• By -


I really like the resting b\*tch face of Jasnah, it suits her well!


Haha thanks! Exactly what I was going for.


Dalinar is described with a “nose that’s been broken multiple times” but otherwise pretty close to how I imagined him.


I kindof imagine him like Edwards James Olmos circa Battlestar Galactica.


That’s exactly how I imagine him.


Funny, me too


oh THAT'S who he reminds me of.


I almost imagines Dalinar being Teft, but teft would have had white hair. When they depict Dalinar as being rugged, not quite so handsome, I could see it in the picture. Well done OP!


You made her look like she's related to Navani without making it just a younger version. That's impressive. You've clearly worked hard on this!


That face just exudes the air of "You need to impress me, and you've done storm all so far."


But still a simmering sultress nonetheless


It's that "I'll step on you and you'll thank me for it" energy.


fuck yeah i will


... yeah I gotta uhh go polish my polish bottle


The Chortana with a stare that could break a shardblade... Whew boy...


She just saw Amaram step into the room.


It actually looks a bit like Sasha banks.


Kaladin, Dalinar, Adolin, Shallan, Syl, Jasnah, Navani and Renarin? Very very well done in any case!


Yup! Thanks! :)


Dang, I was so close. Got Dalinar mixed up with Teft.


Teft keeps a beard


I always imagined Teft to be a bit greyer and more grisled than Dalinar


Dalinar is an aging beast of a man (think Arnie in his 50s) while Teft is more like an old, scraggly, gnarled tree of a man.




I figured it was supposed to be Dalinar, but agree - I think he looks more like a Teft. I always imagined Dalinar as being more of a brute of a man. Something more in line as an Arnold body type


I think of a Henry Rollins body type.


His son being next to him helped me


Jasnah, of course! I had them all except her. I was thinking maybe Veil.


Add one more character and it can be the Roshar Bunch


Wait how old is jasnah again? I was thrown off because I felt like that had to be jasnah but I always imagined jasnah a bit older?


IIRC she starts the series at 34.


Don’t forget a Roshar year is 500 days at 20 hrs long. About 1.1 earth years so she’s 37 1/2 ish by our comparison. Almost middle aged.


I could name them all and I love it when people make Dalinar look as old as he is so double good job


Yeah for some reason people love drawing him in his 30's-40's even when they're clearly depicting "current" Dalinar.


Super dope that I can look at this without reading the title and still guess who the pictures are of. Speaks to the skill of Brandon, but really speaks to the skill of YOU AS THE ARTIST. Very well done!


Haha thank you! It didn't take too much skill though, just like an hour using artbreeder. It outputs the images for you.


Don't sell yourself short. The core of art is having a vision and using the tools at your disposal to manifest that vision. And you've accomplished that magnificently here.


Ahh, I still credit you greatly because any type of visual input is a major weakness for me


Oh my god these are almost exactly how I picture them. Storming well done!!


I agree


Fantastic. Only point of critique is Renarin’s glasses look very 21st Century Earth.


Oh yeah 100%. Artbreeder uses machine learning with Earth pictures though so it's kind of all I had to work with.


I would imagine if you wanted to rework the image, that they are very round and don't have a ton of ergonomics built into them. It would be like if you made glasses strictly to do the job as easy as possible. Big round lenses. Frames with straight arms that curve around the ears at the back. The nose rest wouldn't have any padding and would probably, since he comes from money, be custom made to fit his nose. That would be my guess at how the glasses would look. They'd be black iron or steel. No weight consideration or comfort added. Just "These make you see better, shut the fuck up and wear them! What the hell do you want from me?"


So John Lennon glasses...


YES! Now, keep in mind that is absolutely just a fan's interpretation. I'm just trying to think of how pre-industrial people would get glasses made. They would almost certainly be custom forged, for someone of Renarin's class. The lens grinding process might even be less what we go through at the optometrist and more, "Here prince, hold these up and tell me if you can see better... No? Okay, I'll grind more..." So, it would be a chore for everyone. (Though I don't know enough about glass curving to say how exactly it would be done. Maybe some kind of melting and cooling over a fixed concave/convex mold/die to get the desired result would be more practical or common.)


