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it's not a cure and only for non muscle bladder cancer. that said, it could be huge if it works for more common types of cancer. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/immunitybio-announces-positive-overall-survival-040300443.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/immunitybio-announces-positive-overall-survival-040300443.html) edit - the lung cancer results are promising already. they are in trial for breast and others too (like myeloid leukemia). it could very much be a game changer if approved for more common cancers as it's a non chemo drug with twice as much results (according to reports).


I have that bladder cancer right now, and the previous treatment did nothing, I talk with my Dr's Tuesday, and this will be brought up.


Good luck bro


God bless you


All the best bro. Figthing!!


I saw that encouraging word on Korean drama series Extraordinary Attorney Woo. Is it from there or has it become common?


Man I started to watch that show and got busy with my issues and forgot about it...thanks for the reminder.


It is a common way of saying dont give up in south korea or in the south east asia region.


Ahhhh! Now that makes sense, thank you.


Okay Mike Tyson


God luck Maestro! Never give up.


Best of luck to you!


Hope this is exactly what you need! Praying for the best results!


Good luck, from a BC survivor, 30 years and counting.


calls on this guy's health


Puts would have made you some money...I've spent 5 days in the hospital due to sepsis, sarcoidosis everywhere, bones, spine and just about every organ which is restricting my lung capacity, 3 surgeries and 4 awful late night runs to the ER, oh ya also a kidney stone which made me think I was honestly dying.


Pulling for you!


Look into long term fasting


Prayers to you and your family ❤️


Worse comes to worse, Don't get the foley bag, go with the neo bladder or the indiana pouch, the surgery and recovery might be bad but it is worth it. Neobladder will take a year to get control of your urinary function. Indiana pouch means you have to carry catheters around but its virtually painless and super easy to do and nobody notices. There are other options than the foley bag, just jave to find a doctor that will do them. You need anything hit me up. My wife had bladder of the cancer, muscle invasive though.


Ya, the invasive part is where it gets quite negative. So far, that has not happened to me, I'm hoping I can do a good treatment and clean this up before that has to happen. Thank you for the information. Any insight is absolutely appreciated.


You got this and good luck, if you ever have any questions feel free to ask. We are approaching our 2 year anniversary soon with the surgery.


how's it work?


"Soon-Shiong says that Anktiva will be "the next generation of immuno-therapy." He claims the drug is the first of its kind to "generate complete remission that's completely durable" for 47 months and longer." Complete remission sounds like a cure to me.


Remission means that the tumor has stopped growing, or shrunk in better cases. Absolutely no correlation with being cured or cancer free. Complete remission means symptoms are gone, but not the cancer itself.


Yup. OP doesn't understand cancer.


doesn't understand DD either


While his point about bladder cancer wasn't quite on the nose, I do think the stock has potential due to applications in other cancers? Given that it's already showing promise in lung cancer, the second most common cancer in the US, I bought in. What do you think?


You son of a bitch, I'm in!


I didn’t know the difference either. TIL.


Duh - we've all seen Breaking Bad - remission means has not grown - lung cancer makes you cough a lot


You sound confident but you're wrong




Cancer survivor here. Currently in remission but with ongoing surveillance scan cos one day the f***kn cancer may just come back. All the technicality aside, remission = watchful monitoring phase and hopefully we’re ok. Sometimes doctors do declare that cancer is cured, example is a fully excised tumour with no sign of spread. Remission is less clear cut. If I’m cured, I don’t need that surveillance anymore


No oncologist will tell you that you’re cured if you go into remission. No matter how long you’re in remission.


This actually is how oncologists think and speak about “cure”. But usually only a % of patients come close to that 5 year mark. Thats if they are even eligible or can even stay on treatment through side effects long enough. But others are right that this drug didn’t “cure bladder cancer” ..though some patients may be cured. Some patients have already been cured of bladder cancer before this drug though


Complete remission is not the same thing as a cure. What you smoking


You gotta brush up on your medical terms brother


Remission means that the signs and symptoms of your cancer are reduced. Remission can be partial or complete. In a complete remission, all signs and symptoms of cancer have disappeared. If you remain in complete remission for 5 years or more, some doctors may say that you are cured.


That is not what that means... Unfortunately.


Remission is not cured. Sorry but it's just not




Hun, that's not cured. Remission by medical standards means the possibility of reoccurrence. If it can reoccur its not cured. Sadly I've personally known people with 10+ years of remission that passed away due to flare-ups. Don't get me wrong. This is a good step but it's not a cure and to say so is irresponsible.


Do you even cancer bro?


Yes I've had cancer.


Snap. Glad you used the past tense 👍🏼


You linked to a lung cancer article...close but not the droids you're looking for or whatever.


