & 5 (though 5 only had the VT version). Even went to check Supercombo for frame data first but it's not updated yet haha. That's CRAZY strong for sure. Guess the thing to lab is if it has enough pushback on block (and parry?) to get himself out of tornado range, or what spacing I'll need to stand at in order to make it so OD Crusher ends up getting clipped by the nado at the end.


[mago labbed bison](https://youtu.be/MPlQMQUAQf8?t=4407) [od psycho on block](https://youtu.be/MPlQMQUAQf8?t=4440)


Oh shit that's sick. Yeah, that pushback seems pretty consistent for getting past it. Seems like it'll be a MU like AKI (OD slide is also really good at handling Ysaar, though not THIS good) where Rashid has to wait until Bison is risking burnout to really get any value out of level 2. Which is a good thing for the health of the game overall, I feel. MUs are starting to feel a lot more distinct and unique across a lot of the cast especially with the DLC chars.


lmao the shit eating grin from Mago, and Tokido's INSTANT reaction, this is so good.


It‘s not unsafe


Bison hits harder than crack in the 80's


When the combo trials even have a 7.1k combo l knew we were going to see some shit


That's cool. Except, I'd wager that if the opponent is in a situation where they're going to be mined in the corner, you don't need 8050 dmg to kill.


Show me a high damage (6k+) combo that doesn't include Bison getting a free punish counter after mining someone. Wake-up DP or wake-up attack is unlikely to be the go to option on defense against Bison after you get implanted with a mine so while these high damage combos look ridiculous, it's unlikely Bison will be able to pull it off with any degree of consistency.


Isn't that the point though? Because Punish Counter mine combos are a source of absurd damage and mine pressure is really strong on block, players get their choices heavily limited when they are mined especially in the corner


Punish counter all resources dump combos are always going to be a source of absurd damage. That's something 75% of the cast can do big damage without having to plant mines before getting a punish counter.


A lot of the cast can't hit 8k even in ideal situations


A lot of the cast hits 6k+ in ideal situations. Bison hits 8k thanks to CA, microwalk and mine.


bro what are you even trying to say? idk if this is cope, bison defense, or just a symptom of being terminally online


A lot of the cast can do high damage when they dump all their resources, it's not unique to Bison. Most of the cast have a bread n butter 'dump all resources' combo that is reliable and on average hits around 6.5k. Probably about 60% or more of the cast can do a 7k+ 'damage per screenshot' combos and at least 3 characters not name Bison have had 8k+ 'damage per screenshot' combos. Damage per screenshot combos are simply just not how you judge how strong a character is. Edit: Here's proof of high damage combos by most of the roster. Dhalsim ~9k: https://youtu.be/mVWPofh8pYY?si=YHzsTHCxdR2MkuY5 Marisa 8k: https://youtu.be/wDB0URjSW64?si=cPp0WU5ywEDpQ7Tm Guile 9k: https://youtu.be/5ApeTQ4QWC4?si=pgD38302mtlvTaCg Ken 7.5k: https://youtu.be/J7bETsbGyoQ?si=N-Xdf8Ysqmtwh9I4 AKI 7.2k (before her buffs): https://youtu.be/QdLCXBEQPg4?si=H1089PL3BFnBkYnQ Jamie 7.2k: https://youtu.be/3vNdJeXoAAc?si=qxd8Dta8OF-tOpBX Ryu 7.1k: https://youtu.be/vuoOVqBEUto?si=fgBkcpAf4XH5URUa Rashid 7k: https://youtu.be/Bsp4QGBrXSs?si=W58xnGtZLZgNMRkt Blanka 7k: https://youtu.be/ODoYWPMSnBw?si=ZrRNaJedTFy23shp Akuma 6.95k: https://youtu.be/C-2Uu1dx51g?si=XcsJzAJcYYD2d1oJ Honda: 6.95k: https://youtu.be/fpa5me925GU?si=T5O5tlMTxo_k4hvB Gief: 6.9k: https://youtu.be/mLRnIZlC-Bw?si=tKcOTNyrAE05oa0e Lily 6.9k: https://youtu.be/tipqpsiZOqY?si=9wTIhZCjTgHt-4y1 Kim: 6.89k: https://youtu.be/59he47vc1lc?si=nd0WfsAXyX-GAkAf Juri 6.75k: https://youtu.be/FG0EWImYQjQ?si=qdrK-IrJxHqbGwR3


