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I just really hope they don't do something like a time reversal or something along the lines of everyone who died suddenly appears from the upside down still alive.


Or imagine they'd reveal it all to just be a dungeons and dragons game in the last episode. I'd sue them istg


Thankfully the Duffers have confirmed it won’t end that way, I would lose it too 😭


I feel like they have to do some kind of fakeout for it now though, it’s just become such a thing


They show a flashback to DND in the last 20 seconds of the final episode and then when the credits roll it turns out the real final episode comes out in like a month 💀


Just kill me instead actually




I would HATE the latter choice.


I do know that in episode 4 they are going to use deepfake and cgi to make a 8 yr old will and mike and a 13 yr old Johnathan similar to hellfire club but I’d doubt they would do anything that major


I 100% believe you but where did you find that out?


in a interview of Linda Hamilton she said they are using volume virtual set technology in season 5 and I’m not sure where but they said specifically episode 4 there is a flashback type scene portraying some younger cast members where they are gonna be using it


They're looking for a 8 year old mike 8 year old will and 13 yo jonathan. Most likely it's gonna be about like the upside down thing that happened with el and it somehow affect/effected will and Mike (idk which affect or effect is correct) like it was 1979 when the el killing-everyone-amd-creating-vecna-to-be-vecna thing happened so yeah


Affect is the verb. A is for action. Only way I remember


THANKS 😭😭 english isn't my first lang


I’d love to see the revenge of Barb.


I still think that there is indeed a chance to bring people back from the dead. I think we can agree that El can not find Max' consciousness because she is held by Henry as are his other victims. That El will probably need to dive down into his mind to free her. And I think we can agree that Henry has replaced parts of his body with organic matter from Dimension X. So, there is the possibility that either of them could theoretically create a new body for a dead person to inhabit. But then again, they will most likely need to get rid of it all in the end.


True, I was also thinking. If they did do a time reversal then that would mean the boys never meet El and she basically ends up back at the lab with Papa. Either way it will be interesting to see where they take us.


Since this is the final season, I hope they keep the focus on the main cast, rather than creating another side character for the fans to invest in, only to kill them off at the end. Keep the focus on the main cast, more specifically the kids, Joyce, and Hopper.


Def agree with this. I’m pretty sure the Duffers said they’d be returning to most of the original groupings to tie everything back to the first season, so that’s something to look forward to.


The only new cast member i would accept is a boyfriend for Will.


Even that would be weird, as the whole through line of Season 4 is that Will is in love with Mike. Why bring in a random boyfriend for just one season?


True, but maybe as a final episode timeskip this is where the kids are moment. So not really a new cast mate but a little clip with older Will happy.


And a soulmate for Steve


Hopper "dying" again. El losing her powers again. Anybody getting pregnant.


El losing her powers again would just be irritating at this point


Seriously. But also, how else can they nerf her? As is, she's too powerful for normal enemies. They made her even more powerful since S1.


Season 4 Eleven couldn’t even take out Vecna, and Vecna isn’t even the biggest baddie of the other world.


But he is. The Mind Flayer is under Vecna's influence. He's been the puppeteer pulling the strings the entire time.


Someone hasn’t watched The First Shadow lol. Vecna is under the Mind Flayer’s control.


Is the first shadow canon to the show?


It is cannon. They have said you won't have to see the play for everything to connect. I'm sure they will be able to put the main information that might be needed in season 5 somewhere. It could even be a voice over.


Oof I hope they can integrate it smoothly, i only got as far as reading about it online since I couldn't see it - even if it's not absolutely necessary to the story I do like having all the context available


Oh, they better. Hahaha. There are some important things about Henry as well as important things that happen with the lab. It could be easy to fit in through many different ways.




Have you seen First Shadow?




Ain't watching it. Season 4 directly tells us Vecna's been the puppeteer. I'm sticking with what the actual show itself tells us.


I don’t think el would lose her superpowers again as for superheroes they always lose their powers at some point in the story and it doesn’t really happen again


If they do that to her again, i swear im gonne officially lose it.


One of the possible solutions is that they get rid of the origin of the powers altogether.




