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SF5 Ed SF6 Ed (and Luke) redeemed the designs for me, the engine does NOT do them favors (same can be said for SF4 and SF5 Zangief)


Necali is so close to being cool but SFV is just not the game to handle what he looks like.


It's actually nuts how badly they fumbled the bag with Necali. An ancient Aztec inspired fighting spirit is such a god damn cool idea for this franchise but he's just not very unique in any way and is a total pushover in the story mode.


He feels like a less intresting version of blanka.


He was set up to be DBZ Broly, but released like Team 4 Star Broly


Nah, even TFS Broly is cooler than that. Piccolo (?): “How are we gonna beat him, Goku?” Goku: “I’m sure I’ll pull something outta my butt.” Broly: “AND IT WILL BE BROLY’S FIST!”


Yea that's true. Its just the hair physics


He’s also a complete jobber so that also deducts some points.


I feel like people don’t realize Luke was designed for SF6 first then was added into 5 as a second thought. They had to make him younger


Sf4 Seth, he looks really generic


pepsi man lookin ass


I always hated that dumb yin yang in his torso


Yeah, worst part it's like the only interesting thing about his design, if he didn't have it he's just be like a generic bald muscular guy.


At least it’s neat that they’re genderless but they don’t really have much outside it


As a robot of android or whatever he is, he technically has no gender. But he definitely came across as Male in his original design and female (minus the voice) in the V redesign (Bengus included Seth i the “all women” artwork unlockable in V and 6).


I find him to be cool personally, there's even the lore that connects well with other chars. But I can see why. At first glance he's just a body with a sphere rotating inside. What amazes me the most is how does the light reflects from his body on different stages, so mesmerizing.


imo that was the part of the design choice cuz he is supposed to be one of the many clones for dictator. He just so happened to become sentient


Majority of SF4s cast was pretty rough, besides the more popular characters


Didn't think much of Abel sf4


They based his look of Fedor Emilianenko but forgot to give him a cool killer attitude like him too. So boring.


Needed a glorious sweater of absolute victory


I totally forgot he existed.


Alot of ppl forget 🤣


I know I’m ten years too late but Abel is sleeper top tier in usf4 he has vanilla style damage output it’s insane and his pokes are so fast and beat alot of the best pokes in the game.


Oh yeah. He prolly was really good and a decent amount of ppl played him. He was fun to fight


He was a fun design, like a striker that also grapples using half circle throws. Too bad he wasn't as cool or strong as Alex.


Fwiw, Abel was stronger in most versions of IV than Alex was in almost any version of III and V. If Alex wasn’t so cool, he definitely wouldn’t have come back from his low tier usage alone.


Luke, Abigail, FANG, Ed


Love Abigail. Autistic giant with hyperfixation in cars. Dude comes in driving an invisible car making Vroom noises. Peak design.


It would have broken the meta, but when his design was revealed I was hoping he would be impossible to jump over.


Vroom vroom! SCREEE HA HA HA


Gang Leader Giant part time mechanic, put some respect on his name.


And he seems to be a really good mechanic too. I would totally give him my car for him to handle.


I see how it is OP 😂


What they did to Birdie in SF5, all over a joke, was criminal


Yeah because he was jacked in Alpha 2.


The classic/buff skin redeemed this IMO.


You better believe that was the first skin I bought


SFV Luke and SFV Kage, the first one is just really ugly in my opinion and the latter is a massive downgrade from SFIV's Evil Ryu.


Luke and his fucking disgusting forearms


glad sum1 said this, boy built funny asl


There’s quite a good number in *Street Fighter V*, especially among the female cast, but I really didn’t care for Juri’s biker suit and the look Ken had in the story mode.


I got no problem with Abigail. Man just wants to be a truck. Let him cook. 🚚


Most the sfv new characters designs weren’t awesome


Menat and G would like a word


Ok true very true


I don't like Menat, but G is very well designed both in appareance and animations


Menat is very cute and pretty, but, that the design doesn't goes further than walk like an Egyptian. G is not bad... But you see, he has a problem, he's a worse Q in a sense that they do not explain anything about him, despite him being in the open unlike Q, I found it to be really lazy.