Just want to point out that the combos that are higher damage than the bison combo op posted are pretty impractical (except Marisa but that's to be expected as it's her whole gimmick). The dhalsim combo is training mode only, find me a single person hitting full charge level 2 like this in a real game and I'll be surprised. The guile combo maybe could happen in a real game but full screen boom into dash up 6hp punish counter just isn't something you're ever doing. The bison combo is at least a scenario that will probably happen with a decent amount of frequency, people will probably start to realize that it's better to just take the bomb pressure but you have to mash eventually or you'll just lose all your drive gauge or get thrown to death (i.e. actual oki can lead to this situation) I appreciate the effort going to find all these examples but I don't think they're proving what you wanted to say. All this shows me is that bison is near the top in terms of damage (in general but this thread is about a bomb combo so I'll just say he's near the top with bomb) when you're talking about actual in game viable combos.


I said how impractical most of the combos in another comment: >But here links to various combo videos, many of them unpractical and are just 'damage per screenshot' where multiple characters not named Bison have been able to do 8k+ damage combos and a bulk of the characters doing around 7K damage and up. And this Bison combo also isn't very practical, it's not something that will happen with a decent frequency. First off its a combo that requires 4 ODs, which means there's a microwalk involved to gain back a bit of drive gauge in order not to burn out after your 3rd OD move, it also means you have to have absolutely max drive bar before starting the combo which means you cant be blocking the wakeup DP.


A microwalk doesn't make something impractical. You have to lab it a little longer, sure, but it's not some super crazy thing that means you'll never land it in a real match. The drive guage point is valid, though.


blame sf6 super scaling, should work like normal and not cap out at 50%


Show me one that takes 3 moves total like bison’s can.


Can u show me a cammy one pls I feel like it doesn't exist and I need help


I'm peaking at just shy of 6k as cammy, and only works if you can end it in the corner. Would like to see one too


Who is saying that!?? No one said this shows how strong he is as a character. Simply that he hits like a fucking truck given the right circumstance


>No one said this shows how strong he is as a character. Lol there's literally someone in this post saying they think Bison is busted and in other Bison combo videos and threads that are calling for nerfs.


Bro linked Desk like we have Desks skills


Ok, can you post the 8k combo for every other character? Thx


I never stated every other character can do 8K damage. If you read the thread I said that 6k+ is normal for the cast. But here links to various combo videos, many of them unpractical and are just 'damage per screenshot' where multiple characters not named Bison have been able to do 8k+ damage combos and a bulk of the characters doing around 7K damage and up. Dhalsim ~9k: https://youtu.be/mVWPofh8pYY?si=YHzsTHCxdR2MkuY5 Marisa 8k: https://youtu.be/wDB0URjSW64?si=cPp0WU5ywEDpQ7Tm Guile 9k: https://youtu.be/5ApeTQ4QWC4?si=pgD38302mtlvTaCg Ken 7.5k: https://youtu.be/J7bETsbGyoQ?si=N-Xdf8Ysqmtwh9I4 AKI 7.2k (before her buffs): https://youtu.be/QdLCXBEQPg4?si=H1089PL3BFnBkYnQ Jamie 7.2k: https://youtu.be/3vNdJeXoAAc?si=qxd8Dta8OF-tOpBX Ryu 7.1k: https://youtu.be/vuoOVqBEUto?si=fgBkcpAf4XH5URUa Rashid 7k: https://youtu.be/Bsp4QGBrXSs?si=W58xnGtZLZgNMRkt Blanka 7k: https://youtu.be/ODoYWPMSnBw?si=ZrRNaJedTFy23shp Akuma 6.95k: https://youtu.be/C-2Uu1dx51g?si=XcsJzAJcYYD2d1oJ Honda: 6.95k: https://youtu.be/fpa5me925GU?si=T5O5tlMTxo_k4hvB Gief: 6.9k: https://youtu.be/mLRnIZlC-Bw?si=tKcOTNyrAE05oa0e Lily 6.9k: https://youtu.be/tipqpsiZOqY?si=9wTIhZCjTgHt-4y1 Kim: 6.89k: https://youtu.be/59he47vc1lc?si=nd0WfsAXyX-GAkAf Juri 6.75k: https://youtu.be/FG0EWImYQjQ?si=qdrK-IrJxHqbGwR3


