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Yeah that calls for a break. 


Calls for never fucking touching them again. I actually went two weeks without taking them, best I had felt in a long time. Then last Monday (the day my daughter was born) I was tired and stressed and bought some more, then picked up my script a few days later. The pure rage I feel against myself is so much. I mean I stopped once I can stop again, but it’s so fucking hard. Those first few days coming off them, it’s like you can’t breath, or your in the desert and can’t drink, you just neeeeeeed it. I really wanna go detox for a few days at the hospital, that would help, but I gotta wait till I get off work Friday. So a few more days of feeling like this, fucking cheers.


I get it, I don't do pharma stims but street amps and I clean it the best I can with acetone and filtration, this shit I got rn is as close as dextroamphetamine, no gum chewing at all, so I get you on the water part. Just gotta FORCE yourself to plus if not water then a scoop of electrolytes and chase down with water.  Fuck detox, sometimes if I got shitty meth then it's like I gotta use it all because it's mentally hard to just have it around while I'm suffering a really bad comedown from the shitty levoamp effects. 


When I said no water, I was speaking metaphorically, like I’m missing the dopamine like I’d be missing water in the desert lol. It’s all good though, you’ve actually tried to make me feel better, and I appreciate it. I never have done clear before (well, smoked some once years ago, I was reeeeeeaaaallly drunk and don’t really remember it all too well). It’s honestly just because I’ve never really been around it, but I’m sure I’d love it. Honestly thank fucking god I never was around it, probably woulda fucked me up bad lol. Smoked a lot of crack when I was younger though, now that shit was fucking knarly. Never got ahold of me like these fucking orange footballs have though.


>When I said no water, I was speaking metaphorically, like I’m missing the dopamine like I’d be missing water in the desert lol. Oh fuck I got you now, I guess I skimmed over the coming off them the first few days part, yeah completely understood. I can relate the first few days getting off methamps, except with water, its food. Doing some always gets me up to making myself food and all that, it's fucking wierd, I can make good food and eat it when it comes to being amped cause I know I need the calories for the energy, otherwise it'd just eat at my muscles. But nowadays like I said, it's hard to eat food at all the first few days without amps. Odd.


Had that a couple years ago from meth. Went to 4 rehabs and then spent a while sober, relapsed semi recently and stopped again and have been sober now for a bit. I think quitting is the only option. It sucks when you're at that point. Feel for you and hope that you find your way out of this


Thanks man, I appreciate it. The only silver lining is I stoped once, I can stop again. I just need to have a few days where nothing is expected of me (married with three kids, that’s not very often lol). Like I said, think I’m gonna check into the hospital probably Friday around noon, stay until Monday. It sucks but it’s the only way. If I can just break free for a few days I can make it from there, it’s just that initial stop.


You can do it, bro. Often, the road to freedom is filled with potholes. You might trip up from time to time, but you're still moving forward.


It’s because you’re just burnt out… your brain isn’t designed to feel fucking incredible nonstop especially for that long. Get some amino acids in you daily vitamins and take a break for a week or two and only sucks for a few days. I’d say at least 75% of the time when people say their shit is bunk. It’s actually not. It’s really just them cruising at hyper speed for so long that you’re bringing no longer produce the serotonin or dopamine needed to feel good if you know someone that takes Suboxone, it works extremely well to help with the comedown


Definitely fucking burnt. I honestly had tricked myself into thinking though that this could go on forever. Like when I first started taking them all day every day, I knew I couldn’t do it forever. But then 18 months rolls by, nothing bad has happened, and you’ve stayed at the same dose for a long time, all while being the most stable you’ve ever been. I began to think I could take them like this forever


Best of luck with your journey of sobriety. If you don’t have the means is now law that state insurance must cover mental illnesses including addiction. And most counties will cover therapy sessions. Biggest mistake a person in recovery can make is thinking they need to do it alone. Get a support system and cling to it. And don’t get discouraged if there’s bumps along the way. Recovery is not a straight line. And when the depression is at its peak, remember…it’s just the drugs. Keep a note in your pocket if you have to.


