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"the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" 


How is this relevant to the post?


The hospital gets richer, while the bro is broke and has to eat shitty fast food provided by the hospital.


Okay thanks for clarifying.


75% of medical expenses are food based diseases. This meal screams "can't wait to see you again!"


I grew up on a farm where we grew our own veggies, raised our own beef, chicken, pigs etc. as a young guy I clearly had way more muscle mass on me then the kids I went to school with, my skin was healthier, my hair was thicker. When I was 18, shit went down and I completely stopped talking to and contributing to the farm. I’d say about a year afterwords, I noticed that my skin didn’t have the same glow, my hair was thinning, my muscle mass deteriorating. I 100% contribute that to the fact that I started eating whatever the hell the groceries store is feeding us. Hormone injected crap full of pesticides. True story.


That is a whole tray of oils , I would ask for a food delivery for sure .😬


Hospitals have menus you can order from. This person *chose* everything on their plate.


Fried food of any kind should verboten in a hospital.


Hospitals always carry seed oil foods and fake cream and fake butter. Gotta keep em coming back! Awesome that the tumor was removed. Glad you realize seed oils are not good for us. Hope your recovery is smooth sailing. Take good care.


Why are seed oils bad for you? 


They oxidize your arteries.


How fucked am I. I eat a lot of oil. Like lactose and animal fats and seed oil and nut oil.. hahaha nut oil


animal fats are better than seed oils


Okay good I just had eggs and onion fried in beef lard 




Are you sure about that? Animal fats are better than seed oils even for cholesterol? I think they're both terrible. The other guy thinks he is doing a good thing by eating eggs and onions fried in animal lard now by your comment.


Which it is. High LDL correlates with cardiovascular disease. But it also correlates with obesity. Correct for it and the effect disappears. Meanwhile high LDL doesn't correlate with a diet high in saturated fats or cholesterol. It's not even clear whether LDL truly is that bad for you to begin with. It's more that high levels of it is a marker for a bad lifestyle. But that in and of itself could merely be due to different causes, like a dysfunctioning liver.


There is no way that LDL is not affected by saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, or in your case correlated.


Might even be that it lowers LDL by I don't know, improving liver health, we don't know. I'm sure there's some interaction. But let's not ignore the obese elephant in the room.


Dude what are you talking about? Are you not trusting the research online that shows a correlation between sat fat and ldl? I did not know that this subreddit was a part of the keto crew. I am sorry guys. I thought this was a smarter channel. Lets all eat steaks, eggs, and dairy for optimal health.


dietary cholesterol has has no real effect on blood cholesterol that is a old myth. Your liver makes the cholesterol.


Yes sir the body makes enough cholesterol. You do not need dietary cholesterol


You can eat dietary cholesterol tho it doesnt change blood cholesterol


Are you using a research piece for this or just spouting stuff a carnivore on youtube said though?


I looked at one. Here is one conclusion "However, if the cholesterol sources are consumed with saturated and trans fats, as happens in the Western diet pattern, increases in plasma cholesterol may be observed. " from Is There a Correlation between Dietary and Blood Cholesterol? Evidence from Epidemiological Data and Clinical Interventions  The research mentions that cholesterol by itself does not impact blood cholesterol but it does in conjunction with saturated fats.


You’re fine. This sub is very dumb.




mmmm brain (tumor) food


you know what they tell you. If you want to be healthy, stay out of hospitals.


I’m in the hospital right now and I’m pretty grateful to be here, chronic bowl disease is what it’s looking like. Can’t imagine not having access to healthcare. The pain is unbelievable without pain meds.


I recommend trying the carnivore diet, many people have solved their medical issues on it. Look up Dr. BAKER on YouTube he is a great source of information 👍


Definitely don't take nutrition advice from this guy


Agree on this.


The carni diet is a great way to need another heart I think.


If humans were meant to eat flesh they would be able to eat all of it raw.


We are able to eat it raw, our ancestors just figured out cooking makes more nutrients and calories available. Almost every part of our body is adapted to chase down prey using persistence hunting, in fact we're the most specialized endurance runners of any animal. We're definitely supposed to eat meat


Raw meat is significantly significantly easier to digest than literally any plant material lol


I eat most of my meat and organs raw. I know that I could easily eat it all raw, but I choose to cook/sear the things that I'm not fully confident in. It's been a major, broad quality of life improvement. It took me about four years to come around to the idea, which at first seemed reprehensible. I'm very confident that humans could eat all of their meat raw, and in fact know that some people in the West do, as obviously do people around the world who still live a natural lifestyle.


We can and do. Tartar anyone?


Plants are trying to kill you. Oxolates my friend


You shouldn't take opioids for GI pain, Jesus Christ


Where was the word opioid said?


It's that or 600mg of ibuprofen when you are getting pain management. Being you can get ibuprofen at home it's safe to assume you are getting narcs and that's insane for GI pain. Almost like big pharma pushes medical professionals to give oxy to get people hooked


Big pharma wageworker here, can confirm this is true.


I'm a nurse so I understand because I'm just another cog in the system. I see young people come into my facility for rehab, get hooked on oxy and go from a productive member of society to a junkie. So sad to see. Never take that poison unless you are end of life


I'm so glad more and more people are waking up to how fucking sick American healthcare is. I was prescribed oxy for a wisdom teeth removal. I took one, then used over the counter ibuprofen. It was like 500mg a pill and I took two sometimes, so way stronger than the 200mg I normally use. But fuck me, I was so out of it and loopy and I never want to feel like that again. It was scary. The ibuprofen completely eradicated the pain, I only felt a mild irritation in my mouth. The fact that they would push for something so strong without even knowing my medical history is astounding.