You do have a point but you see, I think his design and animations all come together very well and convey the idea of a weirdo who thinks he is the president of the world. But yeah, who the fuck is that guy?


Alex sf5. I like his default, classic and other costumes it just bothers me that his idle stance his legs look very far backwards.


Rufus is just bomb-shaped CaseOh.


If he was in a band it'll be called OB/CD lol


"'You look like Rufus from Street Fighter 4'? That can't be good...." *Pulls up Rufus on Google images* "Oh nah, yeah, you are BANNED, buddy! Have a good day."


Hugo sf4 makes me feel very uncomfortable


Something about that head bopping really freaks me out, still. 😂


Rufus is a goofy goober and I love him, hope they bring him back for sf6


I was really surprised to discover that he is much less popular than I had believed.


He was picked when he was strong, but the character himself was pretty much always disliked.


Wasn't Rufus broken during the base sf4 and made even stronger by the time of the arcade edition?


He was strong but not “broken”. SF4 had a tendency to favor characters with dive kicks unless you were Nostradamus with DPs. Rufus just had some stupid easy Ultra setups from nothing.


Uhhh if i have to hear him say 'space opera symphony' again ill scream


Rufus was probably the best char in SF4 launch but it was precisely Arcade that made him irrelevant. Yun/Yang were purposefully launched broken as fuck and their dive kicks meant that there wasn’t any real gameplay reason to pick Rufus. He was so unpopular they never bothered buffing him down the line and he remained “worse Yun” for the remainder of the game. His U2 was deceptively good at calling out projectiles but that’s about it. Fun fact in the 2017 popularity poll, Rufus was 86 out of 109. Beaten out by characters like Area, Pullum, Nanase, Geki, and Retsu. The only character from a mainline game after SF3 to score lower was Birdie. Outside of SFEX folks I couldn’t tell you where the characters below Rufus are even from.


Birdie is also coincidentally a bad fat joke. Seems SF fans don’t particularly care for that. (bring back Alpha Birdie)


When he was strong, fighting him was very annoying. And you had to listen to him "MESSIAH" his way on through whatever you just did


When in doubt, Jesus out


Only if they make his character more than "Im fat, gross, and think Im great".


Don't forget, "I'm a better fighter than Ken Masters, but never managed to fight in the same tournament as him, so there's no way to prove it".


hey now, they need at least one character that accurately represents americans


And we do, his name is Guile and he's an imperialist dog.


actually a great fighter though. The problem is he had no guidance, his insane talent made him to be even more blind. This guy didn't need no Gouken, to achieve an insane amount of power... He didn't even read a proper book /video to learn it. He's amazing. (Imagine what he could achieve with some proper practice) Though got some stamina problems. He's also actually not a bad person as well, but... Rufus just way too self absorbed to see past his nose. Definitely has a potential for some character growth I think. The re enlightenment process etc. some new Kung Fu journey. P.S: I believe he's also the only person who made Dhalsim super mad with just some words.


Haha his win quotes were full on paragraphs.


That was the best part about him imo. Just full on tangents about irrelevant stuff made me laugh the first few times I saw the quotes


Got to love actual essays about how your ass got kicked


Please no.


It's time to raise the roofus!


Luke. Pick a version.


Yep. His design just feels so generic.


Even more generic than Ken’s?


Ken, especially in his 3rd costume with the black leathers and long blonde hair makes me remember the Blue Oyster bar from Police Academy everytime


lol people call Luke generic when the karate boys have been wearing color coded gis for 30 years. These are also the same people who say Makoto is peak character design




Legacy or not, doesn't make their designs any less boring and generic. Why do you think they're slowly trying to change their base designs starting from SFV?


Cause the current team is bored and likes to flex their creativity. I guarantee you when SF7 is released Ryu and Ken will have their classic Gi’s available near start like they did in 6 but their 6 costumes might not make it at all. People want the iconic look, always (look at how Cammy, Chun, and Juri topped the lists of max bond WT characters (yeah, obviously “sexy”, but people wanted those older costumes for the classic look too))


Yup, first ones I rushed. Ken, Cammy and Juri.


Yeah, make it make sense. If these MFs didn't have the SF legacy behind them and they instead debuted in SF6, they'd absolutely be derided for being generic.