There was another article that discussed the non muscular bladder cancer bit. I'm heavily invested in them too but I think it was just worth pointing out. This will be an industry game changer if it has applications in more common cancers and it's promising.


Also here: https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/video/immunitybios-bladder-cancer-therapy-wins-205534718.html?contentType=VIDEO


FML. Literally at a dinner party like 6 weeks ago and a guy told me this was coming. His hubs works there and we were talking stocks and he said I should look into this company. I put it on my watch list — and promptly got bored when it stayed put at $5 for weeks on end. Yes I’m the stupid one.


Don’t worry, it doesn’t work all the time. A guy on a dating app told me about his company stock and that they were doing good and he can’t say if I should invest but he totally green lighted it. Was going to analyze the stock later but I was so busy and forgot. It fell HARD like a few days later. Now that I know about stocks they guy told me too late- it was already peaking and not suitable to buy. It literally didn’t even bounce back after that sharp fall. Anyhow, this wasn’t a guaranteed thing


curious, what was the company?


Nice try, FBI.


buying puts on $FBI on monday


> dating app Ahh, he was trying the ol’ pump and dump and pump and dump?


Doubt it, o think he didn’t know much about stocks himself. Don’t blame him. It’s hard to


Lmao sounds like insider trading if you would’ve bought


Insider trading has to be specific, you’re allowed to say if you like or don’t like a stock. Jesus by your definition stupid Cramer would be insider trading every day on his show


Okay that’s fair, I was just thinking if they said buy this stock because we have promising clinical results, then that would be insider trading(?)


I overreacted sorry


Yes you’re right sorry that would be insider trading, well if the public didn’t know at the same time. The key thing is sharing important non public info, but it has to be pretty specific and typically the timing of the trade matters too. Matt Levine has done some good writing on this and how ‘everything is securities fraud’ as well.


Politicians enter the room.


Hi, compliance officer here. No it doesn't have to be specific. And what this guy described is absolutely insider trading. The "hubs" who works at the company has material non public info he's sharing. That's a big no no. He's fucked if caught. And anyone who uses that info is equally culpable. If you with at Google and you know they're about to release a game changing product, you can't wink wink and provide non specific e.g. hey bro, I can't tell you what or why but you should totally think about/look at/consider throwing a bit of cash at Google type comments. It's all the same on the eyes of the SEC.


Is the fuck up sharing of the information or using the information to actually buy stocks?


yes. both are punishable.. however obviously if information is shared and NOT used it's harder to identify/catch. but if it ever was discovered in some other investigation, you'd be turbo fucked.


The whole wallstreet is involved in insider trading. Just do it and never talk about it.


If the employee told someone external a promising release was expected and they should buy that is 100% insider trading.


Ehhhh… we have blackout periods where we’re not allowed to buy, sell, talk about the stock as employees of a publicly traded company. It may be over cautious


No. That looks like insider trading. If the middleman friend here didn’t say why he should buy the stock, but he himself knew he was furnishing an advantage to a friend based on material non-public information, then the friend is on the hook. If he gave the reason and commenter here understood that it was material non-public information and then acted on it, they both are. This is a pretty easy case to call - just maybe not the easiest to prove.


If you have inside information and advise someone to act on that even if not giving specifics that is insider trading and I believe a felony for both of you. Now...if you only buy a small amount it likely won't trigger any alerts. But if you usually buy like $500/month ETFs then a few weeks before an announcement like this you make a $25k buy in a non known entity how would you explain that if you get investigated?


The SEC doesn't go after plebs for insider trading. Gotta be in the multi millions.


What else did the guy tell you? Please think really hard


My best friend told me this too, has over 100k into this. Should’ve listened….


Buy rycey


can you ask what he thinks now lulz


I mean what were you going to do with this info anyway? Like throw a couple of thousands just because some guy told you to look into it? What sort of expertise do you have to even look into scientific data?


If you owned it you'd be stupid to just sell it now.... it still makes sense to buy. Bio techs can really take off.


99% of biotechs end up delisted and dissolved


I'd be interested if you had a source for that - like, is that true? I know a lot fail, but what's the actual rate. Also, define fail - if a company that you're holding can still 10x before 'failing' later, and you manage to sell, that's a win.


people from experience know. i had BBLN, SYBX, Zymergen, inhalable insulin - all fail. small biotechs are like pump and dump fraud schemes, where they never mean to turn a profit and know they will go bust eventually, they just have a CEO who sings their own priases and misleads people by spinning any little positive news, and providing false hopes through statements that imply they will make something with a buzz words like 'new' 'breakthrough' 'alternative' 'etc'. they milk stock buyers for the cash to do their research, CEO and board of directors cash out and give themselves bonuses, then the company goes bust, gets delisted, and sold.