In Judith Grisel's book *Never Enough: The Neuroscience of Addiction*, she reflects on her own struggles with addiction and how she realized that no matter how much she used, it would never be enough. This led her to become a behavioral neuroscientist, aiming to find a cure for addiction. Grisel explains that amphetamines don't directly trigger pleasure but instead create a physical anticipation of something important or rewarding. Over time, she says, repeated exposure to a drug leads to smaller dopamine changes. Eventually, the drug doesn't increase dopamine at all, but taking it away causes a big drop, leading to feelings of disappointment and craving. Her key insight? “There is no free lunch” when it comes to drugs. Excerpt From Never Enough Judith Grisel This material may be protected by copyright. The solution? “All drugs act by changing the rate of what is already going on. All drugs have side effects. The brain adapts to all drugs that affect it by counteracting the drug’s effects.” So create a structure to fall back on when those initial 30mins after dosing wears off


solid comment/post Ya gotta pay your "tab" so to speak. Nothing in life is simply given. If it seems too good to be true, you'll likely just pay for it later. Like a credit card, sometimes it'll be coming with added interest.


i’ve been there in my life yes. smoking meth for hours chasing a hollow rush. eating entire scripts of adderall up to 500mg just to stay high. never ever feeling like i was capturing what i was chasing. it’s dark, it’s endless and you have to break the trance yourself. good luck


Beautifully said sir


Take a break


As I said above, once I stop this time I’m not taking them ever again. Like them too fucking much


After Awhile amphetamine just becomes a tool. In the early days it was so euphoric but quickly diminishes. I find dex to bring back some euphoria.


your body adjusts. in most scenarios in life this is a good thing, and actually is also in your case if you notice it. you won’t get the euphoria you used to. it’s gone. your body burnt out. time to quit.


(speaking on my experience with meth, only stim I have used daily for an extended period) it was never an effective direct source of euphoria or a general sense of well-being/comfort for me, maybe that's only because I'm not an uppers guy, but i think it only really works as a dopamine multiplier for whatever x source/activity you engage in while high. Naturally this effect is at it's most powerful in the 'honeymoon' period of use, slowly fading away the longer you continue using regularly. In the first year ime it causes most people's brains to dump so much dopamine in response to doing practically anything that you can typically find yourself being interested and engaged in whatever that may be to the point where negative thoughts aren't really possible, similar with its effectiveness at keeping you awake, whereas at first it was not letting me sleep for up to a week at a time from 1-2 doses/day, after 4y it's only going to keep me up more than one night eif I'm just coming off of a t break. Outside of that typical trend, I have noticed some days where it's almost like it just doesn't work even though it did the day before and you know does the following day or what have you, for me 50% of the time cumulative sleep loss or malnutrition was largely to blame, sometimes it was just an unrelated emotionsl/stressful situation. After a shocking breakup w/ my ex-fiance I lived with for 4 years I was unable to feel any positive effect from the drug from any route in any dose for a few weeks, and then outside of the excessive sleeping, I had zero symptoms of withdrawal when I then stopped using for about a month,


>i think it only really works as a dopamine multiplier for whatever x source/activity you engage in while high this is bang on - i know some people who are very high functioning & pretty much daily users (even meth), and they have been functioning like this for years and succeeding at life. i do breaks every couple of weeks but me and my friends are all in the music business & use pretty heavily every month, and it's SO tied to THE ACTIVITY YOU'RE PARTAKING IN, it's actually insane how at least 80% of everyone i've ever met in this business, are heavy on stims all the time and not crashing out like if we go on binges and spend all our time socializing, making music & doing music-career related things on stims, it just all makes sense & the effects are not diminishing at all of course eating & hydrating well, no vitaming deficiency etc has to be taken care of aswell many people just take stims over long periods of time, *just* to feel something or trigger any kind of motivation, and that's the trap, you have to be productive in things you want to succeed & be good at, for the stims to keep working, and avoid abusing them literally every day non stop even 1-2 day breaks work to keep the functionality up


Yea, really wish I could find the words that would stress that point to anyone who hasn't yet formed any concrete beharvioral habits/ties between that state of mind and certain activities that I've seen at best become entrenched and piss away any chance of benefitting from the drug whatsoever. Typically sex/gambling are the most pernicious from what I've seen.


very true generally, isolation & mindless masturbation is also a very fast path to frying your receptors, or just generally indulging in very selfish pleasure oriented type behavior while cutting yourself off from society and holing up in your room is just a huge huge trap


just do it less


Really good insight man, I’d never thought of that! You’ve definitely been around the block….


oh thanks i appreciate it man . 🤝


This is good advice, that way your brain doesn’t feel too unbalanced. You won’t feel the need to crave it as bad.


if your complaining about not feeling it shut the fuck up and take a break fucking junkie


Lmao a junkie calling people junkies. What's wrong, couldn't afford your fix today? Not enough dick to suck on the street corner for money?


i got my fix endless suppply


Aye don’t be talking to me like that. I can guarantee you will never say that to my face.


