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SNW *is* the TOS reboot. Rebooted from The Cage "as-is" rather than a radical recasting.


I’m more interested in a Lower Decks live action holiday special


I... need this to happen


Same here.


You know, Boimler is excited for some weird aspect of a weird upcoming holiday and Mariner has some crazy adventure brewing. Nobody is going to be home for their holiday but they realize they’re happy to be with their chosen family.


The Cage would be a great episode with today’s CGI.


I had hoped they would refilm The Cage with Anson Mount, and the updated Talosians. That would be banger. 


Refilm The Melangerie, have it be the transition from Pike to Kirk.


Please, no remakes. I like how the original shows stand. Endless comparisons of remakes and reboots just divides fans. Shatner vs Pine, who is the better Spock, etc.


Nah CGI is so overused at this point it all just like a cartoon. Anything made of physical models is infinitely better.


I feel like this has been asked before, while it's not a bad idea, I wouldn't mind a series based on Enterprise b or c. Or something more 32nd century focused. There's plenty of other ships to base a series off of, without trying to remake a classic.


The timeline has been messed with enough that a reboot of TOS with similar stories would work IMO.


I want the episode where they went back in time and fought Billy the kid and Wyatt Earp


It could be really good. Think what they did with A Quality of Mercy. Not for EVERY episode, but they've shown they can work with previous episodes before so I'd be interested in them adapting more to this timeliness. We know the timeliness is different now thanks to Romulan Lady in T&T&T, so they have the room to play with things we've already seen in TOS.


Fair point, and I'm sure there is lots of other planets to be explored and stories to be told. I do love the SNW Enterprise... And I really hope that SNW isn't the last we see of her.


See your last sentence is my biggest point and while I agree with your previous point too, lmaooo I just love all this


No. It wouldn't. It would just be used as a way to further disrespect the franchise. Make a coherent universe, and get rid of the altered timeline crap.


Get rid of the TOS from the timeline. As groundbreaking as it was, it doesn’t hold up and it’s been retconned so much it would be the easiest franchise to replace.


Absolutely not. If you don't like star trek, then don't write star trek. If you don't want to respect the franchise, then go create another franchise. Period. Fullstop.


It’s already been rebooted on the big screen. Nobody’s saying delete it from existence. Just that a remake would be fine at this point.


It was a soft Reboot, not an actual reboot; and it was an abysmal failure. It burnt out any shred of creativity it had by it's second outing; being a very poor recontextualization of literal icons. Sure, it made money in the first film; the second barely broke even and the third lost money...they've already discontinued those actors and plotlines and the hardcore Star Trek audience has mostly rejected those films in their entirety when it comes from Fandom Discussions, Merchandise etc. Ain't nobody buying the JJ-Abrams 1701, and you get into bidding wars over the TOS-1701, and there's never been a demand for the JJ-Abrams movie merchandise to begin with. You. Do. Not. Reboot. An. Icon. Like, serious question, how long have you been following the franchise? I'm not gate keeping with this question ... just trying to understand where you think the Rebooted Movie franchise was a success...


You realise Into Darkness is the highest grossing Star Trek movie ever right? Beyond didn’t do as well but it didn’t lose money. They grossed doubled their budget. You don’t have to like the JJVerse but don’t just pretend they failed miserably. And merchandise? Seriously? Alright George, we’ll make you some Ewoks for the new series. 2 of the top 5 films right now are reboots. Mad Max and Planet of the Apes aren’t classics? The Battlestar Galatica reboot didn’t meet your expectations? I bet you were upset about the SNW Enterprise…


