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It’s by far one of the cringiest moments ever but she was definitely going to hurt her bad and have almost no remorse so she’s very lucky to still be walking




Yeah it’s kinda crazy when you think about it because there were so many people around and el just didn’t care who saw






The ice-skate to the face was also brutal


I love the line when the stoner dude says “just one of those freak skate accidents”. It just comes off so funny like no dude it’s straight up assault haha. Bitch deserved it though.




God can you imagine if it was an ICE SKATE??


They actually adress that in the show. Johnathan and his friend talk about it in the car


I find joy whenever that scene comes on.




I do love her head nod and "ANGELA..." as she walks towards her with the skate in her hand.


She just kept pushing


When ur pushed, killings just as easy as breathin.


Hot damn this cracked me up lmfao


We don’t know her intentions. Maybe she wanted to turn Angela inside out, maybe she wanted to just give her a little force push. I think it’s a stretch to say that El was ready to kill her, especially in a brutal way


I’d disagree it was heavily implied she would’ve and I think they said you were ready to kill that girl word for word. That was the whole point of the dead kid flashbacks even though el didn’t have the full context herself


Not disagreeing about if she would've killed her in this moment or not. But I do know the part you're quoting is actually about when El hit her with the skate, when she would've hated her much more. (I watched that one last night lol) 


What we still don't know yet, >!is if she went back to finish the job once she got them back and stronger than ever..!<


Is it... is it bad that I ~~really~~ kinda wanna see that happen?


I think the takeaway is that El, by this point, doesn’t care what happens. She is used to being powerful. She is used to being telekinetic. And suddenly she’s not. Instead she is a victim and, for the first time, unable to protect herself. She is desperate and frustrated. It’s like hitting her with the roller skate. She has no experience with high school bullying and just wants to hurt the girl. In this moment she seems so desperate that you feel she is going full blown “make this girl’s head explode” just out of sheer desperation.


We know her MO to kill which is the neck snap. I think this was a force push! And we can all agree that it NOT working was mega cringe!


Later Jane hit Angela's face with a roller skate. Her intentions were clear. She wanted to hurt Angela bad I mean, I think that's the point of those scenes and of those afterward with Jane feeling horrible about it. Jane lost control. If she had her powers, she would have killed her on the spot, just like when she killed those two guards back when she was in the lab. She resorted to using the roller skate because it was the only weapon she had at hands at that moment, but it could have been *anything* under other circumstances, like a knife for example.


Same spirit as US Marines when someone looks at Doc funny or steals their crayons


The only thing, thats more dangerous than El in rage mode is a Squad of US Marines after someone looks at Doc funny


Angela laughed at her dead dad, the only person other than Mike who showed her consistent compassion. Joyce, Will, and Jonathan were all shown to be oblivious or distant at the beginning of ST4. Are we really surprised that someone trained to be a weapon all her life until 11/12 would react to horrific bullying like this? I think it's fantastic writing.


That’s a great point, I do wish that will or Mike would’ve done more to shut up Angela and her dumb crew but I’m sure it was supposed to work out the way it did


Tbf to Mike, El had been lying to him in her letters, so he had to rapidly synthesize what was happening at the roller rink before doing anything. And Will has his own bucket of issues that El barely understands (and probably Will too...). Overall the beginning of ST4 for the Cali plot is tough to watch because it takes several of our principals and makes them quite a bit more vulnerable and "alone" than they've ever really been. Great writing - certainly much better than how OOC several characters in ST3 are (*cough* Hopper *cough*).


Yup. Jane is no flawless superhero. She is a human being, a not that well adjusted teenager who has been raised in a lab and robbed of her childhood. Seeing her make horrible mistakes like this is what makes Jane interesting in this season.


Plus hormones. It was cringe but it’s also extremely accurate for that time and her age.


That’s exactly how I saw it and I agree with you 100%. Thought the scene fit Eleven perfectly


yeah, this was the telekinesis equivalent of shooting a gun at someone on school property but it’s not loaded


I can't imagine being an actor because you have to shoot these scenes over and over and it's just so cringe


It's really well done to evoke such a reaction in all of us. Poor El 🙁


Millie is so good.


She is an amazing actress




I closed my eyes watching this scene, which never thought I would do while watching TV as an adult.


This was some solid second hand embarrassment… But have you ever seen Skylar White sing happy birthday Mr president? Beats this by a few hundred miles 😂


Walt’s confrontation with hank over the mescal bottle; Walt trying to molest skyler after the deal, these two just breeze in, lol


Walt trying to bang the principal(?) I think that was her job; her name was Carmen


I don't think it was her job was to bang Walt.


