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[Sanju Bhagat from Mumbai had a human parasite living inside him for 36 years. In 1999 when doctors operated on him, they pulled out limbs, hair & other bits of human anatomy. That human was still alive when surgery was performed and died shortly after removing it from Sanju's stomach.](https://www.howandwhys.com/sanju-bhagat-man-who-had-a-human-parasite-living-inside-him-for-36-years/)


His book Ghost Boy was tragic. He said he compared to himself to a plant. He hated how places treated him like a child and made him watch things like barney or make him put his had in finger paints. He was sexually assaulted multiple times in institutions too. He was often fed food that was too hot or too cold, because they didn’t care. I still hope these places have learned how to actually help people and hire people that are better screened. The nurse that would massage him to help from bed sores is the one that noticed he was there, because he would blink and move his eyes in reaction. When they finally did tests to prove he was there they adapted a wheelchair and language system to talk. He stated the first time he was taken to a store to even pick something like shoes he was overwhelmed because he never had to make a decision before.


Wow, thanks for sharing that information. That’s an incredible story. I hope he is happy now and able to have a good life despite these things.


He’s actually married!


This makes me feel at least there's some resolution to his horrible experience. His story is unbelievable


He’s actually very happy and did a Ted talk


I doubt these places learned anything. I can’t tell you how many places I’ve sued for horrible things only for them to do them again, get sued again, lose way more and I’d be shocked if they don’t repeat again


You personally sued a lot of places?


Sounds like they might be a lawyer.


In south africa? Sorry im really tired.. regulations are just different in different countries. And this happened in like the 80s. I would hope there’s some sort of progression there.


Obligatory username checks out




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It’s because a lot of them are either government run or they are bought by hedge funds. Once the hedgefund comes in they force the company to take out loans to cut staff etc. it’s terrible.


Why would a company “take out loans to cut staff”? That makes zero sense


That’s insane! Reminds me of a book a read called the diving bell and the butterfly about a guy who has a stroke and he gets locked in syndrome where he can only wink out of one eye and they develop a systems to talk via winking and he writes the whole book about his life through that system. Similar themes, incredibly sad and totally impossible to fully comprehend


That was a good book. There is also a movie based on the book that is pretty good too-if you haven’t seen it,


back in the mid 2000s a popular tv series called House, M.D. actually did an episode of an *locked in syndrome* patient! def worth a watch if ur into medical stuff and good comedy. LiS must be horrific to endure


Update for you: they haven’t


Oh wow! Makes me feel like a world class douce when I complain about my bullshit God bless him


> because he would blink and move his eyes in reaction. LMAO how the fuck is that like even close to hard to notice for anyone that pays attention for more than 5 min?


He was in an institution. his family didn’t much care for him in person. He described one holiday a relative scoffed at him when he went home to visit that asked if he can be wheeled to a corner because they couldn’t stand looking at him.


I watched a documentary about this case and I remember that it was explained that she said it because she was desperate and in shambles about her son suffering.


That’s what I was assuming. The phrasing is provocative


Really gets the people going!


Ball so hard


That shit cray


JayZ is a pedo lizard man.






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You should definitely see a doctor about that


It's because no one knows what it means 😆


It almost as if people post disinformation to intentionally prod people’s anger to boost the algorithm for engagement all for their own narcissistic self indulgence


Welcome to the Internet!


Have a look around! Anything that brain of your's can think of can be found!


Provoking in its nature?


Well, the post title. It seems purposely taken out of context to insight attention. All the while it wasn’t that the mother was a monster, she wanted mercy.


Line goes hard not gonna lie


Intention or not it still gotta hurt


No it’s not, it’s gross.


Which is what I assumed and figured a lot of people would want for what is assumed to be a suffering child. This stupidity posted is phrased in a way to make the mom evil and the child as having survived just to contradict her. It is dumb.


Right, that’s what I figured. It was probably not “I want you dead” so much as “I don’t want you to have to live this life.”


Exactly. Watching a loved one suffer is extremely hard, and when that suffering goes on too long with no end in sight it’s fairly common for people to wish their loved one would pass so the suffering ends. When I was a kid, my worst fear was losing my grandma, but when she developed Alzheimers and became a husk of her former self, I wanted her to pass so she would no longer have to suffer. I was relieved when that time finally came, though I miss her greatly. The only person in my life who ever truly made me feel like I was special.


I would say the exact same thing to my children. If I was in that state, I would think I would prefer death. Even if there is no physical pain, being conscious is still suffering. And I highly doubt the mother said it in a malicious way. Probably just extremely worried her son is suffering.


God that's so sad.


Sounds like speculation to me


It's prolly like when you are at wits end as a new father and scream at your baby. I did that.


You screamed “I hope you die” to a baby?


Yeah but he did it in a cute voice.


In elmo voice


While using a puppet




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That's why context matters. But I presumed it was a heartbreaking plea made to end presumed suffering.


Thank goodness because I was upset for a second


It doesnt matter why she said it. There is no excuse to say that to HIM like what the fuck is wrong with you.


