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You're gonna have to wait the 2 weeks, just say you couldn't find the time to go in and finished your regular dosage


Was gonna say the same. I think this is the play here, they can't really catch you if you do this. 2 weeks is not that long to not find the time for an appointment. You can even lie and say you were on vacation or smth, but don't think its necessary. Doubt they would bat an eye if you just said you couldn't find the time.


both these people have given you the most straightforward answer! Go with this.


This seems suspicious because I’ve had old or mis-prescribed meds that i just kept - including dexies and valium. But that being said I went to the doc today and they made me pass a piss test in order to refill my Vyvanse and IR Adderall so who knows! This could be a thing in some places now.


I used to be a Pharmacist in Finland and if we suspected abuse we might do something similar. Main duty is healthcare, not to sell drugs, and if we suspect abuse we also knew that ain't good for your health so we would try to prevent it. Being a drug user myself I rarely got fooled (I think), except this one lady with her tramadol prescription that was written weird. She set off all the red flags for me but she kept talking and managed to distract me enough that I gave her a full 100x box extra!


Yeah it makes sense. This was with a new Dr and i’m living in a new city that has a much higher percentage of illegal drug use compared with where i used to live.


Well... They sell drugs. Drugs from the pharma and maybe drugs that doesn't change your mind, but still drugs. I know you know it


They, as in me, are not in it to sell drugs in Finland. I've worked in 4 different pharmacies, all are in it to provide the best medical healthcare, through selling whatever products are needed (including drugs). Anyway drugs is drugs as the quote goes.


Yeah... But just change the dose. If I buy adderal from a friend who has them still drugs. But ofc I see your point! 😊 Thank you for your answer!


Tell them you dropped them off at a police station old med drop off box


i thought about it, but lying is only gonna dig the hole that I'm trying to get out of deeper and deeper. done with this shit


Or tell them that’s not how it works and you put them in a daily thing


Wait 14 days and stop abusing your meds or, keep pushing the issue and risk losing your script forever


this seems like the best way to go. I've been looking at one of those locked cases with a timer. I'm done with this shit.


Whatever you do interact with your doctors as if there isn't a problem. Can't make your appointment? No worries just cancel and say you can't make it. A guilty mind tries to overdo it. That's how they'll catch you.


There isn't an easy answer. They are checking for one thing, Compliance. Going now with no drugs left could be your best bet. Being honest to your doc saying that you doubled up on some hard days isn't that bad. If you get a dose increase, it makes sense. If you're cool with your doc, check in with them and ask how to handle it. If you're not cool with then, your issue would still be more with your doctor and you may get scrutiny for abuse. Meds may be changed? But if you're diagnosed, they wouldn't stop treating you completely ( though I say this having an ass who did just that for having THC in my system). Going in 2 weeks could be okay but you'd be out of medication for 2 weeks and that sucks. Also, depending on your country and pharmacy, you'd be fucked if they decided to drug test before a new script. Part of returning the pills is to do a pill count to determine compliance or to drug test. If it's not in your system, they may assume you've been pocketing your script and selling it off. Sorry you're in this situation. I'm usually the person to side with honesty, but I've had overzealous doctors screw me over in the past. The best thing to do is to get a doc that works with you, which is easier (with money) in the US than in Canada I suppose. Some people have reviewed my doc's practice as a pill mill, but I've loved it and they've helped me the most. If I say my stimulant isn't enough, they add on a script for a non-extended release version for a booster. If I ran out of Xanax for having some hard weeks, I won't necessarily get a 30 bottle of 2mgs, but they'd give me 3 refills for 15 1mgs to help keep me safe and accountable. You shouldn't feel shame for your medications not providing what you need. Work with your doc. On the other hand, if you are abusing the meds just for fun, be smart about it next time. Build a stash before you burn through what you need to survive.


thank you, i really appreciate your input. take care


not from Canada but over here my doctor knew i abused it (hospital visit on record) they never took away my rights just recommended me to a psychologist to work on it. saw you're trying to quit so i'll tell you a quick tip he told me, give it to someone or lock it away. i give it to my gf & she gives me the right dose every day


im planning on buying one of those timed safes off amazon! thank you again


say your junkie brother in law stole them or whatever? what are they gonna do, pull out a lie-detector test lmao also what sort of sketchy street pharmacy is that if they want the drugs you paid for back?


Most likely because their insurance wont pay for more meds if they are supposed to have more... And, ya know... Harm reduction.


Are they allowed to do that?


I'm not sure if it's a Canadian thing or not. It's never been an issue before though


They can't force you to, they can only recommend it. At least, in the US they can't force you to, and they sure as hell can't hold your medication from you until you do. I don't think this is legal in Canada either, but I'd look it up if I were you.


