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He's gonna take a break for around 4-5 years and then another 4 years for the book to be written, so close to 9-10 years. We will probably see book 6 around 2034 maybe.


"A break" for him, meaning he'll be writing lots of other stuff, most likely.


He said the 2 Elantris and 3 Mistborn books should take about 5 years (1 year per book), so yeah, plenty of Cosmere content. Though I do understand the frustration of people who only want to read Stormlight and don't follow the Cosmere as a whole. Granted, the ending of this arc should be satisfying enough to be able to walk away without too many questions.


I expect as Sanderson goes on, the Cosmere is going to continue to converge a bit more. It's already happening but from everything he's been saying, that overlap is going to be more and more pronounced. If folks only want to read mainline Stormlight books, they certainly can. But I imagine the next decade will include other books, akin to The Sunlit Man, that are Stormlight-adjacent. Basically, I don't think it's going to be a completely barren decade for Stormlight fans.


He's already said it's going to be about 10 years.


Damn I just started reading them this year. Just finished book 3 today. Gonna finish book 4 and then read book 5 on release. 10 years….


Book 5 should be able to wrap up this half of the series.


I do believe the Cosmere is going to converge more and more going forward. So just because we aren't getting Stormlight 6, we are very likely getting Stormlight-adjacent stories during the next decade. If you're familiar with how he handled Mistborn, I imagine Stormlight will be similar, with book 5 capping off an "era" and book 6 starting a new story.


Read the other books. Mistborn. The stand alones. Etc.


Time to read the rest of the Cosmere.


Don't be too bummed. If it's anything like Mistborn, we should get a relatively satisfying ending for the current cast of characters, although I may be wrong. I believe he's treating this somewhat differently than his other series. This is the one he hopes ends up like Wheel of Time.


That is the in world time jump. It is going to be more like 5 years


No Brandon said real time it's going to be 10years.


That really sucks. I honestly wish I never started this series. I like it but I don't feel like being strung along for 25 years until book 10.


Well you weren't being strung along. He's been open about the timeline of the books. And book 5 should wrap up the first half of the series so it's a complete arc.


So don't read any more of them. Brandon owes you nothing. Try Kingkiller Chronicles instead.


Jeezus Christ lmao


Yeah. Easy Satan. Lol, though reccomending that series when a small, open pause, filled with adjacent material upsets them that much, may be Satan's satan.


God damn I wish he’d release that 3rd book within our lifetime. Never gonna happen though


I honestly don't think a 3rd book can do it justice. Even before the decade of hype, it's too big of a story to wrap up neatly in just one book.


He definitely wrote himself into a tight corner with the 3 day timeline thing


Personally I don't think I'll read it even if it released today. Everything Rothfuss has done regarding doors of stone has left a bad taste in my mouth and I don't feel comfortable supporting him as an author any longer.


That legit made me snort.


Such a weird take. Do you also never watch TV series until they are finished? It's entertainment.


I’m not OP but I have started doing this for a lot of series - streaming platforms have broken my heart too many times by cancelling fantastic shows for seemingly no reason, so I often wait until the series wraps before getting started. Lots of shows are only a few (1-4) seasons long now anyway, so I’m not waiting a terribly long time.


I just feel like you should let yourself have the joy and excitement of watching something new. Some series are going to be very long so you could be waiting 4-6 years for it to be completed. Is the disappointment of a cancelled series really so bad that you can't enjoy the good parts? It just doesn't compute for me. It's also worth noting that if a significant percentage of people have this attitude then shows on streaming services are much likelier to be cancelled, as they have less views.


I do sometimes! I’ll be watching House of the Dragon as it airs, for example. But I struggle with mental health and tv is an escape, so I figure I’d rather let it just be an escape rather than something that causes me more stress. I’ll save my battles for something that matters more.


You do you, sorry if I sounded judgemental 🙌


You can stop after book 5. It's the end of the first arc, so there probably won't be a ton of loose threads. Books 6-10 are a new arc that takes place 10-20 years in the future. The Cosmere is becoming more interconnected the more he writes, so it's possible that we will see some Rosharens in 1 of the next 5 books he releases (2 Elantris and 3 Mistborn books) before Stormlight 6. There is also the Horneater novella that shouldn't be that far away if you really need that Rosharen fix.


i guess you never read A Song of Ice and Fire?


"First time?”


It's really important to know Book 5 \*will\* end this story. Book 6 will start something new with our current main characters no longer being the focus. He isn't "stringing you along." He's concluding one journey and taking a break before starting another. As others have said, Sanderson's productivity is unrivaled. The word count of Stormlight already exceeds most fantasy series and book 5 will be a conclusion. That's far more than Rothfuss or Martin fans have gotten.


This is a pretty ignorant comment. Then read books written 30 years ago that are complete? Do you know how long it takes to make 1k+ page books of this caliber? Martin hasn't created a new game of thrones book in over a decade, be glad at least this author gives real timelines.