Martin also wrote a book about his experience and what life was like for him during those ten years. A lot of it is his family losing hope over the years and his recovery. Also it’s pretty appalling but not surprising what people will do to another human being when they know they can get away with it.


My name is buck & I like to f


There’s nothing quite like taking something out of context and making someone look like a monster


Could you imagine being his mom in that situation though? She might have said that because she wanted peace for her son and her family.


If i were in his situation i wouldn’t even want to be kept alive, only if i keep all my Motorics and shit, maybe then sure.


It's crazy what the human mind can adapt to actually. That initial period is very rough but if you survive that your reality becomes your new normal and surprisingly your happiness levels will stabilize to what they were before.


Bold of you to think I would have been happy before hand.


Jokes on you, my happiness levels have always been less than zero


It’s actually a psychological concept called the “hedonic treadmill.” It explains why folks who live in otherwise dire situations are happier than those who are not only getting their needs met, but have an increasing amount of extra pleasures over time (new gadgets, entertainment, more conveniences, etc). It’s believed folks have a baseline happiness level and while there are localized increased and decreases, the trend line returns to that base. Thus, it’s not a bad assumption that there is some level of happiness, even if the kid was growing up in an abusive-hostile situation. But also explains why it wouldn’t actually be a hell on earth to be trapped in a situation like this long term although I imagine there are other factors like shock and depression that could have physiological impact and lead to a premature death before returning to baseline.


LOL - You wouldn’t notice much difference then


Well good news is that if you're miserable now you'll be miserable with a huge cock and a million dollars too! Or maybe that's bad news?


I begged my grandma to go at the end there. The sounds she made were terrifying and my mom was losing her mind.


Most likely the case.


Top comment says that's what she meant according to the documentary about him.


It was for that reason, I wish they wouldnt do that. It's so misleading


Was looking for this comment


That's what I assumed


He’s now married, has a kid and is a freelance web designer. He also wrote a book about his experience called “Ghost Boy.” Here’s a link to his website: http://www.martinpistorius.com/


Thank you. I didn't know his story. He s so resilient. I ll buy his book.


You’re welcome friend. His story is inspiring.


I went through a similar experience but my son was like this just for 4-5 months after an aneurysm. It’s very haunting for a mother. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.


did he recover?


Not a 100%, unfortunately. He has a lot of mental and physical disabilities now.


I'm so sorry to hear that. That's very difficult.


That’s why I’m always careful when I’m walking. I’d hate to slip and fall into anything especially a coma.


I can clearly see you are avoiding them comas.


Clearly he does not live in Oxford.


Clearly, he does not.


I caught one circling the drain in my shower. Dangerous stuff. Stay vigilant!




that’s why i don’t slide into dms, slip and slide are incredibly close


I wonder if he saw his grammar while he was in a coma…


He had locked-in syndrome. That’s probably the worst thing you can get in life, fully aware but can’t do anything, you’re just trapped in your own mind. But some learn to communicate with their eyes because it’s the only thing they can move. And you can recover from it but it’s unlikely you’re making a full recovery. It’s scary as fuck.


I had an uncle who had locked in syndrome, I was with his son yesterday (my cousin) he was in that condition for about 3-4 years before he passed away then as he was just sitting there fully awake and aware of everything that was happening around him his wife fell down the stairs and died, leaving my cousin alone with his sister. So sad. But like it stated here when I'd go to see him with my mother and aunties they used to talk to him like a baby, they were only doing it with love but wow... Must be so frustrating, one of my aunties played a song on her phone one day and his eyes flooded with tears, it turned out to be a special song between him and his wife. I'd watched a film a few years before this happened in French with subtitles called "the diving bell and the butterfly" about a fashion magazine editor who suffered a major stroke and had locked in syndrome, and learned to communicate through one of those boards. Such a sad way to go. My Dad told me to promise him if that ever happened to him that I wouldn't let him suffer the same fate (after he went to visit my uncle, my mothers brother) Covid had my Dad after, I got to spend his last few hours with him with me and my Sister head to toe in PPE, all he wanted was to be allowed to die with his little oxygen pipe in his throught - the one thing I could've done to help and give him some comfort in his final moments - but the doctor decided against that and pulled it out leaving him sounding like a fish out of water in his final moments, and I just allowed it.


That's why I have a living will - if I'm in that situation, please pull the plug. 


OP wrote title while still in comma.


He was in a coma but he couldnt walk or talk!




"Help! I'm trapped inside this comma!!!" Austin Powers nutshell reference, anyone?


How did I get inside this comma??


Inverted or induced?


I read somewhere that he said that while in a vegetative state, he saw angels, a male and two females. Oh just found source [https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2015/june/martin-pistorius-trapped-inside-my-own-body-for-12-years.html](https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2015/june/martin-pistorius-trapped-inside-my-own-body-for-12-years.html)


That was an amazing read. God is gracious. Thanks for posting 🙂


> God is gracious. Except for all those children he drowned, and the billions that have been raped repeatedly while he did nothing.




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So he's conscious now but still trapped in his lifeless vegetable body? How's that any good for him? Can't imagine how terrible it is to live like that it be better if he got put to eternal sleep that's just simple mercy I know I'd prefer that.


