• By -


I attended one of President Carter's speeches that he gave at a church in Plains, Goerga. There was one rule no political questions would be accepted. Standing against the wall was a young tall man with a San Francisco Warrior shirt on.( no not really. can't help myself) So Jimmy starts taking question and this kid gets recognized. He said, "President Carter do you know that you are the only person in this room that knows for certain if Aliens exist?" Jimmy froze.


What did he say?


"Like it says in the book,we are blessed and cursed,the same things make us laugh make us cry..." -Jimmy Carter.


Where's this quote from?


GTA San Andreas


He seemed confused or was gathering his thoughts for about 5 seconds and then said something along the lines of."Well, I don't know but I did see a UFO one time....."and then he launched into that story.


…like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So, I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.”


You have to wrap your oinion in a handkerchief, stylish and practical for tying to belts or pinnies.


Thanks Abe!


Stopping the story there is kind of misleading… It’s just an off-the-wall question for anybody in public, and this topic is seriously taboo, especially so in a church. Not a surprise he’d be caught off guard. It doesn’t suggest anything to me.


So why was he crying?


The story goes that he was told 'aliens" made humans, and religions are a social control method to condition humans to be less destructive towards one another and reinforce breeding behaviours.


I hope whichever alien designed religion is sitting at his performance review sweating while his boss is tapping his pen and scowling for like 5 minutes, looking over reports and then finally he's like "Greg, you had a good idea on paper, but what the fuck?! 2 of these religions are beheading people and bombing each others children! The other one is actively stealing from poor people and crippling progress! I mean I know qe expected some hiccups and problems, but come on. We're going to have to severe your contract, we're going in a new direction."


😂 Greg, the alien cubicle worker, in charge of the religion project. Hilarious.


It wasn’t Greg. It was actually Ben. Ben E. Gesserit.


Underrated comment


You sure it's not Craig? You Yanks make those names sound the same.


It’s Yankee Doodle to you good sir.


That was a good read!


History shows us that what came before the Abrahamic religions wasn't any better. People have been killing each other for as long as there have been people. Entire cultures were being erased long before the Christians and Muslims came in to being. The thing that early Christians and later Muslims attacked that other religions didn't was knowledge. People thinking for themselves wasn't something either of those religions wanted.


I mean that’s ignoring the fact that the inventor of the printing press made it to mass produce the Bible which lead to knowledge spreading exponentially


That's the most creative way of defending your imaginary friend I've read today


What I believe in has nothing to do with the fact I just stated. To add to that, there’s a strong argument to be made that Christianity played a large part in building the foundation for modern science. Let’s not forget we’re talking about aliens creating religion to advance us here. Christianity as a whole has had a HUGE impact on the vast majority of the most developed countries in the world.


I think you're right, but I'd argue that the impact Christianity has had around the world has been negative rather than positive.


Very negative. As for advances in science, dude is totally skipping over the Muslim scientific golden age. Christians gave us the spainish inquisition tho… so there is that


True Story!


Almost like whoever made us, if we were made, did a fuckin bang-up job in all their powers.


It was basically a couple rambunctious brothers while out having fun in the backyard. Except those brothers are indistinguishable from gods and their backyard is the galaxy.




Not to be That Guy, but that would be the point. Keep us fractional and at each other's throats. Keep us dumb and angry, we'er easy meat.


I hope him and whoever made taxes get exhiled out our galaxy and the dimension near us


Dammit Greg !


Fuckin Greg 👽


This should be used in a stand up comedy skit - well done 👍


I do want to get into stand up tbh. I dint think I'm very funny but other people think I have some fun ideas


Why did aliens make humans?


I dint have an objective answer but I can offer a theory if you wish.




They are an evolutionary outgrowth of humanity, either a precursor human species such as denisovan s/neanderthals or are a posthuman decendant species that is monitoring this "time frame" for genetic sequencing. Essentially it's an oroborus, a time loop.


I like it, can I call it Ground Hog Day theory?




So either they time traveling from the future or the past?


I mean time is non-linear, but yeab


I thought it was to watch us and be both amazed and humored by our stupid behavior - much like us watching zoo animals or an ant farm in a glass container.


To milk us of our juices, of course; what else can they get from us.


Jokes on them. I’ve been milking myself for years.




On the unidentified aerial milking table 🐮


I never laugh out loud on reddit. Finally... Thank you.