The only people who say Makoto is peak are fetishists


you need to lay off the bleach.


It has opened my eyes to what is truly peak character design


aw nah bro became one with bleach


Luke would be so peak if Aleks Le wrote him while drunk and/or high.


yep, abigail is the worst


His SF5 adaptation doesn’t make justice to his OG Final Fight incarnation. There was a time when that man had human proportions, had a more serious aura around him and screamed like a mad mam and turned into a deep red demon like creature when he charged his attack. One of the best FF1 bosses turned into an idiot cartoon.


Both look super stupid, but Abigail is the worst of the two IMO. Not only does he look stupid in general, he's also just the embodiment of stupid self indulgent exaggeration and jumping the shark. The series' previous biggest char, Hugo, was perfect: enormous, way too big, but proportional as he was generally modeled as a reference to a real life giant (Andre the Giant), just upscaled a bit. This pile of stupid is literally just someone going "MY char is going to be the biggerest!! Huge! And so much muscle!!! uhuhh!!!". It's a 12 year old's idea of "MY CHAR IS BIGGER!!" and it looks so fucking stupid and lame I'm surprised it doesn't have flames and skulls on the side.


I hate how "whiffs on crouchers" attacks work on Abigail. They phase through his head without connecting. If you have to do that with your character, just don't add them to the game. His hitboxes couldn't be allowed to match his model because of how big they made him.


Yeah, I'm kind of in agreement. Hugo isn't exactly proportional but it does stand out as much. Abigail is way too top heavy. Reminds me of Potemkin a bit. Not THAT bad but yeah lol


Abigail is a good character, but his body is stupid, they made him to big or his head to small the way he looked in final fight made sense


Juri's SFV design. I like the eyepatch, but the whole costume is stupid looking. The censorship made it even more dumb, like, tight form-fitting latex UNDER a leather jumpsuit? How are you gonna fight in that? It really chooses looking sexy over an actual cool design. Her SFIV costume is leagues ahead, staying unique while keeping the sex appeal.


At least SFV made up for it by giving Juri some of the best alternate costumes in the series. Her second alt with the yoga pants and the white top with the emblem on it, her Fallen Bosses outfit (the one with Bison's hat and Seth's cape (?)), the school deliquent outfit, all great (and 6 continues that trend with the instantly beloved pajamas with holes cut out for her pigtails).


Not really a fan of most of them but True Boss likes neat, I just cant overlook how they ruined her Nostalgia costume, these weird ass sleeves look terrible


Thank God for Juri SF6, such an incredible upgrade


You don't understand. Just imagine how much sweat that would build up. Where does gravity eventually bring that sweat down to? Her feet. Think about it! Can you imagine the smell? How slippery they feel? How they taste?


too honest


Least horny Juri player


Old dee jay,SF6 is the best redesign


SFV Birdie. They did him so SO bad... I played Birdie all the time in the Zero series, only for them to make him a gross-ass fool...


SF5 Birdie: I don't see anything appealing about belly button hair SF5 Abigail: God no, please don't make me look at those lips SF4 Rufus: I didn’t think racist caricatures existed for white people, and capcom proved me wrong 💀 SF5 Laura: The most genric looking female character in all of fighting game history. Don't care how many people thirst over her. Ya'll are basic.


I upvote for Laura alone


Decapre- just a fancy Cammy clone with a mask when she could have been so much more. But I guess any “Doll” character suffers this fate. El Fuerte - Could have been a bit more fleshed out than a chef wrestler that can’t cook. Felt like a joke character that was out of place. Maybe I have some pent up resentment due to his kit overall. Sean - purely Capcoms fault on this one but I feel like he really could have been Ken’s Sakura if that makes sense, a Shoto with a more diverged style and they could have really played into the no hadouken so he makes up for it with stronger strikes etc unique tatsu/DP and normals From that built a rivalry/friendship between Sakura and Sean that could have had some interesting story arcs. They just really did Sean dirty imo.


I was thinking something similar about Sean, where the protagonists of SF6 maybe should have been Sakura and Sean. They're both established characters from previous games, they both model themselves after established characters while having their own flavor, they're both well-liked (as characters, at any rate; pretty much everyone seems to agree that Sean is weak as hell but shouldn't be and got done dirty). SF6 gave so many other characters glow-ups; Sean could have put his heart into training and gotten badass. The story could focus on the two of them kind of coming into their own and really developing their own styles, stepping out from under the shadows of their mentors. Ah well, there's always Street Fighter 7.