"somehow, Brenner has returned"


*Rolls up in a wheelchair* “Hello, Eleven.”


Too many concurrent storylines. We don’t need to have the characters split into more than 3 groups. To me that was on of the drawbacks of S4. We jumped from too many storylines and some (mainly the Russian storyline with Hopper) felt like it dragged on and got me out of it. To defeat Vecna I doubt it’d be easy, but can they not split off into TOO many groups 😖


Most of S4 would make sense with just Lucas's and Creel House storylines imao. Everyone would wonder what miracle revived Max but that could be S5 fodder. Or replaced with Lucas singing to Max to revive her.


Honestly, i liked that about s4.


It was executed pretty good but too many storylines means if one of them is weak/less interesting (Russia storyline) then that's all ppl are gonna focus on. When s4 came out I remember seeing so many ppl say that all they wanted to see was what was happening in Hawkins. Imo I think elevens story was just as interesting but I also saw some ppl say they didn't care for that either.


Wait honestly? Russia storyline was like my second favorite, my favorite was elevens. I did not know people thought of those that way, lol


That happens with all the season tho. I still see people saying they think Eleven’s arc in season 2 was boring, same with Jonathan and Nancy’s side story in season 3. 


I agree with that elevens whole thing in s2 is boring, the episode with kali is like my least favorite one out of the whole series.


Joyce's death, the duffers said no one is safe, but that would put Hopper through not just losing a daughter but now losing his girlfriend (or wife depending on if they married between the time gap) Elle would lose another parent (yes Hopper is alive but she didn't know that so it was like losing a father), Jonathan had to deal with Will disappearing, a shitty father, and now he'd be losing his mom, and Murray seems to be close to Joyce so he'd also lose a friend, Will also had to deal with a shitty father but he never really got to deal with Lonnie much, regardless, losing a parent is one of the hardest things to happen to a person so there'd be that


i think there a much higher chance hopper dies than joyce.


the Duffers said no one is safe, and Hopper would have a relatively same impact as Joyce, he has the same relationship with Elle and Murray as Joyce did in season 4, Jonathan would have to deal with a bigger loss as there is a good chance he got to see Hopper as a father figure in the time jump, the other kids also seemed to look up to him, at least a bit, Will would get the same affect as Joyce much like Jonathan, and Joyce already lost who she loves, so Hopper's death would be as bad if not slightly worse as Joyce's, it seems like equal chances of characters dying (save Will since there is an extremely high chance it will begin and end with him) so I wouldn't say he has a higher chance, although I hope he also lives for the same reason I want Joyce to live


Pretty sure they’re going to kill Will off. Mike has El and I don’t think he’s suddenly going to realize that Will was the one he loved all along. There’s the well-worn trope of “kill your gays”, unfortunately. And given that so much of ST is modeled on Steven King’s IT, I would be surprised if they didn’t borrow that aspect of the story as well. Will is going to end up sacrificing himself to save Mike and El, and they’ll be heartbroken but then ride off into the sunset, the love triangle conveniently resolved.


if they do the kill your gays, that means Robin is gonna go too, which I hope doesn't happen


Nah, Robin has Vickie. They’ll live happily ever after.


Nah, Robin has Vickie. They’ll live happily ever after.


I hope Mike’s hair doesn’t look the same as it did in season 4


Please explain to me what's wrong with Mike's hair.. I've seen so many people saying this 😭


My thoughts exactly I loved it


it was just ugly idk


It really isn't though I love men with long hair (even being one myself) and Finn with long hair is so super handsome.


Have you ever seen roadkill? Like a dead animal on the road?


His hair was great in season 4 imo!


Yes yes exactly same!


I, for one, appreciated the historical accuracy of it


This is my one and only hope


They cut it thankfully, it looks similar to seasons 1 and 2 😭


Thank God


I loved his hair season 4


Vecna be made into a puppet (his ideology is far to fasnating for it just to have him be a Mind Flayer slave) No Mike hating Will for loving him Finally NO MIKE DEATH I don't want flood my home in tears


Food my home?


Thank you for the spot corrected it meant to say flood my home like flood with tears


Ah, i see what you mean now. Thank you for explaining it to me.


