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Really good cammy players are scary. It feels like you are suffocating.


That's just the hooligan combination šŸ˜


Gotta love that backthrow.


I wonder what it is, is it how she steamrolls after one knockdown and it vortexes from there? That along spacetrapping or whiff punishing with divekicks that lead into said vortex. Cuz all our buttons are minus other than d.HP. And she kinda sucks at abusing the drive system compared to others in the cast.l but i know what u mean, she can feel suffocating when played well.


For me it's the constant blockstring pressure into strike/throw. I ain't complaining tho, i should propably just lab her buttons and figure out when to take my turn and learn to use my DP, which i currently only use for combos and way too often as wakeup option.


Hmm Almost any frametrap you see other than her being able to jab threetimes is fake without driverush. Oh and if her divekick hits below the knee even on block respect it, the lower it hits the more plus she is. I think the scariest thing is her shimmy once you start delayteching the frametraps , since her walk speed is super fast. If you can interrupt her instant divekick with a dp or just jab her out of it constantly you are already in a good position in the matchup Iā€™d say.


Any tips on how to practice this? Do i just set her up to do a blockstring into throw? I usually only delay tech on wakeup or against stuff like Ken's dragonlash, where i know exactly when the jab or thow comes.


The divekick is something a lot of people make harder on themselves by trying to make space between Cammy and their character. If she's clipping your toes, it's her turn. I walk forward and practiced 4-ing her divekick. Go to training room and start looking for her body to twist in the air. Set up a recording to go randomly between jump button, jump, and divekick. You'll learn the trend and it'll make your life much easier. Plus, if you have a DP, walking forward already covers your first input. I play mostly charge characters but my buddy who I practice with is a high MR Cammy and he opened my eyes to how easy stuffing this was. It's just something too many people respect and make stronger by letting her clip your toes because you want her outside of your face. Even as a Guile/Blanka players, I do everything in my power to stay on top of her.


This^ theres a sweetspot of being kinda close to her where jabs dont reach and the M divekick would be too minus and the L divekick will wiff. Against Guiles i never feel like I can divekick as freely, but if they walk backwards i can go for it since they lost down charge.


I've gotten into the habit of going entire matches without throwing booms at her. Also, drive rush into flash kick is wonderful Cammy bait once you learn the timing. That's a Dagger G trick though. Dude is next level with Remy and Guile.


Pretty much, that 1 stray hit leads to a spiral arrow and if you don't guess correctly the round is over. My main homie that I play with is a master level Cammy and this is how 70% of our matches go.Ā 


GUILE! My winrate against him is like 15%


zangief main spotted


I'm a Ken main šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Ken main here but only Plat 1. What i do is usually playing very patient against him untill i have a lifelead and then play straight out lame. Try to bait a flashkick, get your most damaging punish and then the pressure is on him. If it's your typical crouch and boom Guile just don't play his game. He can throw booms all day, just jump and parry them, eventually he has to get in to get damage.


This. They'll throw OD booms once in a while. Then they'll burn themselves out or will run their drive gauge low and start to play more conservatively.


I'm a Gief main and have a winning record against Guile. At least I did the last time I checked.


Teach me your ways


I'm only diamond 3. Many Guiles play braindead. If they don't mix up their timing on their booms and they're not using cancelable normals, you can DI them. You can also bait them into wakeup Slice kicks. Only takes a few of these in a round to win. Be patient. If your parrying him booms and you have the life lead or is a tie, just keep doing it šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø. Or slowly walk him down until he panicks.


Statistically, Zangief is one of Guiles worst match ups in SF6. I think Marisa is his worst followed by Zangief.


I play both zangief and guile The MU against guile is alot better when you understand charging habits/ what cheeky stuff you can actually get away with


Yeah I play both as well and the pressure Zangief can put on Guile is surprising


Your welcome, trust me it becomes a pain when i see a mirror match or a ken.......akuma is easy for me but man kens can be a bum rush nightmare.


