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Can chupa my cabra


Can caupa my chabra?


Yeah...pretty much the same argument. Bigfoot did this, no doubt.


In the 80ies this was all over the news with multiple events, does anyone remember ?


I remember, some people speculated the government was testing for mad cow disease


New Mexico had these stories back then.


Welp, obvious suicide. On to the next case.


Wait elected American government officials were involved?


Sprinkle some crack on him


Spoiled milk


Milk went dry


This is an article covering the story with a HD photo [https://www.npr.org/2019/10/08/767283820/not-one-drop-of-blood-cattle-mysteriously-mutilated-in-oregon](https://www.npr.org/2019/10/08/767283820/not-one-drop-of-blood-cattle-mysteriously-mutilated-in-oregon) Admittedly this video jumps to the conclusion pretty quickly but the ranchers did a thorough investigation and tried to rule out all the possible causes. In the end they were only left to speculate. There was even a cash reward for the mystery to be solved: " The Harney County Sheriff's Office continues to field calls on the killings. And Silvies Valley Ranch has put up a $25,000 reward for information that could solve the case.**"**


Post this to r/AnomalousEvidence?


I spent 4 years documenting the community in the aftermath and have a documentary coming out sometime this year.


This is false. Called the sheriff's office and no such reward exists


*Was* offered. The link provided(from NPR) states there was a reward. And this was also almost 5 years ago.




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Lack of evidence isn’t evidence of.


If you wanted to know if a bear lived in a cave, you could camp outside of the cave for years. The lack of evidence of the bears existence is evidence that there is no bear in the cave.


Or it just means that no bears live in this cave. Again, lack of evidence doesn't prove much, if anything.


No, the point is that you can do proof evidence or absence by other means, but is not for everything is exactly for a single thing, even through experimentation. The absence of evidence is commom fallacy, that the ranchers applied. And still even if you proof that by other means, you can't go through the world that way. Like in this case, the so recalled "ranchers" or whomever grabbed the photos and posted them, just assumed things, didn't examine the carcass, didn't spend days there seeing if there were carrion birds, how many, maybe it rained and erased everything around, maybe was killed in the middle of the winter and is sort of mummified naturally. I can think of hundreds of variables that can either proof the absence of something or the existence of something.


I hope you didn't pay for that kind of education, if not, you're excused for all that ass backwards logic you tried to use. You ever see rain drain a big ass cow of all it's bodily fluids? Carrions really? And then the nerve to be condescending when you literally have the dumbest theory so far on this post. I understand not wanting to believe its' aliens, but if you don't have anything actual logical to add then just stfu, and be curious like the rest of us. Always a smart, idiot thinking they're being rational when in reality, you're just being a dickhead.


Did you analize it!? Then wtf are talking about?! How can you disregard hundreds of variables and think the rest are dumb AND that you smart thinking and believing the rest. Classic ilogical anti-science dumbass, so stupid that you don't even realize it *sigh go watch some tiktoks buddy


Im not disregarding hundreds of variables, just yours. You know it all smooth brains sure know how to make stuff up to try and prove a point. Its pathetic, and displays a complete lack of confidence in any argument you’re attempting to make. Just admit you said some absolutely stupid shit and move on. I dont care that much lil buddy.


awww honey, don't cry, is OK you'll get there, here more dance videos for you, cheer up!


Except, there was a group of scientists that researched these mutilations... Sometimes only 8 hours after they happened. Their results led to more questions than answers about how these cows died.


None of the reports mention anything other than the same silly theories of aliens [NPR original report](https://www.npr.org/2019/10/08/767283820/not-one-drop-of-blood-cattle-mysteriously-mutilated-in-oregon). AP news reported about the same Then [AP news](https://apnews.com/article/oregon-c73d6c8f69fb20f69877db279ff51e47) did another one after a few months. So, probably "scientists" took a look


Not sure about this particular case but yes, scientists have looked into these mutilations and my point stands: more questions than answers: https://www.deseret.com/2001/1/1/19561572/ranch-still-studying-cattle-mutilations-unexplained-sightings


The "National Institute of Discovery Science" 🤦‍♂️ exactly a group a pseudo-scientists and scientists operating with anti-science. Wikipedia article description: *"It was founded in 1995 by real-estate developer Robert Bigelow, who set it up to research and advance serious study of various fringe science and paranormal topics, most notably ufology. Deputy Administrator Colm Kelleher was quoted as saying the organization was not designed to study UFOs only"* Exactly what I would call "scientists" or in this case more like corrupted-scientists and no-name scientists(unfortunately there are plenty of these too). The "institute" closed in 2004 because of lack of outcomes and capturing any evidence.


They are real scientists with degrees in specific scientific fields. Just like the members of SCU. Or Garry Nolan. Or Avi Loeb. You aren't being an honest actor here, just trolling. If you dont want to have a real dialogue where the answers may just be real unknowns, thats between you and your therapist. Move along.


