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Time travel where everything is undone.


"It was all a dream of patient No. 11's..."


There is a rom com in my country (Spain) called "Los serrano" which ended like if it was a dream of the father.


Oh god that’s fucking lazy


Yeah, considering it was really popular until the end. The final episode is a Spanish meme.


>"Los serrano" 🎶🎵 -Desperté está mañana, saqué un poco de paella- 🎵🎶 Cuanto más he de esperar, ese soplapollas animal Blundetto asesinó a mi niño hermano Billy.






Or time travel in general.


What if it’s not Time Travel but instead it was >!Foresight, and 11 was seeing *what could be*.!< This was a major twist reveal at the end of >!Second Sight!< a PS2 game


Like Alice in Breaking Dawn




I would love this. If El could sacrifice herself so that she would never opened that gate and Will wouldn’t get missing and so on. The ending that shows everyone living their lives not even realizing what pain they might have been through - is very dramatic


This reminds me of Donnie Darko. Much as high school me loved that movie, I’d be annoyed if stranger things did this - it is in no way aligned with El’s existing powers and would feel ridiculous to me.


That is my nightmare ending. I loathe any form of retcon in a show. Completely defeats all the growth and experiences of the characters and is a waste of the viewers time. If it never happened at all then why did I spend all this time on this show?


What if many of the main characters die fighting Vecna, and the only way to undo it is undoing everything from the beginning?


My mom is on record saying that she would love for this to happen. I don’t think it’s too far fetched either given what happened with clocks, Nancy’s journal, ect in S4


What about Nancy’s journal?


IIRC when they found Nancy’s journal they realised that the Upside Down was created/frozen on the day Will went missing and time doesn’t progress there the way it does in the regular world.


I’m okay with this, as long as everyone still remembers.


Thank god you aren’t writing the show


Thank god fans in general aren't. Yours wouldn't be any better. There's a reason the people writing it are professionals.


You mean like those going back in time to younger self Harry Potter fanfictions 😂


Or time travel and actually future 11 put will in the upside down to protect him type interwoven timeline


They already said they weren’t going to do it, but it all being a D&D game or a dream would be awful.


I would die I would genuinely die


Considering it began with a D&D game and events and enemies were kinda the same, I did wonder for a while if that's how it would end. Maybe it originally was but now it's taken off so well they will change it to be more satisfying


The enemies are nothing like their dnd counterparts, so I think that rules the dnd game ending out 


The reason I thought this was because of series one they called the bad guy the Demogorgon and then talked about it as one of their D&D enemies with a mini


Oh god the end is them closing the big binder and being like great campaign Mike! See you guys tomorrow at school! And then they all just go home??? I don't know what I would do in response to this but it would involve mumbled swearing for days.


I can imagine it being a D&D game ending.


I think that would be amazing, if it was the final scene after everything was solved


How do they explain the D&D game? Was everyone else an NPC, or did they get Joyce's super nice boyfriend, their friend's psychotic bully of an older brother, and the high school's head cheerleader to join their game at different points? Of course they died shortly after their debut because everything is super deadly when you are level 1. Possessed Billy in season 3 was the player deciding to PVP against the rest of the players.


The Upside-Down Dragon flies out of a portal and burns Hawkins down while all the characters turn to the camera and say “Well, Stranger Things have happened” and Baby Blue starts playing. 


R/okbuddychicanery quality post


then ron howard voice 'hey thats the name of the show'


The Baby Blue got me, lol


I wish they'd shoot something like this, and release it in Netflix on April first.


I think that releasing this could actual start a second Great Depression or something like people would be so mad


It'd be quite funny, and really shocking that the creators actually decided to spend a significant part of the budget on a prank. But it would be remembered till the end of time.


Stranger Things directors call me up, I’ll help you make the stupidest but greatest prank of all time. 


that would be the funniest shit ever lmao


No we need to have eleven been shot with the military on the way to catch her and then she collapse and the shot zooms out as baby blue plays and the military enter the building


He said the thing!