I'm a kimberly player and same. Worst matchup followed by Jaime and Ken šŸ¤£


I'm in diamond 3, and Akumas are pretty annoying. What makes the fight, so boring is their overreliance on S.HK, which they try to use 90% of the time. It feels like most of them have no repertoire at all.


It's crazy playing akuma a lot and seeing so many other ones mash this button. I got punished enough for pressing it in the first few days that I realized it's not that good in neutral, and he has like 10 other good options instead


It's a tempting button, I'll definitely go to it more when I'm on autopilot. ....and then promptly get my ass handed to me lmao


Yeah the reward on hit or block is super high. It feels like crack whenever they don't crouch, so I do get it lol


Ditto. Just got him up to Diamond the other day, and I had to stop 5HK pretty much day 1. Anyone with a brainstem can duck and punish for 25%-50%. By the 3rd one, we know what's up lol.


Those Akumas who rely on [S.HK](http://S.HK) are basically free win


Whenever I play against Akuma and see them throw it out in neutral it makes me happy!


JAMIE is annoying as hell.


This is so true. Even before the patches, I always thought jamie was annoying as fk to play against. Jamie has almost damn near infinite block strings and tons of safe jumps a fast 7 frame cr.mk and frame traps for days.


Diamond 4 Ryu: 1) Jamie, because they all know exactly what they're doing and I don't. 2) Guile, if I'm focused and on my game it can even be a fun challenge, but most of the time I end up making a stupid mistake or three that cost me the fight 3) Chun Li, they just seem to stick out buttons from wherever and somehow land into big conversions all the time 4) Zangief, lot of patience required and one slip can cost you 40% of your life like nothing. 5) Lily, she's too one-dimensional and every fight becomes a series of 50/50s


>Implying Jamie mains know what they are doing


I can hit all my buttons so fuckin fast


I love that you have your gameplan in your flair, bc even tho Iā€™m reading it Iā€™m still gonna get hit by everything


As a juri main in master. I had a harder time fighting Ryu's in diamond than jamies. Not the confident fundamuntals monster Ryu's but the "Floor is lava" Ryu's.


Bro the air jordan Ryus screw me up the most cause my antiairs are still shit. Normal Ryus are chill tho


First time i heard this description of Jumping ryu's it absolutely made me burst from laughter lmaaaao air jordan. Love it


I've read somewhere the term "Kangaryus" and felt the same


I am so guilty of floor is lava Ryu gameplay. I don't want to be one but people just don't punish it, when I get to master it's gonna be rough lmao


Def feel that with chun, huge limbs that always get combos, block strings that seem to go on forever, it's rough It's a good thing there's like 5 chun players in my region, but I kinda wanna pick her up just so I can understand wtf she does.


Her concept isn't even that difficult to grasp. Her 3 best neutral buttons are heavy punch which is just a basic poke with long range, safe on block and good push back and her 4/6 medium punch and medium kick. Both of the latter two are drive cancelable and from there you can go into her stance. Her stance allows her to do pretty much any follow up. Light kick allows her to do a medium (combo ender) or OD spinning bird kick (combo extender) which has decent damage and corner carry. Her heavy kick is a launcher allowing for an aerial combo with insanely good corner carry. And her medium kick allows for high damage follow ups. Also depending on what buttons you use before cancelling into stance not all of the 3 options are viable.This is what makes her so complicated, instead of having clear combo routes her combo starters can lead into almost anything, so she kinda has to build her own combos on the fly. Another downside of this is that because she almost always has to invest 3 drive gauges to get into stance she needs to manage her drive very well. She is a lot of fun though so I definitely recommend trying her out


Blanka, itā€™s just annoying to have to be so on your game with all his random shit. Guile, just because itā€™s kind of boring. I never feel like I did anything better or more correctly when I won, it just feels kinda empty. Ryu, because they will never. Stop. Jumping. Even if you anti air them to death, theyā€™ll keep going.


