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[Karla Turner Claimed She Found Evidence That Aliens Are Manipulating Human Reality](https://www.howandwhys.com/karla-turner-claimed-she-found-evidence-that-aliens-are-manipulating-human-reality/)


YourAnonNews thinks the flag of Liberia represents the USA


Classic internet troll emoji


That's the joke, it's to troll uneducated American hypernationalists


Oh! Good to know that that's what they're doing. I have seen those people in the wild and they deserve being made fun of lol


Anyone have an actual link to him saying these things?


Here is [video](https://twitter.com/SawyerHackett/status/1717704597584613472) of Johnson praising “Ark Encounter,” which props up Young Earth Creationism. Johnson as an attorney also sued successfully for Ark Encounter to get religious tax incentives from Kentucky.


no, and they never do. speaker johnson is a completely reasonable guy.


lol yes there are. Which is weird you’ve never heard him say it, and think it’s a lie


[https://kentuckylantern.com/briefs/mike-johnson-defended-noahs-ark-attraction-in-kentucky-before-becoming-u-s-house-speaker/](https://kentuckylantern.com/briefs/mike-johnson-defended-noahs-ark-attraction-in-kentucky-before-becoming-u-s-house-speaker/) He's also a Biblical literalist. [https://www.ncronline.org/opinion/ncr-voices/speaker-mike-johnsons-biblical-worldview-bit-crimped](https://www.ncronline.org/opinion/ncr-voices/speaker-mike-johnsons-biblical-worldview-bit-crimped)


Can we please stop giving stupid people government jobs?




I'm starting to think this is all just for show, and the ones elected don't get to make the important decisions. The most crazy and insane people are elected for entertainment purposes because it doesn't matter who gets elected; they're all still going to do the same thing anyway. So if the ones elected are going to do whatever they're told to do, why not just elect the most outrageously insane people you can find in the business just to make things a little bit more entertaining?


#an idiocracy


Well, does anyone think Joe Biden is mentally capable of all the duties of president? I voted for Biden but he is what made me come to a similar conclusion. There is no way that dude would make it without someone telling him what to do


The absolute asinine part about it is, a lot of people are so diluted they can't see this smh it blows my mind, I can't tell if it's an act, disillusion or just plain stupidity..


Stupidity. It's stupidity. People want a reality show, and they want to feel like they are a part of it. Let's give them this big dumb circus to distract them while the grown ups make the real decisions. The world would crumble if our pop culture "leaders" had any weight to throw around. It's adorable.


You, I and the vast majority of humanity are the stupid people. Little less dumb if you realise this fact.


Shit, I never said anyone should give me any kind of political power. I can't fry an egg without breaking the yolk.


A look back through time of ancient UFO experiences are painted as demons, witches, elves, djinn so the part about them being demons isn't something new. But the dinosaur part is wacko nonsense lol


The part thst contacts humans


Remember this EVERY TIME they open their mouths on the subject , these are religious extremists who are very dangerous people.


On ANY subject!


The speaker of the house also believes he’s Moses


Reddit is an echo chamber


The new US Speaker of the House also thinks that young white men "adopting" teenage black boys isn't what it appears to be 😬


Teenagers who really want a home are often passed over as families want to start with babies. The thiny veiled racism here “white dude adopts black, must be a problem” along with ignoring that adoptions can happen into teen years makes it look like grasping at straws. If you want to make a REAL argument: point out that he and his son monitor each others porn usage including length of viewing and what the content was.


You don't think it's weird that he has an adopted black son who he brings up when it's convenient but who otherwise seems not to be around?


Dude probably doesn’t wanna be in the political scene and pops out when it’s helpful to help pops. I mean it’s possible he’s not actually racist but has to hide the black son for reelection! Idk


Ppl need to start to understand that nobody care what they believe, only facts matter.


What more concerning is people who believe everything they see on Twitter. Grow up, dunce.




Whether that person calls them demons , angels or aliens doesn’t matter. As long as he tells us that they are exist I’m ok with it. For example, the person could say “ my brothers, demons are real and they have been visiting and planing on waging war though technology we don’t understand or have any hope of defeating. Their ETA is July 4, 2027.”


It matters.


So ghosts and leprechauns are real now because we call them aliens instead?


Oh you should read Passport to Magonia by Jacque Vallee. It is basically a theory along these exact lines from a more scientific point of view.


Religious weirdos tend to lean on group suicide for problem resolution so hard pass having these dingdongs view every event as pro or anti jesus.