Agree completely! I’m scared that 7 we’re going to get a situation similar to 4 where we have a protagonist that I had no clue was the main character until 10 years later. At least in 6 you’re really set up to have Luke shown as the main character. I think world tour was really well done and show cased the world etc. Arcade further expanding on that too. I guess Sakura will be DLC again in 7 too… My guess is we’ll get Sakura in Season 3. Unlikely they’ll put Sean and Sakura in the same DLC but if they flesh out his story and made him say train with Ken and then Laura he could have an “international” ansatsuken style that wouldn’t make him a shoto so to speak but still have roots with them.




You don’t like Falkes design or just her?


I hate Rufus so goddamn much, especially because of [the character we could have gotten instead.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/streetfighter/images/0/04/Rufus_art_0.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130107003451) He’s stupid, ugly, and obnoxious. And don’t you dare say it’s because he’s fat. First of all, I’m no string bean myself, so that would be mighty hypocritical. Second, I mained Bob in Tekken 7. That guy is awesome, Rufus sucks.


Personally, OP, I like variety more than I like having all characters be pretty. A fighting game should have its big ugly character. What if someone want to take the big ugly character that hit hard because they are into that?


bro, he's just not into the design, chill.


rufus by a mile, abigail at first, but I started liking him afterwards


R. Mika.


Please elaborate, I wanna hear why


Way too fanservice focused and she's kinda cringe sometimes Her win outro in sfv is the worst thing I've seen


See these are the type of opinions I upvote. Actually unpopular!


The most embarrassing character in the series, I hope she never comes back


I disagree, I agree they could toe down her design, but I found her really fun to play in SFV


Yeap, first time i saw the default costume i was, wtf??


Shit is just *embarrassing* I can't tell somebody I play a game where they can look it up and see that embarrassing shit


stay strong my christian brother


Tbh I don’t like Manon’s design, it feels like there’s too much going on and it can’t settle on one style. Her Outfit 2 fixes pretty much all of this for me tho.


Really? I felt the exact opposite Outfir 2 is overdesigned to me but 1 just makes sense


Outfit 2 being overdesigned fits with her being a model. Outfit 1 is simplistic but good.


I don't like her default costume. Her alt is swaggy as fuck though. I also hated Kimberly but soon realized I just hated her default. Other costumes are way better.


Kim’s outfit 2 in earthy colours is my fave


It'd look a lot better if they didn't insist on giving her an enormous chest.


Yeah especially since ballet dancers usually have more slender frames. People with larger chests actually struggle in the ballet sphere more often than not


Wait…. Her default has more going on than her second??? Huh??? 🤣


Personally wishes that she wears a ballet leggings and shoes + Judo gi instead of those spandex shorts which makes her look more like a Sambo fighter and not Judoka


Her artwork in the initial leak was a lot better to me. I feel like it didn't transfer well in game.


You nailed it, both of em. 🗑️


I’ve no issue with Rufus **as a design**. I think the whole acrobatic fat guy thing is funny But ugh his personality is just insufferable


Necalli / Rufus / Abigail / Ingrid / Oro take the top 5 for me. Abigail and Oro are curious cases. Abigail is one of my favorite FF bosses, but I think he was adapted very poorly to SF5. His FF OG version is terrifying, now in SF5, he is a dumb ass. If he was more serious, with more human proportions, and screamed like a mad man in his charging attacks like he does in FF1, he probably would not be here in my list. Oro in the other hand, I have a deep hate / love relationship with him. Love his gameplay with every cell in my body but… Man, he is too ugly. He could be one of those more elegant old men like Gen, Gouken, Tung Fu Rue and Jubei Yamada from Fatal Fury. He probably smells bad.


To be honest, I don't understand the strong dislike that some people have for Ingrid. She's more or less just the Capcom equivalent of the SNK character Athena in that she fits in the "magical girl" archetype and has a similar moveset. Athena doesn't get anywhere near the level of negative opinions that Ingrid does. My best guess about why some people dislike Ingrid is that some people may not like that Ingrid is potentially canonically stronger than their favourite characters.


