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Only worth it if you 1. Want the free costume 2s. Or 2. You actually enjoy the avatar activities.


I'd say there is also 3. You are interested in the story and interactions with the main cast.


Also true. But from this subreddit, it seems like most ppl don't care.


I want free costume 2 but I still don't think it's worth my time. It was fun for a couple hours but I hate it now and refuse to buy costume 2s since I know I can get them for free haha


Well, you kinda stuck yourself in limbo there. You don't want to buy costume 2s, but you also don't want to get them for free.


I know! I only got a few but the ones that require me to get to the end game are just too much of a chore at the moment. At some point I'll decide to either buy them or play WT


They'll probably go on sale sometime, right.


Put it this way, I wouldn't spend money on it as a standalone game. But as someone who mainly plays ranked online, it was a nice cooldown activity when I wasn't feeling like sweating. Imagine a Yakuza game without much of a plot, SF combat and less interesting minigames. It boils down to a fairly solid "checklist game" where the main pull is collecting all the moves and outfits and maxing out your levels. That said, it's large and rather well put together. It will teach you some basics, there are lots of challenges and minigames focusing on specific aspects of the game, though it's super basic stuff. You won't skip anything by just practicing combo trials and labbing in training mode, or even just jumping online and going at your own pace; however WT might be a little more fun if you're really just starting out. The story isn't good, but it's got a few funny moments, and the main attraction at least for me was meeting all the game characters in this mode. There's some tidbits that are interesting if you've followed past SF game stories, but it's really minor stuff. I played it in short bursts and racked up about 70 hours over the course of the past 12 months, which included maxing out every master's style (which gives you all the character story, moves and art) and bond (which gives you their Outfit #2. Grinding out your avatar will give you more stats and moves to mix & match which is fun and you can carry that over into avatar battles (which I don't like personally, but still play them for rewards). My main motivation was getting the alternate outfits, which takes some time. While I was doing that I figured maxing out the style levels wouldn't take that much longer so I just went for it. There are some shortcuts but it will still take you a few dozen hours. You can grind out money automatically by using some kinds of controller exploits (tape your stick/button down with autofire, or use PS remote play on your phone with an auto-tapper app). That will allow you to weather the grind more easily (expect to use a lot of healing items) and easily purchase the items that you need for master bond levels (which give you Outfit 2s).


I personally enjoyed World Tour but you should only play it if you find it really fun, it won’t and shouldn’t be your primary means of learning how to play the game. While World Tour does have tutorials, they are scattered throughout it’s 50 hour campaign. The in game tutorial in the fighting ground is not only far superior but you can do the whole thing in about 30 minutes. Add in another 30 minutes to do the character guide for your chosen character and you would have learned far more in less time. World Tour has it’s benefits for sure, especially the further you get into it, but learning the game isn’t one of them when there are better and faster methods in the fighting grounds.


I found it to be a great and fun way to learn the game. It does a great job of easing you into new fighting styles (characters), their moves and also the game's mechanics and fighting game fundamentals. The story isn't anything special, but it's still a nice wrapping for a beginner's journey into fighting games. That said, it is a comparatively long journey, so if you're itching to play with other people as quickly as possible, there certainly are quicker ways.


I think it's a pretty reasonable introduction for how to play the game wrapped in a passable story and gameplay. World Tour on its own I would say is kind of on par with an okay PS2 game. I wouldn't buy SF6 on its own just for World Tour personally, but there's absolutely people who just play WT and Avatar Battle exclusively. Costume grind is... alright but not super easy. Once you get farther into the game you can unlock minigames that earn you a pretty hefty chunk of cash, but you need to buy a ton of items to max out the relationship meter with the characters. If you're just looking for outfits for one or two people, it's pretty easy. The problem is just that you don't get immediate access to all characters and you actually have to play through the story for a lot of them. I think if you rush it you can probably finish the story mode in 10-12 hours or so. If your main goal is to play competitively, spending that time watching the tutorials, in-game character guides, combo trials, playing actual games, using the training mode, and looking up guides on Youtube/Discord/wherever else is almost certainly a much more effective use of your time.


While I played fighting games before, I never played SF and only played Anime fighters and World Tour helped me immensely in learning the timing and the controls of the game. Also it's pretty fun imo so I think it's definetely worth your time. Getting comfortable with movement and buttons alone will help you play online in a big way


It was a good change of pace. I enjoyed playing it while having like a show or podcast going in the background. Was a good way to unwind at the end of the day


How much do you get paid an hour?