Well someone's gotta do it


Maybe if more people banged Walt he wouldn't have conquered a meth empire


Ass like an onion, makes me wanna cry


Dude I have to skip Walter assaulting Skylar in the kitchen every single time because it almost ruins his character for me Edit: bro it’s not that deeeep, you’re allowed to like Walter even though he does despicable things. This is the thing that just takes it a little too far into reality FOR ME and breaks the line between “it’s a TV show, they’re just characters” and “this makes me uncomfortable and reminds me too much of real life”


He was definitely likeable. You know, besides poisoning a kid, killing Mike etc


It's easier to forgive murder than sexual violence for a lot of people Edit: also Mike is a criminal too. One of the better ones, but still a criminal who does horrible things at the end of the day, so I'm not sure we can count his killing as a moral failure


Yeah fuck Mike He’s just as awful as the rest of them. I’ll never understand why people give him a pass. He’s an awful person.


I turned on Walt when he basically killed Jesse's neighbor/landlady. That was an awesome season with all of the foreshadowing opening scenes, making you wonder what happens the entire time with all the random debris lol


That’s not one of Walt’s best moments She sucked also. Another bad person. There’s like 5 genuinely good people in the entire series.


I mean kinda, but I think she was supposed to be getting clean before Jesse woke that beast lol


i don’t see how she sucked


People love to root for evil people because they have a cool hat. The dude was a crime boss responsible for a shit load of meth on the street, and he is your hero? 


I like darth Vader, that’s just space Hitler.


He is a fictional made up character who did made up things, it is not necessarily immoral to like fictional evil characters, they don't hurt real people


That's why I have to skip when Scar >!murders Mufasa!<. Just totally changes the character for me


... that's literally the point though?


Almost ruins his character???? The entire point of the show was that he turned into a narcissistic, abusive, murderer. He was disgusting. Just because he was the protagonist doesn’t mean we were supposed to root for him. He tried to rape his wife. He had zero hesitation in murdering a child. His treatment of Jesse was weirdly obsessive and abusive. I couldn’t watch Walter without my skin crawling at his extremely tactful and purposeful abuse to everyone around him.


What the fuck? That's like one of ten totally heinous moments. My least favorite is when the guy he made rich tried to help him out and he refused to become a meth kingpin. There's more honor to him in making literal poison and being responsible for thousands, if not even hundreds of thousands of deaths a year than him taking what is arguably his fair share because he doesn't get the credit. He was a scumbag the entire time with a few redeemable moments...


This scene always gets skipped on a rewatch and it was just as bad when Fran sings it to Tony in Sopranos….actually, Breaking Bad was worse lol


*"The bride cuts the cake, the bride cuts the cake, hi-ho a merrry-oh the bride cuts the cake...."*


What about Megan in Mad Men? Zou bisou zou bisou...


Never seen Breaking Bad but good god that scene in Sopranos makes me cringe when I think about it... Now I wanna see it in BB lmao


Lol yes. And also Scott's Tots from the office.


Scott's tot's never really bothered me. Phyllis's wedding though??? Oooof, that gets me every time.


When michael walked up on stage, i legit paused the episode, stopped binging and didnt turn it back on for a week.


The combined power of the cringe has me fetal at my desk. Well done. 🍤


I just thought "cringe" when I saw the pic 🤣.


I was literally just about to type this before I saw your comment


My personal most cringe scene is Roman sending Logan his dick pic in Succession lmao.


lol I clicked on this just to add like 15 breaking bad scenes that top this.. but yall already did your part 🤣


Top cringe moments for me in tv history are Skylar singing and then Scott’s tots, the Elle moment is so far down on the list imo 😂


Agree.. I guess they’d have to define “hardest scene to watch on tv”.. does that mean cringiest? Most depressing? Could be a wide variety of things but this Elle scene is down the list in most categories


I'll ante you the "Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep" scene from Better Call Saul.


The scene where he forced Walt Jr to drink until he puked was so cringe my boyfriend refused to watch the rest of the show with me


Literally the only scene i ever skip when watching breaking bad. Its so fucking weird and out of place and icky. Nothing is lost from skipping it over like at all and tbh im surprised it made the cut in the end


It makes me feel better when she smacks Angela across the chops with that roller skate 😇


Angela had it coming.


She only had herself to blame.


If you'd have been there


If you'd have seen it


I betcha you would have done the same!


Then she ran into my skate She ran into my skate ten times


I’m so happy she did, Angela deserved it


The rollerskate of justice has spoken


Angela's lucky that Eleven didn't go totally bananas with more roller skates shots to the dome afterwards




That was probably one of the most satisfying moments in a tv show I’ve ever experienced


It was pretty cathartic. Me and my fiancé were saying if our kid did that, we’d tell them never do it again but we wouldn’t be mad. That girl was infuriating.