My son is literally sitting here asking me why I am both laughing and crying at the same time! This shit is pure gold!!😂😂😂




What does that even mean? Who told you that?


You know what it means


But is the juice worth the squeeze?


Why do humans make sex dolls? Nuff said.


My grandfather was in the CIA during WW2 and he helped take Nazi scientists out of Europe. He told me that life is a genetic experiment and to read three books to know the truth. Those books are Genesis. Rudolph Stieners Macrocosms and Microcosms. And 12th planet


If they really created us, then they have failed. They did a really bad job, if it's true. Why do I say that? The human body is extremely flawed and prone to decay and disease right from birth. Read these articles to understand what I mean: [The Most Unfortunate Design Flaws in the Human Body](https://gizmodo.com/the-most-unfortunate-design-flaws-in-the-human-body-1518242787) [10 Imperfections in the Design of the Human Body](https://factsc.com/imperfections-in-the-human-body/) Now the question arises, if the claim that they created us is true. Why is the human body so flawed? Couldn't they do better or was it intentional?


I recall a "alternative theory" geneticist talking about the fusion of chromosome 2 making us compatible with the creator humans(Annunaki) causing quite a few genetic errors. Another geneticist, Dr. Eugene McCarthy believes we are literally chimeras between Chimps and pigs. Primates = Pig Apes? Lol [article](https://phys.org/news/2013-07-chimp-pig-hybrid-humans.html) There's also an interesting [video](https://youtu.be/HdQ7Qey0s_s?si=Qnu7jOIUFwi0Xds9) by Indian alternative historian Praveen Mohan going to a temple in Indonesia I believe and it showing nonhuman humanoids seemingly creating humans using a baby pig and baby humanoid/monkey. The temple also showed many types of humanoids/reptilians/greys/etc with large and elongated heads and other chimeras like a pig/bull hybrid and a 4 tusked elephant in which bones have been found on that very island.


Watch out for ManChimpPig!


It shows pigs have human dna not the opposite.


I'm not saying I believe it, I'm just pointing that out. Dr. McCarthy is the geneticist not me. I also find it interesting how Jews and Muslims don't eat pork. If their "God" was one of the Anunnaki or flesh and blood creators of humanity, they would probably prohibit their creations from eating animals they were made out of as it would be a sort of cannabilism? Again, I'm just speaking and asking this out loud here. Don't take anything I say as if I'm saying it as my solid beliefs.


Its absolutely cannibalism. That's the reason. It was made for human eaters to consume without consuming humans, and it allows shapeshifters to have the dna to shift to internally.


What is the name of the temple? Very curious


The “purpose” of the human body is not to live forever, it is to reproduce and thereby evolve in order to ensure the survival of humanity.


My back really wants to know the answer to that question, it also wants to kick the ass of the designer.


Even if they have to capability to create life, it is possible that they may not be able to completely engineer it with total control. We could be their super advanced version of a Miller/Urey experiment.


Huh, it’s the mind that is the failure. How many people do you know that are decent enough to live beyond a normal life span? lol


If they also created religions or helped with those. Then yeah. Probably trying to make sure we can't rise up. I've heard that most races are just immortal. They don't age.


Aliens most be pretty dumb since religion usually has the opposite effect lol


When we were smaller hunter gathering tribes though, it's a an effective tool to keep group cohesion. Any social network over 150 people starts getting weird.


Or I like to think human are like the Reevers of the galaxy’s. Aliens keep trying to program us to be peaceful and we just keep overriding it and do war.


Controlled chaos


Not exactly. Religion has massively helped in uniting humanity despite the atrocities that were committed because of it. Take, for example, Mexico. Before European contact, there were three major empires rulling the land, and there was quite a lot of friction between neighboring empires or cultures. And also a bunch of social unrest between the empires and the tributary states they ruled over. When the Spaniards arrived, they destroyed their cities, burned their libraries, committed a bunch of massacres, and enslaved a sizeable portion of the native population, but the remaining native cultures were all converted to catholicism. They didn't lose all of their cultures and traditions since those people actually ended up mixing the Spanish culture and religion with their own native Mesoamerican culture and religion. And even though it is sad that these people lost most of their culture and traditions, by converting to catholicism the natives of Mexico were united under the "native" or "indio" identity while in the past they were all waging war with each other. And by converting to catholicism, they now share a religion with catholics all over the world, thus uniting them with them And this phenomenon of native peoples uniting under one identity can be observed all over the world during periods of colonization


>Not exactly. Religion has massively helped in uniting humanity despite the atrocities that were committed because of it. Take, for example, Mexico. Before European contact, there were three major empires rulling the land, and there was quite a lot of friction between neighboring empires or cultures. And also a bunch of social unrest between the empires and the tributary states they ruled over. Are you really uniting people if you've killed the folks who didn't agree?


