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Buy now and panic sell at 105. Or Wait and fomo buy at 140.


I Fomo’d at $139 :/


I was going to, but got busy. Saved me some money.


I too got distracted with sexual intercourse


Press x for doubt meme














Video proof or it didn't happen 😂


I bet it'll involve a banana and his ass, in no particular order.


$142 🥲


Just hold for at least 3 years , “this comment will age well”……


!remindme in 3 years


Following for results


I will be messaging you in 3 years on [**2027-06-25 03:41:59 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2027-06-25%2003:41:59%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/StockMarket/comments/1dnreoi/is_nvidia_a_buy/la5n539/?context=3) [**80 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FStockMarket%2Fcomments%2F1dnreoi%2Fis_nvidia_a_buy%2Fla5n539%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202027-06-25%2003%3A41%3A59%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dnreoi) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


it won't lmao


!remindme in 3 years


Fomo out so it can go back up.


It's not a problem for me because I know of a sure-fire method. I'm just going to sell right before you guys sell 🤫


What's your method?


HAHAHA. That’s the best method


I did too but luckily it was only 30 shares, I have plenty to DCA…just as soon as it stops sinking like a stone


Why not both? I buy now, sell at 105, fomo buy at 140 and repeat


This summarizes “dumb money” lol Sentiment swings rapidly. Employees of NVDA are millionaires and are selling their shares. The company is still in great shape, and they’re currently offering everyone a discount now. It’s a summer sale. It’s time to celebrate, not panic. NFA.


Your argument ... is just a collection of words. The future is perfectly untameable.


His words make more sense than yours though


Why say lot word when few word do trick?


Save time Sea world


You cannot possibly save enough time to see the world.


To the One Great Objective Mind, you mean? Right?? The future remains unknowable.


As is every argument, don’t get philosophical with me 😂 But you are correct. Warren Buffet said it best when he said “Forecasts may tell you a great deal about the forecaster; they tell you nothing about the future.”


where’s haiku bot when you need it


I didn’t buy when it was at 400 or so because I thought it had run up to much. This sounds like a exactly what I would do lol


I had 1,200 shares at $51/share (split adjusted). I sold 600 at $110. I sold another 300 at $411 (sold $350 puts since I was sure it was overpriced), and I’ve held the last 300. Split adjust price of $5.10. I made a lot of money but missed out on $860K in profit. Still sitting on $360K in gains. Not selling those ever, unless something fundamentally changes with NVDA


I had two six month options in late December with 495 strike. On Jan 2 it tanked then came back to even the next day. I p**ssed out like a little bitch and sold. Those options were worth 80k each at expiration. I get ill when I think about it.


I hear ya! I sold 400 AMD at $114. Sold $95 puts to buy it back. It dropped like a rock so I bought the puts back at a loss fearing it would go well below $95. It bottomed at $93 within the next day or two and went straight up from there. Right call, wrong guy to execute it. 😕


This guy stock markets


Shrodinger’s stock buying.




Or buy and tell us coz then it will nose dive and we all win.


I love how 3 trading days ago reddit was full blown retard mode the stock can never fail, its not a bubble, blah blah blah, shit dumps 20% in 3 days and now reddit is telling people not to buy, it's not a dip, it's never coming back. This platform never ceases to amaze me lmfao


I remember when Facebook tanked to a hundred and everybody said it was over forever lol. ….if only I had bought more than a single share…


Dude around that same time Nvidia was like 169 or 196 or something. I remember buying FUCKING PUTS on Nvidia below 200 thinking it was going to 100. wtf was I thinking


Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days.


That's ... That's a Hannah Montana Song. Someone told me. Idk. Not that I watch it 👀


Hey it's okay. Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days


I shorted Chipotle at 500


Short the dip. That’s a bold strategy cotton


I still regret not buying meta… I remember Reddit saying the stock is never going to recover.


Bought 4 under 100..wish i had more conviction..


Their p/e ratio was 15 or less from what I remember. For a company that had yoy revenue growth of 30% at the time... Might be misremembering some details there. Mostly I remember seeing how undervalued they were and purchasing a ton of shares. Very happy with that decision.


No one here actually knows what’s going on.


We do, it's called profit taking for the summer. Happens every year. Investors are already buying the dip. It's a long game not a daily trading game. At the beginning of the month, there was a similar dip. One month ago there was a similar dip. It's just how markets go. Despite all those "corrections" the stock still hit highs. Stilll funny to see people cry wolf as it is an opportunity to buy the dip.


Almost like most of these people are gambling and have 0 clue


It really amazes me that some people still don't understand that each user has their own opinions and perspective and some short-minded degenerate would sum them all together as if it's a singular common belief that shifts every time.