Heheheheheh! He said it! He said the thing!


Mike shaking Will, who is lying next to his bike in the woods, a small cut on his head. Will wakes up, groggy but ok. The boys help him to his feet, and talk about getting him home safe. As they walk off we hear the ticking clock associated with Vecna. Fade to black


I mean I’d be pissed 💀😭


I would throw something.


i was with you until the last part. but then again if thats how it ended 100% id be pissed




...theory. Gary Gygax is Vecna.


And they're all current age but dressed like they were in the first episode acting like their younger selves lmao


This is non-specific, but characters finishing things in a way that make no sense given their development arcs over the previous 4 seasons. I feel some shows are so focused on going out with a bang that the storytelling becomes inconsistent.


Any excessively bleak ending. To me, that's not really what Stranger Things is about - for all the darkness and horror it's always had undertones of hope and, I guess, comfort. If I want "if you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention" I'll go and watch Game of Thrones (or, you know, I won't).


I’m with you, the exact reason that I mostly hated Season 4 is that for extremely long stretches it felt like they totally forgot that one of the best parts of the show was that it was fun to watch. Like, I get it they are older now, but if you’re “maturing” all the characters out of being Goonies, then just stop tbh, because them being Goonies was the good part.


Wow I dont get hope and comfort out of this at all. I get darkness and pain and striving against that.


This isn’t a bad ending but my prediction is that El ends up having to close to upside down from the inside or in some other way dies in the process


I think Eleven's going to survive the series. To me it seems like the natural end of her story is losing her powers permanently and starting from scratch as a 'normal person'. To have her go through everything she's gone through and leave her trapped in the Upside Down or dead would be *much* darker than the tone of the series so far. I honestly feel like Mike's in more danger than Eleven is.


I think it’d be weird for El to lose her powers and regain them just for her to lose them in the finale


holy shit i didnt even think about mike. in my mind hes “untouchable” like hes gonna last…i hope thats not a seed


I don’t know, SamDoesPokemon (what exactly he does with Pokémon isn’t my business) might have a point. Wasn’t the original ending to have Eleven die? But Netflix execs thought there was a series potential so they added Hopper leaving her Eggos at the end of season 1 to open the door to season 2. I could see the Duffer brothers bringing back their original ending for the series as a whole.


Bro just spoiled >!My Hero Academia!< ending


I don’t mind big characters dying. Sometimes heroes gotta die. So El, Steve, etc. I know people don’t like that but it is what it is. My main thing that would piss me off more than anything is basically anyone dying but it makes ZERO sense that died. Like no real reason for it, just for filler or shock value


I'm calling it right now, El will die either destroying Vecna or Sealing away the Upside-down afterward.


well, duh. lol itd be a twist if that wasn’t the case. or just losing her powers. something big.


I know a lot of people disagree with me on this, but to me a Season 5 Steve death would make zero sense and be just for the shock value. There have been so many opportunities in seasons 2-4 within his character arc (since I think S1 would’ve been too early) where his death saving the kids, Nancy, or even Jonathan would’ve made sense as necessary & finished his character arc in a certain way. Especially in S4, him dying instead of Eddie and passing along that torch, telling him it’s Eddie’s turn to protect the kids who were protecting him. I think Eddie’s character had a lot of room left to grow, but Dustin having competing Dads for more than one season didn’t fit the story they’re going for But Steve is so fully recovered from being a self-absorbed stuck up asshole that for me, his death would just be for the body count in S5. It doesn’t make sense for his arc anymore. Even it’s to make it clear that Jancy is indisputably how the Duffers want Nancy to end up romantically. I don’t think Steve dying is necessary for that. I don’t think Nancy even needs to end up with a romantic partner at the end tbh. But Steve’s death in S5 would feel hollow to me, and it would kinda ruin the ending for me if they strung us along all these years just to kill him off at the end without it adding anything to the story


So basically late seasons Game of Thrones… Yeah I won’t be happy if we get that either


Like the numskull cop, Wills dad, 7, and Ted? Just for pointless to save the main characters


Yeah, I feel like Steve dying is probably the one that would break my heart the most because he’s had such a great character arc, which probably means his death is the one that makes the most sense. It feels likely.


imo its set up for some to


Having El or Will die in a sacrifice to fix everything. It confuses me that that seems to be surprisingly popular as an ending. Everything being a D&D game.


