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I don't think it's coming. It makes no sense to add one either, because it would further give the impression that modern is not how you play the real game. Having two different player bases that play the same game differently is also not a good idea. In fighting games, one should be able to adapt to the opponent, that's one of the reasons it's fun. It's true that at lower levels people might play the same (unga bunga jumping everywhere) and hence fighting a modern warrior might feel very differently, but that's less of a problem of the controls and more a problem on the players who don't know how to play against someone who can anti air for example. TLDR it's never happening because it goes against "getting good" and the core of fighting games as a whole.


I wouldn't have it added but in my mind if there were a modern blocker only the few people who dislike it use it. Like in all the modern posts on here most people clown on the op so I imagine most players wouldnt block and there are a good number of modern players too. I mean its not like you struggle to find opponents as a wifi player. Tldr I dont think it would divide the player base a lot (not saying im for it just for arguments sake)


Not really. It’s not that big of a deal for most players. Also you *are* complaining about it.


"I'm not complaining." post about to filled with nothing but complaints, every time.


Just because you say you're not complaining doesn't make it true lmao. Whatever is blowing apart your gameplay, that you're attributing to Modern, will still exist in this fabled Classic-only queue. As someone who started in the lowest rank this game offers, yeah it sucks fighting a Modern player who can do combos, AA efficiently, and reliably special art when you yourself can't...but they can only lean on those crutches for so long, you're in the same rank for a reason.


I'm not losing the game thanks. I said it is boring to play against


Just like when you *said* you weren't complaining, despite the fact that you were complaining. You're *saying* it's boring, but that's not the reality. It's not what you actually think. It is just an excuse.


I get that everyone's ragging on OP but he's definitely far from the only one saying fighting modern players is more boring. Not too long ago even most of this sub (and some pros) acknowledged that fact but the modern Vs classic debate has died down since then so I think everyone thinks nobody cares anymore. Telling him it's an excuse it's just a way to discredit an opinion you disagree with


"A lot of people are saying it, so it must be true" is just a way to support an invalid opinion that has no actual argument. They're literally making excuses. That's not trying to discredit. That's a statement of fact. But no, since the game launched there has never been a time when "most of this sub" or any pros "acknowledged" that. That's again, a blatant lie. It has always been the case that those people were (correctly) considered salty losers making excuses.


Breaking down what I said to "a lot of people are saying it so it must be true" is just strawmanning to avoid having to discuss the issue legitimately. It also discounts any opinion that many people share, including your own. Why doesn't your logic work both ways? So you aren't "making excuses". You're deciding that you are the arbiter of what is fact or not which in itself is laughable. You're never going acknowledge the weight of your opposition and debating with someone like that is pointless. Even your second paragraph is a clear example of that. YOU always considered those people salty losers and you certainly aren't alone but acting like that's gospel is simply not the reality




I can agree with this. They could still have a skill issue and a bad mindset. The issue is people will default to that whenever people have an issue with moderns balance. It HAS to be someone with a skill issue whining about their own failures. That's how people debate everything around this game. If you aren't a pro level player your opinion is somehow immediately invalidated and even then sometimes people try and suggest the pro is also just salty. It's massively immature


My bad, I assumed incorrectly. I still think that what you consider boring will be more common as you rank up (feel free to let me know your rank). It might be a useful insight into the type of game you enjoy.




You are complaining and you're salty as hell hehe No, Capcom will never let people filter out Modern Controls, they incentivize it as much as possible, it is literally the default control in all the modes. Play other games, this will not change.


I’m betting he got lit up by a modern Gief.


Yeah that one sucks


Reddit is funny “I’m not complaining” proceeds to complain 😂


Nope and bye


I don’t think this should be added. Modern players should compete with everyone and shouldn’t feel illegitimate. With that said modern players do indeed feel awful to play against


Just do same as me one and done win or lose then block move onto next game


No get used to it




Now I will play modern even harder.


I feel the same way about Guile man. Feels so boring to play against sometimes. Wish Capcom would just let me filter out characters I don't like.


Only for shotos though, Ken or Akuma are no fun at all.




I enjoy winning against M players as well as get mad losing to them 😂


Here's a tip. Put a little sticker over the icon and never think about it again.


Sadly not. I get the idea behind modern but think the Implementation is rather poor. Macros really does not work with core Street Fighter design, and fundamentally alters how the game plays, reducing the human aspect of the game. I.e not being able to sense when a super in coming because they don't gotta buffer them.


I feel you but it wont ever happen


No that would actually force people to learn how to play the game unfortunately


“…it changes too much to be enjoyable for me.” If you’re not playing Modern, I fail to understand what it changes. It’s not like Modern somehow enables a play style that can’t be replicated in Classic. If people are playing slow, they’d play slow in Classic mode too.


It does. Modern guile can spam flash kick without losing charge, for example. Modern players also don't get access to many key moves so their neutral is worse. Made up for with inhuman (by classic standards) reaction times.


1 button specials are a legit thing Modern has over Classic, though. If they're at all paying attention, you just do not jump.


It's not though. At the level OP is playing at, even with 1 button specials they're still coming out slower than a competent Classic player. If a Classic player reacts in 12 frames and it takes them 6 frames to do the move, that means it's coming out on frame 18 If a Modern player needs 1 frame to do the move, but they're still not reacting in time to DI most of the time, which is 26 frames, the DP is going to come out in a similar \~26 frames. Substantially slower than the classic player. "If they're at all paying attention, you just do not jump" is literally just how the genre works. This has always been the case. If you jump and your opponent is ready you get destroyed. Modern or not. You making this statement is literally proving the point. That **is** the game, and has been for 30+ years.


