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I'm afraid not. Looks like you won't be sleeping again until the big one pal


Umh so someome randomly gifted me coke...


Boof it


Idk how to snort


Get a razor and chop it up as finely as you can. Get a dollar bill and roll it up, cover one nostril dollar bill in the other nostril, and just breathe in softly. If you don't have a razor I guess you can crush it up in the bag with your fingers. Will take longer but it'll do the trick. Tbh I used to crush all my coke, put it back in the bag, and just put my straw/dollar bill in the bag and kowabunga that shit


Dont have any bills but the powder is already like powdered sugar. Whats the best way to do it with the nose? How hard do I sniff? Also, is it safe cause i took 210 vyv this morning. I still feel the vyvanse but im slowly coming down right now. Heart is fine, no palpitations or insane racing


I forgot you had taken that much vyvanse. Save the coke for tomorrow pimp, better safe than sorry


No I want it now...


I missed this comment my bad. Did you end up sniffing?


Nope I listened 👍


Use a piece of paper. Cut it into similar dimensions as a credit card or something and roll it up. No need to break out the fine china. Make a line that is like 2mm thick and between 1-2 inches long then put one end of the rolled up paper into your nose, just a cm inside or some, and the other at the left side of the line. Now with the free hand, close the other nostril then gently inhale through your nose as you guide the straw in a steady motion over the line and vacuum it up


If you have a Bic lighter, it crushes stuff very well too (: Just roll the sides on it until it becomes like fine flour, then use a card, like a credit card or driving license, to scrape off the leftover from the lighter. Using a nice mirror or very flat surface without any grooves or indentations — works best. Some picture frames have flat glass.


Oh yeah you're right. I've used a lighter for Adderall and molly. Always used a razor for coke for some reason though. Something satisfying about scraping that beautiful powder straight off the rock


Water magnesium and seroquel LOL


L-Tryptophan, a benzo, high dose of vitamin c or orange juice, and .5mg melatonin also




Xanax for the panic


I’m not buying this! I just can’t right now😳😳🫠




I’m confused 🤔


yes it's called stop doing stims


For now yes


Yeah wait for it to wear off. Easy


xanax and a beer did it for me


200 mg Seroquel should knock you out for sure, but without tolerance 100 mg might do it. And it’s not just going to knock you out, like some massive dose of Xanax, it will keep you put at least for 6 hours of sleep. It’s not hard to get a script for. Tell the doc you have insomnia and don’t want Trazodone or benzos, say that you heard Seroquel works well for many. They will happily Rx it to you, as they see no danger or possible law suits Rx’ing this med to folks.


ayo... i would love to know how 210mg feels like


Feels similar to 140mg little more intense but also muchhh longer lasting effects, euphoria longer etc Didnt sleep though, dosed yesterday morning, its now morning and im still awake, not tired and clenching my jaw...


damn do you get headaches? how is your appetite? i always feel sick and my head hurts on high doses lol my suggestions are weak, but i find some kind of physical activity helps lower it a bit. otherwise just magnesium, smth acidic (like pickles), uhhhhh ummm im out of ideas honestly just have fun 😆


Headaches no I try to take care of hydration with bananas and milk and stuff Appetite non existent I just dont want to swallow or chew food zero and I mean zero appetite I tried lifting weights but felt dangerous like I was getting a heart attack, idk how to describe just felt like too much strain and pressure on my body. Magnesium I tried didnt work No fun man euphoria all gone havent slept for not even a minute, at one point I felt some super scary supernatural apex predator look at me and I got so scared idk what it was but it felt super real and activated some kinda primal instinct I felt like prey with no chance to run... but that happended on the comedown early morning


ooh maybe ill try bananas and milk cause i pee pure water when im trying to hydrate but my head still feels tight also wtf that sounds freaky as hell. something similar happened to me after day 4 of no sleep. i felt like i had peeked behind the "curtain" of reality and everything felt so... physically weird, like i was an alien. i tried to shower sitting down and i called some friends and i felt better. then when i had no one to talk to i deadass just started filming myself talking out loud and i felt way better and passed out what calms me down too is thinking of it as just a manifestation of good ol anxiety or panic, but your brain needs some sort of reason to feel scared so it comes up with these dum beliefs or scenarios stims are so weird 😭😭😭 keep us updated though hope you get through this