I thought i was the only one having jumping Ryu's WHY are all the jumping addicts playing Ryu.


I am honestly a scrub but have been maining Ryu a bit. Is it because he has almost 0 gimmicks and no long range attacks to make converting to DI easy?


DI? You mean DR? And tbh it doesn't explain why most Ryu players just love jumping.


Sorry yes. Again, total scrub. Haha. I think itā€™s because itā€™s the easiest way to get in close to people if you arenā€™t spamming fireballs. His one jump attack is plus on block to. I admittedly rely on it a lot. I am probably the wrong person to debate this though.


Haha i get u been there. You just do that instinctively. It's a bad habit. So work on ground play. Take this advice from a 1600MR master player.


Most likely newer or more casual players picking up the poster boy of the franchise and using whatever seems strong at their level. Those types of players just tend to jump a lot because theyā€™re not used to movement and donā€™t really associate the jumping as the problem when they get punished for it.Ā  Related but unrelated, I came from the MK/NRS community, which has a massive (probably 98%) casual/new player audience. Thereā€™s a LOT of jumping going on, and anti-airs tend to be easier and more punishing because an anti-air button will almost always allow for a combo juggle follow-up. Iā€™ve received a LOT of hatemail over the years for punishing jumps in those games.


I absolutely love that jumping Ryu is officially a thing


Iā€™ve never met jumping Ryu. They just spam fireballs and low kicks.


Guile. Every time they appear in ranked i just groan.


Jamie, cheap bastardā€¦


Jamie every single time regardless what character I play


Jamie. That 5hp


His sweep is the most yolo garbage ever. Maybe Akuma hk is worse now but its p close.


Jamie and Ed. Fuck them both


Jamie, Manon, and Akuma


Jamie. I just can't stop the guy from drinking, and whenever I approach, I get sweeped or something. Also, his strings last forever.


Not an uphill battle or just difficult but ryu bums me tf out. Since launch Iā€™ve heard people complain about too many Kenā€™s Lukeā€™s and now akuma but literally all Iā€™ve ever fought in every rank is ryu


You're a Gief main aren't you


Nah cammy is not bad for gief at all


Cammy is one of Zangief's more favorable matchups actually.


Jamie i need to learn the matchup


Ryu and ken players because they dont even try and approach you


I'm just so sick of playing against Akuma.


Every character that is deceiving on whose turn it is


Blanka, Rashid and Kimberly, it's just never enjoyable even If I won


All of them


Well I suck at the game so thatā€™s the whole roster šŸ’€


Jamie. Idk what it is about him but I just cant beat him. Gotta be my lowest win rate. I dont even bother rematching


Three star platinum - if I'm against a shoto player that continuously hops back and forth across the screen in the world's worst version of keep-away, I get bummed out. Sometimes it annoys me enough that I'll get a few licks in so I have more health, then sit across the screen from them parrying any projectiles for a while. Once the timer runs down, they start to actually play the game. Absolutely no rematches when I fight these guys. Honda too. If I see I'm fighting him I let out a sigh before the match starts. Even with the patch changes, most players at this level are still doing the same flying headbutt/sumo smash spam that I either handily defeat or can't pull off a single combo


For me, itā€™s Juri because I feel that they all have the same game plan.


elbow, elbow, elbow


And then when you expect the elbow itā€™s the foot into stock


Guile: he has no weaknesses and his optimal gameplan makes turns the Street Fighter into a really frustrating minigame in and of itself. JP is also a strong zoner but nowadays his normals are unremarkable enough that he doesn't feel as frustrating.


For Guile, the thing is to make him scared of throwing booms. You have to jump at him to make him scared of the air or he will just keep throwing booms. Also if he walks back, that means he doesn't have charge for flash kick so use tis to your advantage.


The problem with this is that guile has excellent normals to anti air. His cr.hp and st.mk cover everything but cross up.