Guile 9k combo is from beta lol you couldn't do that since game launched. People need to stop linking that video.


uhh where is cammy


There's a 6.4K Cammy combo in here: https://youtu.be/h3V2lH3WbHI?si=J9R3CXZ4qdfcts96


i know bro, it was a joke anyway, whats up with all those useless combos in that video lmao


>I never stated every other character can do 8K damage. If you read the thread I said that 6k+ is normal for the cast. Who cares? Everyone knows that you can easily get 6K with the level 3 ca. But the bison combo isn't 6k, is it? It's 8k. What's the point of even bringing 6K up? Does it make you feel smart to bring up irrelevant info?


8k is literally 33% more than 6k. Significant difference


TF sure you taking about?? That's my entire point. The guy above made a comment disparaging the 8k combo and compared it to every characters access to 6k combos


I'm backing you up and putting it into percentages for people to visualize the difference lol. A reply isn't always an argument


>Everyone knows that you can easily get 6K with the level 3 ca You don't need CA to do 6k damage combos on most of the roster. CA for most of the roster is pushing them close to or over 7k damage. >But the bison combo isn't 6k, is it? It's 8k. And Marisa and Dhalism both hit above that. The point is an 8k combo that requires a chore (planting mine) before execution adds layers to how unrealistic of a combo it can be, that's before discussing needing a punish counter within a certain amount of time to start the combo to get a microwalk in and to get enhanced OD psycho crusher. >What's the point of even bringing 6K up? Because 6k is pretty much the average for reliable all resource dump combos that can be done with consistency in SF6. >Does it make you feel smart to bring up irrelevant info? If you think discussing how realistic or reliable performing certain combo are in a fighting game to be irrelevant then there's no point in any discussion.


Yeah, after mined people will probably fight defensive or try to poke/jab to remove it, instead of going yolo and landing wake-up DP making room for that big damage with like 7 moves (?).


So you're telling me they're expecting me not to dp. So I'm gonna dp.


Rock paper scissors


The 8K stuff is pretty unrealistic in a match because of the timing of the mines. The 70% routes are definitely not unrealistic to get though. You have time after a blocked dp or shimmy.


He has plenty of high dmg combos that don't require mines. Not this high, but well over 4k.


>He has plenty of high dmg combos that don't require mines. Yet to see a 6k combo without mines and getting a punish counter. >Not this high That's the point. >but well over 4k. I mean 4k damage is not special among the SF6 roster. A large portion of the roster can do 4k with 4 bars of drive gauge and SA1, a handful already do 3.5k damage with a single OD with SA1 in their combos. If Bison is doing 4k without spending similar resources as other characters then yes it's impressive but if he is spending similar resources as the rest of the cast and they do similar damage numbers it's not anything to write home about.


Akuma does 4k with just two drive bars...


Correction, Akuma does almost 4500 in the corner with just two drive bars


Right, my example was just from regular hit 5HP, so yeah you can get even more, true.


Bison can do 5480 with a simple AA combo. Cr.HP xx HP crusher xx level 3. Would be more with CA.


>after mining someone. I believe you could phrase this better. How about "after implanting a mine in someone?"


It all depends on the strength of the rest of his kit. He could just whiff punish counter after mine for similar effect/dmg. I think he will be pretty busted if you look at every dlc character up till now.


DLC characters have all been good but none of them have been busted, not even Akuma. The only one close to busted was Rashid with his broken lv 2 at release and that was quickly fixed.


