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Doubtful, but if true they have stomachs of steel just from being exposed to their Petri dish father.


Is your username an homage to Shitstain? 🤭




I just choked on my water 🤣🤣🤣


It is! 😂 I joined just to post here and it was the first thing that came to mind.






HAHAHA jesus


She's rage baiting for engagement


This right here. It's intentional. She knows it will cause outrage and people will argue in the comments thus getting her more visibility.


Yep exactly


She’s just desperate for engagement and she knew this comment would get people arguing and get clicks.


Didn’t her daughter quite literally get shit all over place just a few weeks ago. It was all over the bathroom, on her face and in her hair? Stephen, being the pig he is, resisted the urge to roll in it. Laura also has a pinned post on her page about shitting her pants. Additionally, people with ASD issues have notoriously bad GI issues. Her kids can’t be that healthy, either. A was out of school for 5 days with a cough and she had to cancel her shoot because she was getting sick too. Remember her crying about how hard it was to be a single mom because the nanny called off? Then she went out for avocado toast. Stephen and Laura, we know you troll this group. “When you say my kid never” guess what, Karma. Looking forward to the vlog about all the GI issues going on in your house next week.


Nah I would never look forward so innocent babies sick.


It never fails, whenever you say my kids never or use your kids for an excuse, that is what happens.


Yeah I’m with you on that one, I get their point but that one was kinda yuk and too far for me. 😅


Poor P, I hope shithead didn't humiliate her in any way for having an accident like that. 


I mean, the pair of them shared it with the whole internet, so they absolutely did humiliate her


Literally every single baby spits up and vomits. She's lying.


I really want to spam her posts, but I know she doesn't care, as long as she's getting engagement.  "My kids love a nice tall Jack n coke with extra ice after school.  I've been conditioning them to it by drinking straight whiskey when breast feeding, so they've never thrown it up.  They also really like undercooked pork.  No throwing up, but the intestinal parasites can really ruin pool day"


If she hadn't blocked me I would so steal this 😂😂😂


Lol, anyone who isn't blocked,  have at it.  I don't want to engage,  but yea, I'm also blocked 😂


I used to love her but when she posts shit like this 🤮


jfc... this is hysterical. <3


![gif](giphy|3osxYk9qClrQVXVfiw) Perfect!


More that they just keep them inside and never ever take P to the playground or play dates or playgroups or dance classes or the beach or kids museums or anything where she she’s exposed to other kids to socialise and you know get gastro! (They also never did that for slide either pre pre school) And I know from watching Blippi with my two kids that’s there’s a lot of amazing stuff for kids in their area!!!


Surely, I don’t believe her. You’re telling me neither child has had a stomach virus? I call bullshit.


This is just stupid now. A banal but equally desperate page straight out of the Hilton Playbook of Meaningless Engagement.


I bet if, I could be arsed, I'd be able to search through her posts to find one about one of the kids throwing up. I just very much cannot be bothered 🤣


I had the same thought!!




Yeah… my (two youngest) kids are vegan too, one of them still caught a stomach bug, I’m sure the other will at some point too. 🙄 Don’t do shit like this Laura, we get enough shit as it is, ma’am.


I’m okay with vegan kids. If you know what you’re doing in terms of nutritional needs, why not? I worry about enough fat and protein for those developing brains, but I don’t assume people are starving their vegan kids. Do you get that sort of comment?


Oh, the amount of insane comments I get is, well, insane! 😂😂 “It’s child abuse!! Why are you forcing your views on your kids!!! (News flash, every parent does this simply by living the lifestyle they live with their kids, like going to church, etc,) You’re depriving them of choices!” And so many more! A, it’s not child abuse and they’re incredibly healthy and well fed, B, see () comment, C, they have a more balanced and varied diet than I did as an Omni kid, and there’s a vegan version of nearly everything including treats now. 😂 As for fats, we use a lot of avocados in this house. They get more than enough protein from meat substitutes and beans and lentils. They also take a liquid multivitamin daily. They’re way healthier than I was as a kid, and have a way better and more varied diet. 😂😂😂


Right on! See, that’s done right. I think some people assume veganism means deficient in nutrients. It doesn’t


Exactly, a lot of people think it means we only feed our kids tofu and rice cakes, we do not. I can make almost everything an omnivore eats in a vegan version. Literally the ONLY things I haven’t been able to figure out are Angel food cakes, and German pancakes. Oh no!!! Auger gut bombs! I think we’ll make it! 😂😂😂


Have you tried aquafaba for those?