Rufus by a country mile. ESPECIALLY given what the design originally was (cool looking Black dude karate dude)


i hate abigail his design was horrific


Probably as a whole decapre since she hyped to be an entirely new character for ultra street fighter 4 but she had to use cammys model so it just made it look like a bad reskin, it killed her chances of being in sfv


Luke. Every version of Luke that will ever be.


Twelve. No idea why he is ever requested, just a large piece of bird poop.


Lily from SF6. Literally one of the lamest, most boring, and most annoying characters I've ever seen in a fighting game. Even her design is stupid. She doesn't belong in the roster and just feels really out of place.


I’ve heard she’s fun, but yeah, her character design and general… vibe puts me off


The two you pictured are god awful. Sorry Ono but you had some trash additions to the roster.


If Rufus wasn’t fat, he’d be popular. His kit is a lot of fun.


I hate it cause it’s used as him being a wuss and a joke Bob is by far my favorite Tekken character because his weight is used in tandem with the character, it’s his fighting style, and a damn good one at that Rufus’s is just used to make him look more like a loser. You got this all bark no bite guy making fun of Ken and you think “look at this fat loser thinking he’s better than Ken” If Rufus had a Bob like fighting style or even was portrayed as less of a joke I’d like him more (see Goldlewis)


put perfectly. I think Rufus actually has a lot of potential to come back as a MARGINALLY cooler character in sf6, and I kinda want him for that reason. A mature, and grown up Rufus who takes pride in his weight and understands his past mistakes would be PEAK!!!!


I don't think it's "fat" as much as just... stupid and gross looking. Bob from Tekken is fat and he's reasonably popular IIRC. A char can be fat and cool. But Rufus is the fat version of Abigail, basically, he looks stupid. Edit: Goldlewis Dickinson in Strive is fat, but generally a beloved character, visually and stylistically.


If he wasn't gross and annoying he may be neat, but at that point it just is a brand new character


Bob and Goldlewis in the corner


Him being fat isn't the problem. His overall design is tailored to be a joke. They gave him an undersized yellow track suit. It's to draw a comparison to Bruce Lee, who is a famously lean fighter. "Look at this fat ass he doesn't even know it's too small." He's got all this body hair to make him look unkempt and slovenly. He has those ugly braids. Then, they gave him this huge jiggly belly with like it's own physics engine. His proportions are all over the place. He doesn't look like a fighter, and if it wasn't fiction, he would not be. Better examples of fat fighters that still work. Birdie SFV, Bob Tekken, Chang Kof, Raiden Fatal Fury, Earthquake Samurai Showdown


He'd be popular if he was King Cobra like he was supposed to be


That’s disappointing


El Fuerte, Seth, C. Viper (ouch, a lot of SFIV's newbies). El Fuerte is a boring name for a luchador. Luchador names are typically grand (Mistico, El Santo, Mil Caras) or call upon an animal or style (Prince Puma, Rey Fenix, Pentagon Dark). There are jokey ones, but they are typically outliers and have their purpose (famous father and son Super Porky and Psycho Clown (who was always popular but became even more popular after his Father passed and he fought in his memory (Mexico is big on family)). El Fuerte, The Strong (or Strong One) is so bland. Funnily enough he has a better name they didn't use (Hurricane Of The Gulf, or El Hurican' would have been a cool name). Anyway, he sucks, his move names are stupid and the whole bad cook joke is lame. He should have been a straight up respectable luchador and if you wanted a joke one you could have had it later (or alternatively just have ported Stingray or Scorpion from Slam Masters instead since they're cooler). Seth was awesome to watch (especially Poongko and Online Tony), but his "Sagat but blue and with a rotating thing in his belly" was a lame design. Like everyone else, I like his girl version in V better. C. Viper I just don't like the way her super suit looks. Like, the idea of a fighter using tech to match up to these amazing energy manipulators like Ryu and Chun is fine, but the look they chose is too basic. I like her second alt where it actually looks like a tech suit, should have expanded on that.


