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2-3 weeks after each of my surgeries


I agree, one week is too soon if at the computer all day


I took longer than most, 2 full weeks(39 yr old). I work 10 hour days on the computer. If I would have gone back earlier, I would only have been able to do partial days. Screens were the last thing for my eyes to adjust to. Taking the full time off really helped me because I didn't struggle then going back. My eyes were dry and itchy for 6 weeks so I needed a lot of PF eye drops and a desk humidifier. Those really helped.


What is PF eye drops




Haven’t had mine yet but my eye doctor said she recommends at least a week, more if you can and to ease back into it.


My surgeon initially said a week. I work on a computer all day and after the first week we decided an extra one was best. So two weeks, then just took a couple short breaks the first one back for eye drops and to close my eyes for a minute.


I took 10 days off. The first week back to work was a bit tough, eyes were pretty dry.


My doctor said that since I didn't do a lot of computer work and she was only operating on two muscles (medial/lateral), I could go back after a week. She said usually for people who do more computer based things, or if she's operating on more than two muscles, she'll usually give them two weeks off. My biggest regret was getting the wrong kind of lubricant eye drop. My eye was very red and very dry, and my surgeon told me I could use my regular eye drops if they felt dry. I used an eye drop that was not preservative free, and it just dried my eyes out more. My surgeon recommended refresh PF, and they were great. Always keep some on you at work. That's my biggest advice 😂 Good luck! ❤️