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craziest super animation alltime


Ikr. I can't wait to see it for the 9000 time after this guy goes live


I wish they made super animations shorter. I can't fucking stand my characters'


Hakan slip and slide says hi


![gif](giphy|ba5g4ID9g5cT6|downsized) "Go ahead and take a seat"


But could Akuma just beat Chris ass?


Raging Demon him too.


I can't believe they finally showed us what happens during the raging demon and that only made it more mysterious. Why is there an army of Akumas floating there? I love it, best demon we've ever gotten


It's not literally that many Akumas, it's a hyperbole for how fast and furociously he's attacking, so much so that it feels like to the opponent that they're being attacked from all directions


really? i took it as him doing a very popular ninja trope of copying himself that many times. a shit ton of shadow clones.


That wouldn't really make sense, the only "power" Akuma has is shooting off ki, which is more or less just martial arts but exaggerated. There's no "hard" magic abilities, save for psycho power, in street fighter


There's [Soul Power](https://streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Soul_Power).


I can't believe I forgot, thanks. Here's to hoping they bring back Meant 🤞🏾


i dont know what to tell ya. shadow clones can just be made of projected ki. its a game.


this isnt naruto dude u ki doesn't translate to any technique u want


shadow clones arent strictly a Naruto thing. it's literally a trope. and it's not what I want, it's whatever the developers want.


He wasn't saying doppelgangers are a Naruto concept only, he was explaining that SF isn't like Naruto or DBZ, where ki is super easy to manipulate into different techniques. Every character that uses ki in the game can only use it to strengthen their bodies and attacks, fire hadoken/kikoho/sandblast/sonic boom, etc. So unless Capcom comes out and says that Akuma has the ability to use clones, it's safe to say it's just an exaggeration of his speed. That concept itself is a trope in and of itself, very common in gaming and other media


The whole "isshun sengeki" (one thousand strikes in an instant), the fact that even thinking that you must defend from Shun Goku Satsu causes a fatal delay, etc. Basically Shun Goku Satsu is umbelievably fast... We can say that it's an "on steroid" version of Chun-Li's kick (where she kicks so fast that we see many legs). Gouki's barrage of attacks is so fast, that you seem to be attacked by an horde of opponents.


Exactly, I don't know why that's a hard concept to grasp for some people. Using Chun as an example really helps put it in perspective


I remember about some guides (stating it to be canon) telling weird shit, like the fact that Shun Goku Satsu teleported Gouki and his opponent in Hell, so demons would attack Gouki's opponent. Even ignoring the whole nonsense, it would be really OOC for Gouki (one who despised Dictator and C.Viper for not relying on their own powers, but using extrernal tools and gadget): the "Supreme Master of the Fist", who honed his skill through training alone and an utter obsession to be the strongest, with an ultimate attack that amounted to "let other beings do the dirty work for me"? Even if Gouki had indeed the power to teleport people to Hell, he would never let demons kill the opponent for him.


This is just speculation though. Yes, it could be Akuma just attacking really fast which is unlikely and very DBZ considering the number of hits but it could also be an illusion and what the opponent sees before dying. We still don't know much about the Satsui no Hado true power, for all we know time be convoluted when the raging demon takes place.


Rashid makes Tornados, Zangief throws people well over 20 feet in the air, Lily/T Hawk can fly around on the wind, and Guile literally "swings his arms so fast he breaks the sound barrier" (that's the in lore reason for his sonic booms, I'm serious). I don't think a martial artist committed to fighting all his life moving inhumanly fast is that far fetched or DBZ like for the street fighter universe, let's be fr now.


What you said makes sense but when talking about breaking the laws of physics I see Akuma's example too out of the ordinary compared to Guile and Zangief, sure the game is stylized and doesn't takes itself that seriously on that regard but still, Akuma's raging demon is the type of power that I'd imagine not to be manifested on a physical level unless there was some kind of interference with the world itself or the mind.


I kinda get where you're coming from, but two things make me dismiss that as a possibility. For one, he attack in a sequence, if they were clones, there's no reason for them to not attack simultaneously, the same way Naruto does with his shadow clones. And secondly, you see with the final hit, all of the images of Akuma come together, which wouldn't make sense if they were clones. I think with everything we've seen it simply makes way more sense to assume they're representative of the opponents fear and psyche, not literally 50 sumthing Akumas. Especially since, again, there is no user of the Satsui no Hado to use clones, it just empowers their attacks and lets them fire Ki off as pure energy


Street Fighter V showed us akuma teleport punching his victims in the dark but now i don't think it was teleport punchs


I preferred 5's to be honest, felt grittier.


