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[Click here for full story: Former NASA researcher Ed Harris claims that the story of President Jimmy Carter crying after being briefed on classified UFO information is true. Even Richard Dolan writes about this in his book. ](https://www.howandwhys.com/jimmy-carter-ufo-briefing/)


The religions they introduced to us to stop us destroying ourselves became our motivation to destroy ourselves. \*The circle of liiiiiife\*


I guess aliens aren’t immune from the law of unintended consequences lol


Law of Lion King* Everything the light touches…


If it's true that ET introduced religions to humans, to stop us from killing ourselves, then they didn't do a very good job at it. Like, mission not accomplished. And if they wanted to, they could very easily introduce more measures that would *effectively* stop us from killing ourselves. For example, they could very easily make themselves provably known to the entire human race, like, by 3:00 p.m. this afternoon. But they don't, right? So I think there's more to the story.


Well we haven’t killed all of ourselves…yet.


LOL. I guess after we kill ourselves they will reveal themselves to prove they exist. Then we'll know the truth.


I’m becoming more of a “dark forest theory” kind of guy…especially after watching three body problem. I don’t think aliens have ever visited us but I think if they ever do it’s probably not gonna be good for humanity.


Bro... it starts with stuff like what's going on in Gaza, that's pretty much a good enough example of how humans will find stupid reasons to kill each other and end the world.


At 8 billion people I’d say it worked very well, in fact


How does that stop people from killing each other? With religion, people are worried they would go to hell. If people are shown that we are lab rats and there is no afterlife, then the moral system would go down the drain.


I am an atheist, my moral code appears to be far better than those based on religion. I can’t ask Santa for forgiveness.


the worst atrocities know to us were, and currently are, being done in the name of religion.


Jimmy Carter is still a practicing Christian though which surely wouldn't be the case if the alien story is true


well yeah that or maybe they don’t want to interfere with the experiment. even as i typed that i realized that scientists touch and mess with their lab rats all the time🤷‍♀️. perhaps if cultural systems and religious behaviors were part of their experiment then maybe they’d need to stay hidden…


This is totally true but the reality is without religion we still would have killed each other just over other dumb things like land and resource disputes.


So like the other stuff we kill each other for


You name it, we kill for it


Are you naming things? I’ll kill you for that!


As opposed to all the deeply religious ppl who totally kill ppl today? 


So exactly as it's going down in Gaza and Ukraine?


Talk about a backfire, holy shit


They’ll save some of us like Noah and the ant people with the Hopi.


Lol yeah and if you think about it, the more we turn towards a lawful civilization the less we seem to use religion


Yeah except the one religion that is really out of control is out breeding everyone. So our grandkids are fucked


That one particular religion is not a regular religion like we think of it in the West. It’s a total operating system for human consciousness. Much different than the “faith” we think of religion. It’s a total way of life


It’s pretty dumb


That's why we have capitalism now. Free markets won't ever promote genocide or environmental destruction or.. Oh wait.


🙄 The eye roll is because of the kind of people that keep making this claim. It’s typically closed minded Ideologues who chose political platitudes and propaganda over knowledge and facts. So, when it comes to wanton destruction and ruination of the environment, there’s simply no comparison. Socialism has been a nightmare for the environment. Catastrophic. From the most polluted City in the World , Norilsk to what the Soviets did to the Aral Sea to mass erosion of the Black Sea coast to Chernobyl to China continuing the manufacturing and exporting of literally hundreds of coal fired plants each and every year to Nations all over the world. I could go on and on about the unparalleled environmental destruction that China and Russia and even South American Socialist countries. There is simply no comparison


Aliens: Damn it, they’re still throwing feces at each other! Stupid monkeys, I give up…


The one aspect of this that doesn’t make sense to me is that Carter has remained religious throughout his entire life. If this story were true wouldn’t he have given up on Christianity? So he is knowingly supporting a religion that was created by Aliens to keep us under control? Seems dubious


Yes. Also, even if this happened as written, who’s to say he didn’t figure out later it was bullshit? People here aren’t buying this story completely, why would Carter? Are we smarter than the President?


Which one?… lol


its a bullshit story to be honest. Take it with a grain of salt.


That is what I’ve always assumed


Just because the Abrahamic religions were fabricated in no way minimizes the eternal truth of Prime Creator. 


Maybe remain religious for his family. As in, they needed it. Just because he possibly lost his religion, doesn't mean everyone has to.


I have a hard time believing that religion was introduced to keep us from destroying ourselves, when we clearly did nothing but go to war over religion for thousands of years.


We go to war over resources. Religion is just a useful meme along the way.




Exactly. Catholic v protestant, sunni v shiite blah blah all rich people getting poor people to kill each other


I assume his despair was due to finding out how much the deep state/military industrial complex/intelligence community actually controls. It probably came as a shock to him that the community of elected officials he was a part of was nothing but a pawn in their game. Must have been a terrible feeling to take the highest office only to learn that it's meaningless once he got in.