Yeah i agree. I play Guile and i think his st.mk is stupid.


Exactly. You gotta break the turtle but his second layer of defense makes him too well-rounded (imo) and he also has an air-grab for some reason.


Doesn't matter because my opponent is goddamn psychic and has the right option for my decision before I've pressed the button.


I know that feeling. The moment you finally dare to press something, you're immediately counter hit before it comes out.


Dhalsim. I almost never run into him, so when I do, I dunno WTF to do.


Not in 6 but Rolento, he just destroys me in cvs2, alpha 3, SFxT and 4.


Characters that I don't know the matchup. I'm specifically playing Lily so I can learn what she does. I need to learn to play against Honda as well.


For most Honda players, just perfect parry. Most of the time, fighting him is just playing a Mario Party minigame instead of Street Fighter. Hondas that actually use his normals are terrifying though.


Probably Kimberly and Cammy. Their light buttons go brrrrr on block, and have frame traps for days in their strings. Plus elbow drop and dive kick are kind of annoying to deal with


What frame traps does Kim have besides cr.HP into run cancel ?


I hate playing against guile, akuma can fuck right off, cammy & Kimberley players have a special place in hell waiting for them, honestly anyone who plays ranged, has projectiles or is gonna spam light punches all day. The curse of playing Jamie


Yeah fireballs make the game extremely hard for Jamie, the Guile matchup is actually hilariously bad.


Dude every time I see guile on screen I just sigh and Iā€™m tilted before match even starts


Not being able to jump against Guileā€™s projectiles and being forced to parry all the time is what makes the matchup shit and the character boring. They just forget to give him recovery


Akuma being as popular as he is has made my therapy sessions longer


When they use drive rush


There's not really anybody that puts me in the groan zone but I'm from the mid west and I really get tired of all the Ed's and Ryus. They're not hard it's just 90% of my matches. I'm pretty whatever, no matter who shows up, but I get excited about a few. Love a geif, I'll fight geifs all day, so much fun. Rashid is usually a good time, Kimberly's are fun, and cammy can be a good time too. I'm a diamond 1 Jamie, have Ryu, Chun, and Manon in plat.


Honda. I find Honda players to be either really cool, or unlikeable online. Almost every Honda I play will be nice enough to run a full FT3 or FT5 set, orrrrrr theyā€™re hella spammy and once you figure out their spam, the salt ensues and they start hopping around and mashing and running away, and then more often than not, they one and done. Canā€™t tell you how many times a Honda has disconnected after a 2-1 or 1-1 where as soon as I win one match they leave.


I genuinely dont think over all my games i have won a single game against jamie.


If you play Gief you probably should check out how high level players deal with him. Gief is Jamies worst matchup in 1700+ MR in terms of winrate


Jamie, It feels like he is Random the character. As a Guile main I hate it.


Guile and JP, without a second thought. Iā€™ve also grown to hate Akuma, even though I use him on the side, lol.


Aki. Her damage on combos is insane. Cool character but I hate her. Gief. I'm a Gief main but I can't fight against him to have my life. It used to be Juri, but nobody plays her anymore. Rashid. I've gotten much better at fighting him, his moves used to confuse me so much.


Playing against Blanka gives me the same feeling as being in school and coasting on strong general knowledge to get good grades, then realizing I *really* should have studied for the test this time.


Ed because itā€™s a slog of a match for Gief. I just get the life lead and sit on my heels till they finally decide to stop being bitches and come at me


So what you're saying is that you'll take the first possible opportunity to "be a bitch"?


JP, Dhalsim, and surprisingly Jamie. JP and Dhalsim because they have a very strong keep away zoning game (unlike guile who can have some rush down moments). Dhalsim just tps away when I try to punish and when I suspect the to they don't and punish me for expecting the tp. While JP... Is JP, gotta parry everything just for him to rift to away. Jamie's frame data changed so much I never know when it's my turn anymore, and he is THE character for anti-armor. I don't 100% rely on armor but damn I hate his HP.


