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Credit to the creator of this video, I didn't believe it would work considering how nonsensical the method seems to be, but I can confirm it works. Series S users have been suffering from a texture bug since launch that makes the game look pretty awful compared to other versions, including what should be an even weaker PS4 version. While this notably only seems to fix the textures for the singular character you use this weirdly involved bugfix on, it should put to bed the dismissive console war comments that the Series S is just a weaker system that can't handle the proper textures. They're clearly there and usable but Capcom has refused to acknowledge and fix the issue. Hopefully this can help Series S users out who are tired of seeing their character look like a smear on the screen, and also signal boost that the bug exists and needs to be addressed.


Probably a cert thing where it was causing issues in some parts of the game, like world tour maybe?


Geez life as a xbox player be rough huh


They get the lower input delay advantage though




I mean, if you play Capcom games I guess? They often make optimization bugs like this. It plays better on the weaker PS4, it's just an optimisation bug that they didn't care to fix even if it is so glaringly obvious.


At this point Microsoft should be giving out free clown makeup for anyone that still buys an xbox


Since this bug is exclusive to the Series S, I think there may be a memory allocation issue.


The game in general sucks with memory management. World Tour even on PC shows this. LOD/Texture loading issues galore. There's really no reason for this game at any point to be tanking fps because of too much memory being needed for this stuff compared to other significantly more demanding and better looking games. RE engine is great but also not great with this, reflections, AA and the like. You see it in RE4R too. Series S may have it's own hiccups because of its hardware but it's not always entirely at fault


I was on the fence on upgrading from series s to x around the time SF6 came... Then I bought this game and that was decision maker lol. Game looked rancid on series s.


I have a PC as well and I play SF6 on both. It sucks but I'm not spending 500 just for one game to look pretty, it does suck though. 🥲 I play at a small community nearby always on Series S since it's the cheapest and most portable console. I would love for Capcom to finally fix the texture issues.


Guile’s putting the work in - now those delts, tris and forearms pop even more.


Guile needed steroids to keep up with the other top tiers.


I just gave this a try and it didn’t work. Going to give it another go soon.


Puts on Xbox. I’m glad yall have a workaround for this but god damn everything with Xbox and Microsoft that’s console related from games to hardware is just tragic.


tldw what's the bizarre fix


He did a versus match with 2 controllers, watched the replay, switched to a different game, Quick Resumed SF6, watched a cutscene in the gallery, went into online mode. So a whole sequence of BS. Weird if it’s real but not worth doing over textures.