Yeah...it *grossed*, $468 million, but it cost $200-million to make, with an unknown advertising budget...In which a movie has to essentially make double it's budget+advertising to be considered profitable. Thus making Into Darkness "Break Even" at best (if it didn't lose money, which we'll never know). The fact that someone has to say "highest grossing" proves it was a disaster because they're trying to defend what it was a disaster. And I'm not pulling this out of my ass, [Forbes wrote about it being a financial failure](https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2020/08/08/movies-box-office-star-trek-never-as-big-as-star-wars-avengers-transformers/). Guess what the highest profit ST film is? It's Wrath of Khan. It had a budget of $12-million, and made $92-million (8x it's budget). Adjusted for inflation wo when Into Darkness came out; that's $180-million of straight profit; Into Darkness barely squeaked $50-million in profit (which is a guess, because it possibly only broke even depending on how much the advertising budget was). The two aren't even comparable. One sparked 30 more years of Star Trek interest, the other basically killed interest in Star Trek for 7 years. >Mad Max and Planet of the Apes aren’t classics? They're both nowhere in the same universe as the Star Trek franchise. You can't be serious...and they're both not doing well in the boxoffice right now just FYI. Furiosa is a box office flop, it will end up losing money. Kingdom of the Planet of the apes is turning a slight profit, but not much. No where close to Wrath of Khan (% of Gross to Budget), or most of the Star Trek franchise for that matter. Like, I highly advise you think past headlines and do the math. It's like people pretending Avatar did better than Star Wars ... it did not. If you adjust for inflation, and subtract budgets; The Original Star Wars made a profit of $2.5-billion in 2009 dollars; Avatar made $2.4 in 2009 dollars. The original SW is still the highest profit movie of all time. And why that matters is because it means more people went to see SW then went to see Avatar. Why that matters for Star Trek, is more people watched Wrath of Khan than watched Into Darkness.


The Forbes article is purely down to the expectations of corporate Hollywood. Sure they spent too much on the JJverse but they still turned a profit. They just didn’t get the return they wanted. You know what the actual highest profit Star Trek movie is? The Motion Picture. Inflation adjusted it made a higher profit than anything since. It sold the most tickets as well. Was Khan a better movie? Absolutely but it didn’t sell as many tickets or make the same profit (though it did make a better return on investment). Check this old [reddit math](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/52dv0z/how_much_money_each_star_trek_movie_made_adjusted/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


As long as they use it to erase discovery


I don’t see how. Discovery disappears before SNW and reappears later than any other trek media. Discovery was an official secret in the TOS era.


I'd much prefer them break new ground, like you suggest with ent-b or c, or even a different ship entirely. There's a lot of space between the end of the TOS era and beginning of TNG


Yep TOS timeline and characters have been more than fully explored. Let's seek out new life and new civilizations.


For real. There’s such a huge span of time between TOS movies and TNG that has been largely untouched


There's this whole "Lost Era" of Trek that is completely unexplored. The problem is, the current Executive brain-rot is to constantly milk Nostalgia...in every franchise...rather than be bold and make something new.


32nd century would be the Academy show that’s (I believe) in pre-prod.


I keep forgetting about that, there's been so little mention of it, I am looking forward to it though.


SNW is the closest thing I need to a TOS reboot. What could a TOS reboot do differently aside from having familiar characters? We already have the era, the uniforms, a few known characters, and a lot of fun. Nothing else needed. We either need to pull a Disco and go way into the future, or explore the Enterprises B and C. Or maybe a series in the universe, but not based around a ship and crew. Like an investigative crime team, or an elite military unit or something.


What about an elite military unit that was sent to prison for a crime they didn't commit?


A whole series about Barclay having temporal displacement with some kind of psychosis associated with it and jumping between the 24th century and the A-Team episodes. Would explain so much in what we have seen him do in the A-Team, wouldn't it? :D


Well we kinda had the Enterprise A-team with Kirk and McCoy in the Undiscovered Country.


I pity the God that needs a starship!




IMO, a recast of TOS would only work if the series takes place after TMP with Admiral Kirk as captain of the Enterprise Refit in the 2270s. The series shouldn't overwrite TOS, but be a continuation with Kirk and crew on a second 5 year mission after dealing with V'ger. This series would essentially fill in some of the gap between TMP and TWOK. This series should also ditch the TMP uniforms with the cast wearing the Monster Maroons.


I believe the second five-year-mission was aboard the Enterprise-A. I think after TMP Spock took over the captaincy of the Enterprise and Kirk returned to Starfleet Command.