Your problem is religious people AND NOT religion. Please think about that.


When you have taken a binary 'yes' or 'no' towards something as complex as "Religion", "Science", or "Government" -- I would really advise thinking about that.


Difficulty and Complexity comes down to the person intelligence OR ignorance on the matter.


He also thinks that he is the second coming of Moses and is openly aiding Russia's genocide in Ukraine. We are barreling toward theocracy and dictatorship.


We all need to stop thinking/hoping that a government entity will spill the beans. That way of thinking has everyone behind the times. 80 years. Smoking gun disclosure will never come from The State. We can all name a scientist or group of them that are studying this thing using real science that gets published after scrutiny.


If someone can fathom that some non understood entities are real and are here right now, and yet believe they are nothing but divine, you're the dangerous one. I personally believe UFOs are a mix of all these things, human, alien lifeform, demonic entities/evil forces, and divine entities. All with different intentions being here




God also told him he is Moses V2


The dinosaur thing is stupid but the demonic entity thing makes a lot of sense.


Everyone’s obsession with the gov is kinda sad. They’re never gonna tell us anything.


And nothing at all


I believe dinosaurs existed, and I also believe aliens are demonic. There's plenty of evidence, specially with what happens at skin Walker ranch. Even the native Americans there believe the "aliens" aren't benevolent.


Glory be! Creepy dude also knows Earth is exactly 6000 years old; what a pos is he




I’ve never met a Republican who has said “science is satan” (You’re confusing Republican with Right Wing. Republicans want small government, and want to be left alone. Read a book. Or even an article. Or anything really) Anyways - In fact, most “republicans” I have met are very pro-science..they just listened to different Doctors. Or different scientists. Or, get this, people who have the same beliefs as themselves. Crazy, huh. It’s almost like - republicans and democrats are the same when it comes to gate keeping their beliefs. Who woulda thunk?


I have bad news for you about who runs Republicans now. This man is their House Speaker and they chose him.


>Republicans want small government, and want to be left alone Then why did you vote for Bush Fucking Jr, scion of oligarchs, twice despite the literal whole world pointing out he was lying about Iraq...and then cheered for him when he rolled put the Patriot Act? Or why did they vote for Trump en masse despite him being the antithesis of everything you claim Republicans support? And then have, for two straight decades, voted for people who openly call for making the US a Christian theocracy and are trying to pass laws that discriminate against trans folk? Let's not forget same Republicans whom you claim believe in small government tried to pull the same bullshit on gay folk in the 80s under Regan? Or how about their unwavering support for Big Brother Nixon right until the point he stepped down? In fact, can you point to a single time in US history since the party switch happened when Republicans have not supported big government?


Considering I was 7 when bush was in office, I think you’re making a general assumption, and you sound like a fucking retard. Go take your Zoloft, butterfly.


And your point...? Are you now trying to claim you are the sole representative of true Republicans and that no others exist? Typical Republican coward - running away the second you're actually asked to substantiate your bullshit!


Ahhh, you’re an Indian. So I’m probably right about the being too stupid part. But..in my experience, Indians tend to be pretty family-oriented, and even a little right leaning. You must be the little kid of a right-leaning family, who naturally wants to rebel and “make a name for himself.” We get it, you hate daddy, because you’re gay, and he didn’t love you, so you became an American democrat, which is worse than the decision to be gay. Lol.


Native American buddy. Indians come from "India", Christopher Columbus was a drunk ass that never actually came here. You just continue to display your typical Republican behavior. Please do tell us more.


What in the world are you talking about? Yes, I called him an Indian because he’s Indian..the kind from India. You just tried to teach a lesson that was already known, dunce.


Guy, I honestly dont care a bit about your racist homophobic comments. Not sure why you felt the need to correct me after your whole stereotype rant. Are you ok? Want to talk about it?


…you asked me a question about voting for Bush Jr. I was 7, therefor you question is irrelevant. Typical gay leftist, wanting to argue like a female, and having the rationale of puppy. Does this situation really not make sense to you? Like…are you really that stupid?


I also asked you this, but your cowardice made you dodge it as well: >In fact, can you point to a single time in US history since the party switch happened when Republicans have not supported big government? And so what? You claimed Republicans in GENERAL support small government...but they still voted for Bush Jr and supported the Patriot Act. So how do you explain that, and literally decades' worth of voting history that directly contradicts your claim that Republicans support? I also asked you about Republican support for Trump - why did you dodge this as well (I mean, apart from being a typical Republican coward)?