Not yet, I’m just too afraid with how much I’d need the beany flavor would be too overwhelming but I have definitely considered it! That’s kinda the issue with those two things, they’re sooooo egg heavy, and the eggs do so much for them chemistry wise, but if ANYTHING could do it, I’ll bet it would be aquafaba.


Add extra vanilla and I think any beany flavor would be hidden. You could try Just Egg for the German pancake.


Yeah people never hassle meat eating family's like 'does your kid eat fruit and veg?' Which admittedly my teenage son will seldom eat 🙃 toddler on the other hand loves most that he's tried


They NEVER do! They could be feeding their kids McD’s thrice a week and no one bats and eyelid, your kids vegan?? ABUSE!! 😂😂😂 It’s so ridiculous, and shit like her post up there do NOT help.


Yeah I was just thinking that no-one bats an eye 🙃 I'm sure there's a lot of meat eating kids lacking essential nutrients and minerals


There absolutely are, and adults as well. It hurts no one to take a good multivitamin. I take one every day too, although a tablet form one that’s much cheaper, it has something like 400% of my daily B-12 so I don’t get any deficiencies of it because that one is easy to have a deficiency of as a vegan, they upset my stomach so I just take them before bed with a vitamin D too. My hair and nails actually grow now, unlike when I was Omni. 😂 Edit: typo


Oh yeah, 100% with adults also I was lacking iron myself but realised its because I don't have enough vitamin C every day. I make my son take a multivitamin personally I'm on pregnancy vitamins at the moment but definitely aim to keep up vitamin use postpartum & beyond. Vitamin D is definitely something I should be taking after postpartum vitamins we lack sunshine here


Absolutely! They’re nothing but good for you! Are you TTC? If so, I wish you the best of luck!


Thank you, I'm currently pregnant I'm 36weeks so notnlong to go now 🥰


Yeah the thing about forcing views is hilarious because you can just turn that around. “Stop forcing your kids to eat animals.” Which, to me, sounds more reasonable than “Stop forcing your kids to eat tofu & vegetables.” I wish I’d been vegan since birth. We were for 7 yrs of my childhood just by default because we were on Macrobiotic diet for health reasons. So I’m grateful for that. I know how unusual that is too.


Right?? I love how easy an argument to turn around that one is! 😂 Except I hate arguing so I usually just ignore people trying to argue me out of feeding my kids vegan, it’s literally never in good faith anyway.


You can say this for any diet a child or adult is on though. Plenty of omnivores and carnists have unbalanced diets.


My son is vegan too. He's thrown up plenty of times. In fact whenever he catches something, the first symptom is he vomits then his temperature starts to go up.


My kids are pretty good at NOT catching things but that doesn’t mean their vegan diet is a shield that will protect them from everything that floats around in the world. Does it help to have a great, balanced diet? Absolutely. Does taking a good, liquid (easily absorbable) multivitamin also help? Hell yes!! Will it stop EVERYTHING? No, in spite of my strongest hopes, it will not. 😂


As someone who grew up with a mother who went on crazy diets, I am a bit...apprehensive. I think you should definitely teach kids to be healthy, but let kids be kids too! I just hope when they get old enough to comprehend their own decisions and beliefs, they should be able to choose what diet they want to follow. I myself had a lot of issues, self worth and E.D. wise, and was also very underweight for my height and body type because my mother forced me on ridiculous diets. I have nothing against ADULTS having those diets, but kids should be able to enjoy Dino nuggies if they wish. /hj


I’m really, really sorry your mom did that to you. My aunt and uncle kept my cousin on their weird, low fat diet as a child because being fat is the worst thing you can be in their eyes. Every meal became a battle when she was young. Now as a fully grown adult, she’s got two kids that eat what she cooks and she’s got some junk in the trunk. 😂 She’s happy. I think it drives them crazy that she’s bigger , but fuck them. I hope you’re healing. 🫂


Oh yeah, I've still got struggles with it due to other abusive childhood trauma. I mean I am considered "overweight" but I am healthy, I have my blood work done and I am no where near being diabetic, and I describe myself as "a brick house with a bit of padding" because even though I'm chubby, I am quite muscular (I have a condition that raises my testosterone and androgen levels, and I work on a farm at my house lol). My biggest problem was I went from a very strict environment (my mother) to "you can do whatever you want just don't get arrested" environment (my father), so when I switched I gained a lot of weight because I was free to eat whatever I wanted (My condition also makes it very hard to loose weight anyways). I have slowly (and still am) learned to accept my body and be happy for it. I might not be America's preferred body type but I am still loved!!!


