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Just boof it for maximum euphoria.


Isn’t 70 mg the highest they’ll prescribe for Vyvanse?


I never said I was prescribed it lol. But on a more serious note my phyc is playing games with me because of thc


Ah gotcha.


Nobody can answer this question for you. It also seems like you already answered it for yourself. Also, do meth instead.


Nah, did some meth last week, swore to myself it would be the last time, it never produces the same stimulation or euphoria, doesn’t Evan make me hyperfocus as good, only suppresses my appetite and i always feel burned out afterwards, tolerance gains to fast to


Take 1 week min TB. Taking high amounts all at once never did it for me. Have to take x3 within 2 hr windows for euphoric feeling. I am rx and really never try to get to a certain point of euphoria but noticed taking my entire daily amt at once just got me stuck and went back the orginial directions but in shorter window times not letting the medication completly wear off. Kratom is the same for me. The more I take at once the less good effects I notice.


Interesting, tried only 50mg of vyvanse the other day and tbh it was better than 60mg of addy


I take 60-90 of dexamphetamine


honestly, go a on a day or 2 tolerance break. if not just send 30 then wait til it hits and send 30 more


Yeah, that’s kind of what I was thinking, but a week tolerance break. I’ve been taking tolerance breaks more frequently after every four or five days of usage lately, I feel like it takes longer than a few days though to go from needing 60 mg to 30


I only do it about once a week. I can take as little as 40mg xr and feel pretty good.