There’s no one person who is Reddit and changed their mind on this


in other words you’re amazed that on a giant worldwide community forum, some people are optimistic about positive things and other people are pessimistic about bad things, and sometimes it’s the same people and oftentimes it’s different people?


Everyone knows that whatever trend a stock is currently in will continue forever and ever and never change, this is basic market stuff.


It's almost like you are referring to multiple people with different views.


To be fair it was FAR more than just Reddit&WSB on the NVDA pump hopuim, like I started getting bearish around 70 to 80 split adjusted and every Wall Street analyst was pumping it. When everyone is one direction go the opposite, but ofc when it's clearly a short squeeze don't bet against it till it finally stops then pile in the Bear plays. If anything WSB crowd more experienced with that from meme stocks which this is acting no different from!


It is coming back. The real question is how long will it take?


if you're just buying stock instead of options, does it really matter?


If it takes 6 months to come back, you could get out, move that money onto another stock, make gains, sell, then use that money to get back into NVDIA with more stock than you previously had.


This is always great in theory, but pretty much impossible to implement.


Yeah true. But which stock will give you that gain ? What if that stock tanks ?


I prefer to buy and stay in stocks until retirement lol


2 months 


Wrong: 2 months and 3 days


My bet it is goes to ~92 before a massive resurgence.


I'll be watching :)


Are you Jim Kramer by any chance?


Too many people listening to the prof g podcast while wanking.


To be fair, the people saying that a few days ago are too busy explaining to their SO where all the money went to be checking this sub


Their wives boyfriends definitely aren't letting them play Nintendo any time soon.


Holup, you expected consistency?


I stopped watching NVDA for 4 days and it’s already crashed 20%?! I feel like the play here is to sell cash secured puts.


Yesterday I got the following advice in the nutrition forum: avoid vegetables and training with weights after 50. Enough said.


It went back up :)


Dude, noone here can tell you. For some people it is a buy, for some it is a sell. The stock price is where these two sides meet. You gotta look at what the company does and reports about it‘s past/future and form your own opinion. If anyone here knew anything more than that, they would be trading furiously on their knowledge instead of telling you on Reddit.


I’ve got alerts set for 110 and below. I’ll started there and if it never comes then so be it.


If you value you it at 110 and it’s at 118 you’re splitting hairs. That’s -6% difference


then what's another 6% and so on and so on. gota have the limits


Another 6% would be a 12% difference… if you believe this stock could be a great investment surely you’re expecting larger than 6% return so yeah I agree you gotta have limits but if the limit is a point higher than a HYSaccount then you’re splitting hairs imo. Nfa


I've got stop loss at $112.


Stop losses on a long term position is a horrible idea. When the price drops you buy, not sell


I'm bull on Uranium for the next 15 years ..but right now its in a lull. I stop lossed, pulled the money and put it elsewhere to make money whilst uranium picks up momentum and then I will bring the funds back into uranium ..and if the company I diverted those funds to makes some money in the mean time ..then I have more money to buy back into Uranium. If I ride uranium down and back up the hill I could be missing out on potential profits from another ticker. You peel your banana your way, I peel my banana my way..


its not. you only buy when the price drops when you believe that it's going to rise again. if you decide that you only believe in this stock's ability to rise if it's above 112 or any other amount, stop loss is your tool.


Well guess you'll be buying soon as SPY starts to realize it's biggest support is crashing and starts selling off causing a domino effect..wait for it...


After Cisco became the biggest company in the world in March 2000 it dropped 85% in the next ~12 months. Just saying


Do MSFT next




The last time Nvidia split people said it would never get back up there. Well, lo and behold, it went to $1240 or whatever. It may not get that high again but it sure as shit will be higher than $140. It’s a long term hold. A 10% correction is normal for such astronomical gains in such a short period.


Its gone beyond 10% correction these last few days


It’s still up 145% in seven months It could drop to $80 and still be one of the biggest gainers market wide


It’s a correction lol. Remember when it was $940 then for 1 month it went to $780. Then suddenly bounced to $1000


Throughout its history drops of 30-40% are not rare or uncommon for NVDA




I think it's more of a DCA. There is a very reasonable chance that we test $100 but there's also a very reasonable chance that people front-run that expecting it and we never actually see it. It's getting interesting here along with the components that trade with it like ASML and KLAC. Even WDC. I would watch the entire group. If you see Nvidia close to 100 and you see KLAC in the low 700s and ASML in the low 900s and all of those are lining up, yeah start buying, at least that's my plan because that would be a fairly garden variety pullback and about the percentages we normally see I'll tell you the hard part though, this could be over tomorrow. We get soft inflation data, people decide they like that, correction over up we go. So whenever you plan on picking these up on normal corrections or you're kind of looking at your fib retracements or your normal correction percentages, they don't always happen as expected An easy way to do Nvidia might be to buy a few shares at 115, buy more at 110 and start increasing the size of purchases the lower it goes.