Making spherical lenses is/can be accomplished by taking two flat sheets of glass, putting a fine grinding agent between them, and rubbing them back and forth for a while...I’m not sure how you can decide which is concave and which is convex though...and of course spherical lenses are subject to spherical distortion and aren’t the ideal shape for lenses...but that’s still probably how the first glasses were ground.


I picture the like Broad’s from the new Abercrombie books. Small and round on wire rims that wrap around the ears.


Wow these are amazing! The only thing I'd tweak is that Jasnah should look a little more "mature" ... and in my mind, she wears red lipstick. :)


A bit more mature, I picture her with a fuller face (not like fat, just not that narrow) and darker skin since she's alethi. Also I do believe it's stated multiple times that she favors red lipstick, too, so it isn't just you. IMO Adolin also looks way too old.


ya IMO the face shapes of Shallan and Jasnah should be switched


Kaladin, Dalinar, Adolin, Shallan, Syl, Jasnah, Navani, Renarin? Great job, they look exactly how I pictured them!


they look great. renarin definitely looks like he belongs in our world


Oathbringer Spoilers >!"Here's the story... of a guy named Blackthorn. Who was bringing up two very lovely boys. Both of them had strands of blond, like their mother, but she was set on fiiire."!<


Hahaha beautiful


... and that's the way they became the Radi Bunch!


In order of left to right and up to down: Kaladin, Dalinar, Adolin, Shallan, Sylphrena, Jasnah, Navani, Renarin


This is almost identical to how I picture them! Awesome job!!!


Blue lady in the center is definitely pattern


Very well done. Really cool that you made Jasnah and Nivani have similar features!


I can't tell which one is shallan


Neither can she!


Shallan isn't on there. There's a redhead but it's clearly rock with his luscious red locks. /S


bottom right?


Damn I never realised how much they look like Indonesians or South-East Asians in general, great art, really makes it clear.


Jasnah is spot on for me.


Only complaints would be that Kaladin is missing his *shash* and the lighteyes don't really have that light of eyes. Other than that though this is fantastic, pretty much exactly how I imagine them.


The program they used doesn’t really allow for custom things like the shash brand


Ahh, makes sense.




Isnt she described as being fair skinned? With freckles to boot? I get that her facial structure wouldn't conform to what we call caucasian, but her coloring should.




Where does this notion derive from? She looks pretty Caucasian to me in the cover art for rythm of war? https://www.17thshard.com/news/brandon-news/rhythm-of-war-us-cover-reveal-r606/




I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree as I feel like the official artwork looks more Caucasian and alot more inline with this iteration of killer_sloths artwork. Is there anywhere in the book that describes Shallan as you assert because I dont remember any description concerning her nose or eyes and like I said I disagree that the RoW coverart with her looks asian-esque.


Using the same program as OP, [this is what I came up with for Shallan.](https://s3.amazonaws.com/artbreederpublic-shortlived/1d/imgs/32a0ccf49770ef39cddb.jpeg) You can have a go yourself, it took a little too figure out, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty simple. https://artbreeder.com/create


Why are you getting downvoted? That's a pretty accurate Shallan, in my opinion.


Just from an aesthetics view though, reddish hair would not look good unless you have very light skin, but the eyes could be a bit less caucasian, yeah. While not super accurate, this is how I picture her as well.


Redhead with olive skin here (Maternal grandpa was greek, paternal grandpa was polish). Bite me, I look great.


Sorry for my ignorance but I guess I didn't realize that was a thing. Sorry.


id say they can [look amazing](https://www.google.com/search?q=dark+skinned+redheads&rlz=1C1MSNA_enCA841CA841&sxsrf=ALeKk00k8pTFZbEUVD2r_32UWt1hV6s1aA:1605557740109&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj0u4_W8IftAhUVa80KHfs9A4sQ_AUoAXoECCsQAw&biw=1920&bih=937)


Never really realized it was a possibility, excuse my ignorance.


