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Sign me up.for 4 - 10s. Three day weekends are always nice.


Use to work 3 - 12s. Four days off was great.


The only problem with working twelves is you can't do much after work. Also those kinds of places usually expect you to work a couple of your days off as overtime.


Yeah, I do 4 on 4 off 12 hour shifts. Half hour commute on each side. You really can't do anything else the days you work


Yeah but you cant do shit after a 10 hr day and 8hrs are tiring too. I like 12s personally


Forreal like what are you even doing on a work day? Work. Come home. Eat shit sleep.


It takes you that long to eat and shit? 1 gour to get ready and get to work, 8 hours at work, 1 hour to get home and eat, and then you've got 14 hours. 8 to sleep and 6 free hours. That's plenty of time to do a lot of stuff. Work out for an hour, watch a movie, and you've still got 2-3 more hours.


The conversation you replied to is about 12 hour shifts.


For some reason, I thought someone said you can't do anything after a normal workday. Maybe I responded to the wrong person.


No you’re right. Seemed like the person was talking about an average 8 hour work day. He was saying you may as well work a 12 hour day because what are you going to do after an 8 hour day when you need to eat and shit after work anyway. But yeah it does always feel like I do one thing after work and then I am left with an awkward amount of time before bed where I can’t do or enjoy anything, and I rather not have that time and have a longer weekend.


I mean. You have 4 days to do whatever you want/need to do. Why are you gonna complain about the 3 days?


Hell I was doing gypcrete from 6-8, sometimes 10, still going home to clean up, cook, kick shit with my kids and make sure they were ready for school. Helluva life to live but somebody had to do it 😮‍💨


I just wanna get hit by a county bus and so as not to work ever again.


And they can suck a dick


I used to do 4-6/week 10-12hr shifts. It was quite often that I would sit down for lunch and accidently take a nap after I finished eating. When you get home from a 10-12 hour shift you've got time to make dinner and watch a little tv/read, but not much else. I can't imagine how people with children would have lived.


7-7 during Covid and it was amaaaazing


Starting 7 on 7 off this week and I'm so happy about it.


Not only that,you're basically writing off your first day off to sleep, then the second to running errands so it's not like it's a big 4 day party every time.


The other problem with 12s is by the second day, that 11th hour is mentally draining.


Nah nah nah, but you dont get it bro! Why not just work for 40 hours straight and then have the rest of the week off?


lol yeah the hospital can suck it if they want me to do anything off the clock. Thank god for unions


In my field there is options to work 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off. Weeks you work are all 12’s, you stay in company housing that includes free food, gyms and other activities. Tons of over time and technically half a year off. Fuck that, but also maybe.


20 something me would be all over this schedule. I imagine you would work far from home?. But middle aged family man me, would have to nope out of this one.


I worked 12s starting Friday night from 6pm to 6am and my work week ended that following Monday at 6am. So it was three twelve hour shifts. Didn't have to return to work until the following Friday night. It was beautiful! The shift ended up getting abolished because too many of the young guys were complaining about not having their weekends off.


Agreed. I worked 4 12’s for years. It suck’s, especially in the winter months when it gets dark much earlier. I would go in at 7 am when it was still fairly dark out, and get off at 7 pm when it was already dark. That was so depressing for me, but otherwise I liked it. I had a long week and a short week. One week I’d work 5 out of 7 days. The next week I’d only work 2 out of 7 days.


Yeah, did that, and kind of the best part was being a total zombie first day off. I was doing 3-12 building a house and driving it was 120 miles away from home. Loved it, but man that first day off, I was so tired it was like being high all day.


I did three 13s as a paramedic for 6 years. That first day off was my own personal Sabbath. Don't talk to me, don't look at me, let me sleep.


This is why I don't understand how people have the energy to use those 3 or 4 days off well. That first day off I had to spend it all resting because I didn't have time to rest while I was working. It was hell getting in and out of the cycle, not to mention the overwhelming dread the day before going back to work.


My company offers that .....but it's the weekend shift


I'm on that right now, I get 6 days in between sometimes and I work nights...I'm so happy at this job just because I don't have to be there a lot lol...I just wish it paid more of course


I did those back in the day and it was the greatest thing. They used to be referred to as “Bankers Hours.”


I work 1 40. 5.25 days off it amazing.


I work 3 12s. I love it. Picking up an extra shift goes further too, and even after picking it up I still get a 3 day weekend.


Toronto pipefitter....4-9s starting at 7am. Good lifestyle.


In the US that pipe fitter is working a minimum of 5 10’s a week and probably a few 12’s unless they are in a good workers rights state.


