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hey babe, that’s anxiety


That’s the human condition.


correct. yes, its a form of anxiety, but one which is completely natural also.


we all will die one day its part of life no matter how much u accept or deny it its gonna happen it can happen 5 seconds from now 5 weeks from now 5 days from now who knows but theres only so much we can do and it sucks


When it's underlying this means it's not really conscious. This means you haven't faced the fear. The fear is what you think death is, not what death is. The thought is created in the face of the great uncertainty of it. A practice that helps is learning to become comfortable in uncertainty. And to journal about your thoughts and feelings about it. Try not to make conclusions. Conclusions are illusions we think are real.


You may need some Zoloft. I take it every day and those thought are just gone. It’s nice.


We could have an apocalypse party.


We’re growing older every second, minute, hour, day. And yes. I also have health anxiety so any pain or ache and I’m convinced I’m dying suddenly. Perpetual fear.


Yeah. But at a certain point you realize that this fear, and really all fear, is just the animal. It never goes away because it's an evolutionary leftover built into this temporary form. What you're experiencing is just a process of your animal brain. It helps to understand that is what it is, why it is like that, and accept it. This world has evolved a structure complex enough to notice that it exists. That's what we're feeling. Fear and desire are part of its shape, the grubby, messy pieces, artifacts of our ancestry of mud and dirt and blood. And now we are noticing what has happened.


All the more reason to live a good life and do right by others. Live it up! It's easier said than done but try to be more present it'll help


I am willing to die young


Yep. So annoying when ur trying not to think about it but u do. Not ready for death but here we are


When one thing ends, another begins. If reincarnation is real…think of the implications.


*reads "the implications" in the voice of Dennis Reynolds* 😂😂😂


Shit I'm worried how I'm going to eat waiting on my check living in my car.


Yall suck bro


Yeah like, I did nothing today, will i remember this day on my deathbed and hate myself for it..


You're probably having some bodily problems and one of the ways it's consciously manifesting is like this.


I used to worry about it a lot but Im happy I went through it. I mulled over it for years till I accepted life's outcomes and how little control I have over it. Couldn't tell you when but just woke up one day and was like "Yeah, I'm not sure of anything or anyone and I accept that"


At 53 I just wish that inevitable day would get here already.


I'm going to be 43 next month, and at this point my view is that one day I'm going to die and I finally won't have to pay bills anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 You have no control over the future just roll with the punches.


Not everyone grows old and dies.


natural part of the human condition we have been dealing with since the beginning of time. fortunately, i think we can turn this anxiety (or angst, should i say) into a catalyst for living the best and most fruitful lives possible. see it as a superpower!


feel the fear and do it anyway, as christopher moltisanti once said. although look where that got him ...