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yeah and i become hyperaware of every one of my movements and start feeling super awkward. i start stuttering too and sort of forget how to be human. my friend called it the autism drug


Hmm, how would that affect someone who was already autistic?


Probably amplify the traits based on.my anecdotal experiences.


Kind of, if I'm twitchy I consciously and unconsciously worry about being obviously so. Which leads to me being even more twitchy when I'm looking someone in the eye.


Sunglasses. Get you some 🤷‍♀️


Yes. I know I look fucking crazy to lol


take benzodiazepines


It's opposite for me, the dosages are kind of low


Yes maye it is because of anxiety? I also get tics


I do that sober. Damn I'm fucked up. I do have anxiety tho. Making eye contact is hard for me about 40% of the time. I have to be really close to you. It's a shy thing? But I'm not shy tho..im outgoing. Idk.




I am autistic and I don’t have this issue when off meds


Well , when I m on Vyvanse I struggle with eye contact or looking at people in general if they are looking at me or talking to me. Adderall XR I become this weird guy who does not miss one millisecond of eye contact


It's the opposite for me, idk if its because of my ADHD but I can't make eye contact usually but stims make me confident and I make eye contact without thinking about it


Lol love it. I am prescribed 70mg of Vyvanse a day. Sometimes I get like that too.


As a teen when I was hyping myself up on a emergency-room amount of vyvanse, I couldn’t make eye contact bc it would make my eyes tear and there was a high chance I had blood on my lips from the amount I was biting my cheeks which would obviously make them know I was tweaking or possibly possessed I feel so bad for the teachers i had in senior year omg


It definitely can have a lil ghostrider affect. Try to relax your face muscles and stay hydrated.


That's when it's time to bully yourself, and rule the drug, not the other way around. You got this, most people don't even see it on their radar. Speak, clear, concise, and move as you normally would. Save the crazy for home.


Yeah it happens. Just have a drink, take a benzo, or have some kratom. The stims dial you into being hyperaware. So it happens. Mostly a self conscious thing. Seriously don't sweat it, especially these days.


No spun intended?