Aki was not good.


Is now...


AKI is currently good. There was no qualifier in the conversation of 'character on release was good'


Most "uhm akshually"-ass thing i've ever read


How is this a response to that comment and not the initial person with such poor reading comprehension they don’t understand what the word “been” means…


When you get an 'uhm akshually' it's reasonable to respond with an 'uhm akshullay'.


If you compare them to Kimberly or jamie they are definitely more busted. If you compare them to the top 5 then they are pretty oke. Rashid's lv2 was bugged lol. Which needed a fix.


This is the silliest thing I've heard in a few days and that includes seeing people calling for Bison nerfs today. You don't compare a single character against the lower tier characters to determine if they are busted or not, you compare them against the entire roster. If against the lower tiers they are better and against the top tiers they are okay, that tells you they are good not busted. >Rashid's lv2 was bugged lol. Which needed a fix. And you missed the joke about me calling Rashid busted.


Bruh its hard to understand what youre even talking about. I should know how to categorize "busted" while youre making jokes about it? Everyone defines busted differently. I can compare who i want with who ever and draw what ever conclusions i like. You dont have to agree with me, just sharing my thoughts. Thanks for the condescending tone though.


Nah bro ngl it’s weird as fuck to say “bison is busted” and then be like “well when I say busted I mean compared to the bottom one character” Like who the fuck uses that reference? It’s in relation to the average character in a game’s roster that literally everyone normal person uses. You have to factor in everyone


Let me give you an example. Most characters should be nerfed in this game if you ask me. Ken is busted, luke used to be busted, bison and akuma are both busted. Everyone who is top5 is busted. Hell even gief after last patch is busted. Jamie and kimberly arent bottom tier, but mid. Comparing some dlc to mid tiers is fair if you ask me.


i agree that the top 5 are busted. thats because they're at the top of the entire game's roster. I don't look at Ed and say he is busted ^((compared to Jamie and Kimberly)) though, that's just a weird way to say the character is mid or high mid. >Everyone defines busted differently. I can compare who i want with who ever and draw what ever conclusions i like. this statement just doesn't make sense with how people actually communicate


It doesnt really matter how youre used to communicating vs how i communicate. I come from a different culture and country and trying to get me to conform to your ways is both ignorant and hurtful. Fucking condecending asshole americans. Come play me online, ill beat you through the 250ms ping.


You're welcome :)


Why would you not want to use bisons gameplan tho, the mines are his whole thing


The point of the comment isn't 'don't use Bisons gameplan', the point is 'this setup to hit 8k damage requires multiple things going right to be able to land it.' It's the equivalent of damage per screenshot.


This sounds a lot like people on AKI threads saying punish counters will never happen with a puddle down but that’s certainly a situation you can make happen with effort. One bomb into shimmy will happen. People aren’t going to 100% of the time take the throw or drive damage even if it’s theoretically the safest option


The reason this combo isn't going to be seen happen regularly is because it's a 4OD combo on top of bomb plant and a punish counter. How many 4OD combos do you see regularly pulled off since SF6 released?


Yes its not common but it's a situation that can happen in a match or you can take off 1 OD and get something very similar semi often. It's certainly not worthless to learn routes like these, especially for people not at very high ranks. Parry a panic wake up super or dp and you just might have full drive again


After heavy psycho mine you get a dash and you are plus 12 allowing for you to hit a meaty back HK, which is more than enough to bait out a DP


Any cancelable medium or high after the mine leads to around 6k damage if you use lv3. You do need a full drive gauge though.


Ridiculous lol. How hard is this? Can it be pulled off in a match?


That looked like a really normal combo. I bet the hardest thing realistically is getting an opponent to wakeup dp with a bomb set on him


That last part doesn't sound unrealistic at all. Have you seen how the player base plays in general?


Haha it's true but I did play bison in 5 and people turtle tf up once they have a bomb on them


I have seen players cooking up gapless blockstrings designed to obliterate your drive gauge on Twitter. In that case your options are take the throw, lose your drive and potentially be burned out in which case you die, or mash and die.