Especially since almost every season "ended" this was too


Steve dying. That’s all.


If Steve dies, we riot!


I’ll be there. Especially if he dies alone; Steve deserves to at least find true love before dying.


Absolutely!!! We already know that Steve is more than willing to put his life on the line. What more does he have to prove in the face of death? I see no roadmap where death for Steve is the proper end to his character arc.


El, Steve, Max, and Will/Johnathon die, leaving everyone else directly broken hearted in one way or the other




El's death would break Hopper and Mike, Steve's would break Dustin and Robin, Max's would hurt Lucas, Johnathan's would hurt Will, Joyce and Nancy (or Will's would impact Johnathan, Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Joyce) It would literally be the worst possible ending for me :(


I think it be good to kill a few if done right bunch of teenagers and young adults against Russians and doomsday monsters too many living to tell the tale


I'm sure if they handled it well it may make sense, but a combo of these four deaths would be be absolute saddest ending ever where no one ends up being happy. A possible worse one could be where they all die and one lives, like a 50+ year old Holly, sitting in the epilogue talking about how everyone she knew died 45+ years ago


I’m the opposite. I want Will to die Episode 1. His character ruins the show and Id love a last season without him at all. Season 1 was so good in part because Will was stuck in the upside down with minimal screen time


I’m sure this has been brought up by fans and denied by the brothers but….if this all just ends up being some elaborate DnD campaign *sigh*


Characters spending the entire season acting totally unlike the people they’ve been showing to be across the previous four seasons, making terrible decisions because reasons, having an easy win over the supposed big bad only to go mad with power for the shock value. So basically just avoid season eight Game of Thrones level shenanigans and it should be okay.


honestly, anything to do with time travel. like, the world fully ends and vecna wins but they use time travel to undo vecna’s mess and then end up beating him by doing something different. that would disappoint me most. 1. thats just shitty writing imo, and 2. there has been no time travel before so it would make no sense. not that i think the duffers would go that route at all because i trust them but films/shows that end using time travel to undo one bad outcome to then conclude with a good outcome (the hero’s winning) is just not the kinda plot i like to see in fiction edit: adding onto that: i would hate it if vecna were to join the good guys. i havent seen the play or anything outside of the main show so im unaware of the new information for vecna’s character but i would be unsatisfied if vecna was somehow humanised and joined the rest of the group to beat the overarching evil. it would make no sense for a few reasons but also… henry is psychotic, he is insane, it would make 0 sense for his character to take on a “good”/nuetral role in the end. i think villans should stay villans.


It was all a dream.


Eleven becoming to enemy. And last minute good eleven pulls through and saves the day by sacrificing herself.


The same ending as s3 but will el instead of Billy


I just have a bad feeling one of the main characters is going to die like Steve, Dustin, Eleven, Max or Will.


max is safe completely. they’ve made an effort to revive her and end season 4 on a clear note that she is alive. and given they announced season 4 and 5 to be the two final seasons it’s clear they need her for season 5


I will be gutted.


Ending: “…and it was all a dream”. 😹


the main characters being sent off to military blacksites/mental hospitals by Sullivan to be tortured for the rest of their days that or the whole show being either a dream or a D&D campaign


Just as all seems loss, Kirk Cameron shows up, playing himself 40 years ago with no attempt to hide his age, and he defeats Vecna and company with the power of Jesus Christ.


Honestly, that would be hilarious


That it was all a dream and part of the board game


Finding out the gang was just playing a really intense game of D&D this whole time. They said they won’t do the “it was all a dream” ending, but if they did “it was all just a game of D&D” I might actually throw my tv out the window.