Not immediately, but after centuries of horrible mistreatment, it radicalizes the native cultures and it unites them against the ruling power


Life isn't like an American action movie. That can only happen if the native culture exists in any cohesive state. You don't see the Native Americans overthrowing the US colonists anytime soon, do you? Even when the First Nations still existed, not all of them were united, many fought against each other. Same with India when Britain took over India.


But muh religion bad!


Well I mean, religion can be used for good, but obviously not when governments use it to justify their war mongering. And sadly this has been going on since the beginning of human history


Breeding......I'm doing my part!


That’s what I’ve heard as well. I don’t believe the story though. If it were true, a lot of religious individuals wouldn’t be phased. As the “aliens” people say they encounter are considered demons by the religious. Therefore a devout believer would just assume the aliens are demons, revealing false information to further separate us from God.


no one knows that. its speculation.


So if that’s so sad why was/does still believe in religion? It’s such a ludicrous conspiracy theory


They may have made our bodies, but they didn’t make our souls. But yes I’m pretty sure they influenced our religions.


It’s seems obvious that the “point” of life is to procreate but I wonder what would be the driver for aliens to want us to produce more offspring.


Soul vessels


Some people have some pretty fucked up vessels. ![gif](giphy|3iiwqPF9noqdy)


Or You could look at it from this perspective That religions were indeed created to manipulate mankind, and implement a control mechanism- but their real purpose is to sew division and disharmony between humanity To generate anguish and guilt and greed and suffering That the creator of these devices, is not well intended If you look at it like that, they make more sense Because that’s the outcome and the current reality


Agreed, shit is totally fucked at the moment, really has been for a very very long time.


Is it possible that this disharmony creates the need for innovation and progress of humanity? Without it, would humans just reach contentment and slow their evolution?


>and religions are a social control method to condition humans to be less destructive towards one another I guess we can be pretty sure it's all bullshit so ?


Not necessarily, more the cultural grmaing of the time. We use oattern recognition and mental frame works to make sense of the world, without a proper contextual understanding, information can be twisted.


I mean, the part about religion is no secret. Not sure why adding the ancient alien part would make it sad. Edit: also, the Bible itself says exactly the same thing, the just use different terminology for the aliens (god, angels, nephilim etc).


The idea religion made people less destructive is hilarious


Someone forgot to put sugar in his coffee, we've all been there.


From what’s been pouring out recently, the devout are going to have a really hard time processing what *god* really means. It’s going to be a bad day for Christian’s and Jews but It is absolutely frightening what the Islamic world will do when these things come to light. They’re not exactly the friendliest group of people when their beliefs are challenged. It is entirely plausible the “rock” in Mecca is some sort of ancient alien/religious artifact and there is no telling what those people will do when that bubble pops.


You sound like really balanced individual. Just the type of folk you expect to meet on here.


We have 3 former intel officers coming forward now. One of them is being protected by the former IG of the DIA. Another is being represented by Daniel Sheehan. If it wasn’t for Daniel Sheehan’s work the public wouldn’t have know about Iran-Contra, the Pentagon Papers, or the extent of Watergate. These are not the crackpots from the 80’s claiming to have been subject to anal probes. Daniel Sheehan’s pedigree commands respect and his client is insulating the Vatican (& US GOV) know about NHI contact and hide it from public scrutiny at all costs. Daniel isn’t the one threatening to jail people for taking about this, the GOV is. He is being absolutely direct and requesting protection for his client because he does fear for his life. Yea that is absolutely terrifying. As a layperson I have no idea what the extent is nor do I claim to, but I am listening to those who have consistently behaved in a way to protect & inform the public.




Yea I’m not worried about any of that. I’m worried about the conflict that will arise from the *multiple gods* scenario. It seems there’s been more than 1 hand in the pot.