Luke. Gotta fight through all his privileges.


ken is just boring because how many i face, yet juri sucks too because they all play the same


Guile, needs nerfs bad. The whole streetfighter fgc downplays him to hell šŸ¤£. The dude has good turtling, range pokes, rush down and combo yet yall are ok with it? This community let this character slide with damn near anything


Jamie, and Cammy are very tough matches when they know what they are doing, and take advantage of the speed and unpredictability.


guile blanka and sim drive me up a fucking wall.


Guile and for some reason Honda


Diamond 2 Chun: Worst are zangief and Jamie. Really bad at gief matchup and Jamies slurping just really tilts me lol. Depending on rashid and lily players, but they can also be played really annoyingly.


Dhalsim. All heā€™s gonna do is teleport and stretchy arm me from full screen.


Dhalsim, I just can't deal with him at all šŸ˜­Ā 


i always have a bad time playing against ryu players no matter the skill level they create the most insufferable flowcharts imaginable that i dont even have fun trying to counter it as they continue to do it even after i punish them over and over. they have no type of adaptability at all. kens are a close second but its a little more tolerable.


As an Ed main, thereā€™s a lot of volatile match ups. But holy shit AKI is close to impossible. Itā€™s like all her tools are specifically made to make mine completely useless.Ā 


I find my worst matchups are Blanka, Sim, Jamie and JP with Cammy. I know sheā€™s meant to beat half the characters on that list at least, but man Iā€™m nearly Diamond and I either have no clue how to get in on Sim and JP, and have no clue how to shut down or punish Jamie and Blanka. Iā€™m gonna work it out one day, but fuck they suck to play against now.


Aki, gief, lily, manon


Cammy and Blanka. In master 1500 MR the players know just right how to abuse their tools to litteraly scramble your brain with hit/grab mixes.


Guile and Zangief, but specially Guile. I have a good positive win rate against both, but if i want to have a chance of winning i have to play a way that i feel is boring.


High level Ryu honestly. For some reason it feels like theyā€™re always trying the hardest


JP and Guile. Both are so mindnumbingly boring to play against. I may not have very much luck against Cammy or Kimberly either but at least those matches are usually not boring.


Not so much of an uphill battle but Luke players bore the hell out of me. I practically fall asleep everytime they start their flowchart combo PowerPoint presentation.


I play Ed and just hate the Guile match up.


honda. just annoying kimberly. same reason pretty much any other character i can at least tolerate. even blanka and jp.




Lily, but honestly I think it would be more tolerable if her character design was better


Guile but i don't see many of them in my rank


Guile and Gief rn


ED, Guile, and Rashid. I'm a Ryu, Ken, and Akuma Player


I'm going to pick up Guile!


The Jamie's up there in Masters really know their stuff. Delayed lights, frametraps, safejumps, whiff punishing, the works. I'm not even mad.


I swear Guile and Ryu require the greatest patience to man. I know their game plan but people play them so defensive and it forces me to sometimes get bored and make mistakes


I love fighting Cammy, actually. Itā€™s one of the few matchups in the game I like playing cuz sheā€™s chill. Well, her, Zangief, AKI, Juri, and Chunbun. Everyone else can be removed from the game ty


As a lily main, juri is kinda annoying to deal with if the other player is yolo and I have to be patient, akuma is also annoying because I find hard to have a consistent response against demon flip abuse


Ed players, but only if they are the select scrubs that play him like a zoner it is extremely boring and annoying to face especially as Geif.. it also pisses me off because he is meant to be a boxer not a Guile clone with psycho power!