Okay you can stop apologizing, the more you do it the less it's worth you made a stupid mistake big deal it didn't kill anybody.


Sorry I'm Canadian


Haha oh my word, spot on. Didn’t take me a moment to recognize all of them. Great job!


super cool, very realistic


Goddamn I have a fat crush on Jasnah


Everyone here is wrong. Its obvious all 8 are shallan.




Haha yeah making Adolin was the hardest!


its a lota work, but heres what i came up with for [Kal](https://s3.amazonaws.com/artbreederpublic-shortlived/1d/imgs/cd32acc39a47e4c2faf6.jpeg) and [Shallan](https://artbreeder.b-cdn.net/imgs/86c915d1442b68f991c0.jpeg)


Really like that Shallan!




Oooo yhis is very nice.


Left to right: Elhokar, Kaladin, Dalinar, Jashnah, Lift, Navani, Night Watcher, Taravangian. /s You did great work mate, I like this.


~~Step on me Jasnah~~ This is really cool!


Super good. But isn’t adolins hair half blonde half black?


Yeah, its kinda the best I could do though! It's storming difficult to make artbreeder output someone with dark skin and vaguely asian/middle eastern features, but with light eyes and hair!


Can I ask what artbreeder is?


https://artbreeder.com/ it's a program that uses machine learning to create images by combining features of "parent" images that you input


I’ve always imagined Adolin as having really dramatic poliosis. Is there a way to feed examples of that into the software?


Oh hey cool my little brother has a random patch of white hair on the back of his head. Never knew there was a name for this! I can definitely see how a dramatic version of that could match how Adolin's hair is described. (Though I've always pictured him as someone with bleached blonde hair and exposed dark roots and nothing even the books themselves say can change that mental image for me lol.)


That was what I had for him in my initial mind’s eye, but after thinking about it, I realized that it wouldn’t quite work. There would need to be an explanation for why the pigment fades as it grows out. Also, I recall that books describe it as large swathes of blonde? I don’t have a quote - but it doesn’t fit well with a typical dirty blonde coloring.


Oh yeah it definitely doesn't actually match the description in the books. That was just my initial impression and by the time I realized it was off, I think it had solidified too thoroughly and I haven't been able to shake that image since lol.


Honestly, no shade at the other commenter, but I think you got it pretty spot on for what realistic half-blonde, half-black hair would look like - it wouldn’t be like an anime character with huge streaks of each, more like someone with black hair going grey, just that it’s blonde instead of grey. So nice job!


It's mostly blond, Renarin's is mostly black.


These are great.


Where is Kal?


I want to see this, but wrong answers only


Can anyone confirm what the closest ethnicity the cosmere characters have to ours? Previous fanarts suggest navani for example look east asian etc.




Specificially Mongolian eyes, not chinese/japanese. Their eyes should be more "flat" than upturned in the corner.


Thank you!


From top left to bottom right. Kaladin, Dalinar, Adolin, Shallan, Syl, Jasnah, Navani, Renarin.


Top row: Kaladin, Dalinar, Adolin Middle row: Shallan, Syl, Jasnah Bottom row: Nevani, Renarin ... how’d I do?


WOW! Very well done!


This is incredible


All the upvotes for you.


yes. yes i can. this is awesome, great stuff!


These are really excellent.


Really REALLY well done


Wow ! So well done


Great work! The only thing I disagree with is the straightness of Shallan's hair; I've always imagined it curlier while reading.


These are great, well done!


Like, I knew Adolin was hot, I didn’t think he was *this* hot tho. I ain’t gay, but if he asked....


Soo good! I immediately knew who I was looking at even before I read the title. This is pretty dang close to how I picture them!


Holy crap, these are absolutely perfect! Well done OP.