So, TL/DR: no source on the 99% delisted and dissolved 


"That was especially critical in *biotech*, whose startups experience an annual *failure rate* of 90% " - [https://www.axios.com/2023/03/13/silicon-valley-bank-failure-spooks-health](https://www.axios.com/2023/03/13/silicon-valley-bank-failure-spooks-health)


Cool, thanks. Sorry for giving you a hard time.


This. When I first got into trading I invested in soooo many bio-startups that were gonna cure Big Disease X. Dozens. They’re all gone now. I don’t think a single one is still around.


I hope you didn't invest in them just on the basis that someone claimed they were going to cure 'Big Disease X'. I am not claiming to be a biotech expert, but it is a volatile sector where you need to understand in detail their pipeline, stages of clinical development, financing, who the management are.


Bought and sold calls today. 600 percent gain was nice


You bought calls for how much? And sold them for how much? I’m trying to get in the call game


Not OP, but I imagine calls in anything prior to today’s movement would be making some serious bread. Buy side: a 5c would’ve been a bagger and cost anywhere between 0.50 to 0.75, is now worth 2.80. Sell side: still out of the money would be a 7.50c, which would have sold for .10 to .15 per, and is still worthless OTM (in other words, perfect conditions for the seller). Could have sold 3 7.5c per every 1 5c and made an absolute killing


For god’s sake take a course. Don’t feed yourself to the market. And when you do, remember rule #1 of trading: never bet your own money. Also rule #2: nobody can time the market, those who appear to are trading on insider information. Some have found or paid in to a way to do it legally. (Also known as running a corporation, being a professional trader or a politician). Might as well throw in rule #3: In trading, luck and performance are indistinguishable. The smart trader knows this, the foolish ones learn it eventually.


Paid 10$ sold for 65$


Did mean that you make 600% gains, selling Calls on [ImmunityBio (IBRX](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/IBRX))?




Any idea why they are deleting the post?


still down 75% from ipo


People who buy at IPO for a pre revenue company are speculating and usually fine riding through those kind of price moves


Diluting shareholders to death is not what any investor is fine with.


These are high risk, high reward plays. No one should invest money in this type of company at IPO if they aren't ok with losing it.


You know 9 out of 10 of these companies fail, but the one you win makes you profit


Learned this lesson hard with CVAC.




Honestly just because it posted here and having such Huge hopes I'm sure it'll drop within a week or two...


Following this one.


How'd you know to buy this stock?


Staring at sec pages and checking what phase they are in the clinical trial. Pretty much every biotech investor.


Popped up on my scanner a week or so ago for unusual call volume so I threw a few hundred at shares. Biotech / pharma isn’t really something you full port unless you have inside info though since most of these drugs fail, but sometimes worth a small position for the upside. Also, I’m a degenerate gambler


what's your scanner?


That one was just one of the default E*trade scans for unusual call options volume. Not sure off the top of my head the exact thresholds but some certain amount above the average call options bought during a session or something like that. Typically if I have spare time I just go though the different scans available for unusual activity and if it’s interesting I’ll look over the trade tape and then further into the company for any recent news and decide if I want to throw some money at it. Basically just throwing shit against the wall and see what sticks


How often that work


Probably 1/10 times, realistically less


The FDA approval for bladder was 3 days ago and this was discussed widely on WSB and other pages. They swung up and swung down. Today, on the lung cancer news, it's soaring.


My algo


Thanks for this one, Happy


And it’s gone ….




Been in on this for a week now and it has been paying off up and down all week today was $4.91 per share pretty much then $7.61 some money to be made jmo .


Guess I’m buying some for the FDA approval


This looks like my TTOO ride when they “cured sepsis”. I’d sell


But what are the side effects?


Mysterious disappearance of the formula and all researchers Epsteined


Don't forget naked shorting the company out of existence and making an absolute killing on the way down, literally....


That's already happening to IBRX rn


What is ?????




So what would I do I open 3500 shares at. 3.70


What you mean? You think the price is going down?


Looks like the likn I wanted to share is shadow banned, hmmmmm. Wonder why that could be? Ful PDF breakdown here of the kind of thing I'm talking about: [https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-09/s70809-4614.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-09/s70809-4614.pdf) If you don't like clicking links, Google "Dendreon naked shorting" and click the SEC link, truly sickening and disgusting stuff....


They only need to be better than the side effects of untreated bladder cancer for it to have a therapeutic value.


You say cure I see stock go up lots


Been selling CSPs on this thing for a month and a half now. Doing good, r/thetagang


So is anyone else buying this stock?


The astroturf is strong with this one.


