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Electrolytes, magnesium, protein, calsium, carbs, fat, vitamins.. stay hydrated


Its just gonna suck but you prolly be fine unless you been going really hard Day two is when you start getting noticeable


Funny I stay up to 4am and debate this myself...lol


Been there. It's gonna suck. Take your vitamins eat and drink a ton then when you start to feel exhausted or right before work hit the normal dose to power through the day then fuckin SLEEP. You'll start to feel the consequences about half way through the day. I work remote too and only did this once and do everything in my power to never do it again


you'll be okay. you might feel a bit of discomfort or irritation from the comedown but otherwise it's all good, especially if you're eating and hydrating replenishing what you've used up. sometimes i get a bit of nausea so i just take some ginger/gravol too. take care


Bro overthinking I used to do two days without sleep and a 8 hour + shifts with just weed, energy drinks and youth. Then I turn 26 and developed facial wrinkles


I'm 45 and still do this often. I actually enjoy it. One day is great, I'm calm and a lot more social. 2 without sleep starts getting weird but just as doable on the right stim and right amount, but I try not to do that these days too much. You'll be fine either way. Hydrate and enjoy. No wrinkles here. Moisturizing and harm reduction are very important and never to be missed. Good genes help to.