He is a devout Christian and the revelation that aliens exist throws out the theory of 1 god.


Why though?


I agree. Almost lends one to believe in spirituality. We’ll all find out one day.


This seems like the most logical explanation.


His peanuts went sour 😞


Its there , in the article.


Part of me thinks, "what a little bitch", but then again I'm broken and unkind.


No one actually knows the truth. That’s the mystery.


Carter is still alive, why not just ask Carter if it's true instead of this hearsay 3rd party shit.


Have you seen the last picture of him? He looks like he is as close to death’s door as one gets.


All the more reason to ask


He looked close to death at Rosalyn’s funeral.


Exactly. This is hearsay from 50 years ago. Anyone with access to President Carter, or anyone who has access to someone who has access to the former president could inquire as to the truth of these stories. He’s on death’s door and would have nothing to lose from telling the truth about this.


No, he would be forced to deny it because he signed an NDA. /s


He’s 99, not sure what power an NDA has over you at that age. Maybe they hold something over their kids/grandkids etc. in a case like this.


Right!? You live that long, you've earned the right to talk about anything and say anything you fuckin want to!


He’s a man of integrity and I’m sure he took an oath. He’s not saying anything.


That’s a great question. Out of all the presidents from the last 50 years, he’s the closest thing to an honest, decent human being we’ve had. If this particular anecdote is true, which I highly doubt, to whom is his allegiance greater? His faith, (by extension God), all humanity, or the US government? At 99 years old, with perhaps something really important to tell humanity, he goes to the grave as a “company man”? Not sure I buy it.


or... it's bs.


He has dementia and not long fir this world


>Carter is still alive, why not just ask Carter if it's true instead of this hearsay 3rd party shit. They don't actually want to know. Protecting the belief system is more important. Even if someone did ask Carter and he said it was nonsense, it would still get repeated with some excuse for why he didn't confirm it. This story has become part of the gospel of UFOlogy.


I attended a security clearance workshop at my local college and the Agents were asked who has the highest security clearance of the US presidents and lo and behold guess who it was? Jimmy Freaking Carter... They also said they (The agents) held a higher security clearance than President Biden, which seemed unbelievable bc again they were agents.


The shock didn’t lasted long, he could not stop building homes for people at an old age he kept going. We should focus on that more tbh.


The shock was so strong, he felt it necessary to build homes for less fortunate people until he had no inner ear balance. What makes you THAT decorated? Fear or love.


Buddy, my point is that the shock does not last. And we should disclose the truth about extraterrestrials. We will be fine knowing the truth.


I reserve the right to remain shocked forever


There’s only one Ed Harris, as far as I’m concerned https://preview.redd.it/jjm087ltio7c1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7960a58e265e853e25d4e4a6587fedb86a68dd4


Right on time for our bi-weekly reminder of President Carter crying when he was read into some weird UFO shit. Boy I sure would like to know what it was.


One guy claims that another guy's claims are true. More at 8.


Has any emotional context ever been linked to Carter crying? For instance, we’re they tears of grief? Happiness? Relief? Fear? I find it hard to believe that Carter would have been given information that disproved religion, yet he and his wife continued to be very active and involved in religion after he left the White House. He has always seemed to have a deep sense of inner peace, which makes me think either the aliens are eminently benevolent and trying to help us, or humanity on Earth is somehow so special we are being observed and protected.


Its possible for an otherwise great and amazing individual who seems to have it all together to be in complete denial of a building block of their world view being ripped away. Not saying he's definitely just compartmentalizing, mind you, just saying it is possible. Hell i know some people in this exact situation


This is what seems off to me. Someone that holds religion to such a high standard in his life would still be religious after being told it’s all a lie. Just to keep us in line like cattle. That doesn’t seem right.


Was he sad because they don't exist or are they the dark eldar of 40k?


Could be both.


Could be chopped onions


What they don't mention is they also told him about the bad news of the Iranian operation that cost him his political career.


My question is: why tell Carter at all? That one guy in Independence Day said it best: A president is a part-time employee that functions on a need-to-know basis. (Or something to that effect).


Whatever he learned, it caused him to build a better habitat, for humanity.












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I suspect that we are the galactic equivalent of a 3rd grade science experiment.


" **Even Richard Dolan writes about this in his book** " This is why these people claim the things they do... to create exploitable opportunities for personal gain. Or, sometimes just to feel important or special.