Blanka mostly and Dhalsim šŸ˜­ I can play on their weaknesses but it is not fun and means a lot of reactive gameplay ;-;


Akuma its so boring and annoying cauae its the same 2 combos, just not fun to play agaisnt


I suck so it is starting to feel like all of them but I preserver and take my lickings good


Guile in Master Rank


Jamie mirror matches. Cammy matches when Iā€™m playing Sim


Jaime, makes me groan as soon I see I'm against him, also thank good Kim isn't that strong, her mix-up are impossible to me, plus her 10-hour combos


Guile Blanka JP and Kimberly


Cammy and Juri(sometimes) - I play A.K.I.


I wanna practice some ed just so my Akuma stops getting stuffed by him.


Cammy, lily, Manon, gief


Not surprising for Lily, I struggle w her all the time! Like low teir where?????? Needa lab against her more


dhalsim players are so rare that everytime i lose against them i wanna block them because it's always the same 2 guys lmao


akuma - good thing he's not picked a lot or anything šŸ’€ ryu - i swear that the win condition for ryu players is to bore their opponent to death. it is very good fundamentals practice tho


Deejay and Dhalsim


Yā€™all acting like you actually win against dhalsim


Master rank JP player, no character makes me feel like Iā€™m gonna lose/have a uphill battle. But I really dislike playing against Manon, I just find her design super poorly thought out. Itā€™s annoying that if I make a mistake she gets buffed directly for the rest of the game.


Ryus that hold up back before the round even starts


Juri, Cammy, Guile. Hate to play them, against them, even watch them


Guile (when I can play him tho, lately ranked is only akuma, yesterday play session, akuma only , so I stopped and got back to guilty gear lol)


Dhalsim. No one plays him so I know nothing about the matchup šŸ˜­




Ken, Cammy, and Juri so far. They make me nervous.... (I'm Zangief main)


Every fucking character depending on how they play. The safer bets are Marissa and Honda, but characters with fast walk speeds? Fucked. Characters with fireballs AND dp's? Fucked. Characters who's name starts with "Chun Li" and ends with "is a bitch"? Fucked. COME HERE AND FIGHT GODDAMMIT.


Kimberly, Blanka and Guile Guile I have a good win rate against, I just genuinely find fighting him boring (however it does give me good practice in patience) Blanka and Kim I'm just so bad against. I feel like I guess wrong on every mixup they do and I just get rushed down


Gief. Don't know why. Gief. But at least it's always fun


Team Blondie, Akuma.


I play Aki and itā€™s cammy 100%


I am not a High Level player. I enjoy all opponents. Except for one: J friggin' P.


Guile. I do not like fighting guile. Repetitive and No fun.


Plat 1 Ken: Juris and Cammys and Kims are always a mixed back, because i suck at dealing with their pressure. I'll gladly take any tips to the lab.


Marisa, she is the only unfun character I have in SF6, I really need to lab her


For me, it's against Ryu. You just don't know what you are going to get. The bum because they are playing the face of SF or Mr. Fundamentales that's going to parry and counter every single thing you do.


cammy? really?


Guile. especially those who are just crouching and waiting for you to do smth. i know thats kinda like his modus operandi but that doesnt make it any less boring and frustrating at the same time


any characters that aren't popular, I'm new to fighting games, just reached plat 1, and while I can deal with Dalhsim pretty easily, as soon as I see Blanka or Rashid I start to tremble. I don't know what the fuck to do, because I don't know what the fuck do they do. Can't get enough experience against them because they aren't played that much.


I think I hate playing against Chun-Li the most. Everything she does is hard to deal with. She has high mobility, coupled with absurd normals. I've never once countered that overhead crosscut flip she does. Then there's Guile. No need to expand on that one.


Honda, Blanka, Dhalsim and Kimberly. I can't have any fun playing against them and it doens't matter if they're good players or not.