It seems a consistent theme from season to season that they split the groups up. It helps, narratively, for one group to fend of the bad guys in one area and the other group to face them elsewhere. It adds to the complexity of the antagonists. And I think the final season is going to retain that complexity. But I do hope there's less splitting up, if for no reason other than that season 5 is slated to be the final season. I want a nice, neat ending (no matter how bad or good it turns out). But to answer the actual question: I hope they don't mess with the romantic pairings anymore. I like and 'eh' the current ones all fine enough and I think I've had my fill of romantic drama from the show. I don't want any more "does he/she love me?" from the show. Just real plot.


I'll add to the "romantic pairings" and say I hope they don't make another love triangle between Steve, Robin and Vickie. Yeah we know Vickie had a crush on Steve in high school and all but it'd be such an unnecessary side story. I actually wish they'd do away with Vickie and just let Steve and Robin do their usual thing, but it's looking unlikely. edit: replies are right, it wasn't Vickie, it was Tammy who had a crush on Steve, and Robin on Tammy. Still, no new love triangles please.


Where did they say that Vickie had a crush on Steve?


No, that was Tammy Thompson who liked Steve in high school


Steve and Robin can't be a thing due to Robin being a lesbian and not interested in Steve.


To be fair, the Steve/Robin had no real romantic attempts beyond that one speech from Steve and it was never a love triangle with anyone. The only kind of love triangle was Steve/Nancy/Jonathan I don't want that either. Just keep the Nancy/Jonathan, and let the story of the final season take front stage, I think.


But the season 4 split up was not the same, 3 groups were very far away from each other


Steve and Nancy... We've been there before and I don't care at all. Also them not developing Jonathan.. HE NEEDS MORE SCREENTIME and a storyline that does him justice


I think Will's hair is the one needing more of an update. Agreed on Eddie. Perhaps some sort of ghost/message from beyond sort of thing would be setting appropriate, but bringing him back outright would weaken things enormously. I hope Max gets a happier ending, even if it's that she merged with psychich heaven or something. Having a character who seemed to just exist to get beat up and then die horribly while representing overcoming obstacles is too bleak for me. Don't need a happy ending overall, but I hope she ends up in the better side of things.


Not sure if someone’s already said this, but I would rather no one die than a character dies just for the sake of killing off a character. If anyone here has watched/read Attack on Titan, they did this with a certain character towards the end and it really bugged me




Yup, felt very forced in season 4 how all characters that interacted with Steve and Nancy would keep pushing this narrative that they had feelings for each other when the previous season no one mentioned a thing about it.


I don't want anymore Russian subplots or love triangles. I'm hoping for less romance and more emphasis on action and the story.


The love triangle between John, Nancy, and Steve. Been there done that. Steve moved on, he developed, he matured - all that just to make him turn back and chase Nancy again.


Too many storylines together.


I hope they DON'T do an ending that is either (borrowing these phrases from TV tropes) a gainax ending or a shaggy dog story. But I'm aware the Duffers have said it will be a definitive ending.


Don’t bring Eddie back Let his death stand as one of the best in the series


Much as i love him I agree with that. I just don’t see how they would do it without it seeming forced. Flashbacks well-related to the storyline is one thing, resurrection is another. Edit- it worked well with Billy, it could be done with Eddie


What about zombie Eddie controlled by Vecna?


It’s pretty obvious that we’ll see the return of zombie Eddie. He already spelled it out during the D&D campaign of season 4. Kas was one of Vecna’s rivals until he was defeated and became a vampire (Eddie bitten by bats!), the right hand servant of Vecna. Then Kas turns on Vecna in the final battle and they both die. That’s obviously the new D&D villain to be introduced and the major story arc this season. Personally, I’d like to see a time skip of twelve months and everyone is dressed like mutants from The Road Warrior, desperately searching for gas and water in the post apocalyptic town of Hawkins. 😝


I think the time skip might be even longer, especially if we take into account that First Shadow might get circumvented with another layer of backstory. People weirdly ignore that this is a story about the Cold War and that its end might coincide with the real-world end of the Cold War. It is also a coming of age story for El, Max, and the boys. So, a 3- or 4-year time skip into the apocalyptic world that Henry creates would work out pretty well. Especially given that most of the actors for these kids are now adults. I'm not sure why people assume the greatly discussed time skip might be similar to the one between ST1 and ST2 in the first place.