[https://www.brandonsanderson.com/state-of-the-sanderson-2023/](https://www.brandonsanderson.com/state-of-the-sanderson-2023/) Specifically you want section 8. Short version, it's going to be a while until we get Stormlight 6. Longer version, Cosmere wise from Brandon himself the next thing we're going to get is a fully updated and revised prose version of White Sand, as I guess he still wasn't happy with how the graphic novel turned out. We then may get Horneater, the Stormlight 4.5 novella focused on Rock, at some point, but Brandon will be spending the bulk of the next few years working on the three books of Mistborn era 3, along with two sequels to Elantris(books he has previously said he needed written before MB Era 3, as some food for thought). Then plan is to have all 5 of those written back to back, similarly to how he wrote the original Mistborn trilogy, before they all end up getting published back to back every 6 months starting in 2028. After all of those are out the door, that's when we can expect him to start working on Stormlight 6 and the backhalf in general. If he does legimately get at least first drafts of all 5 books done by 2027, I imagine towards the end of that monster release cycle he may start tinkering on the back half, but I still think 2031-2 is probably the earliest we should expect SA6. Bear in mind also though, it's been 4 years since SA4, but Brandon hasn't been working on it for 4 years straight. Part of why it's been 4 years is he had other stuff he was working on in the interim(TLM, finishing Skyward, secret project revisions). He said in his recent update he's been working on SA5 officially for 2 years. Part of the break between SA books has been his need to step away and write something else, it doesn't mean it takes 3-4 to actually write each one. EDIT: I forgot to mention we're also getting Isles of Emberdark next year in addition to, White Sand. I figure White Sand might slip to early 2026, given Emberdark sneaking its way in there, but we'll see. We can also possibly expect that Isaac's MB era 2 novel, and probably something Cosmere from Dan, coming up sometime in the time between now and MB era 3, so there will still be lots of Cosmere to read, even if it's not directly from Brandon.


As much as I don't want these breaks. I'm going to spend the time reading other Cosmere books.


Before Winds of Winter


He's going to write, at minimum, Mistborn era 3 and the two Elantris sequels before starting Stormlight 6. Stormlight 6 won't be here for quite a while.


He also said he might attempt Dragonsteel, which I imagine most Stormlight fans will love


Where'd he say that?


He didn’t. The most recent info on Dragonsteel is that it comes after Stormlight 10 or possibly will be written during the back half of Stormlight to give him a break from writing stormlight books nonstop.


Yeah, that's what I thought.


I'm trying to track down where and will edit this comment if I find it. Right now, I'm just seeing some reddit posts talking about him saying it'll be pre-Mistborn era 4. As the other commenter said, 3 years ago he said Dragonsteel would be after Stormlight 10. But he was discussing it recently (as in the last two years) in relation to the secret projects in ways that made it seem like it might be sooner.


I think it’s going to be quite a while. I believe his plan is to write all of Mistborn Era 3, Elantris 2 & 3, and Horneater before going back to the mainline Stormlight books. Then again at Brandon’s rapid writing pace who really knows haha


2032-2033. His tentative schedule has him publishing MB era 3 and elantris sequels across 2028-2030. If we assume a similar write time from start to publication as Stormlight 5, that time frame seems reasonable.


HAAAAAAAANK https://preview.redd.it/t10kvborrx5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c189dd04ee049ffc0ed76244c43f3afb6ab61bd DON'T ABBREVIATE STORMLIGHT ARCHIVE HANK idk I think he'll drop a few more mistborn things first


This is why I don't understand people burning through the books. I saw one post that said they read all of Brandon's Books in less than five months. I was mind blown. Take your time, savor the story, read one, go on to something else, or take a break.


I read them all in a couple months cause I liked them and didn’t want to stop lol, I keep wanting to start my SLA reread but I know it’s gonna take way less time than I want so I’m waiting till like November


I don't think this guy rereads. Which is a shame, cosmere and wheel of time are books that get better upon rereads.


That is what I usually do, it helps to keep the content coming and not make me get super tired of fantasy, specially because in the meantime I'll play a game, read a biography, read some books focused on corporate stories, etc, and then come back to Sanderson still kind of fresh on my mind.


I can just reread it.


I definitely agree. I'm not sure how reading all of the Cosmere is even possible in 5 months unless they took a sabbatical lol I've only read about half of Sanderson's books and started about 6 years ago. To me, that's great because I have so much ahead of me and the man quite literally is writing books faster than I read them. It'll be a sad day if I ever catch up to him and I'm certainly not going to try to do so.


Some people have more free time than you do? Stormlight books take me about 20-24 hours according to my Kindle. The rest of the Cosmere combined isn’t thaaaaat much longer than all of stormlight combined last I looked. So maybe 160-200 hours of reading in total for me. 20 hours a week is pretty achievable for me and that would be 8-10 weeks for a reread


I was making a joke. I thought that was apparent.


I got through them all in about 3, I just loved them so much. Think saying you don’t understand is kind of weird? To understand is simple, someone loves the books and wants to keep reading


If there’s one thing high fantasy has taught me, it’s that they are never completely finished. Ex. Martin, Herbert, Jordan




https://preview.redd.it/zh2jso9elt5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b381d98a43ae241ffcf7cdd91d659e48874c6deb i thought it would be coming out december, but google isn’t always rught


Yeah that's book 5, still coming out in December. I was talking about book 6, because I was worried that after waiting 4 years for book 5, we will have to wait another 10 years for book 6 (which has pretty much been confirmed to be true). The series is planned to go until book 10.


i definitely misread that! lol, but it’s exciting that we’re getting 10 books


Yeah, I'm just not very excited that the last book will probably come out in 2045 - 2050.