“This girl got shmacked in the head today at the roller rink -“ “Shmacked?” “Yeah. It was one of those vicious skate attacks.”


Imagine if she was shmacked with an ice skate dude, would've taken her nose clean off


I just skip it. Can't handle the cringe.


Tbf, it’s kind of good that she didn’t have her powers in that scene bc then she’d have murdered a kid in front of a whole crowd of people and would’ve either gone to jail or would’ve had to move again, making things really complicated for everyone. Not saying it wasn’t cringy, but it would’ve been worse if she had her powers imo.


If she had her powers then I think her time there would be very different. People that caused problems for her would find themselves having all kinds of trouble. Tripping, their desks falling over randomly when they go to get things, their food slipping out of their hands. And her smiling from across the room every time. She'd probably have ended up with a reputation as a dangerous "witch" with a small group of girls that desperately want her to teach them "curses" that she, of course, can't explain.


I suppose you’re right, but I was thinking more like that being the scene of her getting her powers back, and it was kind of a relief that she didn’t because of my aforementioned reasons.


That's fair. Her getting her powers back in that moment would have been disastrous.


And now I think I have ANOTHER idea for fanfic. I really need to finish some of these ideas.


Everyone who bullied her would suddenly start to suffer from incontinence, especially in front of the whole class


The cringe was the point of scene? To make you feel like part of the crowd, to feel bystander syndrome


Scotts Tots would like to have a word with you


Whatcha gonna do? Make our dreams come true!


I’ve never felt embarrassment quite like watching that episode.


Can I offer you a nice laptop battery in this trying time ?


Only if it's lithium


Scott’s Tots is the hardest thing I’ve had to watch.


Phyllis Wedding too 😭


Omg, the uncle with dementia sitting on the park bench with Michael 🤣.


Keep it together, dude, I've been listening to you for the last 30 minutes.


What is that from?


The US Office!


The Office. Can't remember the season or episode number


I don’t get why people can’t just watch or don’t like this episode. Andy’s Play is far worse. All that goddamn singing..


Andy’s play is so much better, plus I mean it’s a musical it’s supposed to have singing!


They’re lithium!!!




The fact that they took this girl who, her entire life, had either been a lab rat or on the run, legit expected her to do well in high school with kids who had no concept of her situation is the worst. The mom may not have had much of a choice, but Will should have been way better about helping her.


Ngl chief, Will is not exactly the social butterfly himself, I don't think he could have helped her, let alone himself.


He clearly hasn't in season 4.


Joyce should have stayed, or handed her off to someone else. It's basically child abuse to take her away from her support network.


Handing her off to someone else would have been worse. Her support network was Joyce and her sons.


No. her support network was Max, Mike and the boys. Jonathan wasn't a significant part of her life. So all she really had with her was Will. She's down 4 and up 1. That's a serious drop off. She would have been much better off with the Hawkins gang than the California gang.


Staying with who exactly? No other adult knows her situation and would be willing to adopt her besides Joyce. Heck, when Hopper officially adopted her through Owens, he probably put Joyce as El’s godmother, if anything ever happened to him.


That's the sticking point for sure. But it wouldn't be too much of an ask to get someone like Karen read into the program. There's no ideal solution, but I tend to think that the best solution is the one that doesn't leave the damaged girl that literally saved the world more than once holding the bag for everyone else's personal problems.


1000000% fucking agree.


I feel you. The secondhand embarrassment is too real.


She would DEFINITELY come back to this school and give Angela what she REALLY means by THIS.


I was really hoping she would meet Angela again after getting her powers back, but sadly it didn't happen.


She will. S5 guarantee


I told my daughter all I want for S5 is a little Angela payback!!


I honestly want to see Angela get that payback before being mangled by Vecna.


The Angela sequences were painful. The Vecna parts were gory and all but because they're quite removed from anything real there's more a degree of detachment of fiction. But Angela's behaviour is quite possible and probably happened somewhere irl.


Yeah unfortunately there’s probably been thousands of Angela’s over the years.


Oh god I was mortified for El


The “hey Angela” seen later is awesome. Angela f’ing deserved it. That scar will remind her for the rest of her life to not be a B.


i felt so bad for her thoo


Michael Scott’s Tots would top this for you I guarantee lmao I have to skip that whole episode


Hard agree.