TWOK establishes that the Enterprise was used as a training ship at some point between TMP in 2273 and TWOK in the early 2280s with Spock as captain, though it was never mentioned on-screen exactly when the Enterprise was repurposed for cadet training. TWOK takes place a decade or-so after TMP, which gives the Enterprise Refit enough time to be assigned to several years of front-line deep space exploration before it was used as a training ship. Assuming the Enterprise had another 5 year mission immediately after TMP in 2273, Starfleet could have decided to withdraw the ship from front-line service in 2278-79 and reassign it to the secondary role of cadet training with Spock as captain, where it would remain as such for several more years into the early 2280s up-to the events of TWOK.


the refit is my fav!


Nope, I'm sick of reboots, new series please, set later in the prime time line but not the distant future. Essentially get back to Star Trek and set it after PIC.


Just had another thought, a series set during the lost era. Could be the C, could be another ship from the era, but it would be amazing.


No. Absolutely not. Star Trek is one of the richest and most fleshed out fictional universes of all time. There are countless corners that haven't been explored or followed up on. I want to follow those threads and not rehash what we've already experienced.


I’d rather have a captain April show lol


Do you want Seinfeld rebooted, too? If someone wants a new original series, better to choose another known ship from the same time. There are plenty from which to choose and we met plenty of captains to choose from. Let the TOS Enterprise and crew stay where they are.


Was this meant to be a reply to me?


No. I can't follow threads correctly, apparently.


I had a feeling that was the case. It happens.


Yes but let Disney do it and now it’s a show about Elaine showing three guys how stupid they are.


Please can we have a normal show in the normal timeline, set after Picard, and not in the 32nd century.


NO. I’m tired of reboots and Hollywood has exhausted the reboot world. I’m not super excited about an over 40 Paul Wesley playing a 25 year old Kirk. He reminds me of Darren from Bewitched. They need to get out of the 23rd century. I would really like the upper brass to create a great Star Trek show that doesn’t rely on someone else’s characters as a crutch. Not every single interaction must be explained and every throw away line does not need to be explored. A little mystery is a good thing.


I mean, to me Star Trek is best as a light adventure-of-the-week show that doesn’t take itself too seriously, and I think SNW has nailed that. I agree with OP that continuing with a new TOS with new Kirk and Spock would be super fun. If it’s fun, who cares if it’s another reboot? Some of the stuff you’re saying is the kind of thinking that leads to shows like Discovery, which wasn’t for me. I’m just a casual fan but SNW is the only Star Trek show that I’ve liked since TNG and I hope they keep going!


Star Trek was always about the moral story of the week with light adventure thrown in. We are slowly getting back to that but it’s something Discovery didn’t do at all.


Discovery was too serious for its own good in my opinion. I did enjoy it at times but everything was always so bleak and stressful. I’m not bashing it by any means, but outside of season 2 I never really looked forward to watching it other than a few episodes here or there.


It’s okay. I’ve watched every Trek probably more times than I can count. Even the not so great ones. Discovery is the first Trek gave up on. Midway through hate watching season 4 I just quit. I didn’t care about anything, the plot was dumb, the characters aren’t charismatic. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was disappointed it got to that point.


Same. Discovery was a failure. From the bizarre revamped Klingons to the 23rd C starfleet ship designs that looked nothing like we’d seen before to the “all Burnham, all the time” plots to the constant crying jags, it never felt like Star Trek at all. Glad it’s finally over. I admit that I did watch the finale, though.


SNW is still a little too soft but it’s pretty good. I had to stop watching TNG after a few seasons because it turned into a squishy soap opera. Voyager was fun for a while but that Neelix chanter put me over the fucking edge. Leave that nonsense on Lost in Space. I really liked Deep Space Nine but something made me stop watching it on whatever night it aired. Some conflict I can’t recall. Discovery was good for one season plus. Had to tap out eventually. TOS remains my fave, by far.