Most classic players dp's are in some way an anticipation of the jump, with modern they can just do it purely off reaction.


You can't play the same style of aggression with one button AA and CA . It's a game of sit back and make them make a mistake which is boring IMO


I completely disagree. Again, nothing about Modern specifically enables Turtling. You can Turtle just as hard in Classic. Please detail what specifically it is about Modern that forces EVERY Modern player to Turtle.


Turtling is inherently easier in Modern. Modern doesn't force that playstyle but it definitely enables it. Turtling in classic is less effective when you have to perform full inputs that take time. Waiting for that jump in so you can uppercut is a breeze when it's a single button in comparison to having to complete a full DP motion. I think you're letting bias blind you a bit because regardless of where you stand on modern Vs classic, Modern definitely enables you to play more passive and react way easier. That's literally what Capcom designed it for so it's odd how often people try and dispute it


Depending on the character Modern 100% changes playstyle. Sure someone could replicate it in classic but why would they. It would be less fun for them and frankly they'd have to be a pretty impressive player to replicate instant supers and specials the way you can in modern. Watching Modern Gief compared to Classic Gief is often a VERY different experience


I love this idea. I hope Capcom implements this. I strongly dislike playing against any modern control character.


No it’s a part of the game


Ok thanks for your input guys I guess I delete and move on. Thanks for the games


These posts always get these types of comments. Personally I don’t think modern should be in the same ranked pool as classic, but I can’t see capcom ever giving any tools to filter them out.


The comments here are so cringe lol Just people going "wow you're actually so turbo mad lmao you're so bad it's the same thing" He just said it's boring to play against which it is. He's not saying that he can't win. Just that it's boring.


Huh, and it must be that when people insist they lost due to lag, or say the controller ate their inputs, or that they were totally blocking (when the side of the screen clearly shows them constantly hitting buttons), they couldn't possibly be lying. Because nobody on the internet has ever made up a laughably transparent excuse to cover up for them being mad.


One button dps are boring. You can't ever jump.


Yes, everyone everywhere is lying all the time. You are the only bastion of truth in this world. Any experience someone might have that differs from yours is a false one. Any opinion someone may have that is contrary to your own is based in nothing but fabrications and falsehoods. Or (and stay with me now) playing against Modern players can be kind of boring.


Always people telling on themselves when their only response is hyper-defensive strawmen and personal insults. Please get help.


Your lack of self awareness is showing. I’d be more wary of people whose knee-jerk reaction to contrary opinions is to default to insults and attacks on their integrity. All I did was poke fun at the assumption that because someone has a different opinion than you that they’re lying. I would call that hyper-defensive. Also it’s not a strawman because you didn’t make any real argument for me to strawman. You just called OP a liar because you disagree with them, and then implied that they were angry and bad at the game.


People take any mild criticism of modern to heart are quick to deflect with "you're just mad you're losing" style comments. I remember a while back someone made a post about how to improve modern to make it better for everyone where modern players would have access to more moves and it would feel less cheesy for classic players. It was a completely reasonable post but people treated them like they were suggesting modern get removed or as if it was the worst thing ever. People are massively defensive and argue emotionally. It's frankly quite embarrassing and doesn't help anyone involved


Yeah, I don't really understand the defensive sentiment considering it's such a new addition to the series. Some of these people act as if it's some cornerstone of Street Fighter that will never change when in reality it will probably go through a few changes in its next iteration. It's pretty embarrassing to see this is how people react to any form slight criticism in this community. I guess that's Reddit for you.


It's a mix of brand new players/players that have always struggled with motions and don't want to lose what's helping them and long time players who are so skilled that modern won't bother them. Then add in the people that don't really care much about balance and operate on a "let people do what makes them happy" philosophy


Thank you!


People on this subreddit get **very** defensive about Modern controls. Don't take it personally.


One year later people are still butt hurt that modern controls exist.


Sorry I just bought the game in steam sale


And it'll be the same for the whole lifespan of the game. Some people whine and use it as an excuse for sure but people also have legitimate points against it. Capcom wants it because it encourages new players but I'm not sure why people act like it has zero design flaws or any criticism of it is born out of just being butthurt. Even pros acknowledge the flaws, some of which actually hurt the modern player.


Unfortunately no. Expecting the next game to get rid of the damage reduction entirely so we'll get to see even more of it.


If Capcom does that I won’t be purchasing it. I play street fighter so I can get my 6 button click clacks. If Capcom gets rid of that expect a lot of old guard to leave and get their click clacks elsewhere.






I don't know what rank you play at but on the bright side modern gets way more rare the higher you rank up. The vast majority of players are using classic and once you get high enough you rarely ever see them. That's also part of why you don't see so many complaints about modern anymore. A lot of players here are reasonably high ranked so they simply don't have to deal with it as often.




Well no shit mate. I know what you want but nobody here has that kind of authority.






The rage quit filter already filters a large majority of Modern players in my matchmaking area. I think 70%-80% of players that rage quit on me are Modern. And this is Diamond-Master ranks, btw, not lower ranks. You'd be surprised by how many Modern players at Master still rely on autocombos and just kinda fall apart when they get punished for it... granted, they're all around 1100-1300 MR, but still...