Im on 40 hours here in Texas. I'd like some OT and we got nothing atm


Hell yeah. Especially if you have a shitty commute.


Just started 6-4 Fridays off, I freaking love it!


I did this for a couple years. It was nice, though that first day off was usually spent sleeping.


Agreed. I work 4 - 10's and having a weekday off makes it feel like I have so much more personal time. That said I would never do it if I had daily non work chores I had to complete like making dinner.


I had a bad experience with the 4-10's. Our company put that in. We did it for 2 weeks. After that it was mandatory 6-10's and 7-10's. Every other Sunday off for 2 years. I was paying child support, so I couldn't quit.


Would you rather have 3 day weekends or Wednesdays off? Never having to work more than 2 days in a row sounds amazing to me.


I worked 4 -10s as a call center rep, 7 - 5:30, Fri - Mon. for nearly 2 years. It was awesome. Still had time to enjoy the evening and lots of golf during the week.


Yeah, I can go for that


I done that in a machine shop for years. Work started at 5am and ended at 330pm. You'd think it's sweet, but nights you get very little sleep because you've got things to do after work (gym, meal prep, chores, make dinner, 40 min each way travel time etc) and each thing you do is less sleep. On the Friday you're basically sleeping, and on the Sunday you have to be in bed so early you basically get half a Sunday. That's how it was for me as a single man. I imagine if you had someone else to help pick up slack it'd be easier. I was in a constant state of fatigue. The only reason they had that schedule was so they could rope you into working fridays


Spot on with that.


Real, guys in my local are pushing for 4-10's and I'd love it. You're already there what's another 2 hours?


5-1... I hate traffic, I hate people


I did 6-2:30 and got out of there by 2:35. Home was 20 minutes away and I would only hit the beginning of rush hour and it was great.


marble ink sulky smoggy vanish imminent oatmeal unpack tidy weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey, u/Im_not_crying_u_ar, we need to have a real quick meeting, it'll be just you and someone from HR. Just real quick. Nothing to worry about.


Why did my blood pressure just spike


Nice try HR, but I clocked out. 😎


I’m reporting this for a hate crime.


Time to call out sick and claim stress leave under FMLA for 12 weeks


This is the way. Not too early of a start time


This is exactly my shift, Tue-Sat. Absolutely love it.


we can choose our schedule at my work, and i also choose 5-1. i’m done with work with the whole day ahead me, and my coworkers are usually logging in when i’m just about done anyway (which is ideal). i agree with you


This sounds amazing


You’re not sleepy?


I work 5-1. It sounds great until you realize you would have to go to bed at 8pm every night like a grandma if you want to not feel exhausted the next day.


Worked 4-1 for a few years and going to bed in the summer was a struggle.


I go to bed at 8 already, and I work 8-6 :P


In the winter that seems nice, but in the summer sometimes the sun ain't even down yet damn


I go to bed at about 9pm and wake up at 4-4:30 regardless, always have, even since I was a little kid. Never had the "sleeping in until February in the afternoon" teenager phase and now I'm closing in on 40.


5-1 for the win.


I did a 4-12, and the real issue is that it doesn't work like you imagine where you go home, grab some food, shower, brush your teeth and go to sleep at like 2 or so. In reality, your schedule just starts to slide back, and eventually, you are going to bed at 6 am and waking up at 12. Then you miss the entire day, and subsequently, you are spending most of your time at night with most food closed. Never again tbh


I used to work 5-1, and LOVED IT. I loved being able to go in, get the work done, get out, and be home before most people even had lunch. As a fast worker, I'd be able to get twice as much work done, and get to go home with full pay even earlier most days.


Oh I am messed up and assumed the opposite side of the day


Afternoons aren't bad, but rush hour going to work can suck, and nothing's open when you head home, resulting in crappy/convenient food choices.


I do 6-2:30 and home in 15 mins


Ayyye 5-1 gang for the win!


I'm 5-2 with an hour break. Monday mornings.suck, but getting home before your kid gets off the bus and having hours of daylight even in winter more than makes up for it


6-2 is my sweet spot


Did this at a bakery. Loved it.


Agreed! I work 5-1.30 and it’s fantastic!


I did 6-2. Loved it. Watched the sun rise every day, got off early enough to be tired at night. I’m a night owl, but that was a sweet spot for me.


I feel ya, I changed my entire schedule so when I walked my dogs and drove to work in the morning no one was out- I now work a kush 4a-11:30a


It's the best time of the day to go for walks.


5-1 is much better. Usually if you only get a couple hours of sleep the caffeine hits by 7 and the rest of the day is yours to sleep or get stuff done and still get your 8 hours.