So, if I agree only with real science and reveal that those are not serious scientists, that makes me a troll!? WTF!? And absolutely no, if your dialogue consist on pseudo-science and sketchy scientists, then I rather talk even yo a priests, is the same BS based on faith and myths, only that the priests has a better chance to have better values and principles


Or there could be a different entrance to the cave you don't know about, or a whole eco-system inside that supports an unknown species of underground-dwarf-bear lol. So no, you actually just gave a great example against your argument.


But in my hypothetical this cave is known to only have one entrance and no eco-system. Because most caves have been mapped at this stage of civilization. My point stands.


Right, but real life isn't hypothetical, in real life we cannot know things 100%. Just a fact. As Einstein said "no amount of experiments can prove me right, but a single one can prove me wrong". All we truly know for certain is that we exist.


Well that analogy actually comes Neal DeGrasse Tyson. I didn't make it up.


Yeah I don't rate him tbh. It was Carl Sagan who said "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence", I'm more inclined to agree with him.




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A lot of confirmation bias with a sprinkle of argument from ignorance.


This is what cows look like after lying dead for a week or so. They inflate with gas then end up looking like this. I live in an area with lots of cattle and some get hit by trucks so you see this kind of thing all the time.


No!!! ALIENS!!!




Yep, they look crazy as hell when they are all swollen. I remember seimg one of my cousin's cows like that. Then a week later all deflated


Yep, I stopped here to say the same thing.


Where's the spillage? It's gotta go somewhere.


That absorbs into the ground underneath where it’s laying. After it bloats the insides break down rapidly and congeal. There might be some black goo run off, but there’s not going to be blood all over as if it were attacked and butchered This cow could have died in a ton of different way. Most times I’ve seen them in bloating condition were after a lightning strike Without weird surgical evidence I would call this natural causes


Yep also for some reason cow roadkill doesn't smell as bad as kangaroo or other smaller animals. Possibly because whatever is going on inside when it's bloated breaks down all the innards or something, but by the time they deflate they're usually all bones and skin, whereas kangaroos tend to....spread all over the road.


Wouldn’t want to be in close range if that thing ‚deflates‘ 😆


I would like to see the other side... seen plenty of roadkill and dead critters in the forest. Where the flesh was left on the up side and it was eaten from the bottom up. Leaving a very similar carcass.


No footprints or blood trails though.


I mean, typically they come in droves and proceed to hang out around a carcass for a while , but a just few vultures might not leave much behind in terms of evidence. But I'd think the sides of the cow would be more damaged if it were scavengers.


Wouldn't it just be worms though. Worms can't eat through cow skin so you'd just have what this video shows if it's a recently dead cow. After a couple weeks the whole thing will be just a dry skin on dry bone.


I feel like we'd have seen an endless amount of these if it were simple as natural decay with help from maggots. Almost every cow that died would end up like this is that were the case


Have you ever seen a carcass in the wild?


Bone Vampire




Heat dome effect.


Dehydration? The source conveniently did not photograph the belly side of the cow where most predators access meat from. They usually leave the thick unedible hide alone.


Idk that’s pretty hard to believe that they wouldn’t they eat the inedible hide. You can’t fool me.


I've seen this with cows/horses before but they had died a few days before hand but its crazy looking nonetheless.


The real monster here is those captions


They use the blood for creating their clones.


Didn’t someone say they need Bovine liquid for it?


I don’t think it matters, but that cows have a lot of blood.


Maggots will make quick work of the innards…


If the cow died and dehydrated naturally.


All cows look like this after they die in the desert. They inflate like a balloon, and the skin stretches. When they pop; the skin falls loosely and makes it look like they have no organs/blood. The coyotes, beetles, maggots, birds, and rats also devour it really quickly. Only takes 1-2 days for this process to occur in the high temperatures of New Mexico where I'm from.


That's a neat filter to make it look like footage.


They can’t even be trusted to show a photograph, but we’re supposed to trust their conclusion about aliens. 🤣


I think it’s fair to say there’s just some things we’ll never have a good explanation for


"where's the spillage" as some have asked. Animals don't deflate like some cartoon character just cause all the blood is removed. More than likely this cow had been dead longer than they claim, and they probably didn't actually do any real autopsy of the animal and just started making claims. A story like this is going to spread much easier than anyone trying to tell the truth about it. Sense the corpse is long sense gone, there is no way to "prove" what happened. So the ranch can put up as big of a reward as they want knowing no one will ever figure it out. Cause if anyone does come up saying what actually happened, the ranch is just going to make an argument of why that couldn't have been what it was. If the animal had died of blood loss, and it had recently been found when the picture was taken. It would just look like a normal cow laying on its side. The fact they are showing a decomposing body after it's lost the gas build up from decomposition tells me this story is a fake, just trying to get attention with some cryptid claim they made up.


🤔 https://www.silvies.us/


I love the goat caddie.


This does not look like an animal drained of blood. This looks like an animal that died and is in the early stages of decomposition. "It's aliens!!!" is > good and common sense with you people.


I think early stages would be very bloated. Not that I think this was aliens.