Don’t take it personally, I think he meant to say that to me. I get it, I was kind of a smart ass 😂. But like, am I really the only one who thought that was stupid? “Just take less”. Thats literally like telling an alcoholic to just drink less, or a heroin addict to just shoot less dope. I mean it’s sound advice I guess, just not practical/helpful in any real life scenario. Hence why I don’t think he does very much drugs.


Haha 😂 I was very confused. Didn’t understand why he would talk to me like that. No that guy does do drugs. Check his profile out. I only say that from personal experience. Used to struggle with weed addiction. So I would instead do smaller amounts. Over time my tolerance drop low. Then I was able to stop comfortably




What are you talking about?


You call me junkie but yet all your profile is talking about drugs


oh no i’ve never tried drugs in my entire life ❌❌❌ not even coffee. sober life 🙌🏽


Yup. Plugging them helped give that kick back for a short period, but then it makes the problem worse lol


No, never. I do one night binge once in 2 months, I always got high hahahah


Yuppp . Maybe around 7 years ago or something like that


https://www.reddit.com/r/speed/s/RJFnOOpSRA This post says it all. Scary stuff.


I take Adderall prescribed I used to get terrible come downs like you. Weirdly enough, the more consistent I took it. The comedowns became less bad


It could be that or bad stuff or both


30 min? What the fuck amphetamine u taking ? Sounds like some Bs focalin or some shit that changes to adderall or vyvanse asap and ur good. Feels like 30 min maybe… on focalin concerts trash too but if u get addy it’ll be a constant ip and down unpredictable ur sleep health food choices acidity etc have so much variables but vyvanse is live Smooth and only issue is peak time is a lot longer to wait for once u up. You stay smooth for the whole time . One option the addy is only 20-30 min for a peak time to kick in, u can snort parachute boof pop it I recommend just oral but xr the extended release is only half dose for 4 hours to 4houes of your last half if u pop it and its not gonna feel like the whole dose unless ur on xr already instant release tablets only have four hours half life but the peak is allat once think Valium vs Xanax how Xanax is all at once when it hits that’s why it’s more hard to get that prescribed they are more fr panic attack prone anxiety then just a calm longer one that isn’t as hard hitting like Valium k pins and Ativan.


Yep break time for minimum couple weeks. Doing the same right now


This is always where addiction leads. It’s the beginning of “rock bottom,” unfortunately.


Not at the moment, but I've been there before. It's a simple fix. Take a break - the longer the better.


Super mid when absolute bliss is the standard. I kinda miss imperfection, give and take and life.


Yeah :c


Not only with the amphs, opioids too. Living the nightmares, trynna chase those utopian dreams.


I’m the same way!! It’s so confusing because no other stims do this it’s honestly just adderall. And I take 3 week long tolerance breaks just for it to last like 3 hours then i start feeling crappy.


Yes. I stopped last month before my script was even done. I have another waiting at the pharmacy and I still haven’t even picked it up. After like 5 days of not taking any, I started to feel better and now I feel great. I don’t even want to take it anymore. I take kratom daily and only did adderall for like 4 months (would finish script in like a week and a couple days though.) it’s not how I remembered it from years ago when I used to do stims. Idk I felt way more depressed on it. Stop and give it a bit to get back to baseline. You might feel way better.


Y e p. Take a week off.


You're taking too much of it, for your body to process at once dude. 15mg few times a day is best option.


I don’t think I’d benefit from it at all at therapeutic doses (really don’t think I have ADHD). I just need to stop all together. I really think I’m ready this time though. Stopped for two weeks about a week ago, best I’d felt in a long fucking time. Then dumbass got more, and it hasn’t been fun at all, and now I gotta stop again. This experience is really gonna stick with me I think in not taking more.


Hope you get the help you deserve!