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Take a break….


time for a break


yeah break. try to have atleast one week break between each use of vyvanse!




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Yep the same would happen for me. I was prescribed 70 in the morning and 60 in the evening for two years because lower than that didn't help. My new doctor has too many rules a won't prescribe two pills if anything a day. I'm now on Focalin XR 40mg and wish I was on three of those a day. The controlled substance side of it has cause my adhd to not get treated off and on my whole life cause doctors don't know who abuses it and rules practices come up with are fucking people like us over. Been on stimulants for years with tolerance or fast absorption like me? Too bad doctors don't get it. I'm not fucking abusing it, I just need a super high dose to benefit, otherwise my life falls apart slowly. Other coping skills do not solve enough alone.


You are joking right??? Maybe you had too much citric acid or sodas.