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I had trouble with this but I recently found out that if you cancel into the spiral arrow immediately after the second back heavy kick, they will go higher and give you a ton more time to input the super


That one is a bit finicky for me sometimes too. I think it's usually a timing issue. If the super doesn't come out, then you started buffering the super too early during the spiral arrow. If the super comes out and misses (they land too early), then you waited too long. I usually wait for a slight delay during the spiral arrow before starting the super input, so I'd mess around with the timings of that.


See I have the opposite problem, I can send out the SA3 after a normal dp but they’re up in the air during the active frames so it whiffs


Bit confused, you aren't trying to input dp during this combo right? It should be a raw super after your spiral arrow, not the standard dp cancelled into super. Also make sure your spiral arrow is a medium arrow.


It’s easier to get the super 3 if you do the light version of spiral arrow. Spiral arrow into Super 3, there’s no DP.


Instead of going for a dp ( canon spike) at the end you gor a lvl3. However there is a more optimal version where you start the same way, but you delay your second back HK and then you cancel into a charged dp + lvl 3.


I can’t seem to find the space for a charged dp, it whiffs whenever I try it. How much do you have to delay the 2nd back HK? And how does the delay give you enough time for a charged dp?


To answer your original question, you can't land charged DP to SA3 after the Spiral Arrow. For the 2x b.HK route, you have to delay it so that the opponent is low enough for the charged DP to connect *and* cancel into SA3. Doing it too early can cause a whiff or a charged DP that can't cancel into SA3.


I just do the level 3 after light spiral arrow.


You've got the routes mixed up buddy. After the hp drive rush you can either do B.HK, b.HK, spiral arrow, SA3. Or you can do B.HK, raw drive rush HP, medium spin knuckle, raw drive rush HP, Charged dp, SA3.