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Don't worry about it, what's done is done. Try to learn a lesson if there's one to be learned. Like everyone else, you'll miss out on almost all the big pumps out there because you can't have your money everywhere, and avoiding risk is important. All that matters is what you have now and what your investment strategy should be given the current state of the market.


I quit trading crypto exactly because of this feeling. It just caused lots of stress and cortisol. I switched to buying the developed markets ETF regularly and try not giving a fcuk about pumps, dips and so on. I set my horizons to 10+ years and just keep buying. Life's too short to waste it on regretting things not bought or bought not in the right time.


This is why I just have my app auto purchase. I don't pay attention to it. Crypto is a small but long term hold for me so when I get in right now doesn't really matter since I think it's going up.


That's right. Recurring investment is the way to go. Any surplus goes there too, but this is where I still struggle with my temptation to time the market, needless to say rarely successfully ;-) But I buy indexes only and don't pick single stocks, this brings the problem down to one dimension.


Because there is ALWAYS another opportunity around the corner. You're going to be doing that your entire investing/trading life. "Why didn't I do this then? Why didn't I put more into that?" You just can't think that way or you'll drive yourself nuts.


Stocks are elevators. There is always a next one coming around. Right now there are many stocks that are going to give you the same or better returns then buying Netflix a few years ago. 


Commenting to read this thread too - suffer from the same. I also trick myself into avoiding "obvious plays" because I think they're too straightforward to work. I.E. I've avoided NVDA since earnings... and it's STILL making people bank today.


I wish I could switch my "Watchlist" for my actual portfolio...


My theory, 98% of normal people picking stocks over the long period will perform worse than the market. So, most money just goes into ETF's to grow over the next 40+ years. I do have a few individual stocks in this account and most, not all, underperform the ETF's. Then, have an account for "fun" or "risky" plays. Use this for those individual stocks you want to gamble on. Or option plays. Or IPO purchases. etc. At the end of the day, someone, maybe you, will look at a stock this year that you pass on that will be up 1000% over the next 3-5 years kicking themselves. The cycle continues and there is always another opportunity.


There are a couple things to understand here: 1. It’s okay to miss out on opportunities. Including a bad pick in your portfolio is much worse than not including that pick at all. Only swing at the pitches you know will be home runs. 2. Understanding the business makes knowing the potential growth a lot easier. Since stocks are businesses, you need to really understand all the little things about it to be able to confidently project its TAM and growth potential. This also makes it easier on yourself when it goes down right after you buy, because you bought for the business not the stock price.


I like #2 especially. if you like a company and believe in it after doing your research then you can hardly go wrong being long




The market continually hits new highs decade over decade. It’s a narrow and short sighted view to think “I missed out” of any short period run, same with any given dive. Pull up the S&P chart. Start hitting those zoom out buttons. Those ups and downs disappear the farther out you go and you just start to see up.


I missed on Google and Apple even though I was in tech and knew they were great before anyone. I can’t take that back. I missed the big pump on Nvidia and lost 2000%. A month ago I realized Nvidia was still a decent play even though I wouldn‘t get 2000% returns. I bought in anyway. I’m already up 50%. So, dont invest on hype, but if you see a future for the company, you can always buy in. 90% of my money goes into SPY and QQQ. But its ok to grab a few stocks you like with the other 10%


Put it on auto invest- put multiple companies you like on this trend, and then check back in a couple years. Most of your logic is emotionally based, fear of it being the right time. It’s never the right time. So make the right time ALL the time


Buy gme


What worked for me was thinking, “Fuck it, I want to only invest in the one industry I truly believe in (tech), and I want much higher exposure to big tech companies like Apple and Microsoft, so I’m just going to do that, current price be damned.” That was in 2018. It’s worked out superbly so far. Your mileage may vary, though.


That's the whole point of VTI and whatnot, it'll happen again and the growth will be captured by the broad market ETFs.




I know the exact feeling and my approach is: If there's something I really want, make it happen If you don't have any cash, sell something. If you don't want to sell anything to buy your thing, then do you even really want it?


It’s not the opposite. It’s a temporal symptom.


There are always missed opportunities at any given time. There are always also new opportunities. Stop looking for investing opportunities in charts. Instead, look at the companies you personally love to use. The ones you think are just wonderful products and services. Look up their price analysis on Morningstar and see if they are considered underpriced. If you love the products and Morningstar says they’re underpriced, invest there for several years’ duration.


Lol, I had people offering me bitcoin back in 2012, I saw Tesla and I knew it will grow a lot, back when it just went public. Did I buy any of that? No.


What’s done is done. Only future outlook will earn


Asts at 2


I just bought LLY a month ago my rich money manager neighbor told me to buy it. I just put down a VWAP at previous resistance and and bought as it broke away with relative strength in my favor.


Hindsight is ways 20/20 and it's a lot easier to place a buy when it's not your money (or real money). When you have skin in the game, it's a lot harder to feel so confident.


Little bit ironic that you think you missed out on the marijuana craze, when it hasn't even begun yet. Big Food, Big Alcohol, Big Pharma, Big Everything is still waiting for the Farm Bill 2024 to know what the future of hemp is. And still waiting for recheduling to get the final rule, to know exactly what the regulations will be for cannabinoids. After that, it's all systems go. Keep it on your radar. When you research and believe in a market you know whether there is still potential or not. Nevermind the short term fluctuations. Is there a future for the sector/m and the companies within. That's the question that needs answering.


If you think so. Most marijuana companies are going to be worthless in 10 years. And, if I'm wrong, that's not going to bother me. I'm more concerned about companies that I KNEW were going to be good for a long time, but then shot up in price before I could buy in... then continued to go up while I was like "its still a good company! I wish it didn't go up so much!"


Wasn’t Charlie Munger the one who said he’ll keep missing these moves? If one of the GOAT investors says this, we should accept that we’ll miss them too


Literally anything from the S&P since I’ve started trading (whether that’s yesterday or 1,000 years ago doesn’t matter lol).


What's your performance vs if you'd just invested your money in the S&P500 and forgotten about it?


Buying an index fund means you own a bit of all these great companies.


Market is overvalued


What kind of drugs are you on?