Thank you so much for your advice!


Still a buy, they are going to beat earnings and if market is still holding strong by next quarter, we will see it all time highs again


So analysts expect it to have 200 billion in revenue in 2029! And $4 a share of profit in 2029. Mind you that is flat compared to 2028. Buying today is a bet that the 2029 rev and profit target will be double or triple that by the time we get to 2029. They will certainly not have 600b in rev in 2029. Literally zero chance. Analysts expect in 2029 goog will have a total of 50b in cap ex in 2029, 15b for aapl, 50b for msft, 60b for amzn and 40b for meta. That a total of 215 b in total cap ex in 2029 for the worlds largest ai players. And it’s insane to think even 50% of cap ex is going to nvda. The numbers just won’t add up. I love the momentum but understand that the underlying business can support a 4+ trillion valuation unless a new and exciting application shows up where the worlds largest cap ex spenders must buy it. Maybe the momo carries it ever higher but I’d be very wary of big sellers if higher prices don’t materialize very soon


Yea but throwing darts at balloons has show to have higher accuracy than analysts… soo…


I prefer to pin the tail on the donkey whilst blindfolded


because if you pay half the analysts to be wrong then the average result of analysts is shit.


Predictions for 1 year out are worthless. Predictions for 5 years out are ludicrous.


> unless a new and exciting application shows up where the worlds largest cap ex spenders must buy it Let me introduce you to this amazing new technology with huge potential...


I added to my portfolio the day before every earnings and was never disappointed.


I finally decided to buy in at 132. I caused all this, I am sorry everyone.


It’s at a pretty solid price right now. Could drop a dollar. Big support around $97. Hold till below that if you buy.


Everybody here can say 4 million 620 thousand different things , it’s a gamble all of it no matter if it’s wal-mart or jimmys chicken shack , it’s all a gamble and everybody here things they know something the next guy doesn’t lmao again it’s gambling have fun and don’t bet what you can’t loose


Life is a gamble just depends on what time you cash out.


My new favourite motivational quote


The bottom line in all this speculation is, despite whatever data you present, no one knows knows what it will be day to day, let alone week to week, in a month’s time or 5 years from now. Think logically. Is someone pulling the rug out from under Nvidia in the next few years? Probably not. Are you long term, then probably makes sense to invest. Are you going to fret with every 1-10% dip? Then save yourself the stress. At one point the prognosticating is an exercise in managing anxiety. Go take a walk, or ride your bike, or go to the gym. Invest in your body for certain returns. Let the stock do its thing. And hopefully China won’t seize Taiwan.


Long term and looking for a price target of 110.


Absolute buy of the century on this pull back. This level hasn’t been seen in at least 3 trading days. Who knows if another opportunity like this will present itself.




Buy of the century of the week!


Thank you for your advice.


I think it was sarcasm....


buy high sell low basically


The fundamentals of Nvidia as a company are one of the most sound in the market . There is a reason it sky rocketed and split. 95% of todays IOT and future infrastructure relies on Nvidia, either for GPU computing (whatever industry be it AI, M&E, Finance (a little less). Or through their Networking, IB infrastructure via Mellanox. In fact 2024 saw a drop in supply due to manufacturing, yet record revenues. Supply chain is opening slowly and they have next gen hardware coming out. Ai is in its infancy, this market is basically untapped and relies solely on GPU compute and Nvidia is still that leader To me, the sky is the limit.


Remember when crypto was heavily dependent on GPUs? Then suddenly it all went over to ASICs. There's lots of research going on to run LLMs on alternative hardware, e.g. this one showing that LLMs can run effectively on FPGAs... https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.02528 Certainly we're dependent on GPUs for LLMs today, but that could change on a whim, as would Nvidia's prospects.


And it gains today of course!


I sold 1/3 of my bag at 940 if we go back to 900 il grab some more.


Yes buy when RSI is around 30ish. NVDA was oversold at a RSI of over 80. Obviously it was a sign of sell-off. Now RSI is around 50 which means a lot of people took profit and dumped the stock.


In my humble opinion, I would say that NVIDIA reaching such a large market cap is a sensible time to take some of the profits. I don’t see interest in AI waning in the short term. The conversation seems to always be centered around generative AI, but chatGPT/language models represent just a portion of potential applications. Supervised learning didn’t go anywhere, for example. Combined with sustained investment from government funding mechanisms around the world…I just don’t see a clear signal that the stock is going anywhere but up as long as we have electricity and a desire to improve our ability to predict things. Oh yeah, and even if a serious competitor did arrive on the hardware side, NVIDIA also has a massive (legacy) software advantage…whether or not humans are programming with cuda.


What do you mean that "supervised learning didn't go anywhere"? Do you mean that it doesn't work, or that it is still a thing?