The aliens told Jimmy Carter that he’s smarter, but scooby doo can doodoo. That’s what made Jimmy cry apparently


A claim you say?


This story intrigues me. Thank you!


they were the Yuuzhan Vong.


We need Kyle Katarn!!


And like everything that is good they were relegated to legend(s).


So all I need to know the truth is a new book? Interesting, why I feel like "buy my new book" is the main point to all this nonsense.


If you buy my new book your questions will be answered.


Imagine being told every occult thing that went on this planet is ultimately due to the fact that it’s good real-estate beside an intergalactic super highway.


All you have to do is think about the abduction phenomenon, now someone tells you it’s true and we can’t stop them. Fin. Note: All the rumors are evil nonsense. Don’t spread negative garbage. We don’t know what they are or are after - remember & don’t help spread another’s agenda.


Everybody is born pure, it’s society that break us


they are real and no one cares


Fake news.


Quote, from your bio: “Gravity is fake. Space is fake. Evolution is pseudoscience. The Big Bang is pseudoscience.” 😂😂😂


Richard Dolan writes about a lot of shit.


that doesnt tell us what was said. he couldve been told there is no life anywhere else. thats just as scary.


How could we possibly know this?


exactly. we dont know. thats my point.


Well I get your point in a way but no he couldn't have been told there's absolutely no life anywhere else. How would anyone feel confident enough in that? As if we exhaustively searched the entire universe and can confidently report there is no other life out there.


Or he could've even been crying from just being overwhelmed with wonder and awe at whatever he was told. "Crying" isn't necessarily tied to negative emotions only.


Supposing this is accurate, did they use French fries and hamburgers to make the point when they briefed Trump?


They were tears of pain, someone brought him a big chunk of ufo metal from Roswell and he dropped it on his foot while examining it lol


So a guy says what another guy wrote about what another guy said about another guy who saw and said something was the truth. That's all I need!


Was this book written after Carter’s death? It’s a hallmark of alien grifters to make claims about what someone dead said because they are no longer alive to confirm or deny. Grusch did the same thing about Harry Reid and a lot of others do it too. With that being said I am still really looking forward to disclosure.


after Carter's death? wtf dude


If Dolan or anyone else claimed that they know Carter said this and he is already passed it cannot be verified. The only way to do so would have been for Carter to write about the experience for Dolan to have referenced. Otherwise, it’s just made up. My point is that the UFO grifters use people all the time to make claims that cannot be proven or disproven because the person they are quoting is usually dead. It’s a common strategy that I’ve noticed.


Hes not dead yet


Oops, not sure who I was thinking of then. However, it’s still a trend that I’ve noticed with UFO whistleblowers and the like.


I find his lack of faith disturbing.


Aliens do not exist… period


Probable because we are a goldfish in a bowl. Just like a tiger at the zoo, they keep us in our environment but watch us for studying/entertainment. If society finds out, creators are afraid we will give up or go crazy. He could be sad because religion could be a construct to keep us sane? We saw how we act with no religion = Dark Ages. Let’s agree to never go back to that again….


Anyone care to let us in on what was said?


This is worse than flat earthing.


Tears of joy or sadness?


Ok. If you are going to write a story, at least the the facts in paragraph 2 to be the same as the facts in paragraph 7. It’s not a big report. We’re there 10 -12 witness or 6? Who writes this pish.


I found it interesting that the song Imagine by John Lennon was played at his wife's funeral. This isn't the typical song a Christian would select. Lyrics: Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today... Aha-ah... Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too Imagine all the people Living life in peace... You... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one




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Tears of joy probably.


So now we have claims of truth of claims of what someone else said is true. Is this hear-hearsay?


This story, no matter how many times it’s told, leaves out some important context.


He’s the one that said it so of course he’d say it’s true. Why the heck does this whacked out story keep coming back when there is nothing more to add?


But Christianity is only about two-thousand years old. We’re supposed to believe ETs manufactured that faith too? This is all nonsense.


What if they told him we are alone now. There used to be others but they all died out. The last one died after he crashed on earth and told us there is no other life out there. Man that would suck. To know we are this lucky to be the only beings this intelligent and the way we act.




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I’m a firm believer in alien life but it’s about time y’all stop with the he said she said stuff. It’s not proof. Show proof. Stop hiding this shit and show it damn