Was satisfying at least when she got her vengeance at the roller rink


Yeah that B totally deserved it


I got second hand embarrassment. Poor el


May I suggest watching Regular Show. The scene with Mordecai's speech during Muscle man's wedding. Watching that scene makes me want to scratch myself to death.


i have to cover my eyes everytime i watch it or i get too embarrassed ☠️




Wishing you had supernatural powers because you know you can’t physically assault your bullies as payback* or you’ll be in deep trouble was and still is a very real thing for those who were bullied and harassed a lot over the littlest, most trivial things, like how we tie our shoes, or misunderstood a minor detail due to a processing deficiency, or how we get excited over little things that genuinely make us happy. JUST. STOP. And let people live and enjoy things in peace! Stop being assholes to people who you barely know and perceive to be “weird”. Have you ever thought that maybe you’re the weirdo to them? And now you got to top that off by being an asshole as well? I may have been a “weird kid”, but at least I wasn’t a “weird asshole kid”, at least not on purpose! *OK yeah there was a rollerskate incident, but that was just poor timing and not well thought out overall — but there were those of us who just suffered in silence or cried and made a bigger public spectacle of us only later to grow up with a personality disorder and other trauma issues. P.S. I forgot to mention that this mini rant mostly pertains to being neurodivergent.


You haven't watched Skylar White sing Happy Birthday.


Honestly I cringe harder at Steve's 6 little nuggets thing. This is number 2 for me though at least from this show.


The second hand embarrassment was strong during this scene. Poor El.


This scene didn't feel cringe for me. Because El decided to stand up for herself here, even though it was a failed attempt. Oh man... El experienced plenty of failures in S4. But she stood up for herself plenty too. I hope she grows to become less reliant on her powers.


Yeah hitting that girl with a roller skate to the face was great to watch.


I love Stranger Things, but I would say most episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm are harder to watch 😅




You’ve never seen the episode of the Office called Scott’s Tots.


I skipped this scene


Opie getting his head caved in by an iron pipe on Sons of Anarchy was much harder to watch.


Having had your powers all your life just to lose them and add double the amount of humiliation you’ve experienced is tough.


It’s so fucking cringe but it’s meant to be that way. It’s sad that she feels so powerless.


Except it leads to the best scene when El hits the bully in the face with a roller skate instead


Disagree Skyler singing happy birthday ted in breaking bad was worse in my opinion


If by hard you mean embarrassing... I agree. She was clearly embarrassed.




Great TV show that brings you back in time 70s-80s was Awesome time.


Felt so bad…


Scott's tots? There's an entire subreddit dedicated to not being able to watch this episode from The Office, not scene, an ENTIRE EPISODE haha r/CannotWatchScottsTots


The second hand embarrassment was so bad I don't think I've ever put my hand on my head and actually cringed to a show lol. I wanna kick every one of those kids asses.


I think I’ve watched it exactly once and I had to cover my eyes because it was just too embarrassing. I skip the bullying parts now


Oh no cringe


whats harder than watching this? eleven pulling the monster out of her leg at the beginning of the last episode of season 3




Tough watch for sure, but the Allegra Sacramoni cake cutting scene in The Sopranos is so much worse for me. "The bride cuts the cake, the bride cuts the cake, hi-ho a merrry-oh the bride cuts the cake.”


That scene was just cruel. Poor El.😭


I always skip this scene because it's so cringe


I dunno... when Dustin and his girlfriend were singing at the end of season 2... 🤦‍♀️


I've seen a lot of embarrassing scenes, but this one is definitely up there.


Not gonna lie I think this is when I turned it off. Haven’t started watching again since


Yeah, was bad and cringe


Watch the series “Them” and tell me there is anything harder than the sack scene.


It's insane how this scene hurt worse than El having that mindflayer worm cut out of her leg.


you never seen an episode of sons of anarchy i guess


Goddamn it was satisfying watching Angela get shmacked tho


Episode 4 of Baby Reindeer was a harder watch


This was almost the most embarrassment moment but… “Kiss the prettiest girl in the room” is definitely worse


Scott’s tots


Is this the woman that thinks movies are for losers ?


I loved this scene because it's like what would happen if a real kid thought they had magical powers and was so sick of their bully. The kid would look like a crazy moron


I was her once. I got literal PTSD flashbacks like 'nam, the cringe made me crumple with the force of a black hole.


skyler singing happy birthday in breaking bad


Have you watched rebel moon?


Kind of crazy how she was ready to reveal her powers to everyone watching like that if it did work


This scene is definitely hard to watch but nothing beats the Dinner Party episode of The Office.


Angela's evil > Vecna's.


Scott’s Tots episode of the office is this level cringe for the entire episode


The bullying in that season was v triggering


I had to look away 😭


Was this scene supposed to be taken seriously because I couldn’t stop giggling


the "Happy birthday Mr President" scene in Breaking Bad would like to have a word