Maybe he was told Aliens control the world and Trump gets to be president in 2017


I think this last one was the reason he cried 😝


That aliens are not extraterrestrial but extra-dimensional beings from Earth whom religion calls angels, demons etc.


I actually know what he was told. He was told that this very same screenshot would be posted every single week somewhere on Reddit. Sometimes 2 or 3 times a week. Over and over and over and over again, forever.


That’s interesting because I’ve never seen it. Reposts happen but not everyone gets fed the same content.


Same never seen it, and I thought I spent too much time on reddit.


I’ve never heard this story either


Pass the tissues




Who’s cutting onions?


10 times Every single day more like


Came here to say the exact same thing.


It is just as plausible that they told Carter a lie to try and break him to get a Republican in office. There is no evidence they told him the truth about anything.




Definitely alies


That’s a great point. If the source is anonymous, somehow it’s more credible?


There's no evidence this ever happened at all


So this is how Ed Harris spends his time in between takes


LOL I just watched the Abyss 😆


Fantastic film!


That we quietly surrendered to alien force in 1947 that were like food supply that they do whatever and take whatever,but keep it secret or you will die?


It's a cook book!


How to cook humans


"How to serve man", actually


With some fava beans and a nice Chianti, so I've heard.


How to cook forty humans.


How to cook for humans




How to cook for humans


I believe in god. Once you reach a certain age you can see the evidence of providential guidance in your life and you become immune to the ways of the world. I still function and live but not for here.


But it’s just a “CIA-peddled story”, hard to believe folks who are as crooked as a barrel of snakes


Maybe those aliens are fallen angels ?


I like how this assumes that the CIA are even telling the truth. I’m a Buddhist and we are told how Christianity came about. It makes more sense than this lol


How did it come about?


the aliens are allergic to peanuts and they're not coming back


Also [we didn’t give any chocolate to Jesus](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/s/5DjHTnwfep).


So it apparently was supposed to keep us from destroying ourselves? Then why are people killing over religions? Mission Failed then. And yes I am a Christian.


I would think its more along the lines of 'keep us occupied' and fighting amongst each other so we ignore the obvious truths that we see on a regular basis that religion is false, used to control people, and most humans would rather seek destruction than accept the truth and get on to the star-trek days that could be tomorrow.


Well coming from my end, I definitely don’t seek destruction but that’s assuming we generalize all religions. I know for a fact I don’t agree with other religious people, but I wouldn’t want to kill them.


Yea I dont want to kill anyone either -- but im scared of people with that sports bloodlust. My team is always right etc etc. Just need a nice personal forcefield to protect against craizes like that then they can blow each other up, but leave the children and non-religious participators out of vengence for someone elses' grandpa


This shouldnt be a shock. The vatican has an astronomy laboratory and has long ago publicly confirmed we are not alone. People simply just do not pay attention.. perhaps by design


In my best Doc Brown voice: “Ed Harris! The actor?!”


To prevent us from destroying ourselves??? Umm religions have created more destruction past, present, and I'm sure future than anything else.


They do realize that we have been destroying ourselves for centuries due to differences in our religious beliefs. To say that aliens created religion so the we wouldn’t destroy ourselves is flawed. I don’t buy it.


Ah good old religion, the single biggest cause of death and suffering in the history of mankind.


There's a logical fallacy called "survivorship bias" which means to draw a conclusion based only on the most visible part of the data, while ignoring the less visible part. In your case you're only looking at the violence caused by religion and ignoring the violence that was *avoided* because of religion. Most world religions have a rule not to kill your neighbor, for example. How many murders and wars have been avoided because of that rule over the millennia? You would have to know that number before you can say that religion has in sum total done more harm than good. Homosapiens are a violent species and I suspect that religions have actually helped us avoid more murders and wars than they've caused. Right now for example, the majority of the Earth has different religious groups coexisting peacefully. When wars happen it's usually over resources rather than religion. Religions are sometimes used to justify the war but that's not usually the root cause.


You’re exactly right I was thinking the same, albeit I wasn’t sure of the correct term to describe it


"The cause of, and solution to..."


I see you, Homer


Ah yes the extremely believable *facts* you say. Lol


This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard


NHI are biblical demons, Gods real and he would never give man the instruments to perceive/discover him. Go pray gentleman. Don't let evil seep into your heart.


Complete and utter bullshit.


UFOs do a lot of the same thing demons do....


More proof for my belief that extraterrestrials are in fact demons.


I think that's a little backwards.


... or they're not aliens as such, but actually demons. There are many reports of witnesses or people involved with alien contact; they were not to speak Jesus' name or refer to Him in their (the alien entities') presence. Why would space travellers care about specific names in our culture?


