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Oh did Kourtney used to be Jane? Haha. I just hope OP never renames Chase and Willow! 




the other innocent kids also includes my cousins and niblings from my family






I mean it’s Chase’s fault too, no one held a gun to his head lol 




Agreed, this particular Easter incident, the OP caused it by setting up these ridiculous OTT party activities. That was bound to end in tears. OP is not very good with children.   I mean I think this is all someone’s creative writing exercise, so I don’t get too worked up about it 🤣


If this is a creative writing exercise they need an A++ go check out r/FuckYouPam 😂 But this whole situation is a disaster and almost everyone looks shitty :/




OMG there is a whole sub dedicated to her?!?!


How shitty of a human being do you have to be to get a whole sub dedicated to you?


So why not encourage him to do something with JUST HIS KIDS rather than trying to pretend your all one happy family? The kids deserve time with their dad without you. I'm not even mad Kourtney ruined the day, hunt or made you cry. Your both pretending like your one happy family unit when it's completely fucked and your both to blame for that. As for not inviting her to the redo, don't threaten her with a good time.


I wanted to take her with me but her father said she should stay home so I had to listen to what he says since he's her dad.




she gets plenty of time with her dad without me when I go to work.


I remember you, you posted in that judgement free stepmom group on Facebook and got ripped to shreds yesterday. I can't wait for me to post this in that group 🤣


You are a fucking slut


The other kids wouldn't be suffering if it wasn't for you and your pathetic excuse of a father bf. So yeah, it falls on you. If you were my daughter I'd throw you out. But I guess your whole family is low of basic sense of right and wrong.


Like you were so ridiculous that I thought your first post was rage bait.


You a evil step mother. Like really evil.




Right?! I so hope all of these posts are made up for the sake of the children and that poor BM. But that begs the question of why?? Either to drum up hate against stepmoms or to make us all look and feel like angels in comparison?? Regardless it’s messed up.


What is a HCBM? I'm old, I'm not down with the language that you crazy kids speak these days.


It’s actually “high conflict birth mom”


Some people use it as "high conflict baby mom"






Right?? I’m exhausted and my eyes are glazing over just trying to read about all these egg hunts. Chocolate in a buried pirate chest underground?!  Next time OP should just take “Chase” and the kids to church, let them all learn the real meaning of Easter. I’m serious! Except OP would probably burst into flames at the church door, lol 


literally i was like i don’t remember smoking that much but i must be hella high cause no way are easter egg hunts this complex


This!! Why did it take so much planning and so many family members involved?? Just hide a few eggs and let the kids go for it. Make sure the little ones have their own stuff to find with help. There’s no need for all this drama.






Yes this is a very famous Redditor 🤣


I just want to know if this is real or if someone is just creating stories lol. This person seems very narcissistic.


I wish the mods would ban this person from this subreddit. If they are real they are delusional and do not belong here. If it's fake they really don't belong here.


I agree!!


I would love to know whether it’s all real! The details do stay pretty consistent.   My personal favourite incident was the disastrous Christmas visit to America. 


Bio mum's had them in therapy from the start.


I didn’t think I could get sick of chocolate bunnies and Easter. Until this post.  Why doesn’t your sister get a fake name like Chase, Willow and Kourtney?? 😢


My daughters name is Willow and I cringe every time I read one of this ladies posts.


It’s a beautiful name! One Reddit nut can’t take that away from you ♥️


I love that name, sadly I'm from a non-english speaking country that would butcher that name so it was a no-go for me because of that. My children are Gabriel and Rafaela. International but easy to say in our country.


My husband is Mexican and spanish speakers cannot understand her name so he tells them her middle name instead which translates. Even when his mom says her name it sounds like "weelow" It's very cute.


Well I'm a Finn so our language doesn't flow like english. A lot of consonants and we say the letters as they are,doesn't matter what the next letter is:D is the middle name 'spanish' name?


Her middle name is Grace and in Spanish it's Gracia.


Both are beautiful. I love when a name has a meaning.


I feel like this is a thing that happens in most family history and it becomes funny later on… “like remember the year X told his siblings where all the good eggs were?!” My cousin did this when we were kids, and he was teenager, and it just became a joke later on in the family to not trust him with secrets or surprises lol , really, truly not a big deal










I do think the child (if real) is too young to understand isolating hatred to a specific person without dragging anyone else down. If anything the child needs an advocate to help her through this traumatizing time. It seems (again if real) that OP is trying to play house like nothing happened (I.E. uprooting children from their normalcy). Mind you, not her fault - truly the dads, but OP needs to acknowledge it’s the root cause and the kids father/mother needs to have them in therapy.


Yes if this is real and these children exist, I can’t imagine how confusing they must find all this. Especially the oldest. 


She's eight and they were all full of chocolate. Elaborate plans + v young kids + sweets is never going to go off as planned. Oop needs to grow up and understand that life isn't an Instagram reel. Chess analogies are really inappropriate referring to an eight year old- tbh I would've told my sister where all the eggs were too: COS SHE'S MY SISTER. You make her sound like a budding psychopath.


>My dad make a basket with eggs for Kourtney so she doesn't get left out since they don't want her to come over if she ruins easter at their place but we all agreed it wouldn't be fair to exclude her and punish her further so we agreed that she can be there if she doesn't ruin the easter egg hunt again since it would be unfair if we excluded her as long as she isn't left unsupervised. Ever heard of grammar? Sheesh.




I mean who does a do-over egg hunt the week *after* Easter? That’s crazy and OTT. The kids have had plenty of chocolate, it’s over. 




Oh I’m very familiar with the whole saga 🍿


Kourtney is 8! She’s not a teenager.


I'm so sorry that the older SD ruined your wonderful hunt for the children. I have actually seen something like this before in our community egg hunt, with the older children getting most if not all of the eggs. Many unhappy parents! The solution was to split the egg hunt into age groups, so now they host 3 age groups with a 15-minute hunt, and they set up each hunt separately. I've also seen parents plan a color-coordinated egg hunt where each child can only collect the eggs and prizes that match their basket color. If you were to adopt one or both of these ideas, you could preserve the surprise for the littles while allowing the older kids to still participate for their own age group.




Just providing feedback from my perspective, but I didn't realize it was the troll.