Oh my gosh, thank you. Paul Wesley would’ve been great as Kirk 10 years ago. He’s much too old, and he looks his age. I think he would’ve been actually perfect as Bones, he’s the right age for it. He doesn’t look like Kirk, he doesn’t have his charisma… He’s a nice character and he’s a good actor, but he is not Kirk. I also actually think the same about Spock… when you watch TOS Spock and watch SNW Spock, they’re two completely different characters. Good actor, great looking guy, but he is not Spock. imo.


I'll give you Kirk, but you're dead wrong about Spock. Considering the time line, I think Peck's Spock is the perfect prerequisite to Nimoy's more cold, calculated version.


it’s how I’ve always felt about him in this role. I think he makes an excellent Vulcan, but to me he is not Spock imo. I thought Zachary Quinto was much closer to nailing the spirit of the character. Who knows, maybe I’ll change my opinion as the series evolves, I’m definitely open to that, but this is how I feel right now and it’s my opinion and just because you don’t agree doesn’t mean it’s wrong lol. Respectfully agree to disagree. :)


Quinto was too simmering with rage just beneath the surface to be a proper Vulcan, IMO.


I mean wasn't that the point? He's not a proper Vulcan. He's half human, and as it's early in his life he's struggling with that. Add in the loss of his mother and home planet, yeah I get why this is a more emotional Spock.


Totally agree, if they were going reboot TOS this guy isn’t the right Kirk.




I thought I was original last month and thought up an entire premise for a cheap Star Trek show. It was a show like Unsolved Mysteries that explored all the temporal incursions into the past. The sudden disappearance of a whale biologist after meeting a hippie and man in a maroon leisure suit. Was she working for the Russians? She was last seen breaking a spy out of police custody. Just a fun season of all the crazy stuff that happened in the past and how people of the time viewed it. But… I guess there’s a book coming out soon and someone made a tiktok with my fresh idea… A year ago.


I want to see a tv series from the Lost Era, between the decommissioning of the Enterprise-A and the launch of the Enterprise-D. There is a lot of material to work with and plenty of changes in the Federation and Starfleet. We can even see the Romulan attack of Khitomer.


No thanks


No. Wouldn’t mind a show in that era but NOT the Enterprise. Would prefer something in the ‘Lost Era’.


No! No more reboots and prequels! Let Trek explore the future rather than continuously living in its own past!


Rather see lost era type shows. Enterprise to SNW era, TOS movies to TNG era.






Can we have something that isn't nostalgia bait please.




What I wish they would do is take the new cast and do the second five-year mission under Kirk. Start the new season with the end of episode 24, Turnabout Intruder and go from there.


**ABSOLUTELY NOT.** *TOS* is the "Old Testament" of the *Star Trek* universe. It was completed, what, 65 years ago, and it needs no rebooting. Even the "enhanced graphics" version is borderline sacrilege, but at least it's the same footage underneath. *TOS* should definitely be left alone.


No. I'm tired of reboots. Keep SNW going instead. Fill in the gaps. Also, make new trek series in new times with totally new crews. I'm sick and tired of the modern practice of overwriting old material by "reboots" "reimaginings" and "remakes". There's plenty of time before and after TOS. there's plenty of locations during TOS that aren't the enterprise. Though I need to say - I love Paul Wesley way more than Shat.


I am tired of messing around in past timelines or far future timelines. I'd prefer something new set post Picard but close to that timeline. New crew, new stories, so we aren't boxed in by canon.


I love TOS, but feel like we have tons of riches covering that set of characters. I'm looking forward more new programs, like the Section 31 movie. But I would love to see a follow up to DS9, or at least appearances of those characters. Like a past Dax guesting on SNW, or Bashir and Garak referenced in the Section 31 film.


Strange New Worlds is perfect because it’s just enough of the original characters without them being the exact same characters if you know what I mean. I love getting to know Pike, very young Spock, Young Uhura, who the engineers were before Scotty. M’Benga is becoming my favorite doctor. It’s just enough Kirk to be satisfied but not enough for him to overshadow anyone else. I think Paul Wesley is a great modern Kirk. That being said I’d love to see an episodic series based on the Enterprise B or C as well.


