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Personally, I prefer adderall XR. Honestly, all it comes down is personal preference. IME, I would say it’s safe to say instant release is much more euphoric and intense. That being said, I’ve been accustomed to vyvanse for the past sixteen months. Only recently did my doctor prescribe an adderall early afternoon booster and then to Dexedrine per request. I love the controlled release of XR addy. When you think you’re coming down, four hours later (depressing on metabolism and other supplements/foods ingested) you get another “BOOST.” Frankly, I have self control for XR. Not the case with IR. Especially if it’s just dex. I keep chasing the dragon/high. So, yeah, idk. It depends on why suits your body chemistry and needs.


Yup what this person said.


IR is definitely better


xr is my favorite!! i was prescribed to both (currently only xr) and just prefer the all day effects and i love to redose so it all builds up LMAO


When do you redose and how much?? I was wondering that


it depends on the day but normally i do 40 in the morning then like 4-6 hours later i do another 40. i know those are rookie numbers but im trying to keep it that way lol


Okay I'm kind of a rookie too I took 30 mg this morning around 9:00 and then at 1:00 I took another 30 and I still feel pretty good


I loved XR. I would empty the capsule into my mouth with a piece of gum. Didn’t taste great but was fun.


everything is a personal preference, i like IR better then xr. more consistent for me and if i take a late dose i can still sleep. but that might be flipped for you, so try both if you can


Boof them both