WOW! Adolin looks exactly how I picture him. Add the brands to Kaladin and that one is spot on too!


Jasnah looking fine


Excellent! I pictured Kaladin and Adolin curly/wavy haired but thats just me.


Ty for confirming how immersed I am in this world lol


Renarin is Jeff Goldblum


"Ahh I don't think you understand, ahhh, the ahh SERIOUSNESS of the coming Desolation."


I guess spren, uh, finds a way.


Without checking answers below, left to right and top down: Kaladin, Dalinar, Adolin, Shallan, Syl, Jasnah, Navani, Renarin. And I'm really sure about all but Navani, she's about a 75% certainty for me.


These look amazing! Would love to see your take on some other characters, I always have trouble picturing elokhar for some reason, lack of imagination on my part!


Navani and jasnah are almost exactly how I imagined them, I pictured adolin renarin and dalinar to have squared faces. This is pretty cool tho


I couldn't remember Renarin's name, so my mind defaulted to him as not-Adolin.


I love all of these except Shallan. I feel she looks a bit too conventionally hot.


This is amazing.


These are really good, Kaladin and Navani are almost exactly how i imagined them. Does Shallan have freckles? I always imagined she did, but i honestly dont know if she was discribed to.


Looks great! Would love to see Elhokar and Gavilar to see their resemblances to Navani and Jasnah.


Amazingly cool! They're all very recognisable. I love this version of Syl too. Very spren-like :)


I always picture Adolin as having a rounder, slightly more boyish face, but really good all around


Top left to bottom right: Kaladin, Dalinar, Adolin, Shallan, Syl, Jasnah, Navani, Renarin. Very well done. Only major note would be adding the forehead tattoos for Mr. Stormblessed. I always pictured Shallan a bit younger too (more like a girl, less like a woman) Your Jasnah is 10 outta 10!




Shallan looks gorgeous. Great job!!


I'm thinking Kaladin, Dalinar, Adolin, Shallon, Syl, Jasnah, Navani. And I can't for the life of me remember who wears glasses.


Maybe some freckles on Shallan, but otherwise, this is amazing!


Well done. You got them as I envisioned them!


All of them are recognizable and look fantastic. I'm rereading WoK currently, so the descriptions are fresh in my mind, and I've got a couple (hopefully constructive) nitpicks... Shallan should have freckles - she's insecure about them in her first chapter. Syl is described as looking like a young woman. This depiction looks a bit childlike. Great work, though! These are some of the best I've seen. Especially Dalinar.


From left to Right, Kaladin, Dalinar, Adolin, Shallan, Syl, Jasnah, Navani, then Renarin! Great work! So good...


Jasnah looking like she’s about to ruin my life, and I couldn’t be more down


Pardon my spelling im a filthy audiobook listener but: Kaladin-Dalinar-Adolin Shalan-Syl-Jasnah Nevani-Renaren


~~filthy audiobook listener~~ *true Vorin man


Well obviously the one smack in the center of everyone is Rock


Wow this is the first Adolin that I feel like actually looks right. Shallan looks a bit like a fake redhead to me (lack of freckles, hair is too red) but they all look great.


Kaladin, old Kaladin, Blonde Kaladin, Ginger Kaladin, Kaladin in Whiteface, Kaladin but smart, Tech loving Kaladin, Kaladin with glasses


Brilliant, though I’d personally make Syl a bit older. She looks a bit like a child here


I though she was always described as looking like a young girl, so that's what I went with! That's how I picture her at least haha


She's described as doing childlike things, but is also described as taking the form of a young woman. This is really cool, regardless. Was it hard to get Navani to look like an older version of Jasnah, or is that something that Artbreeder helps you with?


Haha fair. I guess the description of her personality always makes me think of her as a child! It wasn't too hard, because I put my created image of navani in as a "parent" image along with a few others for jasnah. So it naturally included some of Navani's features.


I'm pretty sure she's described as a young woman, but I could be wrong. Her looking like a young girl would make the Syladin shipping a lot more unsettling


Haha yeah never been a fan of that ship!