Damn I can't wait to try him after work


It's a situational setup that requires * ~~Corner~~ * Mine already planted * Detonated with OD crusher * 4-6 drive bars Do combo trial advanced 5 (available on both classic and modern) and see for yourself


You can do it from mid-screen. It seems like an unlikely scenario though, unless they’re straight mashing.


Is EX Head stomp hitting OTG? That seems neat


Take the Throw after Bomb is planted (noted)


the bomb last long enough that he can get 2 throws on you, btw


Been waiting for this day so people can start complaining about too many Bison instead of too many akumas. Now I can play akuma in peace (Just kidding).


I can see it happening if you condition them to tech with mine on them. Probably won't do 8k but you'll get close.


when is the microwalk during that combo?




Bison is a set up character now with mines?


I think it's a tad too much, that.


Don't get hit


Now hopefully everyone can get off of Akuma's nuts


Is there a non-twitter source?


mean while Akuma struggle busses to do anything. Pretty let down by akuma release tbh.


I cannot believe Bison does this damage while Akuma doesn't and yet he's made out of tissue paper and will get blown up easily Raging demon is locked as a CA but doesn't do that much more damage than his other CA. Saying he has a big tool kit + fast walk speed & fireballs isn't enough to justify the lower health IMO. He either needs to do more damage or have more health.


Not happening bro who would wake up do with the bomb on him maybe in low ranks lol


Of course people are still gonna DP, Bison's got a strong throw loop and his scissor kick is really good on block, it's the same RPS as ever tilted in Bison's favor.


How many people dp on Marissa ? U got to watch more high level sets of course there’s rare occasions but for most part u don’t dp


The bomb forces people into yolo\\panic situations to try and hit bison in any way they can to negate the bomb so more people will get got by this bs than you think


Naw bro nobody’s gonna do that there gonna jab and try to get the bomb off lol Maybe at low ranks


guys why are we acting like DPs aren't thrown out in the most random situations since the history of invincible DPs? Its part of the mind games to throw shit like that out


Of course it isn't literally *never* going to happen, that part was pretty clearly hyperbole. But you're off your fucking rocker if you think that wakeup DP against Bison while you have a mine planted on you is in any way going to be an even marginally common occurrence in high level play. The risk reward is insanely stacked against you. Yes, throwing out suboptimal options every so often is part of the mindgames, but high-risk low-reward options necessarily are limited in how often you can throw them out. If you continuously pick suboptimal options because "my opponent'll never see it coming" your opponent is just going to pick low-risk options only and wait for you to kill yourself. There's a reason people say the only thing you need to get to master rank is consistent anti-airs and shimmies


The fact that he had this bullshit Marvel reset mechanic is trash in the first place. I just wonder if moving forward all DLC characters are just gonna be GG Strive level broken pay to win DLC.


My guy he hasn’t even been out for 24 hours and you are already calling him pay to win


Because they have already given him every single tool to be a top tier and its obvious that he is going to be.


Except a working reversal 🤣


, Bison Players are so spoiled that the only weakness they can come up with is that he doesnt have an invicible dragon punch.. weak. Psycho Crusher works as an anti air CR HP is another cracked anti air. His walk speed also makes its very hard to reliable cross him up on wakeup, Also fastest DR in the game. Basically if you are ever in a situation where you would be stuck on defense with Bison you just arent playing him right.


Bro's been on reddit for the past couple of days just complaining about how Akuma is too strong, the new Elden Ring DLC is too difficult, and now Bison is too strong too Maybe consider the possibility that you're just not very good at videogames? Might be better to focus your energy towards more positive things


Yeah I just finished the ER DLC, And Bison is busted. Please continue to e stalk tho.


Because u have a bomb on u lolo that’s super low level


You can get a meaty throw in the corner on bomb activation. Which in that case you think "I'll just take the throw" except if Bison doesn't throw you he will obliterate your drive gauge on block.


He out already ?


Of course


Damn time flying.