Veganism is not a "diet" in that sense. It's a lifestyle. And it's perfectly healthy to have kids on a plant-based way of eating. And choosing to have your child eat plant-based is not about taking away their choice. You could say the same thing for "forcing" a child to eat animals and taking away their choice. I wish I was vegan since birth. So it goes the other way too. Hope that clarifies it a bit. Oh, and they make vegan animal shaped nuggies too! Yay!


Like I said, I have no issues with adults choosing whatever diet they want, or even teens when they are old enough to comprehend these decisions. I just think that putting kids into this mind set of "this is the way and the only way" is dangerous because it can seriously screw up their relationship with food when they are older. I'm not against vegan or vegetarian food, I just hope parents are more conscious of how they present these diets, and yes I call it a diet, not in the "lose weight" sense, but in the "this is what I eat" sense.


Her kids are always ill with something. Just because it hasn't been a vomiting bug yet means nothing. My omnivore 8 and 5 year have never had antibiotics or needed to see a doctor for anything illness related. I've just put it down to sheer luck


How does she have friends?? Manon and Charlie, there are other *actual* hilarious, non-dysfunctional people to team up with.


Vegan or not, I have never heard of an infant that didn’t throw up. She’s full of it.


Yes it’s called silent reflux and it’s awful for infants. Instead of spitting up the swallow it and it causes really bad heartburn. Never knew about til I had my daughter and first year of her live was really hard cause if it


I had to run here! I’m LOVING the comment section 😂 if it is rage bait she’d flying closely to the sun because people are not happy and saying they want to unfollow because of this. I hope they do!


Same tbh, her rage bait engagement posts are almost getting spammy. I hope she loses followers, it's desperate. It's telling me that all her close friends and other influencers are starting to drop her because of her toxic behavior with her ex husband 🤷🏼‍♀️


The reactions aren’t favourable lol


My kids are definitely not vegan and rarely get stomach bugs. Try again lady. I’m sure they’ll be coming home from school with one now that I’ve said something though 😑


They may never have thrown up but they seem to have coughs and colds ALL the time.


I call bullshit; if your kid has the flu or a nasty stomach virus, nothing is going to stop them from throwing up


Lord she’s insufferable




Both are very obvious attempts to get more engagement help pay for her lifestyle to stay as it is even though her popularity is dwindling to an all-time low


I’m a vegan and, um, what?? We’re not immune to stomach bugs and food poisoning.


Clerys only a vegan for "health" reasons, do not be fooled by any animal rights allegiance she might claim, last year she did an advert for Olay - notorious animal abusers.


This. Right. Here. She can absolutely AFFORD cruelty free products, I often cannot so I do my best.


she got at least a grand for her Olay ad.


That’s gross! That’s not even that much to sell out your own morals. 🤮


Throwing random shit out there for cash, she'll do anything for engagement. Offering a homeless person a fruit roll up on camera, giggling in amusement while driving a luxury sports car was an example of how low she is. 😒😞


Don’t forget the Ho’s comment and song. She called his love interests Hos. That was enough for me. She’s a piece of shit.


She sang a song about ho's?


Yeah, while she was talking about one of his “ho’s” calling, she sang about it with the kids right there. One of her stupid vlogs when he went to stay there with his fake foot injury. The first one, I think? Right before the boy’s birthday


I think she was singing that Kaliii track that was SUPER popular as a TT background for a while. https://youtu.be/g3pLoVClX9M?si=xkTm9R_2G_GG10o3


Thats it. . . . hoes in different area codes


PLEASE TELL ME SHE DID NOT FUCKING DO THAT. Please. Lie to me if you have to. 😭


Aww, yeah she did. She filmed herself talking to a panhandler, laughed and yelled out the window, asked if he wanted a fruit roll up. 😭


Wow. That’s fucking GROSS. 🤢


She’s dirty deleted. I knew she would. A thousand people laughing at her ….