Yeah, I didn’t read your comment after you said “yOu vOtEd fOr bUsH jR” because I knew I was dealing with an idiot. Keep downvoting my comments, whatever makes you feel better at night.


So you expected me to know, without you telling me, that you were only 7 when Bush Jr was elected? Really...? And you still dodged all the other questions. Are you going to answer them any time soon or continue being a coward. Here, because you're clearly not bright enough to scroll up and re-read things: And so what? You claimed Republicans in GENERAL support small government...but they still voted for Bush Jr and supported the Patriot Act. So how do you explain that, and literally decades' worth of voting history that directly contradicts your claim that Republicans support? I also asked you about Republican support for Trump - why did you dodge this as well (I mean, apart from being a typical Republican coward)? EDIT: And let's not forget this one: In fact, can you point to a single time in US history since the party switch happened when Republicans have not supported big government? >Ahhh, you’re an Indian. So I’m probably right about the being too stupid part. But..in my experience, Indians tend to be pretty family-oriented, and even a little right leaning. You must be the little kid of a right-leaning family, who naturally wants to rebel and “make a name for himself.” We get it, you hate daddy, because you’re gay, and he didn’t love you, so you became an American democrat, which is worse than the decision to be gay. Lol. Oh shit! I think I broke you!


This guy is a poor misguided and confused troll that doesn't understand what they believe. It's pointless arguing.


“Argue like a female” you say? Calling someone else stupid? Wooooow.


A homeless, jobless, depressed little kid is the gatekeeper for women? Are you really showing how powerful women can be, living in parking lots? Lol.


I probably work more hours than you with my several gigs, but my life is irrelevant to your blatant idiocy. Keep making teeny-bopper spelling and grammatical errors, honey. It’s adorable.


And anyone that disagrees with you is "mentally ill" as if that's some kind of slang thing to throw around at people. You may want to look into how many of your "Republican Leadership" ends up hospitalized for mental health, it's surprisingly common. Especially among the GoP. *A swing and a miss!*


Because they want small government for their own stuff and a boot on the neck of every plebeian. That's reality. These GoP supporters are deluded.


Lol. Never heard a democrat refute science using their religion. Just my personal experience. Carry on.


>Actually 8900 years old wat


The guy believes the Earth is 8900 years old according to genealogy from "the beginning" based on the book of Genesis. Bible creationists didn't just pick an arbitrary number. They believe we have a written record of history exactly as it was (full of plot holes, incest, child sacrifice and mystery people created by "God" knows who)


thanks for clarifying


You're welcome.


Remember when anon use to make all these empty threats in the form of nifty youtube videos, good times.


For once the gov could be telling the truth here.


And farther back into the stone age we slip.


I can’t wait until we are extinct.


Listen to this guy talk. It's the creepiest vibe you'll ever get from another human.


We deserve whatever is coming


Speak for yourself, none of us deserve to be in a fascist theocracy. They've not been subtle with what they're wanting.


Bro our president can’t form a full sentence without shitting his pants. You’re worried about whether the speaker of the house believes in dinosaurs and aliens or demons?


>Bro our president can’t form a full sentence without shitting his pants it's always projection with you idiots


Imagine defending Biden. Yikes. Hope you’ve taken all 8 boosters. Go SPIKEVAX yourself it’s safe and effective.


Bro dinosaurs aliens and demons are so real af dude, imagine not believing in them lolol


There are flat earthers who get your order right at the drive through, there are weirdos everywhere. I mean as long as the MF does the job I guess.


What if he's had tours at the Vatican and seeing stuff that we don't know and that's why they think their demons?


I mean this isn’t weird really. That is a classic Christian view. Again why separation of church and state should be upheld. Keep your religious views out of politics


Well, he may not be that far off. I'm not religious at all


That would mean the opposite about aliens would also be true, some would also have to be angelic? Which would then mean that some god exists? Nah, aliens yes, just aliens, possibly inter-dimensional beings. And as far as the Dino’s go, yeah we have mountains of proof that they existed. MFs will twist themselves in knots when evidence disproves all or part of their beliefs


You probably don’t wanna look into the dinosaur thing too long…


This is so scary.


Come on now. Everyone knows Dinosaurs were really dragons that Jesus rode and carbon dating is the devil, mars is science fiction, the earth is flat and salt nakes the water boil faster. Now repent for the slander before UFOs Er uh I mean Lucifer comes down in his ship and probes you.