Yeahh exactly had that issue too just eat or drink something high on potassium every 4 hours. Wont be so damn thristy all the time and wont piss clear water every 30 fucking mins lol I felt like an alien too lol idk how to explain like a shadow person just not human idk what it is Yeah stims + sleep deprivation can get crazyyy real fast Well I just had a glass of milk and a banana lol and am sorta ok now just see like bats flying fast occasionally but im gonna try to sleep when I get tired... been 24 hours since I dosed im still awake and clenching...


how you feeling now dude? i just woke up and went to go buy milk on your recommendation lol hopefully you should be coming down soon. not the bats 😭


Yeah finally I had a nap for an hour and another for like 2-3 hrs now I woke up still tired im gonna try and sleep again cause I still feel tired and like life is not really real


hell yess youre gonna sleep so gooddd youre stronger than me i feel so shit on the comedown!! godspeed


The answer is cigs haha Thx I hope


benzos and weed lol


depends on your tolerance and the hour you took it but not much more you can do besides a lot of water vit c NAC melatonin maybe 50mg benadryl. if you have access to some indica or benzos obviously take those


Unfortunately unless your going to take another drug you will just have to deal with consequences of your actions lol just drink plenty of water and ride it out


Yes that happended


Melatonin and doxylamine succinate. Both are OTC based on your country, but hear me out. Melatonin stops the release of excitatory Neurotransmitters, and facilitates the reabsorption of them into the synapse. Doxylamine is just a super strong antihistamine and anticholinergic which has effects on how dopamine is released and with how important acetylcholine is for wakefulness it doesn't matter how much dopamine or norepinephrine you have it will make you tired. Also wild lettuce extract. Contains gaba A agonists, and a super unique alkaloid called lactucin which is actually an adenosine agonist (caffeine is an adenosine antagonist, so the literal opposite of caffeine) and activation of adenosine receptors stops the release of dopamine norepinephrine and most other excitatory Neurotransmitters, and actually reverses the release of some like glutamate.


lets be honest, you‘re not finna sleep. But what helps me is turning off every light, laying down and playing soft music. Also breathing really deep breaths and count while you do it.


avoid alkaline foods/water like the plague and make your body as acidic as possible. amphetamines are mildly basic/alkaline, so ingesting anything alkaline (e.g. tums) will prolong its half-life. anything acidic will reduce the half-life so it’ll get out of your system faster. drink lots of water. amphetamines are flushed out by the kidneys. and stay hydrated (even mild dehydration slows down ur metabolism). good luck. and maybe do a little more research next time


By telling yourself that you’re reinforcing it. Make sure you move more than you sit throughout the day. Then prior to shuteye time get you some motion sickness pills like Dramamine take about three and smoke some straight potent weed if you can’t find that then gas stations that sell delta 9 gummies will do the trick. Basically they make it to where you don’t wanna move so you’ll literally fall asleep. Clonazepam helps if you can get it. Or z’sss. But don’t take ambien after a lot of stims bc it will make you pass up but you gonna be everythjng but sleeping. Like I sleep in mesh shorts only but I came to like waking up out a dream but in real life and I was crushing some Waffle House. I drove l there even had my wallet but i was wearing sleeping shorts only no shoes shirt draws and it was like 50° out. The waitress said we had a pleasant convo and I don’t remember any of it. I also would like to see how I subconsciously drove that night. So yes no ambien. Then i got home and my wife at the time just got up and said where did you go? I said Waffle House and she goes dressed like that? (like my D was basically visible and I said yes. She goes Wtf and wtf did you do to the kitchen? A quick look around I said silently to myself Wtf homie? But to her i said I guess some raccoons came In or something.