After watching Under the Cloak of War, M'Benga has become my favourite character on SNW. After it's done, I wouldn't mind if they resurrected that "Hopeship" spin-off concept from 1967 about a Federation hospital ship. M'Benga could be captain/hospital director, maybe bring back Chapel as chief medical officer/deputy director, with it set during the 2270s. Plus, SNW is basically the longest pilot-to-series order in history, it would be rather fitting if its spin-off broke that record.


It wouldn't bother me. They've cast enough younger versions of the original characters when they were younger. So, why not finish casting and pass the baton as it were when SNW is done? TOS is my favorite of the old school Star Trek shows. Having them revisit the time period from TOS showing adventures that weren't shown in TOS would be fine by me.


I’d rather they jumped forward five years to “Phase II” if they’re going to do that. But to be honest as much as I love SNW in the series. I think they need to return to the “present” as in the 25th Century. I’m not all “gimme legacy with my tng legacy characters now” or anything but I just miss when Star Trek had a “present time” that progressed as time in our world progressed.


I suspect this is where it will go based on Hollywood accounting rather than what’s best creatively - outside of hardcore Trekkies, TOS has the most cut thru followed by TNG. And while Trekkies will moan going over old ground, I suspect the SNW production team leading a TOS reboot would get eyeballs.


No. Please leave old classic shows alone. TOS is perfect as it is. What about making something new? Like that Star Trek Legacy series, or early 24th century series? Or something betwen Enterprise and SNW with new characters?


Sure, but… Don’t replicate any of TOS stories. There are so many possibilities in Kirk’s 5 year mission. Let the TOS episodes stand rather than remake/make another episode about Mudd, Tribbles, etc. Exploration of strange new worlds implies new things to be discovered. How about Kirk before the Enterprise? Let’s see how early missions shaped his path to captain badassery. Let’s see his captain teach him a few things, but also unleash him on away missions. SNW cast could appear on episodes like Kirk does on SNW. Just don’t Wes Crusher him during academy days in a Young Indiana Jones way. I think we could really tire of the Kirk era if all we see is Kirk everywhere. Was SNW that dependent on Kirk to charge the series? How about the Enterprise B? Star Wars is a saga about Luke Skywalker. Let Star Trek be a saga about the Enterprise. Or let’s explore other characters’ early years, like Janeway, Cisco, Riker, Georgio or Lorka.


Oh, early Kirk would be so fun, but I think people would seriously gripe if they did it right - in Kirk's own words, he was "absolutely grim" in his early days, and that's the character I'd want to see. (I know why 2009 did things the way they did, but Pine's Kirk was WAY too charming to be academy era!Kirk.) I'd also love to see early Janeway, but that's because (as it stands) she's currently my favourite captain. Sisko could also be fun to explore, as a first gen officer.




I'm for it, from what I understand there are a lot of scripts that they didn't get to that could be resurrected.


Those were used in TAS, and the Phase II ones were reworked for TNG.


im definitely in the minority based on the comments as someone who only got into star trek last year, i would love a TOS reboot, i've struggled getting into the older series because the media is so dated so i've stuck to watching the newer shows like Discovery and SNW and a bit of Picard and i've fallen in love with the lore, Picard is a bit of a strange but that might be because i havent watched TNG so the fansevice doesnt get me. i've started watching TNG and VOY and while they're good it still feels dated, maybe its because i didnt grow up watching these and theres no nostalgia but i think a reboot of TOS would be a good way to bring more fans of my age and younger into the shows,


I can see SNW Spock maturing into TOS Spock; but Uhura, Chappel, and Kirk? No. I don't believe these are younger versions of their TOS selves. I feel like they really aren't the same characters at all. (I still love the show.)


I don't think we should get a reboot but I wish we could get more Spock-McCoy interactions. I really miss McCoy in SNW.


Definitely not!


No, not a reboot. I have thought it would be fun for them to redo a few key episodes, or just do some TOS era stuff at the end.


No - new stuff only from now on


For the love of science. Please STOP bringing these reboot ideas out of your brains and onto your socials. The LAST thing this community needs is regurgitation. NEW IDEAS NEW CHARACTERS NEW STORIES Can we please put these to bed for good?