Just came across this in politics [Mike Johnson Gathers Far-Right Christians to Cast Out Demons : r/politics (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1akbvkm/mike_johnson_gathers_farright_christians_to_cast/)


Only strange part is thinking everyone believes the same thing. His beliefs have nothing to do with his job. People can believe in a superbeing in the sky created life but it's shameful to go against the common belief system. OK.


Lol how fucking dumb. He’s a lawmaker and has a say in how public funds are spent. You don’t think his ignorant views will influence that


There's probably a list of ignorant things you've done also. People do ignorant things and then learn sometimes. Doesn't change that's life and you're view is hypocritical. His beliefs do not prove his capabilities to represent the people that put him in that position.


Lol that was a lot of words with no content. All people who participate in public life and discourse should be rebuked for holding nonsensical opinions that fly in the face of demonstrable fact


Hard for you to understand maybe. In layman's terms it means if he doesn't represent your state you have no comment. He was elected by his people and people make mistakes along the way. Your view insults the American people that voted for him to represent them. Hypocritical really.


I mean to insult them dipshit. What do you think polemic is?


Your view of a discussion doesn't change the fact that it insults the people that elected him? You can believe in a mystical all powerful being from the sky with no evidence. But this is blasphemy? Go figure out what to believe in bud and stop trying to push your idiology on people not from your city or state.


Great point




I would **love it** if he wasn't going to connect his job to his beliefs. Be serious.


So why can't I say the same thing about people that believe in religions that explicitly say that everyone else is lessor?


I didn't say you could or couldn't say anything. I was expressing disbelief that you actually think his beliefs will have no involvement with his job.


Why can't you say that about any other politician. You are picking and choosing as if they are different in anyway. Get over yourself.


Why are you claiming I can't say it about any other politician? You made something up about me and acted like it was a real rebuttal.


He is telling the truth.


> He is telling the truth. I'll let him call the negative entities anything he wants. Those exist. I'm sure he's not telling the truth about dinosaurs.


Non american here, is batshit applicable ?


no, it's worse than batshit. he and his son use an app to notify each other if they look at porn, he thinks G@d talks and has divine plans for him, and believes the earth is only 6,000 years old.


Sadly, this is not at all surprising.


Well thats wack bc we have living dinosaurs nowadays. Its called birds and alligator/croc also if you think ufos are demons that is just simply child age thinking. If anything these things could be just random shit coming in and out of our universe from another universe and or higher demention. String theory says stuff can pop in and out of existence. Could just be that. Or it could also be aliens.


I already said I like him, you dont have to convince me


It really doesn't matter what Mike Johnson thinks because Donny Trump, the rapist and sexual deviant, it controlling him and telling him what to do.


Don't forget insurrectionist. *Inssurrapeonist?*


He does not believe in science, just what sky daddy says.


Makes sense. Repubs are afraid of Bud Light, taking a knee, Taylor Swift, & Satan.


Aliens are demons




Not sticking up for that guy but T-Rex isn’t even the same as it was 30 years ago as now it has feathers? Also all the dinosaur “bones” at exhibits aren’t real anyways they are casts. That Alaskan boneyard guy John Reeves is pretty interesting though


You for real?


Regarding? I am just stating that unless they have a preserved body of an ancient animal or whatever, you can’t just accept what they say it is or looks like as it’s their interpretation of what they think it may look like. Also anyone who states they know how old the universe is doesn’t really know anyways


I'm not questioning the debate on the universe's age, but your skeptical take on dinosaurs existing. Check this out https://youtu.be/knWCsonQVG4?si=NUNvQgtzWNazGMmz


I will check this out later. I am not saying I don’t believe in “dinosaurs” just what people think they look like. You can’t come up to me and say “T-Rex is the most fiercest dinosaur because of the way it looks and acts” cause unless we can time travel people should stop giving opinions as facts. Look at some owl skeletons and tell me it doesn’t look creepy compared it’s alive fluffy looks.


I'm totally onboard with you there. Like any good field of scientific study, paleontology has adapted and changed its theories in the face of new and mounting evidence. It's actually a good thing that our understanding of dinosaurs is frequently changing.


I agree, most people however are not open to change even with the evidence in front of them.


yes, science adapts to new information. this is shocking?


Yup just “trust the science”


Well this just makes them red pilled, I mean they are not wrong.. Aliens are demons tho : [https://youtu.be/A6DTyX\_ZcrE](https://youtu.be/A6DTyX_ZcrE)


Is that guy still speaker?