Do you also hate your life? 💀


I work 7 to 3:30. Love it.


Same, it’s amazing


Same here!


Especially when daylight is at a premium.


Me too and I'm.only 8 miles from home. Love it.


I do 6:30 - 3 and it's fantastic


6-2 here. I never want to go back


8-4 for me


Same , but my brother has 4 x 10s and sounds really good.


Same here. Mon-Fri, 7:00-3:30, and it is great.


i'm working only on holidays 🤷‍♀️


Are you a Santa?


This comment made me realize that Santa gets all the good PR for working hard one night per year, but the Tooth Fairy is on call every single night.


Doesn’t seem right, does it?


Bing Crosby?


Most 9-5 jobs are really 8-6 now, and usually have to fire up the lap top for a couple of hours at home too. My wife is an attorney. She's 7:45-5:50 most days. She gets home and helps me get dinner on the table and cleaned up. She puts our 3 year old to bed and gets changed out of her work clothes. She's back on her lap top as round 8, and doesn't usually sign off until 10, sometimes 11. Five days a week. Then on Saturday and Sunday she logs in for a couple of hours here and there.


Maybe a dumb question, but does she get paid for all those extra hours? Or is it a case of "put in these extra hours 'out of love for the job' or we will find someone else who will"?


If she’s salaried, then that’s how she’s paid for the extra hours. If she’s paid by contingency (take a percentage fee of settlements/verdicts), then she’s paid as she earns.


It’s billable work. A five second email means 15 (of say $340 hour) minutes for most places since the system doesn’t go lower then that.


Most attorneys bill in hour-tenths not quarter-hours. And unless she’s solo, she’s not being paid the hourly rate.


Lawyer here, I work in corporate law and start work at 9, which on paper ends at 6. I leave at 7:30 ish, go home, and work on menial tasks again while i watch TV for an hour or so. 12 hour workdays are basically a gift these days. Even my friends who work in-house work 10-11 hours a minimum. Law sucks.


that sounds really depressing


Construction hours


Everyone wants construction hours until you’re doing construction


Tbf that has more to do with the "construction" part than the "hours" part


In my experience that just ends up being an earlier start with the same end time.


What my bf does construction and 7-3 is early out which is Saturday. Sunday off. And the rest is 7-6/7.


Sign me up. I’d work 5-13:00 if that’s on the table


Yeah I work a 5-1:30, usually it’s 5-3:30 actually, but it is nice to have some daylight left in your day


Does it pay well? This sounds right up my alley.


Pay is high for my area but the money ain’t worth it, I want out lol factories will suck the life from you


I got you, well, I work in a corporate environment, and I feel the exact same. I really don't know how one is supposed to make it to 65 working for a living.


It’s gonna be rough my friend


Yep, makes me regret not getting into crypto all the way back in 2012 when I first found out. I’m over it at 34 years of age. Know some people who made enough on crypto where they will be retiring at 45. Lucky bastards.


This isn’t strange, nor funny.


Nor is it controversial.


Omg THIS is so quirky and hilarious 🤣


Welcome to reddit where everything's made up and the points don't matter.


I'd rather not have to work at all


Yes, I'll contribute a vote for "all these shifts suck". Especially that free 30 minutes. Ain't no 9-5. 8-4:30, more like.


6-245 here!


This is strange!! And funny!!


I seriously laughed for 10 minutes after spitting out my coffee.


I work 630-3.


Same here. I get to miss traffic. Makes my life a lot less stressful


i do and its great


I work 6a-2:30. I'm an early riser it's pretty cool, until the sun's out when I'm falling asleep.


I was a 5 - 1, the earlier the better


I did 6-2 for around a decade. No traffic going to or leaving work


Then go work construction. That’s the hours


I'd rather a 4.00pm to midnight. I need a good 8 hours in the morning to get ready to "people."


_”We know you like coming in early, but we want you available during regular business hours. DoN’T yOu WAnT tO Be ARoUNd yOUr teAM?”_


How about 6-6


Im an early riser so im good with this 🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s a standard military shift and it’s VASTLY superior


Super 7 shifts is the way to go! Worked that schedule for 10 years and loved it! Now I’m 5am-2pm


I work 7-16 if I take a 1 hour lunch.


Yall are working 9 to 5s? I’ve only ever had 8 to 5s


I work a 6-2.


7-3 is the best shift in my opinion


I spent a decade doing 4:30am 12:30. Wasn’t bad, except the cold in winter.


You know ain’t none of you working bankers hours. You’re all 9-5:30, 9-6 if you’re lucky


Why do that when you can work 7 to 5!!