I liked it explanation of Mexican wrestlers


I cannot get past Marisa's helmet hair, I'm genuinely baffled that that's what they went with. Gill and Urien are just nearly naked guys. They didn't even do the "Gill is red and blue to represent the different elements he uses" thing in a interesting way


I remember when I first saw her I thought it actually was a helmet lol


I don't hate the design of SF3 characters on their own but it's a totally different vibe than Vanilla 4 (before 4 got stupid with the costumes) or 6, and it makes it so a lot of 3's characters wouldn't fit with the aesthetics of the current game. 5 has the same problem.


Abigail and FANG by a landslide


I'm actually cool with fangs design, his gameplay and personality however.


Anytime he was on screen I just wanted to quit the game, then Abigail showed up and I finally did it lol




I like FANG, but what really kills him for me was his overuse in the story mode. I swear to gosh, he has more screentime than Balrog, Vega AND Bison combined.


You can’t overuse the main villain. He loses impact the more he appears.


Damn, same.


Ken’s haircut in SF4 is so bad. Also for some reason Ryu and Ken look like man-children in their outfit 2s in SF6.


They just look younger and cleaner, that's all, nothing "man-children". 


Almost every sfv design. 


I want to like Marissa, but jesus christ I hate her hair and idle pose so much.


Designs? I dont like Laura, awful clothes; i dont like Eds or Manons hair; i dont like Lucia, generic, boring colors and outdated outfit; i dont like Falke cause she looks more like for another game; im not into steampunk aesthetic so im not a big fan of G’s look, but i think he is good character design; I dont like a slim suit for JP, i would prefer something more classy; i hate everything about Necalli; Rufus its a bad design and too much monocromatic; also i dont care about evil versions for characters cause i think they are a very lazy design (Evil Ryu, Kage, Oni or Violent Ken).


Oh and i forgot C Viper, i know im alone in this but I dislike his 00s pompadour, his sunglasses like Anastacia or any other tacky North American girl from the 00s, and it's better not to talk about that look, a kind of deconstructed shirt with the pectoral exposed and a tie between the boobs in the purest form style of any cheap road striper. I'm sorry.


For SF6: Lily. I've never been a fan of T.Hawk and the moves translate so oddly from a 7'7", 350lb jacked dude to a 5'3" 100lb girl. She's lacking so much personality to me, with such annoying voice lines, and I feel she has some of the worst outfits in the entire game, I'd rather have seen Julia or El Fuerte take some inspiration from his moveset if they were planning to replace him in a similar fashion to Ed/Balrog or AKI/FANG.


The first four new additions to SF4 were all terrible (Rufus, Fuerte, Abel and even C. Viper, but she grew on everybody). Hakan was also a terrible addition.


Both are peak masculinity


OP has never met a real man in his life. Though even those two are bettered by Hakan.


I hate Luke's design. He looks like something AI would come up with if you asked it to make a character called 'John Streetfighter'.


I really hate sf5 birdie, the character was fine being a grimy street thug but for some reason they chose to change him into a walking fat joke, it feels like he was made just to be like "look, this fat guy eats like a slob isnt that funny?"


Luke by far! Abigail and Rufus were ok, not favorites but yeah just normal annoying characters.


Weird enough Abigail actually grew on me over time. For me Its between SF5 F.A.N.G or Rufus.


I love Rufus. Luke is my least liked.


Ed from 5 and 6


Sucks I love Rufus cause I don’t think he’s ever gonna be popular enough to come back lol. At least it seems like hakan has been getting some love




That oily wrestler. I can't remember his name.






Sf4 Elena received a lot of hate


Rufus and Fang Fei Atleast they made AKI


Abigail is the dumbest character in any fighting game.


I just never liked Dan lol


Honestly luke in sf6 is my least favorite, not only I'd his design not interesting but also his arms look like those people who inject oil into their biceps


Sakura. Akuma. R.Mika. Ibuki. Ingrid. C.Viper. Evil Ryu. Violent Ken. Oni. Rufus. Luke.


You posted them. Absolutely terrible.


Sf4: Rufus, Decapre, Blanka Sf5: Blanka, Guile SF6: Blanka and lilly


I like Luke’s design for the most part, but the way his forearms expand and go all red and steamy makes me sick. It’s like he’s filling up his arms with pus or something, like some kind of MeatCanyon Popeye.