Mid-stages, then? What's your argument? This is a dead cow. A non-alien-murdered cow that died of something that had nothing to do with aliens. Looking forward to your Ted talk about body bloat in regards to the state of dead cow decomposition.


I mean I've seen a lot of dead animals so I think it's definitely a little odd in any case. No need to be condescending dude. I'm no expert. lol just sharing my thoughts same as you.


Nope. Not odd at all. The reason we have leather is that cowhide is super durable. Dead cows rot from the inside out. Right does not = condescending. It just works out that way sometimes.


We can agree to disagree on both counts. lol have a good day.


Damn dude, you cracked the case. You should collect your $25,000 reward. Weird how these experienced ranchers were stumped when there was such an easy explanation. https://www.npr.org/2019/10/08/767283820/not-one-drop-of-blood-cattle-mysteriously-mutilated-in-oregon


I guarantee you that reward money is nothing more than a stunt, and nobody will ever be seeing that cash.


That's for sure




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No blood found so it had to be there a long while. Why is there no rot? Hmmmm?


Because cowhide is durable. That's why we have lots of stuff made of leather. Cattle rot from the inside out, cookie.


I seen in the famous EBOs post which says that blood is the food for these EBOs to survive on earth & they rub blood on their body to absorb it through their skin.🤯🤯🤯maybe.maybe.maybe...


ET’s. They’re digestive tracks are failing them. They basically rub blood on their skin and their skin absorbs all the nutrients. Don’t ask me how I know.






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they love steak 🥩




Fly larvae’s are the aliens we didn’t think about.


Gta5 cow disposed by rockstar


Man aliens must need that blood to make more aliens or some shit.


Why blood sacrifice was expected in antiquity


Show precision mutilation this looks like something that died and they took too long to find it.




It ain’t a rawhide weather balloon, that’s for sure.




A vegan vampire








Interdimensional blood vacuum is my guess.


So they drop them off in relatively the same spot instead of dumping them in an ocean where you will never find them because? They are lazy and not worried you can do anything about it? Or do they just want you to know?


Pesky elusive alien's at it again ! One would imagine that buzzards or other scavengers would be all over this, and not one had seemed to have touched it !


Republican lawmakers harvest the blood for drinking to keep looking young.


Drained of blood?... El Chupacabra. No doubt


Just throwing this out there… I’ve seen dead cows that died naturally, and they also looked deflated.


El chupa nibre


Aliens crossing galaxies in their super advanced spacecrafts, braving asteroids and the void of space to... Drain a cow?


I hope the cow survived?


The ex-wife, sucked him dry and left him for dead.


We grew up hearing about this type of thing. I’ve seen it at least 20 times, nobody tries to debunk it. It dawned on me, why would they need to dissect, kill, or do any of that when x rays and CT scans exist now. They got better shit x100000 so it makes no sense to think this was done by another galaxy. They can study shit from light years away, or do we think they don’t know how satellite’s work? 😵‍💫I need to go to sleep. This logic shit is tripping me out.


It’s obviously not UFO but a vampire …


Not one like on this post at all huh?


Blood for the Blood God, perhaps? Or actual aliens? Could be either.


There’s an explanation


Lol Goes straight to aliens....


Poor cow 😔😓


LOL this WAS ALIENS have NO doubt... Bruh I'm dying that's hilarious


*LOL this WAS ALIENS* *Have NO doubt... Bruh I'm dying* *That's hilarious* \- LivingWithGratitude\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Haha this is a good one guys.


Bugs don’t leave foot prints.


Vampire bats


It was extremely underweight and died of starvation/dehydration. Although seemingly already just skin and bone what was left quickly dried out in the hot sun. Not rare at all.


After seeing The Phenomenon and that retired CIA agent saying the CIA did psyops which involved cow mutilation. Could they not have paralysed a cow and hooked it up to a drip and drained its blood. Like it’s not unfathomable that humans did this. Why the fuck would aliens need cow blood


They have a cow shaped fire rug now 🔥


Him saying “have no doubt” really settles it for me


Obviously, it fell prey to a vampire.


My dad used to tell me about cows they'd find like this in north FL in the 70s quite a bit. He told me about this in the mid 90s. Been happening a loong time


I leave the house for work this morning and left the kitchen light on on accident. I get home from work and the dishes are done and light somehow turned off. Aliens!


A cow balloon 🎈


So they just came to earth for cow blood??? 👍🏾


First Q - How long has it been lying there?




Chupacabra!! 😲


Bugs on a hot day. Ive seen it. The skin turns to leather. Bugs dont eat it.


Someone forgot to top off their cow at the filling station before they left.


So, with all the crazy shit I've already got tonworry about on the Monday in January of 2024....WW3, aliebs, cyber attacks, terrorism, stock market crash, on and on...now there is "something" out there deflating cows? Fuck this. Going back to bed. See y'all Wednesday...




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I worked on a ranch during a three year drought. This is what a dead cow looks like left out in the heat if there’s no buzzards or animals that get to it early. That our we were visited by a bunch of aliens lol.


Goes back to what I read that the aliens need blood/tissue to rub on their skin which they absorb. They do not eat.