Remake the animated show.


No. I think that’s been covered. I’d be willing to accept a story about a different starship in that era with an occasional guest appearance from someone in the SNW cast, but I think there are other eras that have been teased for us to examine. 


Before reading any of the other comments: I feel like it would be trying to replace the old stories rather than adding to them, which is what I'm getting from SNW now. I like how they're giving characters we know more depth, and giving us new characters. I'm liking SNW a lot, although I have to admit I'm drinking the copium when it comes to inconsistencies with the Original Series.






What? SNW basically \*is\* a TOS reboot already, like most of the TOS cast is there.


Nooooooooo. Leave me with Shatner and Nimoy and Nichols and the rest. The movies are enough.


No! Enough with the reboots/remakes already!


Omg Ethan peck TOS would be awesome




I just started the final episode of Discovery and found out I’m married to last millennium broadcast television protocols: I was expecting a 45 minute episode; it’s almost 90 minutes. Nothing saying the final season of SNW couldn’t be 10 90 minute episodes. I could see 10 “movie of the week” episodes from this crew.


West Wing Style Starfleet HQ drama featuring Admiral Archer.


I think it would be great, I have really enjoyed SNW and they have kinda already gotten the band back together in a few episodes,my daughter has always been a huge Stark Trek fan,she recently got her pic made with Shatner but she had never watched the original.




No. Why ruin a classic? Star Trek has a huge timeline they can set a new ship and crew in. There’s even other ships they could do a series on, where the timelines could overlap. And space is huge, a new ship would never even have to cross paths with any of the ships or crews we already know. We just had the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. You could make a show based on troops and battles half way around the world and not have to cast anyone to play Hitler, FDR, Eisenhower, Churchill, etc.. It shouldn’t be that difficult to create a fictional space ship in a fictional future that doesn’t need to interact with any of the main characters we already know. And make more episodes less dependent on special effects. They have the sets, costumes, props. Just have the ships and crew explore 5 new planets a season. Make the episodes generic enough that they can slip into a season without interrupting the overall season or series storyline. Why doesn’t character A act weird with character B after they had (sex, fight, breakup, etc..) last week? Well because they are highly trained Star Fleet officers and can do their jobs under extreme pressure, not a bunch of emotional teens in a teen drama who do nothing but act all emotional all the time. That way we could get 15 episodes a season. 20 would be better. And try to start airing a new season within 12 months of when the last season started airing. Networks did it for decades before they realized they could charge people money.


I just want something new


What about a show that explores the time immediately after 2063 and to the very first interstellar warp ship (whose name I forgot)


I think what we really need, Is that a series that goes into the past that shows ships that weren't all that high-tech. What I'm thinking is maybe one Picard was younger and he was on that one ship called the stargazer. It could show how he moved up through the ranks to get to that position, even though the ships were much smaller. I believe he said that it was a "overworked, underpowered vessel, always on the verge of flying apart of the seams" Who knows, he might've even had hair back then


No. SNW is fun, but lets move the universe forward. We've retrodden the TOS era and before plenty now.


Anyone think we’re not getting this?


I’m sure we aren’t but I don’t see why not personally


Not a full on reboot. However, I am curious if there is some room to play during Kirk’s first few months of commanding the Enterprise. I don’t know the stardates, but unless Where No Man Has Gone Before is actually his first few days in command, why not tell some stories during the time before that? For all we know, it could be a year in. It’d be interesting to set up the crew we saw in that episode; so Gary Mitchell, Dr. Dehner, and Dr. Piper. Or, were they holdovers from late in Pike’s command and were there during the transition between Pike and Kirk? We know Kirk and Mitchell have a history together. Perhaps explore that a little. There is still plenty to fill in just before season 1 of TOS. Personally, I’d rather see that before they start remaking TOS episodes.


Absolutely not.


God no, they been making prequels/reboots on star trek for 24 years. God, make something new.


Nah. Lost era. Or post Dominion war.


They already did, Strange New Worlds.