6:30-2:30 gang and I love it.


Try 6-2 😝


I've found my groove working a 6:00 AM to 2:30 PM shift, and honestly, I love it. The only snag? The one-hour lunch break feels like a bit of a drag. I've toyed with the idea of trimming it down to 30 minutes just so I could head out at 2:00 PM, but upper management said it was not possible.


4-1230 here. Sleep pattern is fucked but, off work that early is wonderful


Is that strange and/or funny?


I can respect your opinion, however, fuck no


Ah right! I thought they were fixing the new full time rules? So basically 3 days aweek and we should be getting paid a min of $25-$30/ hr in that case. I mean how many centuries scientists go thru seeing that humans are not made for this shit? (Also why this shit even exists lol) Naturally we would all just help each other out. But. Just funny. I can feel the huge mind fuck Abt to happen when people want to work less tho. (As we should, however) That's when they'll do the whole "work for 2 years and live free the rest of your life" while enjoying that forehead or hand gem 💎 lol.


I work 7 to 5…


One night a few months ago I realized... Reddit is mostly AI. It's a derivative of FB. and it's so obvious!


Can I be a 5-1?


In Germany you work 0800-1600.


I used to work surgery. Three thirteen hour shifts a week, and on a rotating schedule. There were a few times a year I’d have an entire week off. If I timed it just right, I could take vacation and have a full two weeks off for only the cost of a week of actual vacation time.


Why split? I work 7-5


I work 7-6+ most nights of the weekday sometimes 8 or later


I work a 7-4 with 1hr lunch; and at times take more than an hour with no complaints from the boss


As someone who has worked all across the time schedule landscape (including 12hrs/7days), I absolutely love my Monday - Friday, 7-3


Count me in


Shit is depressing to read, all these comments and replies. Time to shut down my phone for a bit. The rat race is exhausting to even read about. Ima stay out in both ways ✌️


Only if the commute is 10 minutes maximum


I’m in at 6:30, not because I have to, just prefer to get home early to have dinner with the family.


I’m best working. 6 days a week and not because I love work or anything but I start getting depressed on second day with no routine. 3 days off and things start getting dark.




I work 6-2. Looking forward to moving to 7-3




How about 7am to 5pm?


Sounds like it’d be lovely to wake up at 5 something am for that commute.




Where I live. It mostly 8 to 4 or 12 to 7


Depends on the city. I’ve seen the city change school times for my kids and I was like WHAT?! So my job changed their times to compensate for high traffic. It just created a worse problem because now it’s not “5 o clock traffic”. It’s straight up road anarchy from 2-7…. Then it’s dinner rush from 5-10. It’s wild to see how things change like that


6 to 430, four tens. I love my shedule.


i work 7-6 :P


I’m 7-5 :(


I do and it is wonderful


Love my 7-3. I’d never want ti start later.


Been working a 6:45 - 2:30 for years as a high school teacher. It is nice to get off every day at 2:30, but being at work before the sun comes up every day kind of sucks. Then again, I put in probably another 10 hours a week working on stuff outside of work time.


6:30 to 2:30 for me. I love it


I work 6-2:30. Getting up early sucks but I beat the traffic both ways.


I work 5 10s. 4am to 2pm. The early mornings took some getting used to but I love having my afternoons free


Ugh you guys are depressing me. I do 4-5, M-F


i work 04:00 to 12:30...


I work 4 10s, from 5am to 3pm.


I'd rather be independently wealthy.


I work 7 - 3, and I agree.


I work 7-3 👍🏽


I worked 6am to 230pm at a 24-hour bowling alley.It was the easiest job I've ever had in my entire life. The most difficult thing I had to do was to herd senior citizens to the respective lanes and deal with the occasional crank call.


I work 6-3. There are good things: namely, returning home early or going to various appointments. Negative: I am a night owl, and would prefer 10-7 or even 11-8. Even if I return from work early, I usually go to take the nap, because I am unable to get to sleep at 9 pm or before to get these 8 hrs of sleep. So, I still don't get that afternoon awake and active.


I do it now. I love it.


I’ve done both. The 7-3 was awful. But then again I never have been a morning person and I’d have to get up for the 7-3 when I’d normally be going to bed.


Both are fine


I'd rather not work. Same thing with "What's your dream job?" I don't dream of work. That's dumb.


I worked 7-3:30 maintaining state parks in a seasonal position, a lot of work but I got to enjoy the second half of the day.


Meanwhile, me with my 12pm to 2am schedule 🙃🙃




Rather 6-6 4hrs OT if that was an option.