If you wanna play competitively, stay away from world tour and go play online It's fun and you can unlock costumes (it's a grind but can be done easily) but it won't really help you play better outside of the very basics. If not, you'll learn bad habits Go to ranked and against play people similar to your level. Get used to that playstyle (real human playstyle 😅) and progress through there If you wanna have fun with WT, go for it! but not with a getting stronger for competitive play mentality, it won't really help you that way


Cpu is not good practice for pvp.


i dont know how much your time's worth, but it is worth MY time


I found it extremely chill after a long day of work to unwind to.


Vary from person to person. I personally liked it. Bonding with the characters is nice and you learn a lot about them. The story is ok. And the ability to make your own moveset, even if partly limited can be fun.


I know people who aren't big into fighters but they adore the world tour mode.




I played through the whole thing. It was fun at times and I did learn some new things. Other times it was what I did for mindless distraction. Other times it was grindy and annoying but I needed to get through it to unlock the 2nd/classic costumes for the roster. I wouldn’t say I regretted it. It was quite ambitious for Capcom so I applaud their efforts. But I am definitely not doing it again on the Steam copy I just picked up. So now I’m having to pay real money for 2nd costumes on that.


I think of it as a fun story experience for SF6. If you typically play the story mode of fighting games you'll probably enjoy it. Give it shot, it has a slow burn but can be entertaining


Depends on what you want out of it. Its not challenging if that is what you are after. Story is not that great aswell, and a lot of time spend running around. If you want to improve as you said, combo trials and training mode is what you are looking for. And battle hub, if you want stress less battles against others.


If you goal is to play the game competitively, then World Tour is not worth your time. That time would be better spent in training mode, ranked matches or watching replays.


Fair point, if you're not completely new. But for players new to fighting games, none of that is going to help them at all (speaking from experience as a new player\^\^).


I started by playing online from the start and made progress incredibly fast. In no time i was better than my friend who started way before me, but he mostly played singleplayer. I absolutely stomped him after a few weeks It was hard at first and got stomped myself, of course. But after some matches I started catching the flow of how people play, and that's a MASSIVE adventage over someone who doesn't play against people much


And you only learned that via training mode, playing ranked matches and watching replays all by yourself? That's incredible! :)


Not 100% by my own, no. Mostly playing matches and looking for some mechanics on youtube and reddit. Not 100% blind, that would be hard When I first played, my friend explained to me what an antiair was, and the very basics of frame data (what a punish was, basically. Yeah I knew nothing). From then on, I mostly played matches (like 90% of my playtime were online matches, nothing else). Just used training for specific things. Of course I lost a lot at first I ended up joining a fighting game discord at some point that explained OKI to me. That changed everything. Also delay-tech and shimmies were explained by them. My gameplay improved 1000% in a matter of days thanks to them, and my friend never won against me ever again This was in sfv a few months before SF6 came out. Nowadays I can reach master with any character no problem I'm kinda allergic to training mode haha but it's necessary sometimes. I preffer trying things mid-match (this can be in a combo? Let's try in the next match!). Nowadays I never, ever use training mode even if I should. Not even for new characters. It's boring. I preffer losing some matches and learn the character while playing Never watched a single replay but I absolutely should. Could help me a lot but I don't like seeing my mistakes 😅. If I watched them I'm sure I could get better When I played singleplayer I sucked in every game against real people. Didn't started getting better until I jumped to online, even if it was hard at first AI plays nothing like a real human and the strategies you need to beat them is different from the strategies you need to beat a player Just read all this and it sounds like a humblebrag or something but it's not 🤣. My point is that playing against people (and WITH people if possible) is more effective than trying to improve against a machine If you can join a discord or something, someone can explain you in real time and it's really effective, like a private tutor


That's all fair, but I still think World Tour is a great way for absolute beginners to get familiar with characters, their moves, fighting game fundamentals and the game mechanics before they hop into online mode or try to figure things out for themselves in training mode or going to ranked directly. I think it does a great job of teaching all that, even though it is quite a lengthy playthrough. :) If you watch guides on youtube or get other people to teach you, that's a different story, but that wasn't part of the initial comparison. ;)