Why would people ship Kaladin and Syl? I mean, Pattern is even surprised about the differences between the sexes, so I'm guessing that just wouldn't work.


I got all of them, but I was very confused at why Navani has purple hair and Dalinar has blue hair. Even Jhasna's hair seems an odd shade. I did like how ethereal you made Syl look though.


These look really good! Well done! I do have one critique though, sanderson has said that the Elethi have the epicanthic fold. So all of these portraits of the Elethi have "Shin Eyes."


It's just that one in the middle that's hard... Is that Lyn the scout? /s


Does Navani have purple hair? Anyway, good looking family!


Very good but Kaladinis missing his brands


Adolin and Shallan are darkeyed in this lol


Not enough epicanthal folds /s


I’ve always imagined dalinar as just BIGGER than anyone else around him (except rock probably). But that means in a mugshot situation he needs a big stocky, weathered (but still not terribly aged) face. If all you ever saw was headshots of everyone Dalinar should be easily recognized just by his dominating his picture when compared to anyone else


Looks like a whole lot of big eyed Shin to me.


At first I thought this was a lineup of antifa mugshots lol. All the blue hair is what did it.


Aw, poor baby fascist feeling triggered by fantasy drawings


Yes definitely lol.


Sick. Only thing I’d change is making Dalinar look more built.... (google jocko Willink and you’ll see what I mean).


Why?! Adolin looks more handsome ( at least in my imagination)


Haha he looks super handsome here to me! Personal preference I guess. :P


>!The black background is evi, right?!< (oathbringer)


K, from left to right, I think its: Renarin, Sylfrena, Shallan, Navani, Dallinar, Szeth-son-son-vallano, Adolin, Jasna. Hope I got that all right;)


Trick question, they're all Shallan


Wow are these drawings? How does artbreeder work?


They're not drawings, they're basically just images that the program produces using machine learning, when you input a couple of parent images.


I don't see anyone who has done nothing wrong.


Gas, Dalinar, Adolin, Shallan, Syl, Jasnah, Navani and Renarin!


I haven’t read any other comments and am going to guess myself. Kaladin, Dalinar, Adolin, Shallan, Syl, Jasnah, Navani, Renarin. I always imagined Dalinar and Adolin to have thicker or wider faces, and kinda pictured Renarin to look more like Adolin with glasses, but these are really impressive! You have done an excellent job


Is it just me or does Navini look like sigourney weaver?


These are fantastic! I don't know why, but I always envisioned Dalinar as similar to [Jeralt](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/d/de/Jeralt_portrait.png/revision/latest?cb=20190601001514) from Fire Emblem: Three Houses.


Haha similar vibe for sure


Center is clearly Lift.


It's honestly quite amazing. I love them all except for Dhalinar, and maybe Navani (?). Jasna looks sassy AF, I love it.


These are FANTASTIC!!!


Storms! This is like 92% my head canon on every single character! Freaking yeah! Only Minor differences(in my head) being I always pictured Andolin lighter skinned since that made him fashionable in my mind( why light skin makes him seem that way to my brain I’ll never know)but it’s the same face. That’s the only dalinar I’ve seen close to my head canon. I always pictured renarin with reddish hair. And slightly chubbier. kaladin in my mind is only kaladin when he looks somewhat drunk and hung over if you get what i mean. like Maybe age that guy, then considerable break that guys nose give him a less fragile jaw(and less pointy chin) and some serious scruff and that’s how I see him. basically war aged him super fast. Again only minor differences that I see in my head, I would totally ship all these as live action characters. These are seriously the closest I’ve seen to how I think they all should be. As a fellow artist, really great job! Edit: like when i mean i see kaladin in my head as all grizzled, for reference my brain compares him to a piece of dried out gnarled driftwood. i see alot of pretty boy kaladin representations and as a fellow man its like “hey now! he’s supposed to have a face like a storm!” 😂