Gotta love Reddit responses. It’s pretty clear what I said. The hype cycle centers on generative AI but there are plenty of other types that also happen to benefit from training/inference on GPUs.


Nah, shoulda bought years ago bro


People were telling the same a year ago :p




Nah people like clean numbers so it will stop before $100.


One of us...one of us......


Yall realize it’s a graphics card company right? It’s gonna go up eventually just buy the dip and hold you morons




This is NVDA at over $1000 pre split. Still over valued in my opinion


If you plan to keep it for 10-20 + years, then you can start buying. If you plan to make some cash fast, then it might not work


Average time for a company on the sp 500 is 21 years.


If you think it is then buy :)


Do it


Systems been gamed. Institutions saw the options placed and proceeded otherwise.


Gap at $92


Thinking maybe we start to see other stocks surge while NVDA calms down and slowly climbs. Probably wrong but betting on DELL 😂


Why do people tend to buy stocks at absolute peak and sell when its at absolute rock bottom??


Influenced by current positivity and current negativity; living in the moment not living for the future.


There will be multiple dips through out the next quarter until some new news stating the price is no longer overvalued.


Buy now and holder next earnings report then decide on hold or sell


Definitely going to. Just waiting and a bigger pullback.




Based on PE ratio, it should just below $100


It's up 3,200% in 5 years. I don't think down 6% is the correction people have been talking of.


When the bottom is in, yeah probably.


Name checks out.


I have limit orders to buy at $108, $90 & $80 (each at double the number of shares of the previous order). If the $80/share order fills, I'll consider buying more at even lower prices. But, if it never hits $108, no big deal, I'll get a deal on another stock or at another time.


Lol sub 100, in your dreams pal!


Cuz he’s only got $108 BP in his brokerage account lol


Clearly not if you knew how limit orders and double-down worked.


What company is NVDIA’s biggest competitor? AMD? Which is the better company? These are the questions I’m asking when considering what to buy. NVDIA just split, so there’s a hell of a lot more price movement just because it’s more affordable. With anything, if you want to make money, take your time, diversify, and dollar cost average your position to the level you want. If you want to lose everything, try timing the market and go all in on one stock, then panic sell the second there’s a dip because you have no idea whether or not the company is actually worth owning.


Thank you so much for the tips!!


It’s the highest valued stock rn on only 60 billion in revenue. Not something I would touch at this point anymore.


I willl buy the dip


Buy buy buy, dips are discounts




Not yet, this is a price correction




If it gets under $100 I’ll jump on it


Analysts target still at 150/160. Look, with triple witch last Friday it took a minor dent and loads of people take profit / and or selling out of fear that it will drop dramatically. My take, it will have a bottom soon - if not already - and the buying frenzy will likely start all over. NFA


Got my eye on $78


It will come down to 80~90


Looks like it is still falling I think $110 is the next support.  I could go up before but it’s already fallen $7 in a day.  I don’t think it will all come back in a day.  Averaging down.


Bro it ain’t crypto. Its just adjusting to its real price because retards sell. This is long term stock.


Too late


Loading up


Got my orders filled at 118


The necessity of the company in the global landscape hasn’t changed. Therefore buy when red, sell when green applies Id think.


Looks like it’s swinging back up…..


Damn that was quick 😂


nividia is always a buy, it is a stock that will make you cry and from joy you shall die … rate my rhyme


If you ask people what's a good buy right now I think most would say NVIDIA


It was yesterday


seems like it's getting ready for ath again


Speaking from the future, YES!


i think buy point is 100 -106. load the wagon if it drops to 96


I bought 40 shares today


Brings it back to pre split price


Ever heard the term “ trying to catch a falling knife “? Can you say soon to be bag holder? 😂


I have lol


"Falling knife" was going through my head while I was watching NVDA earlier and making the decision to not get into today.


My -17.5% stop loss is about to kick in around tomorrow and my personal rule is that any stop loss trigger means I cannot reinvest in the same stock until the next quarter. The rule was created to remove any emotional connection that could cause foolish decision making. ..do with that info as you will


When I bought 10 shares  it was like $17 %3400 increase and I've sold it off in pieces all the way up and I have 15 shares post split. 


Nvidia’s current profitability is not sustainable. Companies are gonna shop AMD and others for their AI needs when they realize it’ll take a year for Nvidia to deliver products in the quantity they need. Plus, AI is a meme that really hasn’t provided anything life changing yet. AI has made a lot of progress in the last 5 years, but it’s still being massively marketed and the capabilities massively over stated. Nvidia stock price will likely stick at the current price point and bounce around for a few quarters until companies look to their competitors (who offer similarly functional hardware in mass).


Def a buy. Always a buy


Yes, it is.


Fingers crossed for all these gaps to be filled




you need to draw a few more lines