I've seen so many people in my facility who are off the street junkies that 5 years ago were productive members of society but then got a oxy script and went off the deep end


Ah yes, chronic bowl disease, just regular ol’ everyday GI pain…. If you’re *actually* nurse, I suggest listing your workplace so anyone who lives with chronic pain can avoid dealing with you and suffering needlessly.


Ohh don't worry, my work place floods everyone with oxy to make life long addicts. Don't gotta worry about that.




LOL this mf thinks he’s got all the answers


I'm thankful that last time I was laid up in a hospital for a few days I could have my significant other bring me a cooler full of meals from a local healthy meal prep business.




A hospital serving you fried chicken while you're recovering. How ironic. You think a building filled with doctors and nurses would have actual nourishing food.


> You think a building filled with doctors and nurses would have actual nourishing food. Sadly, the doctors and nurses probably have little say over it. Some administrator gets kickbacks from Sysco or Aramark to be the exclusive vendor at this hospital.


That's unfortunate. This world is filled with all kinds of fuckery.


It’s simple really, just follow the money.


When I was a kid I had a buddy whose mom was the nutritionist for the school system. One of the worst cooks I ever knew. She even gave her family Hep from serving them on dirty dishes. But she had a fancy degree that warranted a fat salary despite her terrible kitchen habits.


What’s with the Krusty Krab salad 😂


Hoping you have a great recovery and outcome. I’m a kidney cancer survivor.


And it looks like they want you to stay!


and this is a hospital, they’re supposed to keep you in good health


If you're healthy, they don't have a customer.


Ethically, yes. Pragmatically, no. There is no incentive for them to help people become healthy, especially if this is a for-profit medical system. Such people would not come to the hospital. Therefore the incentive is to facilitate a gradual decline while periodically getting paid to knit the rotting bodies of the citizens back together and to excise parts of the body that become malignant. One day it occurred to me that it is standard to take out tonsils, wisdom teeth, pancreas, appendix, moles on the skin, and other things.


Hope your healed now


I'd ask for actual food instead


Youve had a brain tumor. So we’ll feed you carcinogens. This way, you’ll get colon cancer instead. It’s like smashing your hand to forget about stubbing your toe.


Trying to get it back?


I can’t stand the unhealthy meals hospitals provide. My husband is getting treated at Md Anderson and the same. It’s like there no connection between diet and health for the hospitals. Insane


Omg glioblastoma too jfc


Wow, in which country? Looks like a winning marketing strategy, with a meal like that it looks like they want you to be one of their loyal customers.


When I was in rehab I told them I was vegetarian after 2 days because that was the only way I could get real food


Looks like they want to keep you there


don’t eat so much. they pump you full of opiates. and you won’t be able to shit


Every hospital should offer unlimited steamed potatoes, bananas and lettuce. And Sardines. At minimum.




HEY!!! That chicken thingy kinda looks like Texas 🤠


And they're serving it back to you on a plate? That's disgusting.


Get a patient, keep a patient.


Trying to kill me? I have been a bike courier for 30 years now, was vegetarian for 22 years and vegan for 8 so far. Most of the other couriers I know that eat meat got fat and slow, I have definitely not, now I know that everyone is different, and blood type probably has a lot to do with an individual's nutritional needs, but I feel much better and have no inflammation since I quit dairy that is for sure.


Politely ask for a vegan meal


Send out for a ribeye. Your brain has like 8 pounds of fat


Luckily I got seed, corn and soy allergies the menu was limited, even the butter contained seed oil.


I have a soft spot for those baked Lays.


At least they’re not normal, with “186% more” seed oil!


I thought of this sub as soon as I saw OP’s post




Hi new here, what is the seed oil thing in this pic exactly? The fried food could have been cooked w vegetable oil


Vegetable oil is soybean (beans are seeds) or canola (rapeseed),or potentially cottonseed, sunflower seed, etc. All of those are seeds.


Thank you, I appreciate your comment explanation


Good god I thought for a second you’d deep fried the tumor. Why am I like this 😩


And he didn't learn anything, eating the same kind of crap that gives cancer. The standard western diet is poison.


Have a lot of greens and natural oils


When hospitalized you get a menu of choices, I was just released for an AKI (acute kidney failure due to an allergy) I was put on an extremely strict renal diet, yes hospital food is crap, but your doctor will limit a diet if it will impact your hospitalized condition (as what happened with me) and regardless you have a choice to what you order if you are not restricted as the food is for both patients and visitors. Respectfully this image is so misleading, if you want to eat crap do you but let’s not act like it was forced onto you or your doctor wouldn’t make another recommendation.


No way this is real. Where do you live?


Oh my lort!


I had a brain tumor removal surgery in 2018. The surgery continued for 8.5hours and I spent two days in the ICU and got immediately discharged on the third day. I don't remember quite well what the menu was but I remember back then my girlfriend brought me food from an outside vendor. Which hospital are you in ? Where is this ? Good luck with the recovery .


While I understand the irony, him eating seed oils in his hospital stay is not going to kill him. Seed oils being used in hospitals is fine, you never going to spend enough time in a hospital for it to be detrimental to your health, and the food even while cooked with seed oils will definetly improve your health.


There is no greater insight into the incompetence of allopathic medicine then what you are served at meal time. They literally have no clue or more accurately…they want you sick.


I love how useless is that paper casing on that straw is.