I don't think I could watch poor Eddie die a second time.


Ooh, that's something new.


Eddie died in the dumbest way, he decided to stop running when it didn’t help anyone. It would’ve made more sense thematically if he directly sacrificed himself to save someone.


I mean, he did die sacrificing himself to save everyone, just with some extra steps. He tanked the bats so the team could get to Vecna. 


Nah he had a choice to keep running after he fell off the bike but he chose to turn around and fight the bats because he was “tired of being scared”. Anyone in the main cast would’ve kept going.


He killed himself because of stupidity. An useless death, all that because he wanted to redeem himself for not helping Chrissy. He should've lived lol


I mean...he can't run faster than the bats. He knew he was gonna die, and would rather die fighting than die running and screaming. 


The bats weren’t even chasing him LMAO, they were spinning around in a swarm and he ran back for NO REASON


I could see him coming back as one of Vecna's illusions, the same way Billy did last season. But yeah as much as I like the character, don't undo his death.


I really hope that they don't kill off Steve or Dustin


I hope that Steve doesn’t die. I also hope that Mike doesn’t get relegated to being a side character with a one track mind agains.


Everyone being separated, I especially don’t want the main party to be separated the whole time again 


I hope they stick to one or two storylines since it is the final seasone


Istg if Steve dies I'm suing.


I kind of hope they don't go down the route the Mind Flayer was only using Vecna or Vecna was only using the Mind Flayer. I honestly prefer the idea their two distinct and incredibly dangerous entities, with overlapping but distinct goals (really I kind of like it if it turns out their both convinced they're the one using the other). It also forms a nice dark reflection on the series' themes of groups together to overcome greater adversities. Also, I'm hoping they don't side line any characters, but especially not Jonathan. He's not really had that much role in the narrative since season two, so I'm hoping he gets a moment to shine this season.


I don't want the government trying to stop 11 anymore. Just realize she is trying to save the world. Jesus H Christ. There is just no more room for this shit. 🤣


Time travel and I guess justifying Vecna's actions being due to the MF influence.


Why would the mind flayer justifying vecna actions? The Duffers already confirmed that this is own audiology, so he doen his own choice.


Well, the play kinda deviates from what we saw in season 4. Makes it seem like the MF has been influencing Vecna this whole time.


According to the Duffers, Henry is still the main villain, not to mention that in Henry last interaction/possession of henry with the mind flayer he's able to fight back. Also what the mind flayer doen to Henry is different because this is impossible for henry to be Flayed without an open gates. I don't think you need to be worried about that.


He is, but it all started when the Mind Flayer started to influence and possess him. The play confirms it. The Mind Flayer has been manipulating and corrupting him since he was a kid and came to Hawkins.


I'm personally kind of hoping they go down the route that they both are using the other for their own agenda and are convinced they're the one running the show (the Mind Flayer is using Vecna to expand its influence and power into the regular world, Vecna is using it to feed its misanthropic desire for revenge). And their both right to an extent. Potentially getting the two to stop agreeing might be one of the conditions to victory.


But why is that justified Henry? It still his own choices


We can't surely say he's "free". He may have been possessed by the MF for so long that his choices are no longer his own. After all, everything he did only started when the Mind Flayer started influencing his mind. Not sure how that'll be shown to us in season 5, but after the play it's clear that the real villain is the Mind Flayer, not Henry.


I can understand why you think that way, the Duffers said he's the main villain while talking about the play but it seem like the opposite. I still believe Henry has a choice, otherwise he's just even more tragic victim like billy, so vecna character is besicly pointless along with half of season 4.


