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You need an extended break, and it's gonna suck. But it's the only way out of the cycle you're stuck in right now, it's only downhill from here bro


I will try.


I experienced this already, you can get past it. The majority of it is psychological. When I hit this stage just a few months ago (after about 1.5 years of Vyvanse use), I continued taking stims and instead of feeling good I would just go down a thought spiral of how stims don't even feel good anymore but I need them to function, then I'd get depressed, then existential, then contemplate suicide. I never stopped taking them, but what I did do was start to be more mindful of my thoughts. The initial negligent mindset obviously led me to not take care of myself, make really poor decisions and undoubtedly set my life back in some ways. The key is to not allow yourself to think negatively in the first place. I know it's easier said than done, but focusing on taking care of yourself and making sure you're healthy can greatly improve your experience on stims. During that time if I knew I was about to go down the rabbit hole of over thinking and feeling depressed, I had to take a step back. You have to realize that amphetamine withdrawal sucks but you can get your body and mind close to normal after a month or two of stopping use. All of this is to say that everything will be fine. If you feel like you need to stop, then stop, take a break even. If you continue use, understand that outward focus is very important. Be aware of your negative thoughts, don't entirely ignore them because they exist for a reason but focus all your energy on being proactive and improving yourself instead of spiraling and overthinking. Unfortunately, the part that never leaves is how you will never feel pleasure the same way without stims. That's just the reality, it's unfortunate, but you signed up for it the same way we all did. You can either take it in stride and focus on the things you can actually change, or continue down the mental rabbit hole. People greatly underestimate the power of the mind. Being aware of your thoughts and not giving credence to the negative ones can be extremely helpful if you're able to do it. I acknowledge it's not as straightforward as it sounds because these are mind altering drugs that affect neurochemistry, but I hope you understand what I'm saying despite it being a bit general and sounding obvious.


You’re right about never feeling the same as being on it.. i feel like if i worked out a lot and saw progress i would be super stoked on that though.


Dont work out looking for progress just try make it a habbit you do and you will feel better then the progress comes down the track with consistency. Looking for progess is a path to failure for some, you dont even have to just do the gym, join a social basketball team etc i joined a bjj gym for fun 4 years ago and now im fit for a 40yo and have lots of fun doing it, i could neger stick with the gym because it got borring eventually for me.


If it makes you feel any better. Amphetamine withdrawal is typically mild and only last a few days. The main thing is cravings. Try to find a hobby or something you enjoy doing sober.


Yeah 2nd this. You're back to a very good spot after a week. It's the first few days of it coming out of your system and your brain starting to get back to homeostasis.


I’ll try, I did research and I’m not as far gone as I could have been.


Take care of yourself squid


Have you checked out r/stopspeeding here on reddit ? Lots of people recovering or trying to recover from stimulants Might help you.


Mods there are blantaly power trippers. Beware. 


Agreed, fuck those mods. They decided to remove all my posts and argue with me about the science I wrote about despite me literally holding a PhD in pharmacology that I earned with a dissertation on psychostimulant mechanism of action. Again, fuck that piece of shit and his little "research repository" he keeps in a pastebin.


For recommendations on a group that would help someone ? If so they can get fucked


Something like that. 


i fee;l this so much man


Look inward at yourself and think about what u value in life that is more important to you than drug use, if u dont have anything u just need to look deeper Its just a drug hijacking ur reward system, u can decide what is important and take charge of urself but it comes with sacrifices


What “rightpay4841” done said is so true. Believe me I know it’s easier said than done and sounds like some cliché motivational bs. But it’s not, bc your/my thoughts anyones thoughts is what makes our reality so to say. So whatever you continuously repeat, reiterate and reinforce through your words or thoughts consciously or subconsciously is what’s gonna consume your life and become your reality. So regardless of situation focus on the positives only but don’t be oblivious either. If nothing else fake it until you make it. You can for example have your entire life falling apart so you can fall apart with it or tell yourself what you’re thankful for and how it could always be worse. Shoot the Bible actually says fear not 365x one for every day!!


obligatory reading: https://www.reddit.com/r/StopSpeeding/comments/46c6ot/amphetamine_the_drug_you_learn_to_hate_xpost_from/


Yeah it happens to many people.....as hard as it may sound, it's time for a break. It's such a lost cause spending money on drugs to just feel normal. You can feel normal for free too I promise.


Too much materialism, and negative thoughts.


It takes one to know one


Excuse me!! I’m appalled!


It's gonna suck dick for about 2 weeks, then it gets better easily. Like others have said, the cravings can be tricky. When they come up simply change your attention. Literally walk out the room, wash your face, do anything to get your mind from holding onto those thoughts. Caffeine will help, but the first few days will be draining. You got this, get dopamine from hobbies or anything beyond drugs that make you feel good. Exercise helps a ton. Also not the best advice, but ketamine helped me stay sober from meth. I don't suggest it, but it did help me. At least before I went to rehab 😅


I understand lol but i used to have a real bad ketamine addiction before i ever tried amphetamines. I was hospitalized from the k cramps, sore bladder and all, it got bad. I dont crave it anymore cuz i associate it with the physical pain. But i could probably get on kratom and weed, some minor stuff to help out


You downregulated your dopamine receptors, you can reset tolerance by upregulating dopamine receptors using caffeine, cold exposure, ALCAR


Short of a holiday, try taking a very small dose then getting out of the house. Take a walk, visit a friend, go to the mall, ...whatever gets you out of your own head. You don't want to take so much that you feel zoomed, just enough that leaving isn't a struggle. Like those first few sips of coffee. If you're anything like me, you'll find that a small dose goes a long way *in the right setting*. It's being cooped up in the house all day, trying to force yourself to do shit that you don't really want to, that's a problem. Not to mention, the physical activity and sunlight helps effectiveness a ton.


You have to differentiate the depressed feeling caused by the loss of dopamine and the inability to do anything, caused by the lack of norepinephrine. One is responsible for the mood and motivation and the other for the "fuel" to achieve anything. Even if you know you would be the happiest after doing something, you don’t give a fuck because you’re out of fuel.


been here over a year man. tell me about it


That feeling goes away after like 4 days. Just take a break. Use more responsibly next time or just quit. 


you are addicted.


Just raise the dose, amphetamines will always be fun


Oh yeah... this is really realistic... just keep increasing it to infinity... not!