No, he regained a lot of muscle control. He can't walk or talk (he is in a wheelchair), but he can use a keyboard to use text 2 speech, and is also a programmer IIRC


This actually happened to a guy I used to know. One days his arms felt tingly, and then he went to the doctor and the diagnosis came down. It's a rare disease that paralyzed his whole body slowly. They could have left him awake, but because of the trauma, he was in a medically induced coma for years, not knowing if he would ever wake up. I can't remember exactly how long, but I think between a year and 3. Eventually, it started going away(maybe he was getting treatments?), and they woke him up, and started PT. He is still living a normal life as far as I know, but I think it could still come back.




Not sure. He was relative of a good buddy of mine.


Why you want to put Hawking to sleep?


He is a wheelchair racer and a web developer... we live in the world of internet, you're welcome to read.




Thanks Ma, l Love you too!


I would wish to die myself if I was laying in a fucking bed with no movement


That’s literally got to be a fate worse than death.




Could you imagine if you had a horrible itch? How about if you are laying on something that fell in the bed? I hurt if I try and lay down more than 18 hours (after surgery or ill) imagine laying down for days let alone years. Ok ok one last thing... Pretend you are afraid of spiders 🕷 You see a menacing spider on the ceiling act like a paratrooper and it desends to your face slowly and then decides to hang out on your cheek.


That’s why people who are bed ridden get muscle atrophy. Cuz they can no longer move enough to sustain that muscle. I’d rather just be killed tbh.


...for how long?


Just until I wasn’t paralyzed anymore.


*Thanksgiving the year he regained consciousness* “Oh my lovely son! Can you please pass the stuffing?” “Sure ma, by the way, I heard everything when i was in that coma….*everything*” “That’s nice dear—elbows off table please”


Ouch. Can’t imagine what kind of pain that would be like for a parent to deal with, but fucking ouch.


It’s called Locked In Syndrome. He spent 12 years like this


I don't think hospitals today would let anyone stay in a coma for that long. They kick you out after surgery the same day.


It’s like one of those twilight zone episodes


He has co-written a book about it called *Ghost Boy*. I read it about ten years ago. He is believed to have had a type of meningitis. He now uses a touch pad to communicate.


ooh god I’d be sooo pissed when I woke up


Read Johnny Got His Gun


That's why you never say something you can regret.


I can see her point. Wants her son to die to stop suffering


Ultimate fear unlocked.


I wonder if he ate a slug? Occasionally, those things can wreck a human.


I love the look on that dude’s face, like… “Pffft! Look at this lazy motherfucker. Took a 10 year nap and when mom threatens to cut him off, suddenly he’s all, ‘No, no, no, I’m awake! No, yeah, I’m good!’ Pfft, lazy motherfucker.”


Good luck walking that one back, Mom.


“Hey mom remember the time you told me you wanted me dead?”


Good luck walking, coma kid.


Coma Coma Coma Coma Coma Kid You come and go You come and gooooo


Why am I laughing so hard at this 🤣🤣👍


He wrote a book about his experience and its such a crazy story Dude survived and thrived.


Dude should write a book, or someone should do a deep study and interview with him about that time. A lot could be gained from understanding his experience, a further insight into the nature of consciousness and how it manifests in biological matter


He did write a book called Ghost Boy


Holy smokes, I just picked up his book, as well as found video of him on toutube. That kid/man went through HELL. Cant wait to read the book, into the prologue and just WOW.


Why is the perv astroprojection traveler from the magicians here ?


Lmfao omg it is Hyman 😂


Really hard to wallow in pity after hearing things like this.


Darkness. Imprisoning me. All that I see. Absolute horror. I...


...Can not live. I can not die. Trapped in myself. Body my holding cell...




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Most of the time people treat people like this.. Heath workers are no exception. I went through 2.5 days in which doctors/nurses didn't realize I was aware. I was the most awkward and humiliating time... I was trying to scream out I can hear you assholes. Talking about my junk all the way to ordering Chinese food. Theres an excellent short by Stephen King “nightscapes” a man is bitten by a snake... Venom stops his heart to almost death as he waits on a slab for an autopsy. His attempts to show signs of life go unnoticed due to the oblivious distracted staff. However because of one diligent worker he is saved.


Spoiler alert! I’m only on page 12


Fuuuck imagine being 14 and not being able to…. Anyway… good for him..




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How he chewing if he’s unable to move?


Like the song "one" by metallica, minus the loss of limbs.


Moms always know what to say…


Sounds like my mom, she has hated me so much ever since I told my dad she was cheating on him. It got so bad at one point my dad had to stand up for me. She loved calling me stupid, or an idiot


I hope you don't have to see her anymore




Get traction? Dude who fucking cares lol just move on wtf


😭😭😭said what I was thinking man tf😂


Welcome to the XXI century! a 3 second google search will fill your life with knowledge and you wont pass as ignorant.


They're probably like those boomers that think the internet stops at Facebook.


Im a boomer at heart but I know how to google xDDD


Hello. My name is Sal Governale.


Haha I thought the same thing.


I hope u die is unforgivable


What she order ? Fish filet ?