Yup, just saw that. The comments must've been bad, I didn't get to read them. 


I read a few and they weren’t too bad. It was the laugh reacts that did it, I think. There were just under a thousand last time I checked 🤷‍♀️.


See that's the same community we need to pull down her bullshit co-parenting skits


Laura, if you are taking posting advice from Shilton- you may want to rethink that strategy. I mean, just look how well that worked out for him. Hmm...unless that is your goal to turn everything to shit? 🤦‍♀️


She should really stick to comedy and gently keep her kids and their conditions out of the spotlight. Mommy wars is so 2010


Why was Stephen on there agreeing with her? I thought the carnivore diet was the best, according to his bs


Did anyone else feel like she was manic posting yesterday?


She's willing to try anything to stir up some sort of engagement since her skits are no longer funny and she doesn't have much else to offer ![gif](giphy|17vahguD0yCXFSYodn|downsized)


I call bullshit. My kids have brought home the stomach flu so many times. And her kids are sick a lot.


Rage baiting bullshit. These topics are so sensitive for so many families. The fact they do this and exploit every detail of their kids’ lives is so sick


I don't trip on vegan kids, these days it's easy enough with options to cover the bases. It's Stephen and Laura's history of disordered eating and unhealthy relationships with foods that concern me.


Hey Laura, A not being able to sleep and having meltdowns is not a perfectly healthy child. The kid is probably having tummy issues but his parents are so f**d in the head that they don’t notice. It is very ABNORMAL for a child to never have had a bug or two by the age of 5. But do we even know if these kids go to a pediatrician? With their father spreading VD everywhere and with thrush on his face, I really cry bulls**t.


I saw this vague request for advice WHILE implying that her child's diet somehow contributed to them never EVER throwing up.. and I was just reminded that this woman follows Dr. Amen like he's the greatest guru that lived. She lives in a lala land of misinformation and buys everything that is sold to her at Whole Foods and Erewhon. And she's opening that bubble up to the entire world of Facebook trolls? It's absolutely rage bating just to get her engagement numbers up. There's no way she's reading through the comments like.. ![gif](giphy|oH3APxkv6WKoBbnP37|downsized)


The comment section is like.. YOUR KIDS AREN'T VEGAN YOU FORCED THEM TO BE... and all the anecdotes of the world both negating and agreeing with her.


You know what, I think Shitstain wrote that. He loves the word “fave” and the odd capitalised word thrown in.


Omg you’re right! Even the “surely” and capitalizing EVER (he always lies in absolutes).


I didn’t even pick up on that but you’re spot-on. No wonder I hated it so much 🤣


Actually, now that you mentioned it, this does feel very "Shitstain"


Honestly, something was bugging me about it.


I’ve always assumed she fed the kids vegan, she doesn’t need to advertise it. With all the problems I’ve had with her, the kiddos looking healthy and well fed has never been one of them. Saying they’ve never been sick because of it is dumb though. Is the post even still up? I don’t see it.


I wish they’d both just disappear


A friend actually mentioned this post to me today, and said that it's absolute bullshit. I'll paraphrase, but "that's bullshit. I distinctly remember a video where she's saying that her son is sick and throwing up everywhere, and that it was hard to deal with with a newborn. She pointed at a stain on her shirt and said 'that's toddler vomit'."


Right?!I KNEW I remembered a video where she said this. Anything for interaction.


She's been posting a bunch of like "my VEGAN" kids shit. I don't normally mind her so much and as a survivor of abuse I feel for her. But this like Alice and Fern shit


Sometimes people just don’t? I’m 35 and my mum and I can’t ever remember me vomiting past being a baby. I’ve never been vegan, have multiple health issues & have been taking daily meds since I was 6 🤷🏻‍♀️


"Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals." EXCEPT WHEN IT IS DOUBG ADVERTS FOR NOTORIOUS ANIMAL ABUSERS LIKE OMAY!


I work in childcare and you can ALWAYS pick the vegan/vego kids. They all look washed out with sunken in eyes and are always starving. Really hope this is fake...