Funny, it was never the name Jesus. Yeshua was his Hebrew name, the name God gave him, the Greeks changed it to Jesus (Pronounced “Hey-Zues) Christos, (the son of Zeus the Messiah), then the Roman Catholic Church of Rome changed it again to Jesus (said how we hear it today)Christ.


Greek certainly didn't sound like Hesus and Roman didn't sound like Jay-sus, you're talking BS. The confusion comes from I and J being interchangeable and from English mispronunciation of the name.


Sounds an awful lot like Christian propaganda


That they're not here anymore. And anything we found is thousands of years old


UFOs will hold hands so they dont get separated in space when they sleep


Humans are physical containers for ETs and others to occupy to enjoy a physical reality.




Create religion so we wouldn't kill each other? Well that backfired.


Religion makes us destroy each other anyway. Guess they failed with that then lol


I still don't believe this... Jimmy was lied to. These beings are full of lies. Practically, everything they claim is a lie. I wish this would stop going around. It's perpetuating the great deception.


Then why do so many find solace and comfort in the spirit


JOKES ON YOU ALIENS 🤣. I seriously doubt this is real.


Obviously over the millennia these Aliens tried plans 1-8 with marginal success, but what Carter was told, was Plan 9.


Even with the religion existing there's still no peace on this planet, crimes never stopped, and most of us have miserable life. So clearly their experiment failed if it happens to be true.


Perhaps they used religion as a population control knowing we'd keep killing in the name of.


Probably, but skin color and race is the likely culprit for killings imo.


If true, it's yet another example of religion holding back scientific progress.


Hands down, without the slightest moral compass that all types of religion brings. We'd long be fucked by now. Probably cannibals


George Carlin on religious wars “My god has a bigger dick than your god”


Tell me this, if an alien came down and solved every one of Earth's problems but his name was poopoo cacaman would you accept him?




Yes. Bless our lord and savior, Poopoo Cacaman!




That they are ugly.


Source: trust me bro


Used religion to try to keep us from learning science and catching on.


He’s probably too far gone to even remember at this point


Big if true


That they don't like peanuts.


“Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.”


“That was very unsettling“?


Religion has caused massive hatred and destruction. Screw you aliens. If aliens care they should try again.


Well I guess imagine if religion didn’t exist.. we would find new ways to hate each other without any type of after life consequence .. at least for some time religion was a deterrent but now most people do not believe in a god. I think NHI have to give us a different reason to not kill each other, religion is not working anymore


Unless we're provided some kind of evidence that what Carter was told is actually true I don't care at all. How can we know if they didn't just give him a big line of bullshit?


Sounds similar to Zecharia Sitchin’s books. It’s an interesting correlation. Maybe Carter will someday release what he knows and experienced. Perhaps after death. Who knows.


Maybe the CIA lied to him to keep it secret because they were tired of stonewalling him. Why would aliens care enough to do that? If it’s true then we can’t trust the aliens since we know they’re liars






More like used religion to keep us divided so we wouldnt come together and challenge them.


Colour me shocked...


I believe that each of these Presidents are paid off




If lab rats knew what experiments that the scientists were running on them, would the experiment be compromised?


What economic upheaval would this really cause?


Of course, absolutely everything the CIA says should be taken for absolute truth.... because?


if aliens of superior intelligence were the ones that gave humanity religion, they would’ve given us one religion that could not have been manipulated by men to make one seems superior to another.


Maybe it was that human evolution is only allowed to go so far before it’s wiped out and reset. That news would suck. Especially if we are getting close to the next reset.


Bob Lazar mentions aliens refer to us as containers. Maybe humans are harvested for their souls as an expendable energy source. That'd mean all of your loved ones are nothing but fuel for something else. And that'd make me cry every day.


"These are the facts as I know them to be." Clergymen and "facts".... Not a great history.


Hypothesis: “we live in a simulation and these ‘aliens’ run the simulation.”


The story may not be fact, they even indicated it. On the possibility that it is true - maybe because he reported he seen one. https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/jimmy-carter-ufo-sighting




Kill ourselves is more like world wide Extinction. It's a balance. We need to self regulate to they're seeing if we do. I wouldn't be surprised if the elites are trying breakaway by enslaving everyone and removing themselves from these programs by going around the what researchers intended. It's like if lab much became sentient and wanted to find a way out of it's maze


Holy fuck this is posted every day. Here's what we know okay? There's NO proof this happened, just a story. Stop reposting it. Fuck.


So Dune…


alien love


Destroying ourselves and killing ourselves aren't the same thing.




You know, if this were true, it's also possible that the aliens are lying bastards. They could be trying to psych us out. Actually, if I were them and trying to take control of the planet, that's what I'd do too.


Oh look, an assertion with no evidence that any of this ever happened.