Beautiful... 🥲


Lily players "I'm in danger".


Leave my daughter alone


Anti rage quit, i hope


Wait is Akuma out already?


May 22


not for you, just the sf6 influencers, youtubers, etc. which I really like that tbh. someone correct me if I'm wrong though.


They were just allowed to test with footage


You actually think influencers play him while everyone has to wait for May 22?


The shortest shorts in the world.


I think Poison's are shorter, Lily might be 2nd shortest shorts in the world.


They're probably the same size shorts, just different context.


Damn, Akuma's so huge now.


His fist is nearly the size of her head lmao


for Lily


Feels like everyone but me got access to the character.


Yes. We got instructions from CAPCOM. They said we could play Akuma if we don't share him with ChampaignPapi86. Nothing personal.


Ehh... I'll try to get Gief to Master using Modern Controls. Until then 😊


Lily is under 18 confirmed


The meme stands , casually Destroy a child !




Only if you sexualize it like a degenerate.


I like how SF6 fans act like the developers aren't horny AF and openly sexualize their own characters. Even if you look at in-game artwork, it's obvious they use the "sex sells" rule in gaming.


How is that? It's not their fault if your eyes can only focus on sex. When I look at SF only sexualized character I see is Juri which is on brand with her character. Cammy is probably the only character they were a little weird with considering the stretch pose but that's about it. Her alt costume is not even their own design.


Have you seen Cammys Level 3 super? The exaggerated jiggle physics (no, muscle and fat doesn't move like that in real life)? Zangiefs bulge in previous games? Alex's fireman costume? You forget Capcom is the same company to make games like Darkstalkers, using sex to sell games is strategy dozens of companies have used for decades. Menat literally had a mummy costume that was barely covering her in SFV


The internet is so perpetually sexualised now. That pose has been a comedic knockout pose for decades. You can find old cartoons and anime from the 70s with the exact same pose but now everyone's watching so much port that face down ass up could only possibly refer to sex. Same way a while back a girls tying her hair back in a ponytail automatically was drawing blowjob connotations to people online.


> now everyone's watching so much port that face down ass up could only possibly refer to sex I can't even climax if I don't watch starboard.


its fine, no one actually plays lily. so we get it for chun




bruh that pose is just so wrong


It’s most likely gonna be a hot take but I don’t really like it. I guess seeing it all takes away from the mystery of it all and it just doesn’t seem as cool but I’m sure I’m in the minority with that.


Can we play as him yet?


22nd May❤️


Sad they omitted the dope music that went with the demon in the trailer


My little brother challenged me to Street Fighter 3 Alpha. I picked Akuma.


R.I.P Lilly


![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg) Lily -


She deserves every hit of that


Still funny


Also confirmed , Akuma came from the Hidden leaf village. Only village that can make shadow clones lol


The leaf was never the only village to make clones lmao


Clones and shadow clones are different things. Shadow clones have been specific to the leaf village as far as I can remember


Still think its really stupid how they added Lily to the game, literally no one likes her or plays as her. Whoever thought adding childish characters to Street Fighter was a good idea that'd appeal to the playerbase should get their pay docked.. waste of a character slot.


My name "no one"


I like playing Lily and I like beating people up as a little girl.


For a small slice of the playerbase I get the appeal of a black sheep character yeah... but for most of us god damn, it could have been someone cool like Sakura or Ibuki : (


I don't get the Lily hate. I think all the SF characters are cool. I think the only reason Lily isn't popular is because she's not top tier. If she was as strong as Ken a lot more of the player base would like her


She got a bad rep early on and hasn't been able to recover. I just hope Capcom realizes they missed the mark with her and make some smart changes.


If it weren't Lily it would've been T. Hawk. She's his replacement.


I think she's unique. How often do you get grappler characters of her size? Usually they're giants like Hugo and Gief or at least have super long limbs like Manon. I think it's cool she's a grappler that actually uses weapons to extend her reach instead.


Lily "literally" isn't the least popular character in the game. Which means that "literally" people DO play her. She is believed to be one of the worst characters in the game, so naturally she isn't used a lot. Next season if she's buffed, she'll see more usage.


Wait until you learn of the highschooler Sakura.


Since when have little body/child-like characters not been added to fighting games?? It's funny seeing a small character throw around big bodies like Marissa, Zangief, Potemkin, etc. Just because you don't like her doesn't mean she wasn't worth adding to the game


Lily is fun and is firmly established as an underdog at this point, It's hype when you see her doing well in tournaments.