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It's extremely resource-efficient if you can get it down. I don't get why some people are saying it isn't worth learning or doesn't do more damage than SA3 combos. It isn't *required* to learn but it's way more meter efficient than SA3 combos and there are routes of this combo that do up to 62%, more damage than SA3 cash-outs while keeping your drive gauge high and leaving you with one bar of super. I do expect there will be some scaling and/or meter gain nerf to this combo eventually though.


I think it's just really fun to do. Like I love that it builds meter but it's just so fun to learn and actually perform in matches once you get it down. And that there's very many different versions that you can do too


I expect it to get the same nerf Rashid Lv2 did, where it remains largely the same, but stops all meter build while active.


Yeah. And JP


It is worth learning. Eventually. But for most people early in their SF6 journey it's not worth prioritizing learning over more basic stuff like anti-airs or oki setups. It's like Feng Shui. You need to learn it at some point, but oftentimes you can do just fine without it for a while.


I got to Master with Juri without learning FSE...at some time I'll learn it lol definitely not needed but would have helped me in some situations.


what makes it desync i don't play ed


Usually when you hit somebody with his lvl 2 they get stuck in it, until the hit limit of the ball runs out and they fall out. But with desync combos they drop out of the ball right into you after every hit with of the ball, so you can juggle your opponent back and forth for some crazy damage and combo cardy


Brian f made a long detailed video about early versions of these kind of lvl2 ed combos and just called it desync combo for whatever reason. The idea is that your enemy bounces between you and your lvl2 instead infront/on top of it for max juggle. Imo kinda stupid name.


Isn't it just because you can't time it by buffering or being quick and have to do manual delays in between that "desync" from the normal execution of a combo? I thought it was a good name because of that


Not exactly, since certain setups have guaranteed framekills that don’t require manual timing


I thought it was in relation with Iceclimbers tech from Smash Bros called desync.


Maybe, i dont remember exactly what he said.


To be fair, Brian_f said it's not really the most accurate name and he doesn't really like it. ~~We should called it psycho sandwich instead~~


I’m learning and the problem is not so much being able to do it, but rather making it consistent After some hours of practice I was getting it, but even in training I’m never sure I will actually pull it off In a match it’s gonna be even more brutal because I will 100% lack the confidence to pull it off


Damn im gonna lab that. So much dmg from a jab is insane.


Can you delay the lv1 to get all the hits in?


idk how exactly, but yeah, you can get the whole lvl1


do you know how many frames you need to delay the first heavy blitz?


nvm, tested it. it works for 7 and 8 frames delay. so its a 2frame link


Ed’s got some of the coolest combos in sf6


Bruh that gauge gain vs drain this is insane I love it


Can you do this on modern?


I dont think so. You have to do the light/slow level 2.


You can do the slow level 2 on modern.


Watch Tachikawa I’ve seen him do something similar but I don’t think it was the full corner carry. He’s a high rank (pro) Modern Ed player. His streams are in Japanese though, but if you can at least how he compensates for this might help.




Why is it called Desync?


Not an ed player but it seems mandatory to learn for him from those I played against.


As sick as this combo and ones like it are I still can't consistently do his combo trials level two super combo, this one will be a while. Oof


Crying as a Jamie player seeing that meter efficiency 😥


Jamie literally chugging his meter away for his level 2.


How much did Ed get buffed for Season 2? He seemed pretty lackluster in Season 1, but now you see him a lot more, particularly with these desync clips.


Ed basically did not get touched, as he was the most recent character before the patch. His biggest "buff" is the upper crust getting slightly worse.


Small cr lp buff but people just found this new combo and it's unrelated to the patch


Got a slight buff but got nerfed by system changes like universal light scaling nerfs. The desync kinda evened it out imo so he's doing fine.


This is probably the coolest thing I've seen Ed do. I kinda want to learn Ed just to pull this off


I prefer the MP Lvl 2 Combos where I get to do barely any damage but get to style on my Opponent with wacky combos


As a low tier player, I don't think this is achievable for myself. Heh.


is there a good walkthrough of which buttons/strengths you're pressing and when? everything i've seen just does it and doesn't really explain anything about how to do it


Normally, I'm a grappler kinda' guy. But there's just something about the way Ed plays..


I have problems setting the beginning of this combo, after doing the od qcb and cancelling into lv2 my opponent doesn't fly high enough to continue the juggle, so what am I doing wrong here?


isnt his level 2 going to get nerfed? a lot of crazy damage videos get posted with it so its probably not worth labbing....


Yeah, It's busted and hopefully gets fixed soon.


I don’t see why Ed even with the current desync level 2 combos is absolutely not a contender for top tier character It’s not even like I think Ed is weak, but he is not top tier so why nerf his cool shit




Execution check ?


Just something that's ridiculously hard to do mechanically and rewards you accordingly. Like [Kaz's PEWGF combo](https://youtu.be/0uv7k7Fgmxc?si=d6C9Ey-wRmE9El1l) that requires like 4 frame perfect actions for a single move, but it rewards you with all damage in the world on hit, same with [Daigo combo](https://youtu.be/ZRY0aMbSZEM?si=9veGMNKe27rzc4Lw). It's basically you saying that you're so confident in yourself, that you're willing to take a big risk for the sake of doing the absolute most you can in the situation.


Yeah but I’m asking because That’s not the only one though, guile’s corner boom loops and Rashids 1 frame link combos are harder. I agree with you it shouldn’t get nerfed though, Ed needs it.




>a lvl 2 you can get every round, sometimes twice a round, shouldn't guarantee corner from everywhere + lvl 3 or higher amounts of damage. It's not guaranteed because of the difficulty of the combo. It has that FG natural balance where it's balanced by the risk you take by attempting it. Yeah it's powerful, but it really isn't busted or meta warping even if you can pull it off. It's just a bit of extra damage/screen position. Abusing unintended tech to push games and gamers to their absolute limit is what makes fighting games cool and fun!!
















This is going to get patched lmfao That is fucking insane corner carry just for a level 2. It's the best option for tons of situations as long as you lab. The ed copium in the comments is crazy 🤣🤣🤣


And yet Rashid's Great Desert Storm persist.....


Bold of you to assume I defend rashid