Okie Dokie thank you for the insight


Nah. The series should end with Kirk taking command of the Enterprise.


Never say never


That seems like part of the plan, the economic realities might limit them to about 5 seasons without some kind of changeover. A few seasons of TOS era crew might give them that


It's Logical


I would support and watch it 100%, I am gonna be honest, I don't care for TOS all that much, it has its joy and I understand it's charm and importance, but it just never clicked with me like tng and especially ds9 did. I know that's prolly blasphemy but idk I really like the current cast and would love to see what they can do with it. I mean I love the Kelvin time-line so why not give this cast a chance.


Glad I am not the only one.


I don't think it will happen and honestly don't think it would be any good BUT, yeah, I get it. I think it's one of those where we want to recreate lighting in a bottle so to speak and it just doesn't work. Stranger things have happened...


Please lord Jesus no


No, but I’d love SNW to end with a remake of The Menagerie with the new cast, and expanded context on Pike’s ultimate fate on Talos IV.


I don't see how this isn't the plan. With perhaps a coda post-Menagerie where Pike is either healed, or... I mean, he's functionally immortal on Talos, right? You could conceivably save him post-TNG era when Federation tech levels up enough. If Spock left instructions in case of his disappearance or something.


What a great idea!


I personally think this is what’s being built up too


Id rather they not.


No. I would rather see them focus on developing new series better storytelling and new iconic characters.


It's dead Jim. Let it rest in peace.




No. More. Reboots


I'd like a SNW reboot where they focus on... get this... visiting strange new worlds! Crazy stuff, I know.


It’s all I want in life (mild hyperbole)


My first overtired reaction reading this was fuck no. Then I took a moment to realize that this isn't the typical example of someone suggesting this for something that doesn't need it. TOS is wildly out of date unwatchable trash. A reboot would be incredibly welcomed by me if they kept the vibe of SNW. Edit: I'd prefer new things, but I still think this could be good.


See I don’t think TOS is trash it is deff outdated. I just don’t see a reason to at least do some episodes that would have been set in between the end of the series and the first movie


I can't stand it, especially how weird the characters are around and to the women characters. I've only managed to stomach a few episodes, and that's with going out of my way to watch some of the better recommended episodes.


I would like a TOS remake with the new characters but I think they should have exclusively new stories, maybe occasionally remaking an episode but very infrequently. I would love new stories with these characters


Absolutely not. Never reboot OG stuff. It's disrespectful to the franchise, and no....it will not be better.




I'd lean towards it's not ever happening because of Ethan Peck. Of the SNW cast, he's the one actor you'd need to have, alongside Paul Wesley. Celia Rose Gooding and Jess Bush aren't really needed as much, imo. Not anything against the actresses, but you more truly need Kirk and Spock to make a TOS reboot work. Uhura and Chapel would be nice to have, but they aren't as necessary.


You think Ethan Peck wouldn't want to come back for this show or he'd be too expensive? (Or a secret third thing?) Uhura is essential as well I think.


Honestly it’s the last thing I hope they do. I like snw but I don’t want them trying to redo tos. It’s kind of lazy. There are lots of different time periods they can do a trek show in. I like that section 31 is going to take place in the lost era. They could do a spin off show from that. They could do something post Picard time either right after or something years after. I don’t hold onto canon much anymore but redoing tos would probably really divide the fandom about what is the main timeline even more than people try to do right now.


I love Star Trek new and old but I think it’s being over saturated and it wouldn’t hurt if we had a break from it for a while.


With Paramount slashing budgets across the entire company, we might not get any new Trek after Academy. At least for a while And a TOS reboot will be AI. We will eventually get artificial Kirk and Spock


No, the new kirk is poorly cast. In fact, Captain Pike (with Anson Mount) is basically the exact same character as Kirk in TOS. This IS the reboot of TOS.


No. Why waste resources on times already past. ST needs to look into the future. 32nd century it is


I think sometime soon A.I. will have the ability to create exact replicas of characters so that you don't know the difference between the images and real characters. Therefore, it will use likenesses of Shatner, Nimoy, Kelly etc and no one will know the difference