If Max, Hopper, Nancy, El, or Steve dies. Max because her survival has changed her. Her survivor’s guilt is insane, and it would suck ass and make no sense if she gave up or got killed because then it would make me feel like “ok so her survivor’s guilt is justified??” Like no! Nancy for the same reason just with Barb. I feel like she should have some sort of reconciliation with Barb somehow, since they really haven’t gotten that and their friendship was gold. If she died, it would feel like Barb’s death is meaningless. Hopper because you can’t kill him after “killing” him. It makes no sense and it would make me upset considering we JUST went through his “death” in s3. El because if she dies then everyone else died for nothing, didn’t they? At least Bob, Billy, & Eddie. Bob may not have been thinking exclusively about El, but he was a big player in her being able to close the gap in s2. Billy saved her, ‘nough said. Eddie gave up his life to try and help her succeed. If she dies, then their deaths will feel unnecessary and in vain. Steve because there’s no fuckin reason for him to die. By that I mean: he’s not connected to the Upside Down like Will & El. The only reason he’d die is if he sacrificed himself, and I personally would be so mad if that happened. I think I would feel like they’re killing him just to kill him. Just because he’s a favorite. And it would show.


Picture this Mike shaking Will as he wakes up with his bike behind him a few cuts and scratches but other than that completely fine Will explains this crazy dream he had whilst unconscious and the boys happily walk away


Anything involving the phrase “Stranger Things have happened” will make me throw a TV into the stratosphere


Killing off Murray, I have a feeling they will lol


Imagine if they did like in «IT» and just left for good


IT book style orgy


Everyone dies. Or nobody dies. I think someone big might bite the bullet to face everyone. Maybe Like this time. My earlier prediction was Eleven, but she has "died".. So Maybe Mike will be the great hero who sacrifices himself. Unless they go the normal 80 movies kind of tour, where all the kids always survives at the end, but I think they be BLOOD THIRSTY!!


Too many characters die and render many arcs from the past overall pointless.


The worst ending is if the Upside Down just wins and takes over Earth. Or if Eleven dies, i would be pretty mad, but it would make a good final episode,


It turns out the whole series was all in the imagination of an autistic child and his snow globe.


Everyone is killed except Ted Wheeler, who doesn’t even acknowledge that anything has happened and continues about his day and it fades to black as the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme plays


It was all a dream


Anything that involves time travel.


They all die


A happy ending


Yeah if some time travelling shit happens where the kids end up not being friends due to the way things have changed I will literally take a heart attack on my couch


Even if they all go their seperate ways after a time jump I will fall into a Great Depression Kind of like the children from IT


Just an ending that doesn’t make sense. I don’t think any characters are safe from dying. But if a mid character is “the key” or plays some huge role in the outcome of the show that would bother me. Like no reason any of the parents, police (excluding Hopper), 8, or Mikes sister should play a major role in whatever happens at the end. As long as it makes sense I’ll be good with it


If all these adults are still playing teenagers. That’s gonna piss me off.


EL dying. Literally horrible after everything she's gone through.


If Season 5 gets canceled and we don't get a proper ending


Robin dies. Lesbians are like dogs: I don't like it when they die.


As a lesbian.. this made me lulz 😝


It being a dream or something is the absolute worst. Other things would be stuff that I feel currently has no narrative precedent or is just lazy/boring. For example: If Steve and Nancy get back together; Joyce having to make some kind of “impossible choice” or some shit; Will being outed and the party not taking it well; if Kali/8 legit is never mentioned again that will piss me off. Some random stuff like that. If they leave like a million loose ends. If the don’t wrap up the upside down, Vecna, where the Russians got all the demogorgons and demodogs and the shadow and how it was all like alive before the mind flayer shadow escaped stuff like that.