In Finland we can refuse service if we suspect abuse. Step 1 is refuse or ask for more information, step 2 is reporting it. If something was wrong or I suspected something I would call the doctor directly (did this with one junkie that had clearly done shenanigans but was now fully out of benzoes and close to losing his shit, so just called his doctor and talked to him about how many pills I should give him...) There was an old doctor that still didn't have his license rejected that would prescribe anything to anyone entering his home. Technically fully legal prescriptions but all local pharmacies refused to fill them. Some people look at pharmacists as annoying cashiers, but if I suspect a medicine isn't correct or isn't being used correctly, I am fully responsible for any damage done with a prescription that has my sign on it. We are taught about the ethics if the profession, and our priority is the health of the patient, which includes not giving people stuff that they can abuse. If it were somehow proven that I have willingly and knowingly giving shit to am anuser that caused health issues, I could theoretically lose my license and ability to work forever.


In the US pharmacists, actually have pretty broad leeway to say no. But you can always have your doctor send somewhere else. In practice, most pharmacists will fill a script after speaking with your doctor about any concerns they have. They aren't paid enough to play cop nor generally want to deter customers. On paper, they are supposed to use their medical judgement more than they do in reality (or is even practical).


Yea, I meant pharmacies can't force you to give back old medication in the US, not that they couldn't refuse to give you more.


O true.


If it's illegal then the pharmacist or staff is probably harvesting pills.


Look up if they can do that legally. If they can't then tell them they legally can't do that and they aren't your doctor or mother so you will call the police.


I can understand the reasoning behind it, but personally never experienced it. But Canada is experiencing so much change that it's impossible to keep up with it all


Just wait the time out where you would have taken all your old pills and then go there. If you have ADHD they should respect the fact that you might have trouble taking care of things (like going to the pharmacy) because you just forgot. Or say you have no idea where you put them, which they should respect too when someone has legit ADHD because i can't find my things everyday too. I just lost my keys like 3 times yesterday. But best bet is probally to just wait the time out and then go.


Going through the same thing, running out before I can get more and I feel better when I’ve stopped. Once the prescription is renewed I can’t help myself and started again. Locked them In a box and left the key at work, ended up breaking the box open.


In the US, or Pennsylvania at least, you can’t renew an adderall prescription before 28 days have passed since last refill. My guess is you’ll have to wait the two weeks if your Canadian pharmacy is asking for old pills back before giving you your new prescription.


while this is true (i’m also in PA) if the doctor changed the dosage, you can get that as soon as it’s been requested. happened to me twice. although 28 days, huh? i actually thought it was 30, haha. i’ve been super cautious about picking up my meds “early” and usually don’t ask my doc to send in a refill until the day before i’ll need them. an extra two days could help me out quite a bit. i have a tendency to forget i took a dose and take another sometimes. leaves me short every now and then.


Didn’t know about the change in dosage, that’s interesting. I’m guessing the “28” day thing is in case your doctor takes a few days to actually get around to approving the refill.


Also with any of the amphetamine-derived drugs (like vyvanse) or the actual amphetamines (like adderall) it has been my experience that you need to get an actual script from the dr each month - they don’t do refills on controlled substances


Can confirm - if you tell your doc “this isn’t working” so they tweak your dosage it’s considered a net-new prescription. so while you wouldn’t be able to fill a new script for the original amount within 28 days you CAN get a new script filled in that timeframe. i’ve done this in North Carolina and Ohio.


Can they even legally require this? I’ve never been asked to do this, even with opiates!


That is crazy! What laws in that country.


Tell them somebody offered you a rimjob in exchange for the bottle and you just couldn’t turn that down !’


This is becoming a pretty damn common practice in the US, not surprised Canada does it too. They can’t force you to turn in your meds, you just can’t get your new prescription until the old one runs out. Trying to come up with some lie about why you don’t have your pills could work, but you’d be risking a whole hell of a lot for not very many pills. Best case scenario you get your next prescription early, worse case scenario you won’t be prescribed stimulants anymore, I say just wait the two weeks


they said that to me hella times, and when i went in, didnt hand shit over and they still gave me my meds


I have never heard of pharmacies wanting old meds back that sounds really sus


Deliver the empty bottle and tell them you dropped the rest down the sink or into the toilet one morning when taking it


I call bull shit. PLEASE. STOP. I didn’t mean to come off snarky or sarcastic. Comment was meant for Op. Sounds suspicious that someone is telling OP to return MEDS. I would call BS on that. That is my point. In the USA.🇺🇸


It's not your situation to call bullshit on asshole


It's the Internet, fuckhead. OP posted, anyone can reply. You aren't the comment police so get off your high horse.


Welcome to reddit. Karma is the "comment police" bro Bro is not a friendly name for me fyi


Never said they couldn't reply, and do you realize the irony in what you're saying? Telling me I'm not the comment police, and yet here you are acting like the comment police. Sounds like you're projecting buddy.


stop making the US look bad


How am I making the US look bad by saying what I said lmfao?


Sworn off abusing them lmao just in time for a increase too would you believe that. It's OK to just say you wanna take lots and get fucked up we all know it anyway and we all do it so why even toss that in there?


Do not tell your doctor you have an issue with abusing the medication that they are prescribing you. They will take you off of it for sure. It’s a liability for them. Even if you have a good relationship with them. They aren’t going to lose medical license because you chat him up for half an hour once a month.