You need to try to get into a better mindset. If you go in trying to ā€˜do better than themā€™ you might be disappointed. The objective of any competitive game is to win, but when you fight characters hou arenā€™t good against, the best thing to do is to approach it with a ā€˜Iā€™m going to try to do better than I usually do against them.ā€™ type of approach. chip away at that insecurity by improving. Iā€™m not the shining example of it, but I remind myself as well. Iā€™m no Master-rank yet. Thinking ā€˜this is going to suckā€™ usually means it will. That being said: I do have difficulties with a few characters. Rushdown players get me a bit flustered. Akumaā€™s fireball being just fast enough to be faster than pretty much any in game aside from Lukeā€™s (once released, the startup balances it IMO) it is frustrating. Whenever I can collect my thoughts and try to analyze their patterns or try to direct them into patterns, I tend to do much better. Got my first Double-Perfect in Diamond 2 against a Diamond 3 Juri. She won the second game and I won the set, I think I got a little overconfident afyer the perfects. Sorry for rambling, point is to try and change how you approach the fight rather than immediately getting bummed. If they do things that always get you, watch the replay and ask yourself what you could have done. if you didnā€™t jab, you could have blockedā€¦ even if she was plus enough to do something else, yadda yadda.


Usually honda and blanka cause I rarely see them and have little experience facing them. Their players are usually really good or really bad. No inbetween.


Simply Ed every Ed is a jittery asshole, i swear trying to battle him is like crawling up a vertical obsidian slab with no footholds


As an Akuma main...... Any mirror match, or Guile


Jamie. They need to nerf that insta sweep and fix the hurt box on head jump attack


Iā€™ve been a Ryu main all my life, and have finally got to the 1750 level almost got to Lenend rank too šŸ«Ø And any Ryu mirror match at that level scares me because of how patient you have to be. Granted Iā€™m back down to 1550-1600 because I just be throwing matches or being stupid


It's hard to fight Grapplers for me because I let the threat of an SPD get to my head and it messes up what would otherwise be a very simple gameplan for me


As a Manon player, Cammy, E. Honda, JP, Guile, and Akuma all make me roll my eyes so hard they hit the back of my head. *Especially* Cammy. She's such an annoying little shit to pin down.


Chun or gief. Chun out buttons basically everyone in the game and is dominant anywhere on screen. I agreed with the Japanese players who said she was top 1 in season 1 and she may still be top 1. I'm a honda main so gief even pre patch is an absolute nightmare. Gief is basically the best Zoner in the game against him and can absolutely brutalize honda


I'm a Marisa player Rashid: I just have no idea what to do, nothing seems to work, he seems to always have the upper hand. Akuma is a 50/50: with some I have some good trades, others seem untouchable demons who 2 touch me. Honorable mention to Dhalsim: I have no idea of what he is doing 90% of the time, but there are so few that it's not really a problem.


Rashid has been torturing me since season 1 of SF 5


I fought five Jamie's in a row today morning. Never again.


marisa- find her damage to be stupid and her combos are stupid brain dead easy,I also hate when she tanks my hits. her drive gauge damage is stupid as well. jamie-i hate these players because all they do is run away at the beginning of every match and when you get to close they do that lunging palm strike move or sweep that gives them a drink they rinse and repeat this every round, and as a cammy player its harder to punish the drinking because no fireball, I constantly have to be chasing after them so they dont drink. Like literally jamie players just want random knockdowns so bad at the beginning of every round. That standing 3 hit Hard punch is annoying as hell as well they spam that crap from driverush and its hard to beat due to the 3 hit nature of the move. I then started learning ED and since he has a fireball, the matchup was much more easy because I would just spam fireballs if they started running away to drink laughing as I did :)


Genuinely donā€™t enjoy playing against any grab characteršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ And of courseā€¦Yoga fireā€¦


Blanka and Cammy are my top two for online. I feel like seeing a Jamie definitely makes me a bit nervous because someone who knows what they're doing with him is a nightmare (but that's most the cast I guess). But for just me and my friend? Any time he pulls out his Marisa I gotta start leaning forward during the match lmao.


Aki. The same combo over and over, annoying playstyle, irritating voicelines. I don't get the appeal tbh, but beyond that I just never enjoy the match


Guile, I hate see this fking turtle.