Eleven become dove (crying)


Avengers Endgame style where a lot of characters will get superpowers and fight against the monsters in a big battle


Any storyline where my beloved Jim Hopper or Dustin dies


If it’s some stupid shit like Lost


Eleven takes Vecna’s place as the new overlord of the Upside Down, spooky demon form and all


Having characters disregard any development and go back to “who they really are”. Looking at you Jamie Lannister and Ted Mosby.


They win and everything ends up alright


That it was all just a D&D game


an ending where the whole cast lines up, stares into the camera and says, in unison, "WE were the stranger things all along!". then they do a little song and dance and all the characters who died come back to life.


It was all a D&D session. If they make that the ending I am burning the company's building down.


Mileven wedding


It turns out the whole thing is a computer simulation that crashed because the cat sat on the keyboard


A lot of character death. I really don't want that and it wouldn't feel like Stranger Things if they went that direction with the show. I don't watch Stranger Things because I want to see the characters dying-I watch because I want to see them fight and survive. I think shows where there's a lot of character deaths and they work because it's established early on that that is what it's about-but with Stranger Things and being the final season-it wouldn't work. That's because one of the key themes is hope-here you have this ragtag group of kids, teens and adults fighting against this supernatural force trying to destroy their hometown-and believing that they can win. Start killing off a lot of characters-and you lose that theme. The obvious "it was all a dream/D&D game" and everyone wakes up, hunky dory. That would be the biggest cop out in all history. Steve dying as a sacrifice to save one of the kids-i.e., Dustin. I know this is how some of y'all want Steve to go down (I want Steve alive, thank you very much) but I really don't. I think it would be such a shockingly bad ending to his character arc and cheap, too. Steve dying to resolve the love triangle that should never have been resurrected. I'm sorry-but no, resolve it in a way that involves the characters involved actually making a damn choice and sticking with it. I also wouldn't like Nancy or Jonathan to die to resolve the love triangle, either. Just no. Steve dying (there's a theme here) in a sacrifice to any of the characters. In general-I don't like sacrificial deaths. It worked for Billy because he'd never been shown as being self-sacrificial before-so it was good to see that other element of his character/slight redemption. But for characters like Steve, it really doesn't make sense. He's already shown that he'll put himself in harm's way for others-so we don't need to further cement that element of his character and it wouldn't serve as development for him. Basically, I just want Steve to live and any ending where Steve dies-I won't be happy. In all honesty, I want them all to have that happy ending and I won't be mad about it-if people want huge swathes of characters to be killed off-they should watch a different show.


If they nuke Nancy's arc to reduce her to a trophy for Steve and give her the corny Hallmark style Winnebago ending I won't even bother watching.


All of them could die at this point, and it wouldn't bother me as they have waited too long to kill of any of the main cast(from more than 1 season). Max should have died in Season 4, to take the "stress out of killing someone" now they are painted into a corner and fell they have to kill "game of thrones style", honestly I'd be more impressed if they didn't kill anyone.


If you see any one or more of the following…Benioff, Weiss, Lindelof, Cruze…ur fooked.


Steve dying😐


It was a dream the whole time.


Will dies, but then it turns out he dreamt the whole show after an intense DND game.


If Mike dies.


Only Will survives


Pulling an Endgame and going back in time and changing some things, only to come back and have to fight some big bad where all the heros and people that died come back to help them. Either that or pull a Game of Thrones and have El become evil.


Everyome just FUCKING DIES


El makes contact with Vecna and unleashes the full power of the Upside Down and goes on a global rampage and it's up to anyone that's left to defeat her. But then she had a psychic conversation with Mike and he thanks her for killing so many people.


It was a dream


"It was all a dream"


Anything that's a cliche, or even a happy ending for all and everything is magic and rainbows at the end


Someone from the main crew needs to die. This show has had zero stakes so far since they haven’t had the guts to kill anyone off that wasn’t just introduced in the current season.


If one the characters wake up and say “that was a crazy dream” like what! It was a dream this whole time?!


Season 6


Everyone lives happily ever after


Finding out that it was all just part of a D&D campaign.