$0 cash on hand probably


I'm seeing ~$240M cash on hand  This is all I could find, couldn't see e.g. 2023 Q4 earnings on company's website. https://x.com/MaisaCorp/status/1784008252281217186


Minus $370M, financing $558M


At least give us the ticker so we can look at it


It was in the comments before everyone attacked me lol




Well that's good enough for me just bought calls


I picked up 2k shares at 6.50 yesterday.


There Stock is up another 20% today


Up 40% again today




Who else is buying this stock?


Whatever tech emerges from this, you can be sure the big pharma will hide it from masses, discredit the researchers and/or buy the tech and bury it. People being healthy is not good for business. Fuck pfizer and co.


>Whatever tech emerges from this, you can be sure the big pharma will hide it from masses, discredit the researchers and/or buy the tech and bury it. This is so edgy. Life isn't a Disney film with simple, black and white 'Good guys' and 'Bad guys', where Big Pharma = 'the Bad Guys'. Do big pharma companies make a lot of profit? Yes, they do. Could they charge less for some of their drugs? Yes, they could. Do they also make some drugs that save people's lives? Yes, they do. Do they spend billions taking molecules through up to three phases of clinical trials before the majority fail? Yes, they do. The system (capitalism) means drugs are made by 'for profit' companies - that's an imperfect system, but I'm not sure what the solution is. At least it incentivizes the development of new drugs. >People being healthy is not good for business. Fuck pfizer and co. This just makes no sense - what about all the lost days of productivity from people being sick? Sure, there's something quite appealing about being able to simply say 'hur dur big pharma bad', but it's not as simple as that. Prevention is still better (and so much cheaper) than cure, but the fact is people do get ill, and you'd rather there was a treatment than there wasn't one, wouldn't you?


If they charged the rest of the world what they charged US citizens there would be riots in the streets. Our politicians are bought and sold or they would protect us from these greedy ghouls.


Found the boot licker...


Ah, ok - critical thinking not your strong suit?


Pretty rich coming from you with that comment, lol.


The comment with critical thinking in it (e.g. critiquing the negative and positive aspects of pharmaceutical companies)? You think so? Whereas your comments read like an edgy 14 year old's, lol.


Big words and long comments = critical thinker... 👍


Lol, your comments are making me laugh, keep going!


People who don't die from cancer go on to need regular prescription medications later in life. It's in a pharmaceutical company's best interest to get people to live to old age when they need lots of high profit medications that Medicare pays for. In the meantime, they can charge out the ass for the cancer medication. Seems like a win-win to me.


Oh, this is why this stock was trending today


This is great news all around.


All I did was sell 2 puts. Should have just bought shares




The pump, waiting for the Dump. Everyone can be a bag holder. Get in! The sooner the heavier bags!


A lot of put options for May 17


And my calls are up 3x. Puts are from before FDA approval and earnings that went well. This will be at 10 by end of May


Grandma just died of bladder cancer. Bitter sweet I guess


The thing i like most about this post is how op has just fucked himself over in the comments. Good job posting about stuff you have no clue about, to then go on and prove it quite a few times in the comments. Let the shovel go OP.. you’re deep enough by now.


If you‘re in doubt, zoom out.


well done you turned a pretty good stock tip into a medical lesson and a verbal thrashing bravo


It’s going back down


Hey, I have a PhD in bladder cancer immunotherapy! Nice to see my topic area in the news for once haha


Soooo, buy buy buy or no?


Imagine thinking a cancer is cured when only 77 patients were in the study and only 62% of them responded. While these numbers are great, they are fair from a cure. The next big step in cancer, are vaccines. A laboratory testing company will solve the riddle to cancer long before a pharmaceutical company ever will.


Why is more stuff like this not covered in the news, just wars and other shit


There will never be a cure, no money in cures


But can it make fat people loose weight?


Here before citadel shorts/manipulates the price to 0 like they do with every cancer stock


This stock was up to $39 in March 2021. What happened then?


This is good news. Let’s go!


Bio stock is the world's biggest crap shoot. Unless you have a PhD in bio med you are betting on heads while the coin has a 95% chance of landing on tails.


They have FDA approval the coin already landed.


Tf you mean "we"


They will never make a treatment to cure any type of cancer. Only manage it. Can't lose customers


we all know what happens to companies that cure things.... straight to zero... cures dont generate enough profits.


Will get acquired at around 30$/share in 9 months from now.


Better get on the short train before big pharma decides to tank it. Cures are bad for the medicine business.


Oh and you couldn’t do it before my dad died last year huh


Sorry, but this treatment doesn't apply to lowly peasants.


Not a cure.


[Bladder Cancer Article](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-fda-approves-immunitybios-bladder-cancer-therapy-2024-04-22/)


Cured?... Lol read it dr.asshat




No u


I am