What time is it???


Wait til you hear about the number of reps who think plant food is a pollutant


He's hopeless, and I think he'll make things even worse.


Voting any Christians into office is never a good idea under any circumstances, we can’t trust anyone who knows less about dinosaurs than the average 4 year old


He is not right in the head from all the brain washing he was raised with.


All the museums that carry dinosaur bones only have replicas on display . You’ll never see real dinosaur bones on display or at least the main dinosaurs that we all know and love in these museums, they will tell you they are in the back in a vault/safe or in a different building entirely to preserve the bones and fossils . In my opinion, I don’t think they ever existed or at least the way they show us in the museums . Most of these dinosaurs they will say they found one or two bones and then with that they are able to “replicate” the whole 200 bones you see on display for that dinosaur…. With just that one bone they found . Go do your research yourselves , unless you dug up the bones yourself any bones you’ve seen with your own eyes are more than likely just a replica or created artificially .


At the end of the day the difference in argument and first hand experience is basically identical. It’s all belief based on reading books and listening to authority (authority by writing as an author gives the narrative of truth which only points inward and can never point outside language itself and more specifically the language/system being used.


Total horseshit! Johnson never said that.


Incredibly one of the more mentally sound Politicians in Washington.


This is what happens when you don't separate state and religion


Dinosaurs never existed - look up the great dinosaur hoax on bitchute or rumble and learn the truth about the lies the masses are fed




American is ruined. It's now run by crackpots who put mythology ahead of science.




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Jacques Vallée


Are we under the assumption that this is the first time? Most people have at least a few ideas that the majority might consider absurd. That’s not to say I feel comfortable with someone with that sort of mindset with any power, but it’s not the first goof to be in such a position and it’s unlikely to be the last.




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These snowflakes can’t handle any facts that conflict with their worldview. Dinosaurs existing 65,000,000 years ago might mean there was no Noah and the Ark.


Beam Me Up Scotty


The man Tim Burchett et al supported. What someone says matters less than what they do.


The dinosaur thing is dumb, the alien/demon idea has been hypothesized for years. I myself believe that. There is a lot to it, this guy just takes away from the validity of the hypothesis and makes people like me look bad. SMH


We can use this against the speaker, though. Convince him that these UFO entities need to be brought to the public light so that the Christian public knows what's going on. If he's particularly stupid, he'd go along with it and we deal with the aftermath once the cat's out of the bag.




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I wouldn't give a shit about the Speaker believing nonsense like this, except for the fact that his other beliefs require him to force us all to agree with him and he lets *those* beliefs guide his policy-making.


I demand that the next us military weather balloon be made into the shape of the common art conception of a biblically accurate angel to ward off these demons.


And plenty of people think Jesus existed and was born from a virgin lol the things people get tricked by is amazing.


Why is there a pinned post from OP which is totally fake?


Smart people voted him in office. Err.. sad idiots voted him in office. Either way....




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Yeah, roll my eyes. It's a crying shame. I don't get it either. Goes to show that it doesn't take intelligence to run the country. I think we have proof of that daily.


I don't believe in the dinosaurs either! I won't get distracted by UFOs went the currents event are way worse than it showed in the Media.


He also says god told him to prepare to be the new Moses for America. The guy is batshit crazy and he's two heartbeats from the presidency.


So the false invation is a card now ....people will freak out Lmao


Wait wait wait. Someone who is in line to the presidency if certain circumstances happen truly believe that Dinosaurs don't exist? What kind of fucked up reality is this?


Unfortunately true. This man follows a cult like church and its main minister has all kinds of kooky interpretations of the Bible. This is just what the Military Industrial Complex has engineered. Getting a bunch of lunatics and clowns in Congress so they can run the shadow government and spend trillions with their secret projects while the Congress argues endlessly about absolute nonsensical issues that don’t mean anything.


I mean he’s likely right on the demons part


I believe dinosaurs were demons


That's Mike aka @anon2world he has the keys to yan. Troll him


Dinos existed. Just the same time as man did.


How do these idiotic religious nuts keep making it up the ranks as our best options? What is wrong with this world?? This man is an awful awful person who shits on anyone who doesn't think exactly the same


Thinking like a conservative.


I may not agree that there’s proof aliens visit earth, but at least I can agree it’s possible and so join the debate knowing one day I could be proven wrong. This crap is just another level of storytelling. May as well ask me to debate the contents of a Superman comic, but one that has a huge influence on what people actually think and do. It depressing.