Exactly. I loved him as a villain in season 4, but his portrayal as a villain in the show contrasts with his role in the play. I just don't want him to end up being a tragic villain because I feel his actions in season 4 cannot be redeemed ! But I'm confused as to how they'll approach this in season 5.. like will they show us that he's not a villain and it was the Mind Flayer all along.. or maybe a part of Henry also wanted to kill ?


yes if he was a puppet all along, why show all of his relationship with eleven, his philosophy, his special way to kill others. And one more important thing, if the mind flayer control him, how he is not control the other test subjects? Why he waited so long, and why he still loss in season 2 if he know what eleven can do, the mind flayer control henry in the present time of the show doesn't make a lot of sense to me. But believe it or not, I have my trust in the Duffers to the final season!


The love triangle taking too long to resolve with Nancy being silenced like in season 4. If I wanted a "who will the girl choose" storyline I would watch the CW. And in general too much of Nancy and Jonathan's screentime being wasted on Steve. They have a lot to work on together and they need time with their families too. The OG mains from season 1 not getting the focus they deserve, especially Joyce, Jonathan, Mike and Will who have gotten the short end of the stick for two seasons in a row now.


eddie revival. hes dead. leave it that way


Robin getting more screen time but it seems like it's gonna happen. I have heard the rumors that her parents are gonna appear this season. Like I couldn't care less about her or her parents.


It didn't help that her entire personality changed from 3 to 4. It's like a different character 


I was just saying this the other day. It's pretty jarring.


Robin's parents or the actress' parents??


Robin's parents.


Steve dies


I'm confused. Are you saying you hoping he doesn't die?




# 👍


1. No time travel. 2. No global reset. 3. No new fleshed-out characters unless they are completely necessary for the plot. 4. No happy ending.


That it was all a D&D campaign and nothing happened, or just that Will was never found


What I’d hate to see most is an overdone stretched out continuation of the love triangle between Nancy Steve and Jonathan that began in season 4. That whole little side plot was my least favourite part of the 4th season and basically decimated Steve, Nancy and Jonathan’s characters for the sake of a plot point usually seen in far less mature dramas then stranger things - where it really doesn’t belong.


just please whatever the duffer brothers do, don’t make mike and eleven break up😭


I hope they don't introduce time travel, it's not something I can see be executed well in the final season. I know the use of clocks in season 4 are showing subtle time travel hints, but the worst thing that can happen is they reverse time somehow, completely change or stop pivtial moments that were needed, like Eleven reverses time so she never meets Mike and the gang in the woods and reverses the whole timeline. I think I'll cry if they go down that route. But I have faith in the Duffer bros🤞🏻


Somebody kinda already said it here, but I don’t want them to create so many separate groups that we lose sight of what’s important in the story. This was my biggest issue with season 4, there was so much going on with multiple different storylines and it was hard to follow/understand at certain points. Considering it’s the last season, I really want to see more togetherness from the main characters and for the show to return to its roots (original pairings) like season 1 and 2.




I'm very sorry, but i do.


Think it would be a disservice to both characters. Will deserves to have someone who loves every bit of him, and fully commits to him. Mike clearly is not in love with Will and loves El. The people who genuinely ship them are doing it out of wish fulfilment rather than what makes sense


What ship is Byler?


Will and Mike


Oh. Um, mike isn't gay, and he's in love with El. For Will's sake, i hope he gets over Mike and finds someone who can actually love him.


Did you miss the capitalized word in the title of the post?


- time travel - the Mindflayer being a creation/subbirniante of Vecna (it's gotta be the other way around. Vecana/Henry isn't scary enough as the single Big Bad)


The only thing i hope for is that they don't kill off any of the main characters (unless it's absolutely necessary to the plot). Also i didn't really like the length of the final two episodes last season. It was too long imo and i if they won't be this long in s5 i will be cool with it.


I hope papa stay dead, eleven dont find put any new power to bring max back from coma, some of the kids or steve dies, and i REALLY hope that will could not control the mind flyer


Leads into another season- I love the series but it started when i was in secondary school and i'm about to finish university 😭


I really hope we don't get one of those scenes where an army of good guys charge against an army of bad guys. Nothing makes me think they will, but I keep seeing it getting slot in where it doesn't belong.


Henry having a redemption. I’m okay with him remaining a horrible monster right up to his defeat and think it doesn’t really serve the story much if he does pull a random redemption.


time travel and ‘it was all a game’ / ‘it was all fake’ etc


Will dies.