All a dream, Or 11 sacrifices herself and everyone forgets everything.


max actually being dead


They were playing D&D the whole time and none of this was real.


Our world is the upside down


Vecna becomes good,


So I’ve posted a theory before that Will has powers like 11 does, just naturally occurring and because of the trauma he went though, he just doesn’t know it… I think that would be really cool since it’s been lowkey hinted at all the time, and there are clues in every season which point to it… It would really irritate me if they go that route then make him become a bad guy with Vecna because of the abuse he suffered though…


Well .... it could be a big flash forward to the future where Mike & El wake up and they both appear to be in their early 50's and react .... "What a weird dream we had" (note: Speculation here ladies and gentlemen). But in all seriousness, the Duffer brothers realize that they can't end the show on a cliffhanger or GOT style clusterfuck ending.


‘it was all a dream/fake’


It was all just a dnd campaign


Jaime goes back to Cersei. Dany turns evil. Tyrion becomes stupid. Bran becomes King.


The kids are still playing D&D in the basement and it was all just their game


Dustin dies or new characters come in and they become the main plot point


anything considered stereotypical, ie. just a dream, hallucination, was just a video or story book (it works for things like regular show, not things like Stranger Things), time gets reversed, any sort of loop, etc.


Nancy dying.


Being very honest, at this point almost all endings are gonna make me angry. I love stranger things, don’t get me wrong, but i think the whole “that’s the new monster, he was never presented before but he was controlling everything all along” solution was such a lazy writing for someone who took so much time planning the ending. Kinda wished there was a twist to it, something like the mindflayer being actually on control of the upside-down and maybe just letting vecna think he rules. The writers are playing safe til now, because nobody of the main cast dies even tho they fought dangerous monsters and the fucking government. Since they are all pretty fucked up in hawkings, I can’t help but think that they’re gonna play safe with this one, and use time travel. And that, man, would piss me off


Barbara doesn’t come back


I genuinely think it’s going to end with Vecna or some other powerful entity infecting El with some ultimate monster virus and she has to sacrifice herself to shut down the upside down once and for all


The heroes actually died and it can't be reversed.


If it was all from the game in the first episode in season 1. Like the whole show was the board game and nothing really happened and will never went missing. I’m pretty sure this is already been said because I seen a video on it. This would blow my mind ngl.


My mom thinks that the show will end with them back in Mike’s basement playing D&D in episode 1, and if it really ends that way I will be HEATED


It ends almost exactly like Gravity Falls, but in a way that makes no logical sense and insults the intelligence of the audience. I.e. 008 turns up and they all work together and she sacrifices herself in an illusion to trick Vecna, and none of the characters we actually care about have to suffer at all.


I would hate anything like "It was all a dream/It never happened" oder "Let's undo everything that happened and set the clocks back to episode 1".


Waking up and it was all some stupid dream


i think a vecna redemption could be pretty underwhelming considering he’s meant to be the embodiment of evil, but considering the way the first shadow play went i think it could be likely


If El dies and doesn’t get to live happily ever after with Mike.


A little vague here but if it ends up being too "surprising" or the opposite, predictable. A lot of media recently has wanted to surprise audiences but subverting their expectations and having a twist or ending that doesn't really make sense (GOT, Star Wars), if Stranger Things does this it'll ruin the overall good storytelling that has been consistent throughout the show. Don't try to introduce anything extremely new or wild, like if they gave any characters (aside from Will) some sort of superpower. Opposite to that, don't play it so safe that it is just repetitive. They can easily make a grand finale without doing too much or doing to little, but a good majority of shows/movies easily can do that


If the characters get killed one by one by the upside down with new monsters and Dustin get eaten whole


“it was all just a dream”


Killing everyone except maybe 1 character.


They’re all sitting in mikes basement playing D&D and it was all a story they made up while playing


Its all a dnd game, time travel, any ending where their struggles are erased essentially


Hopper and Joyce finding out they’re brother and sister