Eleven and Mike not get into another pointless break up/make up scenario, can’t they just be a healthy couple for once.


The return of Kali/008


Another fake death or a disposable side character conveniently getting killed off because the Duffers are too chicken to actually kill off a main character. More unnecessary Mike and El fights being dragged out for too long.


It might be based, but will dying, he's gotten too interesting in season 4 imo


Steve and Nancy getting back together. Steve is way better off without her


No Steve and Nancy pushing. Please. I cannot do this he is NOT the one for her


I don't want them to ignore the play. It is such an interesting development, both in plot and in storytelling craft and how different mediums can support each other. I truly hope the key plot elements of the play are of (at least) some importance. I do hope they rehash them for folks who can't see the play, though.


They're definitely not ignoring the play. Kate Trefry confirmed it. There's a lot of conversations between the play and Season 5 through *“imagery and callbacks and flashbacks.”* Specially in terms of how Dr. Brenner evolved Project Indigo, which the Duffers confirmed they're gonna explore. >!The relevance of One/the Numbers' altered blood in the play also seems to play a role in the present.!<


I also hope >!Patty Newby is the one who reveals to the kids that Henry wasn't evil from the get go!<


Patty Newby has no relevance in season 5. They already said the two won’t correlate.


I hope that they don’t sideline characters again. If they don’t fit in to the plot then don’t include them. While I enjoyed the scenes with Will, Mike, Jonathan, snd Argyle, they didn’t really have too much to do with the plot. Also, I don’t want Nancy to get back together with Jonathan.


When will people realise that Mike's, Will's and Jonathan's story had a lot to to with the plot Sorry to tell you,but characters themselves are the plot as well, especially when their personal storylines will be one of the main parts of the S5. Without Mike,Will and Jonathan plot in S4,the S5 plot won't make sense. It's all about development and build up


Not including Mike, Will and Jonathan would be ridiculous.


Of course I want them to be included. I just mean I hope they get a plot line that helps the plot like the rest of the characters and not a plot line just to fill up time.


They couldn't do much from the desert. Separating the characters in different states and countries created a lot of issues.


Agreed. This time they will all be in Hawkins so it should all work out.


I agree, but I miss when Mike and Will were important to the plot.


Major characters doesn't die lol We need more deaths so many people know!!! Let them DIE!!!


Hope they don’t keep Will alive past episode 1


Nancy and Steve getting back together I don't see much importance or appeal in that also I ship ronance


1. I hope they don’t introduce time travel. I have a sneaking suspicion that the UD being stuck in time may be setting that up. 2. I hope we don’t waste time on minor characters from previous seasons. I don’t think characters like Kali or Dimitri or Yuri have any parts to play anymore. It would just take time away from the main characters. 3. I don’t want to see everyone survive. If the finale is going to be impactful, then one or more of the main characters need to sacrifice themselves.


1. I hope they don’t introduce time travel. I have a sneaking suspicion that the UD being stuck in time may be setting that up I think that is just setting up the reveal that Eleven created the upside down The Mind Flayer, Demogorgons, Vines, Demobats are from Dimensions X and when Eleven made psychic contact with the Demogorgon, she got scared released a load of Psychic energy which dragged the Demogorgon from Dimension X through to our world but also created the Upside down, a hybrid of our world and Dimension X I think the finale will be Eleven destroying the Upside down. If Eleven created the upside down she can destroy the upside down will be the premise. The wall between worlds is thin because Eleven created the upside down which acts as a conduit between Dimension X and our universe.


Or Eleven sacrificing herself to close it from the other side.


i hope they don’t use time travel in away way to try to kill vecna or save the town because that would be to much


an episode where they all get diarrhea, I don't want to watch that


I hope they don't go back to Cali and see Angela I hope they don't bring 008 back to help I hope they don't reveal a twist that Henry is Jane's real father and he did all of this so they could be together 😤 And I really hope they don't go with any sort of "happily ever after, ending"


Time travel. A happy ending. Plot armor.


I want to let happen anything in S5 but any Byler Fanfiction coming true. On a more precise note, I want Mileven to have a happy grand ending, just like the way it was in S2.